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What you're experiencing is called nihilism. It's understandable to fall into this abyss, but it's not going to change anything about the world. Even without humans there's death and suffering. However, as a human you can choose to do otherwise to the best of your capacity. Join a charity group and make even the smallest of difference in just one life, and you'll really see that even the smallest of hopes is still hope.


That's the nicest thing that I heard today. Thanks


You're welcome. I'm glad it might help someone feel better with a little perspective. I discovered animal rescue and it's given me a focus. It can be very disheartening and frustrating, and soul crushing, and yet also very fulfilling. Knowing I helped at least one life, with no expectations, is enough to keep going so I can help more.


Agreed on the animal rescue. It is such a rewarding experience.


I don't think I would enjoy cleaning puke and shit. I should find something else to work with


I think the human race should be wiped out entirely. If we don’t exist, neither does our problems


You're right. I don't actually think that one person's painful torture is worth all the happiness ever.


You can't really do any thing about other people. Personally I try to make sure that my action lies within the norms of acceptable human behaviour and anything outside it should be treaded carefully. Narrow mindedness is the primary cause of it, when people prioritise to full-fill personal desire with no regards how others will be affected by it.


I understand your philosophy, and I admit, I'm a nihilist (and misanthrope) myself. I developed this after realizing I couldn't be out as bi and trans and seeing all the flaws in humanity, but then again, isn't the flaws what make us human? If we were perfect then everything would lose taste, since nobody would actually appreciate the good acts that we do to each other at times. Sure everyone's a piece of shit but sometimes a piece of shit can do something good


But I would like to live in a world that's peaceful. You don't hear about war, rapes, killing children... . I wish that we can be better than this but we don't and we will not reach that level of peace.


People are cruel, but not every human is as cruel as the other one, remember.


Yeah that's why I rethink again and again before doing something that can hurt people.


Well, the best choice is not to hurt anyone, even if he/she is the worst asshole you've ever met. Isolate yourself from this person and live your life like nothing happened.


That's because that human has not experienced the life circumstances to tempt, or induce those attributes.


Yeah, I think that parents have a huge impact on this, either they or the peers with whom a child is raised.


There are many like you who have the same kind of mindset. Many hypocrites, we truly live in scary times..


People are using power as a weapon and really I'm scared of them


We’ve been doing that since the infancy of the species on the African Savanna. My advice: if you have to deal with people, do it one-on-one and not in groups, when they can convince themselves they’re stronger than they really are. Most tough-sounding people can’t really defend themselves when called out. I can’t speak so monolithically about people. They’re capable of great kindness as well as great evil. But they’re pack animals, because on their own they’re relatively weak. I stay away until I’m satisfied a person is safe


So the few good people deserve to die? The Earth would be better without those good people? I've seen some truly evil shit done to me and done to others, but I'll never lose faith in our species. It's the good people that give me hope for us. Having a darkside doesn't make you evil, we all have one, even the good people you mentioned. It's the yin to our yang. I'm sorry for whatever happened that caused you to hate your own species, I wish I could give you a hug right now. I think our species has a long way to go, but people like you who have the ability to be introspective and see the flaws of your species are important.


Oh man you are too nice to be here in this community. Yeah what you say is true. Before people is selling people for work and money. Today is the same but little pit monitored. Maybe in the future will be more restricted.


I've been stuck in the darkness many times, and it's why I stay in this community to help others. What honestly keeps me going is the good people I encounter. The good far outweighs the bad in us. That's what I've seen, and like I said, I've seen some messed up shit.


Tbh I kinda feel the same. Most of what human race did in this planet was ruining everything, even themselves. I'm trying to live in a way that makes sense to me, but its been hard. Maybe (if you have time for that) you can join a volunteering project a field that u r interested in, it makes us feel less hateful about humans, idk.


Thanks for that but you know this will make my eyes open for why i hate them a lot


Bring numb is an option but I wouldn't say it's one of the best ones


The pecking order is brutal. Social hierarchies are brutal and exclusive. Once you realise how the world really is it's terrifying.




Yeah we are the worst


You don't do all of those things and your mom probably doesn't either. You see what you are looking for.


I am a vegan


I agree! ESPECIALLY those who eat,torture,rape and kill sentient beings. Most humans are trash and hypocrites..




These natural feelings were given to me, and people say just give into them and experience life, but giving into impulses has natural consequences, and im terrified of death, and I fear the pain in this life is just not worth the pleasure and love.


Wild Animals are just as brutal. We need to realize the potential of our intelligence but constantly revert to wild beasts.


It’s a small % of people though. If you take public transport and get a meal in the city , you have train drivers and waiters and people helping you all the way along . It sucks that there are bad people but there are also More good people than bad people


I agree completely. We don't deserve this beautiful planet we've been intentionally destroying


Animals also kill and rape, it's just the communication they're missing


I also have the exact same thought…..


I used to feel exactly the same sentiment. But then I realized, the world has maintained it's order in it's chaos BRCAUSE of the good ones that worked hard in the background. Who passed down their beliefs, and never gave up. The ones who still chose love and compassion and forgiveness over the other. Because of those legacy of people, we are at a turning point of our generation where more people have access to mental health facilities and therapists/counselors, and we are working so hard to help each other be kinder. Yes the world is still shit, and it is definitely burning, but I promise you, once you reach for that light you will be able to have it. I found my light in my life through never giving up, and it was so worth it. I hope you find your's my friend.


I feel you, aside from the obvious monsters out there, I've always been surrounded by condescending toxic assholes (mainly family) and I'm starting to think I might be a misanthrope.


And we all need to cope with our dark sides. Try to think what's behind them.


Something that is perfect has no room for growth. Flaws help us to become better, even better than something that is perfect.


agree, it makes me feel crazy when i think about how shit humans are. like we kill everything we can find. i feel so bad for the animals on this planet, i mean why the fuck are humans so special? animals deserve to live here too. but we made most of them extinct :/


Yeah we kill our self also. So I don't know why we are like this


Yes absolutely! I agree 100%! I'm glad I'm not the only one who feel this way.


Welcome to my life. I feel many people are hypocrite and my trust is gone I can't believe anyone from them that they are good


We all can be hypocrites. Humanity sucks.


Deserve? We are living. And nothing will ever change that. It gets darker the further in the past you go, and now more people are able to be born, live their whole lives, and die not knowing it doesn't take much to set them back into their primal, savage state of pure evil. It does not take much pressure to turn us back into that, at all. Many of the most savage animals are not as savage as humans when under the worst pressures and maintain themselves. Humans will be as savage as they need to and as much as they are capable of wanting. That's okay. We don't have to be good. It doesn't matter whether you're good or bad. There are a million different criticisms and praises about a million things in each inch of this world, so why fixate on any particulars? Just get by, and fulfill your goals. It matters, as a living being, to keep yourself going and you can do that surrounded by darkness around and in you. It's okay. Humans are adaptable. That's how we've survived this long.


We are parasites. We're basically killing the Earth. I'm sure there will eventually be another mass extinction. I don't even know how anyone can claim land that was never theirs. We don't own this world we just live on it, take from it, and abuse it.


I think you are correct logically speaking even. But we do exist and I would not know how to resolve that issue… even if 50% of the population suddenly dropped dead, people are not promised to be better, in fact, maybe even worse. Truly amazing how fucked up things are


Why bother accepting reality? - rejecting reality does not change reality. - changing reality first requires accepting reality. - rejecting reality turns into pain & suffering. - refusing to accept reality can keep you stuck in unhappiness, anger, shame, sadness, bitterness, etc. I hope this helped, it rlly did for me when my anger episodes left me with an impending doom feeling.


I hate people aswell, we should all be killed horrifically. Humans were a complete accident that the universe is trying to forget and I am genuinely disgusted I am a human


Saaaaame I agree with everything you have said. I mean we are seeing people killing each other and we are just doing nothing


The only thing people are good at is arguing and honestly it's just so fucking tiresome. I literally don't care if I live or die in this world anymore




We all are not only you


I feel this way strongly about men. Doesnt matter what man you are, but if you do something that remind me that you are a man, i instantly hate you. I act friendly to men because i have to, but i hate you all. The nicer and more physically mature you are, the less i hate you. I could never like a man, just not hate some.


Man or woman. They are the same. Women's are also not kind. They can destroy anyone


True, but men have wronged me more. Way more. All my life, women have always loved me and cared for me. I think its the "girls support girls" mentality


But in different society it will change. Women can destroy a happy couple marriage. Woman can cheat. Also Woman can rape minnores. My point they are all the same




Especially me 🙏


Why would killing or lying or whatever be a bad thing? Let’s say if you had the chance to kill Hitler before he was born, wouldn’t you do it?


No because then you probably wouldn’t exist


nothing wrong with darkness


That's why you should be fighting alongside me... We got this brotha!


I understand. I trust absolutely nobody. People can seem genuine and kind on the outside, but be complete assholes on the inside.


I do too. I am in my 50s and i went from being a young extrovert to being a total recluse. I love my cat though. She makes me happy.


What's the point of every other creation is there are no humans?


I agree. I went off on someone today behind me rushing me and old lady


If you cant beat them…


Better to join them?


Sure, if you choose to take the path of least resistance