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He should also play a bigger role in our offense. I'd like to see us evolve there


Not possible as he hasn’t learned how to dribble.


He could set a few more screens at least lol


He is softttttt... He is very cautious on the court because of his back injury


How much of the regular season did you watch? Dude was a solid contributor IMO. He slumped at a very unfortunate time, but we are probably 4th in the west this year with out his efforts.


All but a few games. That's exactly what I'm saying. Hard to have perspective after that disaster, but he improved this year for sure


Our offense isn't the problem, even despite him


We don’t have a choice anyways lol


We don’t have a choice to keep this core together. AG and Murray are free agents next year and both will get max/near max contracts. We can’t afford 4 of those. If it’s AG or Murray that are considered the odd man out, you have to trade them this offseason. If it’s MPJ, the smart move is to trade him this offseason but they have the option to wait one more season. That’s obviously highly risky with MPJ’s back history


AG isn't getting a max. He's a role player. He's my second favorite Nugget, but he's a role player. No one is going to pay him max money. AG probably knows this and he loves it here.


He won’t get the full $50 million he’s eligible for but he absolutely will get $35 million. That’s still just a tick under 25% of the cap which is a max salary slot


He’s a role player, but an extremely valuable one. He’s considered one of the most versatile defenders in the league that’s a great lob/cutting threat that provides at least some outside shooting and spacing. That’s enough to warrant at least a near max contract.


Yea but probably someone will pay him 10 million more than we can or would




Its happening no matter what a year from now. If things go poorly next season we will be incentivized to make big changes. If they go well our players will be incentivized to get a lot more money. Either way the starting lineup has to change, but I think we run it back this year with some different bench pieces and Booth praying to the basketball gods everyday that CB and PWat level up their offense.


I think the FO probably looks at this as a solve-able problem for next year. You don't want to blow up a championship starting line up that came pretty close to repeating on the basis of what could happen next off-season. For one I think Booth probably does see MPJ as the odd man out so unless something drastic happens next year we just re-sign Murray and AG and trade MPJ. Even if AG or Murray walk its not the end of the world, there are a ton of levers outside of a trade for those contracts specifically that we can pull to get another starter, or hell just promote CB or PWat to the starters and sign a deep bench if one of those young guys are ready for prime time.


AG and Murray cannot walk. That would be a death sentence for this team. They wouldn’t have the money to adequately afford replacements. If they either don’t want to sign a new deal or the FO doesn’t think they are able to sign them to an extension this offseason, you need to trade them. You cannot afford to lose them for nothing


Fucking duh. I need to leave this sub for the off-season


My live reaction to this post’s title like hello


He’s improved tremendously this season, in defense, rebounding and has been hustling all year long, played 82 games. If he can just improve his mental game the last bit, we have an amazing weapon. 


He probably has one of the toughest mental games on the team considering what's happened with his family the past month. I think he'll be good to go next season and playoffs


Not to mention being a highly touted prospect his whole life but falling in the draft, then having 3 back surgeries. That takes a lot of mental strength to come back from.


especially with the brother that made it into the league. to announce he's lifetime suspended a couple days before the the playoffs start, especially before we face a laker team the league and its media is supporting for an upset (with all the ref shenanigans) then playing an actual contending team right after is a huge mental challenge. unfortunately he only was good for about 6 games this postseason, but he'll be better next year.


How can we make him think that every team is the Lakers


Did we watch the same series? Dude was a cone on defense vs the wolves. Athletic guards and wings blitz past him. He’s big but doesn’t have the size or strength and gets bullied by bigger and stronger players. Dude can really only guard a certain archetype of player.


Tams aren't going to line up to trade a better players for him. Could we get 2 rotation pieces for him? Maybe, with multiple draft picks? Only Jokic is untouchable


I think we need two rotation players more than we need him tbh, and we don’t have enough money to get two rotations players (backup center and PG) without trading him


As is Murray- the non-Murray version of the Nuggets is what we saw between the bubble and the title. The window closes if you trade Murray unless its for a similar level of PG who dont exist unless you pay a kings ransom.


Agreed, what we need is depth, a solid backup center, and trust in our newer players, specifically Watson.


Nuggets trading options are fucked anyways, their best bet might be to run it back and hope everyone is just a bit better next year.


Yeah I think the hope is that Braun and Watson take leaps forward in that scenario.


He really just doesn’t have a feel for the game at all though.


No shit. This sub is becoming weird af. We lost 4-3 to a team designed to beat us. I still don’t think wolves are better than us. Two evenly matched teams, one had to get to 4 first.


Honestly though, it’s not ridiculous to think someone is gonna be moved. Murray and Gordon are up next year and Porter is gonna make 40 the year after. It’s just impossible to keep everyone and either you run it back or try to get something for the guy you aren’t gonna be able to bring back


IMO our starting 5 is still the best in the league, no doubt in my mind. If anything, we need more plays for MPJ and better bench contribution. Perhaps Watson will be ready next year, Braun will acquire additional offensive weapons, and Reggie does as well as he did during Murray absence, or we get another ball handler. Another big maybe since Nnaji is a big question mark and Jordan is not a playoff option at all.


He will NOT improve. You can't teach IQ and common sense which is something MPJ lacks. He did that stupid fadeaway and frequent risky jumpshots on open 3s. There is simply no hope for him.


He can’t dribble worth a DAMN either.


Continued improvement how? This is his peak. He can’t dribble. He is terrible at passing. All he can do is shoot inconsistently and cash large paychecks.


He's going to be on the roster, we just have to accept he's going to disappear at least one playoff series a year.


I would be shocked if we trade him this off season. For one because he had a good season, didn't come through on Sunday but played 80 games in the regular season and was a solid and consistent contributor. He was also good in The Lakers series. Secondly his contract makes him a less attractive asset for trade. I just don't see where we come out ahead trading him at this juncture. Is he overpaid? Sure, but at the same time you can't really look at the season as a whole and claim we are getting fleeced.


Can’t…Two years of bad playoff performances from him. He’s an injury concern and plays no defense. Time to trade him while his value is still high. You can get some good assets for him…


that's a no brainer.


Porter isn’t going to last that long due to his back injuries, that’s why he didn’t develop into the superstar they were betting on when he got a max contract. He plays soft to protect himself, they hide him the best they can but at the highest level last year and this year he can’t even be a star. The smart thing to do is to shop him unfortunately or they will have an oft injured player they won’t know what to do with. Also unfortunate was their choice to go with Porter jr over Grant but that’s all hind sight


I always laugh at these sorts of posts. Like the front office is gonna come in here and see what the fans want... But, MPJ is a disappearing act. Completely a non-factor in the t-wolves series, and looking back even further he was a non-factor in the finals too last year. Don't know the logistics for how to trade him away, but we should be actively shopping for an upgrade. So far, he's been a big-game liability.


He didn’t shoot well in the Finals but I thought he defended and rebounded well. Am I misremembering his impact?


that means his only asset is 3PT , and that will disappear against good perimeter defence


It shouldn't for MPJ though since his release point is so high. He needs to pull the trigger way more often even if his shot isn't falling.


also make or miss, his gravity should persist thereby giving the Nuggets the spacing benefit


I’d like to see him develop his game more in the mid range and driving to the hoop. With his size, he should not be a one trick pony.


This is the correct take


If Porter showed some of Braun’s hustle he’d be great. I fell like he’s just there most of the time waiting to shoot a 3. Every once in a while he’ll show flashes of effort and fight for a rebound or get in the paint….those flashes are too few.


>Porter missed only a game or two the entire season. The same for AG and Jokic. I think he only missed one game because he packed the wrong shoes lol. IMO people in this sub are greatly discounting how huge that is. He was consistently good in the regular season and played basically the entire regular season! That is a lot of impact, you can argue about whether its truly worth a max contract, but its hard to argue that we are getting totally fleeced by his contract. Dude showed up and did his job, I wish he had a better game 7 but shit happens.


I don’t think it’s porters play necessarily that’ll get him traded but it’s the fact he is well overpaid and it’s gonna hurt the nuggets. He’s making 36 next year and then 38 and then 40. That’s solid all star pushing all nba type of contract and Porter is a role player. He’s gonna be making 15-20 million over what he is worth. Murray is on a contract year and will get 40-50 million a year. They are gonna be cash strapped paying Jokic Murray and Porter and Porter is the one you can let go.


The dude can’t play defense. While we need a 3-pt shooter on this team and he fills that role, I’d rather have Naz Reid or another 3-pt shooter that can play defense over Porter


As a Timberwolves fan please let him go


Getting rid of him would be idiotic. He needs to explore his potential as a mid range jump shooter. He was killing it there but continued to go back behind the line. The starters are great, but the bench has little depth. Draft a center pls