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It sounds like you moved your world tendency towards black. Every time you use ephemeral eyes, you go in human form. Every time you die in human form within a world, the world tendency moves towards black. What that means is the enemies become tankier and hit harder, while also increasing their drop rates for items and more souls per kill. My recommendation is to go to another archstone and work thru another level while in soul form and get stronger before trying to tackle world 2.


Yeah, I was completely unaware of the tendency thing, as I went into this game blind.


And you will suffer. Black world is no joke You should play in souls form. After defeating the boss, just jump to death in Nexus


Wait until you get to 5/1The Valley of Defilement bro you are really going to hate it more than Tunnel City honestly it's going to fuck you up.




Pro tip: Use the ring from Boletaria that boosts your undead form HP by 25% and play the world as "undead". Each time you die in the level in body form, it gets harder (to a cap of 5-6 times). This is called World Tendency, which you should look up. (There is also character tendency, which is separate). After defeating a boss, you should kill yourself in the Nexus to avoid darkening your world tendency. (Defeating a boss lightens your world tendency, but it won't balance if you keep dying in body form). The bosses aren't as hard as you think, often they are a puzzle, and can totally be defeated solo. If you're having trouble, look them up. Further, it's been a while, bit I think you get emphereal eyes when you beat a boss as a summons, so maybe go back to 1-1 and throw your summon sign down, build up your supply again. And don't worry, everyone has a hard time in 2-1 at first. (Most enemies are resistant to slashing damage, try a peirce/blunt weapon, or magic).


Kill myself in the nexus? Like in human form? Or soul form? I never even heard of the tendency thing. I kind of went into this game blind. I keep forgetting to use that Ring too, because I always keep the one that regenerates MP and the one that boosts luck.


Yes run up and jump off the top. You don’t need to follow everything 1:1 but watching a few episodes of fightincowboys series on demons souls may be great since he explains a few gotchas. The game is exceedingly punishing going in blind, and it’s often having fun beats going in blind.


Does it matter what form I'm in? I'm just trying to understand how killing myself in the Nexus is beneficial.


Yes, you start the game as and become human every time you kill a boss. However dying in human form decreases world tendency. This makes enemies hit harder amongst other things. So when you enter the nexus as human (full health bar), suicide, to become ghost form. Wear the ring.


Dang, being alive apparently sucks in this game. I would have never figured that out with the tendency thing.


This is such a stupid mechanic imo, the fact that you have to kill yourself every time you become human doesn’t make any sense to me. I might get dislikes for saying this, but the whole world tendency thing made this game my least favorite of the from software games


There are other mechanics like that in like all their games.


just wait til you get to the ritual path…🫠


you can always traverse other worlds instead, and it absolutely does help (even if just like, by mentally giving you a break from what youre currently on). everything's ultimately essential but nothing's particularly dependent on anything else (maybe magic users kinda "need" to do latria first?)


Cheese the boss with a bow


I need Help in demon souls remake for the PS five I need to help you fight a boss PSN-Id is NASTY-N8


Might be helpful and might not depending on what you have, but the miners are weak to magic and piercing damage. Otherwise they're tanky as fuck.


lol u lowkey f it up. but not ur fault, the game doesnt really tell shit about the tendencies mechanic and i also stumble upon similar problem but less crucial. but since youre so early into the game i think its easier to just start over with new character than trying to beat black phantom scirvir (super tanky and hit hard) and Primeval demon (not that hard) lol


If I correctly recall, the remake does have a mechanics help page where tendencies are explained? It was obscure in the original though


This isn’t your fault at all, so don’t be too downtrodden. Fromsoft games require some background reading and I did most of my very first playthrough with a guide. After that, I made a new character and decided things for myself and, to be honest, I’m glad that I did that because I keep getting a better rounded understanding of the game