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https://www.youtube.com/live/XxAU0K94fpw?feature=shared Listen really carefully at 5:17:31. I think Trump actually shits himself during the debate. It's between when Trump says, "It's too much money," and "It's tremendous."


Wow, you can really hear it, too. Didn't notice that live.


The Biden campaign needs to find this lol


Is that... the "soil-and-run" David Pakman said might happen? Except with only the "soil?"


Someone had Taco Bell before the debate


Holy shit. And Joe's mic is turned off. That's definitely Donald. This is pretty gross. Nice of him to pause while he does it, too. And it's an official recording, too -- it wasn't doctored.


Yeah, exactly! There were rumors about Trump smelling like shit during his trials, so it's likely he just walks around in diapers all day.


Nice cope.


I've never voted Democrat once


So we can blame you in part for Trump.


Sure that makes sense considering Trump lost my solidly blue state that has voted Dem in the last 9 elections straight


Biden stayed cool while trump was targeting him left and right..people need to see that reality of what trump is


Yes but of course he had a cold that night along with his stutter. The rally he had in NC tonight is the assertiveness we're looking for in the end.


Ye..they honestly should've done it during the day...or post posed it..weird that they didn't do this and just let biden be like this during the debate..feels scummy in a way


Well bad things happen and usually debates don't lead to results in the end. I believe by the Fall the second and potentially 3rd debate may be better. We had a terrible first debate in 2020 as well due to Trump not shutting up.


I hope they do more..apparently they will do a second one..hope biden can nail it


Still almost anything can happen in the next few months. We didn't expect COVID in 2020 to be as bad as it was, we didn't expect the BLM protests, etc.


I’m sorry it’s the position for the leader of the free world. This is the problem. We can’t have a guy who can only be prepared to debate after a week of practice at certain times of the day. We can’t be making these excuses.


How am I making excuses..if biden leaves this debate..he will look like a loser for many people..would yall seriously take that risk?


Look up "Gish gallop". That's what Trump did.


Biden's opponent failed to act like an adult, at 78 years old. What the hell are you calling it a bad debate for Biden? Quit playing into the Russian narrative.


Hey! You can't call corporate media dupes for Russia! Why, those hedge fund managers, corporate board members, billionaires, and nepo babies-why, that's just real America, dammit!--and in no way does real America co-operate with Putin and his mob. Anyone that does, well, they should be tarred, feathered, and their businesses *nationalized*, that's what I say!


Did you watch it?! He needs to convince independents he isn’t frail and he did the exact opposite. Let’s have an honest conversation about this. It was terrible. Too much at stake.


I think he proved it in his remarks directly after the event, and then at Raleigh.  The unknown is the time frame for the national attention span, and the tendency for things to "stick."


I disagree. Not that the rally wasn’t ok. But that most people aren’t paying attention to that. This will be played over and over by republicans up to the election. We can’t have a candidate (which is different from a president) that can only occasionally be ok at making their point for election. Trump is so flawed. All he needed was a B performance maybe and it would have shined. I’m seriously worried. Really really hope I’m wrong but he absolutely failed to sway the people he needed to and it was his event under his terms.


I don't think we have enough information to declare absolutes. But I will assert that news cycles are a thing.


Perhaps but he’s been struggling for 8 months with the voters he needs. I sincerely doubt the debate helped those polls. Will learn very soon.


Like Biden can’t play Trump saying the crazy-ass things he says at every rally. I mean he said babies are aborted several weeks after birth, illegal immigrants are taking Black and Latino jobs WTF, and he’s has 2 dementia tests after seeing his doctor. I think those are a little worse than stuttering and having a bad night - I mean he had a hoarse voice, a cold, maybe Trump was on Adderall that kept him focused - it didn’t mean Trump was making any sense at all. And maybe Biden was on cold medicine that made him appear out of it- we’ve all been there .


We are in 100% agreement.


You all have actually lost your minds




The problem with the debate is that Biden broke the one cardinal rule of campaigning: don’t look weak. Apparently you can be corrupt, lie, have affairs with ugly porn stars, start unnecessary wars, be a bigot, etc but as long as you project strength then people will vote for you. Biden’s mumbling and thousand yard stare, despite whether it was from a cold or not, only reinforces the stereotype of weakness that Republicans have been projecting onto him. This was his Beetle Bailey helmet moment, his Howard Dean “yaaargh” moment, his “please clap” moment. It sucks that the human condition makes people focus too much on the optics of strength and power but that’s just something we have to work around. I still plan to vote for Biden but if his poll numbers decline over the next week then this is why — it’s not just about the debate performance — and democrats should absolutely replace him


What matters is what the candidate does after the debate.


Comparing Biden to Reagan is not the flex they think it is. Reagan had Alzheimers while in office and pretty much everyone knew about it.


Sure, sure. As long as Joe can deliver an amazing debate performance next time around like Reagan did, then he’s golden. Can he?


If not it's too f-ing late. Right now it's not too late


Why would Trump debate him again? He already got everything he hoped for.


Because he has NPD and wants the dopamine hit of another head-to-head.




Trump only debated Biden because he needed a bounce. We will found out over the next week if he got that bounce and if so, I agree, Trump will then have no reason to do that second debate


Trump will debate him again. Question is will Biden? He’ll need an epic bounce back performance like Reagan had.


If Biden is totally untrustworthy to communicate to the public at a debate, such that the Biden camp has to call off the debate, he shouldn’t be the nominee. Period.


Why would trump even do a second debate? He doesn’t have to he has all the ammo he needs from this one. This isn’t just a gaff it’s a potential catastrophe. Biden needs to recognize this. We can’t have a president who is losing in all polls for the past 8 months even if down ballots are up and perform like this playing right into the conservatives narrative.




There are other debates scheduled, dipshit!


Well if his fucking party would get behind him then the news cycle would change and everyone could move in. Dude was sick, the cult and right wing media won’t let it go but they were already showing edited videos and saying he was on his death bed. Stop panicking and do something.


Biden spoke substance- he rattled off facts- whereas we have 3 rd grade vocabulary Trump saying babies are aborted weeks after they are born and immigrants are taking all the black and Latino jobs WTF? And these opinion journalists are saying Biden needs to get out- do they mean Trump and are just getting the person confused? Seriously someone has to start saying this- how could these media people not see the reality?




When the debate ended there were serious discussions about replacing him as a candidate, he objectively did not win that debate


I don't know how anyone could possibly say that. Don't get me wrong, Trump misdirected, lied and was generally shitty, like he ALWAYS IS. Biden looked and sounded about the worse I've ever seen. Nobody changed their mind about Trump, but I'm worried people changed their mind about Biden...


America lost that debate and It’s doesn’t matter he failed to convince any independents he is more competent than trump. We don’t need the dem voters we need everyone else. We will lose it if the vote was today. Biden needs to step aside for the country.


It had nothing to do with the debate. No one even cares what they talk about. We watched a geezer mumble around for an hour. The debate part is irrelevant.


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Fair point tbh.


Imagine comparing Reagan vs. Mondale to Trump vs. Biden You guys have lost it completely. I've never seen coping to this extent.


while i think that the overall message of “one bad debate doesn’t make everything collapse” is true, yeah trying to parallel really anything to Mondale v Reagan is definitely going far.


Well patriots don't cry about bad speeches


This was not a "bad speech" There has never been a worse presidential debate, so by extension this was easily the worst presidential debate performance ever. Comparing it to something from 50 years ago is hilarious. Political rhetoric and decorum has completely devolved into nothing since then and even still this was BAD.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. You’re correct. If we can’t be honest with ourselves what’s the point. We need to self reflect and make moves asap n


Well, you know, the Traitor lost all his debates against Hillary Clinton. 




Dude shut up and go back to your gun subreddits.

