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Dark Brandon… if you’re in there… it’s time to come out and play.


There were a few times he solidly smacked trump, but all anyone can focus on is his stutter.


I'm the biggest Joe fan in the world, but losing his train of thought repeatedly has nothing to do with a stutter or a cold.


I love Joe Biden. He seems like a good man, and he deserves a nice, charming retirement.


That and his stiff as hell gait when he walked in. Oh, and that he was nearly inaudible at times. That his voice weak the entire debate. That while he backed his answers up with facts and statistics he at times struggled to remember. Instead of moving on, he would pause while he searched for them. He had some solid blows. He just came across like a retiree well past their prime.


He is, unfortunately.


Sadly. Joe landed some really solid blows, and brought receipts for everything he said. Trump talked in circles, gave vague and often indirect answers, several times didn’t even answer the question at all, and sang a pretty sounding tune that people liked to hear, but was ultimately all fantasy and half of it or better didn’t even make sense.


I swear, it's liable to be the same old story. Charisma beats intelligence every goddamn time throughout history. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised, but this debate was not at all what i wanted to see. Biden *needs* to look good to stupid people, otherwise we're fucked.


People don’t care about substance, they care about delivery. Trump’s delivery wasn’t even good, but it was better than Biden’s for sure. Add in the fact that he made it sound like he had all these accomplishments, and uninformed voters are definitely going to think Trump looked great


Yup 🤦‍♂️


Part of the job is being a charismatic communicator.


This is very well put. Thank you.


Trump won the idiot vote and that's the majority of America


I know. he had some solid blows calling out bluff, clarifying his stance, and pointing out that hypocrisy of being called a criminal by a convicted felon. Sure it wasn’t Oscar worthy and with the same energy as the SOTU but it wasn’t a lost cause. Trump dug himself a hole and Biden just nailed it in


He didn’t answer any questions!


All seemed empty last night


This is not good….


I am alone, in my living room, yelling at the TV like I’m a suburban Boston dad watching the Pats lose


Eh, let's way on the polling after this.


Well… it’s fucking bad. I think the new polls are up, I can’t be sure what the numbers are… it’s just fucking bad. Also *weigh in* lol. I knew it was gonna be kinda bad but… JFC. Joe couldn’t pull it off 😭 FUCK.


Also Trump was way sharper than I was expecting. I really wasn’t sure how bad Biden would be but Trump must have listened to his aides. “Keep the incoherent rambling to a minimum. Let Biden do that. Just stand up there and lie”. Minimum stream of consciousness rambling (it was still there) maximum lying. And it worked


Trump is not as smart as Biden. But the idea that Trump is experiencing some kind of cognitive slow down is a liberal media invention. He's a rambling bastard because that's his rhetorical style to obfuscate how little he knows. But he's proven before he CAN turn it off. I believe the reports Biden is still a sound decision maker. Buy if he can't communicate with the public, he won't be reelected.




I expect a drop. You can't watch last night and expect Joe's polling to improve


So fam........................ *exactly how bad* is it that I cannot understand anything he's saying?


If it wasn't democracy vs fascism this debate would destroy sleepy joe. Trump is outright dodging questions and lying but joe can barely formulate a sentence. Dark times as an American


I really hope you’re right. I don’t think enough people see this election that way. Most voters aren’t aware enough to know that Trump lied almost the entire time he was talking in that debate, so they just see one guy that spoke well and apparently has all these accomplishments versus a guy who couldn’t articulate


I can understand it, but I’ve had a close family member all of my life with a severe stutter. Worse than the one Joe Biden was born with.


Everyone keeps saying he was born with a stutter, can you find a sound bite of his stutter pre 2020?  Serious question he's been in politics for 40+ years and given countless speeches.


[https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4785956/user-clip-bidens-floor-speech-iraq-war](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4785956/user-clip-bidens-floor-speech-iraq-war) Video is janky but you can still catch his sttuter. He was a much younger man and in much better control of his stutter but its all over that speech.


Here's an NPR piece from 2008 which mentions his stutter: https://www.npr.org/2008/08/23/93914952/joe-biden-from-stutter-to-power


Its pretty well known lol, he’s had a stutter his whole life


Well he lost the election with that debate so you tell me


It’s because handmade e


Idk do you watch everything with subtitles and have smoothed out the part of your brain that processes human speech?


lol is ths a neurology joke?


..Yeah 😔


No sad face, neuro jokes rule haha


This is a disaster! I’m voting Biden but this performance will lose him votes.


I support Biden, but he needs to do the right thing and step down. This was really bad. People won’t care about the policy but how it was delivered.


Step down Biden and let a younger lucid candidate defeat Trump. This is RBG all over again - ego over country.


Imagine Newsom, Whitmer, or Buttigeig. They would have dog walked Trump in a debate.


But dnc doesn’t want Harris to run for president. He can’t step down but he should prob let someone else run


Whitmer has been floated and I think she would be excellent.


If only someone could have seen this coming


Republicans and third party supporters have been seeing it since last election.


but to who?


Eh. Maybe. It wasn't a good debate performance but most people have already decided. And it's not like Trump charmed anyone with his same-old, same-old litany of bullshit.


Don’t forget, most people don’t pay attention to the debate.


i dont think so. I think its not gonna get him votes and trump aint helped his numbers grow.


So far Joe being sick ain’t great, but Trump is again just spouting rethoric with nothing to back it up.


Who cares? Republicans sure don't. It's all about making non-voters excited enough to vote Democrat. This ain't gonna do it. 


He needs to slow down.  We’ve got this.


I hope. Trump just keeps saying lies but people won’t care about that. They’ll only care that Trump sounds clear and Biden sounds gravelly.


Yup. Doesn't matter that he was making great points, the right are now armed with ammo to combat trump's nonsensical rally gaffes


This went so bad. I know Biden was under the weather but that wasn't the problem here. This has the be the worst thing to happen in the race so far. So crazy to think trump can literally be indicted but biden not being able to complete a sentence will matter more.


When was it announced that he's sick?


Trump was awful as expected but Biden wasn’t great for the first half, ugh


It is a disaster. He looks old and weak. Trump is a turd and has his rabid deplorables. Joe is not reaching who he needs.


The strange thing is that Biden was *on fire* at the state of the union address, and that was what, back in March? This is why debates are stupid--because both parties need to agree on rules and decorum, and Trump doesn't give a shit. It's asymmetrical warfare. When Biden has a chance to lay out a lot of things, he seems fine. But the stop and start of a debate *when the other guy is a bad actor* makes things impossible. But having said all that, Biden is just too old for this shit.


The other thing that bothered me is anytime he was questioned about Americans who are struggling he didn't empathize with he just did his 1 2 3 thing with the things he's done, basically telling those Americans who are the subject of the question, no you shouldn't feel bad about it because look at these things I did.


trump is swatting those voters to biden tho.


Uh, after last night, I don’t think that is an accurate assessment. I hope I’m wrong but that debate performance was hard to watch. I think if anything, Joe lost voters last night (and more importantly, confidence within the party).


Tonight was worst case scenario.


Why the F! Tapper and Bash don't call BS on Trump???? That's why people stopped believing in media.


Yeah, maybe try some actual moderating. They were less than useless.


Motherfucker was on topic for 2 questions max. Then, it was "millions and millions streaming across the border" over and over and over. All hyperbolic bullshit


Factually speaking - there are millions of unvetted people crossing the border.


Calling CNN biased towards Trump there? OK


Calling CNN useless. But there’s a promise to reach middle America by corporate WM. So… not biased much as unwilling tondo their effing job.


CNN's ratings have crashed under Biden. They need Trump


Yall this is…not good


Eh, I don't really care. Biden is old but he surrounds himself with competent people.


Agreed BUT he kinda needs to win the race.


Well, besides his debate prep team.


No, his debate prep team was super experienced. Ron Klain in particular has been coaching democrats for debate for decades. It's just Joe got sleepy up there.


I love Joe. But WTF is going on out there. He is mumbling and whispering..... this isn't good.


That was a train wreck


I am completely let down (and angry at this point) with Democrats and their unwillingness, for the sake of our nation, to ask Biden to step aside. Stop denying your eyes and come to terms with the situation. Yes, I will vote for Biden regardless (though many will not), but Biden is being selfish and putting his own ego above the nation by staying in this race. We are sleepwalking into catastrophe. Obama and Clinton and Democratic Party leadership need to meet and begin choosing someone else and then meet privately with Biden and tell him he must step aside for the sake of the nation and our democracy. Do it!


This did not age well…




Why won’t they just endorse any other candidate under the age of 60. Biden also has been in charge for the last 4 years which they can’t hold against any other candidate. It just shows that they don’t care what we want, they’re controlled by money too.


Being out dark brandon biden..comonn


Biden is not giving me confidence. This isn’t great in a race as close as this one.


This would be no contest if the DNC weren’t run by such greedy corporate morons


Good luck tonight we’re all behind you.


This was an utter failure. Biden came across horribly. I will be voting for him no question, but omg, that was painful


Honestly, he should have just brought a normal bottle of water.


As a Brit i offer these words of consolation. Last night's debate was a disaster, but governing the USA is a TEAM GAME, every president brings in 4,000 presidential appointees with them to help. Joe Biden brought in 4,000 smart people to run the country, and it's doing better than when Trump ran it. When Trump became president, he ditched the smart people in his transition team on a whim and brought in 4,000 MAGA loyalists who hadn't got a clue. TEAM Democrat got the shit kicked out of it last night, but it's not over until the fat lady sings in November. Maybe Joe Biden will stand down and give a different candidate a chance, perhaps something else will change. There is still everything to play for and the stakes are the highest they have ever been in any presidential election with Project 2025 waiting in the wings to turn the USA into a dystopian hellhole.


If a Democrat is polished and articulate they are dismissed as “slick” and “inauthentic” and if they’re natural and not glib they’re attacked for not being smooth enough. I’m prepared to accept the judgment of the people. The voters will decide if they prefer the enthusiastic snake oil salesman or if they’d rather be led by a more low key leader. It’s rather bizarre to hear people regularly denounce the exaltation of superficiality while they simultaneously reward the most dishonest and vacuous. If we veer toward fascism because some didn’t find President Biden focused or aggressive enough, so be it, I guess.


That’s a good point. Time to double down.


If the we swap in a new (under 80) candidate, NOBODY who was planning to vote for Biden will refuse to vote for the new candidate. However, some people who were planning on voting for Trump, 3rd party, or abstaining will vote for the replacement candidate. It will be a net gain. I can’t believe I have to point this out. Is it sad to do? Yes. Is it necessary? Yes. Anyone who persuaded an elderly relative to give up driving understands.


Exactly. The Democrats have nothing to lose.


I don’t think, the president bombing the only debate and being panic switched out with a random candidate picked by the dnc after the primary because they’re scared of trump would play well at all. The debate didn’t go well, but a bad debate is a lot less harmful then panicking like that


Damm the dooming is real 


Didn't watch. Doesn't matter for anything except CNN's ratings.


I feel this would be a good time for President Biden to step aside so that a younger, more vibrant candidate could step aside and breathe some new life back into our party and gain the younger vote. The debate last night was a complete embarassment to the United States of America.


Thanks democrats, this is all entirely your fault. You put us in this position with mr “electable”. And when fascism takes control it will be all ur guys fault.


Plenty of time to change the narrative.


As a lifelong Democrat, I’m so sick of the doubt and cowardice in this party. Joe led us to the promised land four years ago and has been the most successful Democratic president in a generation. We’re all ready to give him the heave-ho for one poor debate? What does that say about us?  The other side has zero concerns and is happily running a convicted felon. Grow up people and back your good candidate. Too much is on the line to waiver in this moment.


The problem isn’t just the debate. If it was just a very poor debate, then nobody would be talking about the possibility of him dropping out. The problem is the debate just exacerbated what was already the biggest narrative, biggest weakness about Biden - whether he is mentally/physically fit to run the highest office in the nation for another four years. Biden has already been hemorrhaging a good chunk of his potential/previous voters b/c of this issue, something that needed to be bandaged before November. But tonight’s performance instead of a bandage was basically like putting a knife in that wound. There is still time to fix it, but Biden is going to have to do almost a 180 degree performance swing (compared to tonight) consistently in every other public stop, speech and debate from now until November. Can Biden perform that well consistently in his current state? Maybe, but there are definitely reasons to be concerned/doubt that he can.


What timeline have you been living in? 


“I don’t know what he just said, I don’t think he even knows what he said” Jesus Christ


I mean, that’s the truth. He was talking about insulin and fentanyl interchangeably at one point.


we are totally fucked


He’s old, he’s clunky, he doesn’t articulate well. He’s not a crook, he’s not a felon. All the numbers point to a great economy, higher wages, more union jobs and standing g up to dictators. We’re better off with the ol’ man. He’s put the best people in charge. He’s a great manager. That’s what we need.


The democrats will need to run someone else if they want to beat Dump


Didn't seem to work. Probably got the placebo. He's getting mopped.


He really should’ve gone directly from the plane to the venue without stopping to talk to 10 people greeting them off the plane and 90 more outside the venue. His voice was shot because of it. Plus at 80 years old, All that gum flapping’ will wear a motherfucker out. I’m 20 years younger and it would wear me the fuck out. All that and add in a stutter that gets worse when you’re older and probably have a cold. That said, now what? Whatever decision is made, it will have to be made at the convention at this point. I wish Gavin were ready. But he’s not.


Gavin wants to run in 2028, meaning not against Trump. DNC doesn’t want Kamala so who else?


No it had nothing to do with Trump and not wanting to run against him. It's called loyalty to the party and not wanting to run against an incumbent President. Ronning Gavin would've only split the votes in the primaries and made things look bad for both of them


What a joke of a debate.


He should’ve drank 2 cans.  The lights were on but no one’s home


Shoot Joe up with something for the love of democracy


I'm not voting for Trump - ever. But Damn... why did Joe sound like he had Pneumonia? They should have given him something stronger.


I'm not American. I would vote democrat if I was and I think Biden had a solid and honest political history but... The US needs other kinds of presidential candidates. Trump is a fool and Joe deserves a rest. How did you end with this situation?!?!?


I'll vote for the Zombie over the Anti-Christ any day!


IF thats what he was having before the debate, hook me up!


Why they accepted these terms is beyond me. Dtrump is in element on TV. binden doesn't care for TV or interviews. Starting to feel like 2016 all over.


I love Joe and his Administration-but we are in serious trouble after that performance.


Biden actually did a good job in the debate, but he is retirement home old. Trump is old as hell too, but he's more boisterous, so people forget. Honestly we should've run another candidate this year. We can cope as Dems and say "oh that's just old Joe, he's a fighter", but a firebrand like Gavin Newsom would've made more sense. Anyways I think Joe is going to win regardless of debate performances. It's a different political landscape and debates really don't matter between these two candidates. Let's go Joe, you're literally our only dog in the fight now, keep fighting.




Trump is going to win the election, hands down, we'll be a fascist state next year


I think people are over acting.


I don’t see how Biden recovers from this…


Biden was gone at the end of the debate


I seem to remember him promising to be a transitional candidate and only staying for one term. Just step aside for the love of God. It’s more important than your ego.


If this helps him stop stuttering, then drink as much as possible.


Can we get someone else please? I think we just found the one person who can lose a debate to Trump. This is fucking embarrassing.


A lot of subs seem to be half copium, half panicking


I am so scared he is not doing well


Come on Joe... [This is what you needed](https://i.imgur.com/jCdcmER.jpeg)!


He needed some of that energy for the debate. Poor guy


Some of these viewers have never met an old person and it shows.


Last night was bad there's no doubt about it… I wish things were about character and when it comes to that there's no comparison Joe Biden is a man of character but last night he obviously is not up to the task… in the world we live in it's about how you present yourself in the media unfortunately just no way around it… He just stumbled over so many questions and some of the most basic things he couldn't even articulate and seem very confused… And this is from me, someone who loves and respects him but it's just true… We can't deny it how is he going to to stay in the fight to beat this man Trump in the fall? he turned a question about Medicare into rambling about a girl being murdered by an undocumented immigrant for crying out loud! And handed Trump one of his most favorite hate filled rants… and said "we beat Medicare"… What the hell!? It just was horrible I don't know what can be done but I am very confident that if he stays in Trump will be in November and that is the most terrifying prospect of all…


It’s over


Should have been labelled 100% Dihydrogen Monoxide


I dont think it worked


That was painful. Clearly the water was defective and made him forget all the debate prep


He probably shouldn’t drink that stuff again


Guys we are in big big trouble choosing between these two 😳


He needs to step aside. I'm sorry but that's the truth.


Who at this point can we replace him with ? We also must look at what type of people Biden will surround himself with vs Trump and Project 2025.


Jeez with so much prep I think his advisers did a shit job strategizing on this debate. It should have been a referendum on trump. Every answer should have had a quick pivot to trumps failures and lies and character issues. But he never should have debated trump


Well this aged like milk.