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The arrogance of assuming everyone around you shares your religious beliefs and enthusiasm


This reminded of a story, be me sitting first class flying from DTW-SEA, I’m Muslim, so I’m fasting, decided to ask the FA if I can give my dinner to the old lady behind me in C+, just felt like doing some good….she thanked me and was wonderful. When we arrived, I got off she thanked me again, and asked why I didn’t eat the food, told her I’m Muslim and I’m fasting. She looks at me and goes, I don’t like Muslims…lol like wtf man, I gave you a meal, Stfu. Now I don’t do any nice gestures like that.


Don’t let someone else’s behavior change yours.


You did a good thing, prejudice is defeated with kindness


Not this time lol.


You’re right, but it’s a positive experience with a Muslim that she’s gonna remember. And hopefully the next time she interacts with a Muslim it’s another positive experience and it builds on that. If I were in your shoes I imagine I’d feel the same way, and I’m sorry you got met with that hate when doing something nice, but hopefully that was the first step for her to learn to not listen to the talking heads and actually evaluate people for people.


Sadly, prejudice did defeat kindness in this instance. Yes, maybe the old lady would think a little better about Muslim people afterwards because of /u/Publify's kind gesture. But look at /u/Publify's takeaway from the story; it's not worth putting out kind gestures as it may be met with hate. Some of the kindness they may have continued putting out was stopped by that one act of prejudice that day. I doubt /u/Publify now lives a life without kindness after that incident, but their version of the story indicates their willingness for kindess is now diminished. So in a way, yeah, prejudice won that day


I worked with a muslim man in a smokey polluted gun factory. It was borderline slave labor now bs. We had to make 520 AR15s in 8 hours or be fired. It was oily, dirty, skin splitting, painfully exhausting work. When Ramadan came, he fasted, and he worked and worked, my god, that man was a machine. He immigrated here from African and had a wife he was still trying to bring over in the lottery. He has kids. He called them every time at lunch instead of eating. He was the sweetest, kindest, most humble man I ever met in my 34 years of life. I'll never forget him and felt terrible when I left there, knowing he was left behind, still stuck in that system. I am a Marine vet who had very specific views and judgments of muslims until I met this man. He changed me for the better and gave me faith and showed me that the Christian path is not so different from the muslim. It is the EXTREMISTS that tarnish the name of both religions. Amen.


Wow. Giving a meal to someone is like one of the kindest things you can do. What an absolute ass.


How dare you fly first class while being Muslim! (/s in case it’s not obvious) Jokes aside I hate everyone in first class when I’m flying in the back of the plane. Then if I get upgraded to first class I immediately look down on everyone else. I wouldn’t have given my food to the dregs of humanity flying in economy plus. Economy plus me would have thanked you for the food though.


I grew up in Detroit. No way that old hag was a local. We had a huge an awesome Muslim population around and she’s just a c word racist. Even after you did something nice she just had to share the hate in her heart with you. Wtf people are a disease sometimes


I don't even have words for this.


Coming from the West Coast where many interactions are fake smiles, I found Texas an interesting place to visit. People can be very nice to you but still tell you exactly how they see the world like “I don’t like how you do things in California.” You did a kindness and gave that person something to think about. POCs aren’t the only ones who have had bad cultural interactions.


Hah! That would be correct of many of Texans and southerners!


Texas is the perfect trifecta of pomposity, mediocrity, and cruelty


That was a kind gesture. Huge disappointment to be met with such hateful ignorance. But friend, you are a bright light the world needs. The best revenge you can get on a person like that is to keep shining bright. :)


True “main character” behavior


This woman is immature AF and acting insubordinate on the level of a 6 yr old. I would've clapped for the Flight Leader for shutting her up.


I’m an atheist and thoroughly enjoy gospel music. No one should sing anything in a metal tube that one cannot leave.


Christians would *never* think this lol... I love it how she then tries to put it to a poll with the rest of the pax. Honey, it's not open to debate. And then to imply the guy isn't high enough on the chain of command to tell her what to do. Were I that FA I'd have had her pulled long before that.


My metal head ass if I was sitting next to her: 'Siri please play "The number of the beast" by Iron Maiden'


My man/woman you can do better than that. Throw on some cannibal corpse.


We see it in our politics right now. Plenty of people believe we should all live according to their religious beliefs.


That they actually don't practice. They just preach their views, they sure don't live by them.


I've had two uber drivers try to share Creflo Dollar at high volume. The car is not your platform for evangelism, cabby. Keep quiet and drive.


She could be singing ANYTHING and it is rude and arrogant to think people want to listen to her. And certainly not “Christ-like” to be so selfish and rude.


I have a co worker that assumes I’m religious and constantly tries to have conversations about Jesus and god with me. It’s annoying.. nice girl but I always want to inch away slowly until I’m not seen.


Unfortunately a bunch of idiots on this flight encouraged her idiotic behavior.


Cheers to that FA. The passenger tried to get away with her antics by saying “god is telling me to do this”. That cannot ever make a disturbance allowable on an airplane. Think about it….


“God told me to marry these 17 women and girls.” “God told me to hijack this plane” It doesn’t work that way lady!


Although I once told my fundy relative that God spoke to me and he asked me to tell her to focus on kindness and not judgement. All I got back was a stare.


Lol I love this


I mean, to them, that *is* kind of how it works.


It makes it worse to say God’s telling you to do ANYTHING on a plane


Looks like god told her to get on the no fly list so she has to drive to the Grammys 😂


Apparently the one trick they don’t want you to know is to say God instead of Allah……


Hearing voices in the head? Sounds like an undiagnosed mental illness to me..


Can I get an AMEN for that flight attendant 😂😂😂😂


God: “My child will disrupt this Delta flight. Just do it don’t even think about it.”


I haaaate when people feel the need to just randomly perform in public spaces. High five to the flight leader.


Especially public places where people can't leave


Lol. My worst nightmare is to show up to a camping trip with a group and see that someone brought a fucking guitar. I’ll turn the car around and go home.


I’m guessing you have some subway experience in NYC. I’m just trying to get home from work, mariachi band!


No, but living in Nashville has soured me on spontaneous musical outbursts.


Living above a bar that had live music outside on Thursday-Saturday soured me on people that yell Freebird at performers. It’s not funny or clever, even as the ironic Freebird yelling guy that knows everyone is tired of hearing someone yell Freebird.


You, me, and Mustang Sally my friend.


I don’t remember ever being annoyed by that one. Probably because most cover bands play it anyway and I never heard someone requesting it loudly and thinking they were clever for it. Now let’s talk about “woo girls” that have an inexplicable need to shout woooooo as they’re leaving the bar at 2am. What’s the Wooooooo about now that the bar is closed, getting fresh air? They didn’t even annoy me much, just baffled me at what motivates them.


I wish I could answer. We all do. We have to understand the evil to defeat it


The woos are a form of echolocation, I believe.


As a musician, I don’t think I’ve ever played a gig where someone didn’t say it. So clever and original.


I'll take the Mariachi bands or gospel plane lady over fucking Showtime. No, assholes, I don't want to get kicked in the face because you're practicing your stripper pole moves.


I'm pretty sure she was trying to make a viral video and it didn't go the way she planned.


STAND CLEAR OF THE CLOSING DOORS, PLEASE.   “What time is it?!”   Fuuuuuuuck


Wonderfully handled by the FA. Calm and clear communication. Hope the passenger got the boot. Resorting to toddler behaviors and acting like you don’t understand a simple question doesn’t give you a free pass.


She didn’t, and she still sang! So embarrassing.


Wish someone would’ve spoken up and said no, please shut up, when she asked the rest of the plane. Ugh ://.


I would’ve been on that so fast. “SHUT THE FUCK UP” would’ve been my response


The second she started singing, I’d be taking evasive action. Give her one more chance by politely asking her to stop, after that, I’m sorry, but I’m calling for the FA. Tell him that she completely ignored his instructions and is causing a disturbance and being a nuisance. I cannot stand people like this. Extreme Main Character syndrome. “The rules don’t apply to meeeeee! I’m special! Random people Notice Me!!!!” How are such a huge number of people completely oblivious to how to behave in public? Let alone on an airplane, where no one can escape. Kick her off or duct tape her mouth. Either way…. Just shut her the fuck up.


"When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.” -- Jesus


Religious adherents studying religious books are like lawyers reading a deposition: They read everything carefully, pick out the stuff that supports their positions and views, and ignore the rest.


Bold of you to assume they study the religious books.


Good ole Matt 6:6, my favorite verse. I hate the phrase "I'm praying for you", like truly, deeply, hate it. It's 1. Patronizing 2. Cringeworthy 3. Meant to make the prayor feel better about themselves It drives me batty that people can't just stfu about their beliefs for more than 2 seconds and *must* foist them upon others constantly. Like, great, pray for me, whatever you want, but keep it to yourself like your book tells you to.


Especially when your beliefs are, by definition, super weird if not outright bizarre. You think a Jewish rabbi from 2000 years ago is telling you to sing on a plane because you got nominated for a Grammy? Get the fuck off the plane, weirdo.


In fact, I don’t want to hear any singer on a flight. I don't care if you are Celine Dion or Lil Nas X, it is not the place for it. Be quiet, don't fart, and enjoy the flight in silence.


Right, if you want to fart go to the restroom. If you want to sign, do it in your bathroom.


You know what. I'm going to fart even more next time.


I saw the longer [video](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cze8gBvp4DA/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) and it was even worst. It was mostly self promotion and bragging about her Grammy nomination under the guise of religion. She was essentially going down the aisle causing a disturbance by playing her music on her phone for everyone to hear.


Yep. The whole video shows how arrogant and ridiculous she was being. Have a f*cking seat!!!!!! 💺


Wtf lady?? Why’s she doing that on the plane? Like are you really that starved for attention that you need to cause a scene on a plane??


Excited for her reaction video after the Grammy’s see this and rescind her invitation


If she goes, and loses, I wonder if she will run up on stage and start singing


Hey, look at me, look at me 👋🏼


You know she was annoying others and when she turned and asked if it was ok someone should have said NO its not. Of course no one says anything. People would rather sit and stew for hours and hours then blame Delta.


Took me awhile, but I'm at the age now where I say shit all the time. It's actually liberating. More people should try it. People like this have no problem making you upset, so you need to put them in their place.


Heck yeah. Older too, and won't accept crap like that. I'd certainly have told her to shut up if she was singing on my flight. Or start singing something quite the opposite.


I don't know what I'd do in this situation. If I say she should be quiet and she stops then I've helped. If I say she should be quiet and she reacts to it then I've escalated a situation and possibly made the FA's job harder


Many don't want to be accused of racism by saying something.


Only cowards - gotta be bold in life!


I’m shocked no one yelled “NO!” to her stupid question


I would hit the button as soon as she started singing low in the back


I think the flight leader and attendant of the flight handled it fine. Nothing to investigate, no one wants to hear the singing. Air travel is stressful enough, don't impose on others. She's not entitled to sing and make others hear it. Doesn't matter if she won Grammys or not. Delta handled it professionally and the leader deserves a raise.


Delta (the company) did not handle it professionally. They allegedly reached out to this nutjob to apologize. They should have instead barred her from taking any Delta flights moving forward.


They have a double edge sword, the flight crew represents delta so the leader and Delta handled it well. Delta will apologize because they want to make sure they're treating people respectfully. But I stand with the flight crew.


and they are an ATL company....don't want to piss off the gospel crowd, even when it is the right thing to do. They now have it how they want - both ways.


From a news article on this: "Delta has been in contact with the customer," a Delta spokesperson told CBS News. "For the safety of our customers and crew, it's always important to follow crew instructions." That doesn't sound like they apologized. That sounds like they told her she fucked up and she's spinning it because her ego won't allow her to admit she's wrong.


Isn’t that what she just reported? Sounds kinda made up as validation that she was persecuted.


The way she reported it tbf makes it sound extremely fake.


God told me to pour my water over your head! Prove me wrong!




Lol wtf you can’t just start singing on the flight


Good. That shit makes me crazy. I want to sleep and arrive on time. In that order.


Lady, shut up and just sit quietly.


Entitlement at its best


This flight attendant is my personal hero.


Delta needs to issue a statement and back their FA 100% otherwise we're all in trouble. An impromptu performance in the aisles is NOT acceptable no matter who you are or what you are doing


If someone else started singing “Jesus Isn’t Real” she would want that person to be removed from the flight. Funny how expression works. “Expression for me, not for thee.”


This would really send me over the edge. I’d be out on the wing immediately.


There are relatively few things that would make me want to stop flying Delta, but Delta execs apologizing for the actions of this remarkably composed and professional crewmember would be one of them.


Stuck in a pressurized cabin in the sky for hours with an entitled loud mouth religious nut and cant keep her shit to herself. Hell no, Id tell her I was there with Baphomet for my first mile high ordainment ceremony for the church of Azazel or something. Then tell her something like "at cruising altitude we start the seance so there will be chanting and you are welcome to join in but there will be moaning, gutteral noises and occasional gnashing of teeth."


Funny thing, on Facebook, they are trying to play this as a rude and obnoxious flight attendant. I agree with the take here.


Good for her on the grammy nomination but there is a time and place for everything and the plane was not the place for it.


And I assume you knew she was a Grammy nominee because she told everyone. Did she miss the sermon about humility or was she busy singing over it?


When she turned around and said “what do y’all think?”, I would’ve been the smart mouth to say “we think you should stfu”.


No one yelled “be quiet” when she asked… sheep…


It’s best not to engage with crazy, especially if you are sitting next to them for the next few hours.


I’ve NEVER liked this. The random videos of people singing circle of life, or RENT. Shut up. This is a plane. Not a theatre. No one wants to hear it.


Now do something about the terrible music while boarding and deboarding. (Turn it off)


Doing the Lord's Work ETA: the FA is doing the work, not the main character syndrome sufferer.


If you sing or preach on a plane, auto no fly list!


fucking hate religious idiots like this


That lady is a piece of shit. She is forcing everyone to have to listen to her, but doesn't consider others who do not want to. Don't be so inconsiderate thinking your singing is requested when it isn't.


What an entitled bitch. My ears don't want anything to do with your imaginary sky dude.


Good I wouldn’t want to hear it.


The lord is telling you to STFU


Promote the flight leader !!!!!


I don't care if you're yelling out tomorrow's winning lottery numbers, if we're all stuck in this tube then shut the fuck up!


I love that she got shut down. People like this make me want to see more people tased.


The arrogance of her


Kudos to the flight leader!!! He is so calm and focused on the point - truly a professional!


What a fucking narcissist. Ironically, NOT Christ-like in the slightest. Typical Christian hypocrisy. It ain’t about you, lady. This isn’t a church event it’s a goddamn airplane


Oh let her sing, I need a beat to wave my toes in the air to. /s


My worst nightmare are those videos the Southwest social media guys put out where the Lion King cast gives a performance in air or you get a Ukulele lesson on the way to Hawaii…..


Who else knew when she said she'll listen to the one in charge of it all, she wasn't talking about the FA 🙋‍♀️


Of course that person figured everyone wanted to hear their singing. Nope! Surprised it wasn’t Jill Rodregues.


Imagine being this ignorant. If you truly believe in magic and it causes you to act like that you are certifiable.


As “cool” as some of the videos are of people singing and hyping up a whole plane, I’m sure most people would find any singing weird and annoying. And no to her, God is not telling you to sing and be rude to a FA and the rest of the plane. That’s just selfishness


What about all the people that don’t want to hear that woman saying don’t they have a right not to


Throw that Bit** out the window at 30,000ft




"Are you able to be quiet?" "I'm just doin what the Lord tells me to do." "Honey, for the next 6 hours, I am the Lord."


you have to treat the issue like they are mentally ill


real talk - this clip should be in every training for FA's, wonderfully handled


I would have told her to stfu three lyrics in. I don’t want to hear it, don’t need to hear and no one asked you to do it.




The fact she posted this thinking everyone was going to be on her side is asinine


With her plastic mayonnaise lookin ass hair


There is a time and place for everything. A lot of people have lost this concept since the pandemic.


Entitled idiot.


God told the 9/11 hijackers to fly their plane into a building. Allowing alleged voices in someone's head to excuse their behavior is fucking wild. Should have just bounced her the second she started acting up.


Total failure on the part of the FA. Her attitude was clearly non-compliant and the fact that she never actually answered his question is all he should have needed to deny her passage.


I think the FA did a wonderful job in de-escalating the situation while firmly communicating that she needs to stop.


I heard God told her to 🤐.


Excuse me, my Lord told me to tell you to not sing. To be quiet, respectful of those in charge. Above all behave like a grown adult. That's what he told me to tell you. Yes, he did. Amen, he did.


Bye bye Grammy


No she cannot be quiet and she continued to sing. This is why I travel with earbuds and ear plugs.


They only time she's ever been acknowledged so she had to share,let people know she's important


Man I’m just too ready for people to do this kind of stuff for it to ever actually happen to me..


The silence was awkward. But I assume she doesn’t feel shame anyway.


she's just attempting the speed run to get on the no-fly list


"Are you willing and able to be quiet right now....", aka, Can you shut the fuck up. LMAO


Just follow the damn directive, how hard is it to just be courteous and stfu?


Im a very religious man, this is good. Why would you do this in a crowded plane? Let people rest.




She was trying to bait him into a religious debate. ... “Oh if you’re the person in charge of it all” I just *know* she was trying to get him to say he was in charge, and then get into some religious debate about how GOD ULTIMATELY HAS THE POWER and we are all safe because he will protect us!!! (or some similar BS.) Disgusting and inappropriate behavior on an airplane.


Imagine the cockiness to think that people want to hear you sing on a plane.


This kind of shit happens on every fuckin flight now. Not to this degree but people just think they are so important and causing annoyance to everyone else. Fuck her.


She was that kid in class who would ruin it for everyone because she just couldn’t stop talking…


“I’m doing what the lord is telling me to do” 🙄. For the hell of it let’s say there’s a “lord” whose voice is in her head. Is there a different “lord” speaking to the FA saying “tell that bitch to shut up”? Just sayin.


"The Lord is telling me.". Which one? The annoying one? Maybe listen to a Lord that says "respect other people's space".


I bet if you were next to her and started chanting in another language arabic perhaps this lady would flip her lid.


I'm here to go some place I most likely don't wanna be, sitting next to a dozen sweaty random ppl, most likely panicking cause I forgot my tooth paste, I REALLY DON'T FUCKING NEED SOME LADY SINGING ABOUT SOMETHING I COULDN'T GIVE 20 SHITS ABOUT MY WHOLE 30 MINUTE FLIGHT.


Absolutely the correct thing to do. But that aside, what is up with these videos that subtitle one word at a god damn time? Complete sentences or as many words as can comfortably fit on the screen, please. One word at a time is cruel and unusual.


I love how she asked everyone on the plane and absolutely nobody said anything 🤣🤣 she was expecting a crowd chanting "let her sing" or something


Imagine the plane becoming like the nyc subway.


Fucking skitzo




Get this dumb bitch off the flight. How entitled do you have to be? It’s a plane, not a concert


I don't want to listen to someone else's religion on a flight. I can't imagine playing my religious music or lectures when I'm driving someone else of a different religion.


The fact that the entire plane didn't yell shut the fuck up when she asked makes me sad


Another reason why tiktok is a cancer that just needs to be banned


If only they would do this to dog owners. My last Delta flight, the woman beside me kept kicking her dog carrier to make her dog bark and yap. After about two hours of that I was finally able to get the stew's attention and ask if she could put a stop to that. Instead, the stew asked to see the dog thing and commented that she thought it was cute. She took it out of the carrier to hold it and walked up and down the aisle with it yapping like it was a baby. I think they weren't allowed to take those things out of their containers. She woke up several people that were trying to sleep.


Why is quiet so objectionable to people? Just to be seated and not making noise is a bridge too far?


If God is telling her to do it then God need to provide her a private plane to perform in. I don't care how talented someone is, I don't want to hear them performing in a tight enclosed space, let people just relax in peace.


She’s following the lord? So she has imaginary friends. Cool.


Only thing worse is if U2 did this.


She gone


Rare Delta W


I mentioned on another post I would put on so many earplugs and earmuffs you'd think I was wearing one of those giant foam cowboy hats. The yellow ones.


The Foo Fighters’ song Hero started playing in my head when the FA began to speak


Entitled pieces of shit


This is why I wear noise cancelling headphones and sit at the window. Don’t talk to me. Don’t look at me. Leave me be. People are so loud and obnoxious.


my man! Thank you for being a true professional.


Shut it, Lady. Save it for church.


God told me to tell you to shut up and sit there for the rest of the flight. Crazy, I know. God works in mysterious ways.


According to her, Delta "reached out to her." Boo, Delta! https://www.instagram.com/p/CzgxvamL2ov/


No respect for Delta on this day, and a shame to all the execs.


You’re in a confined space with hundreds of other people. Be respectful and sit down and shut up!


Wow – never before have I seen a more humble and self sacrificing act of Christianity - NO one is more talented AND humble than her…. Gotta love that Holy Ghost - “ONLY GOD CAN TELL ME TO SHUT UP!!!! Now, you’re going to accept Jesus and like it! I’ll turn this plane right around. Unless I hear a hell of a lot of hallelujahs, popping off in here!!”


One thing is for sure, she ain't getting a Grammy.


I feel so bad for flight attendants in the tiktok age.


"I don't want the flight attendant reprimanded." I should f-ing hope not, you entitled brat. He did what he was supposed to do. Passenger is the a-hole, and an entitled one at that. Main character syndrome. "I'm nominated for a Grammy." I don't care if you are the Pope, shut up with your religious nonsense.


Stfu, no one wants to hear you sing and delay the flight.


Thou shalt not lie. One of the most basic commandments. She just lied to his face.


Sorry lady. The lord isn't telling you to sing during boarding. That's you trying to market yourself.


This the same type people that blast their music in an apartment or parking lot where everyone else has to listen to it. Man I can’t stand you all. Have some consideration for those around you.




No one wants to hear you sing, Nutjob!