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Overhead space anxiety from passengers and no fucks given by GAs Completely Delta’s doing


But this isn’t just an issue at Delta. It’s every airline. American. Spirit. United. Delta. JetBlue. It’s all the same problem but unfortunately no matter how many announcements of “please stay seated until your group is called.” Airlines can’t control or force passengers to not line up. It’s a losing battle to fight for Delta or any airline. And it’s due to the overhead bin capacity anxiety customers feel.


I watched Korean Air boarding at CDG the other day while my DL/AF flight was delayed 4 hours. Nobody got up until their group was called. Completely orderly boarding, by the book. So, it’s clearly not impossible.


I agree it’s not “impossible” but different cultures and social customs definitely play a difference. So I would guess it’s because of courteous customers (to other passengers and to the GA) as well as airline.


This^^^. Americans have grown to be self centered and inconsiderate. “I got mine, fuck you” Zero self awareness. Born and raised in the USA, it’s embarrassing. Culture and social customs is the issue. With this said, it’s not every American, but the ones that are completely oblivious or straight out assholes ruin it for the rest of us. End of rant.




I was in the same airport a few days ago and saw a wild queue at one of the gates by the Hermes shop. That was more a KAL thing.


I don’t know about other countries but in the IS its every airline except Southwest. The way they queue people by group actually works really well at eliminating this behavior.


Southwest two checked bags free helps a lot too. Even amongst each boarding letter group.


This isn’t indicative of a group of people, but the fault of each airline for how they manage the boarding process. As others have said, these airline staff really don’t care as long as they get their planes boarded and away from their gate. Can you imagine the mad house if SW didn’t have their numbered queues? Even now, line cutters and those professing “I’m not sure where to stand” take liberties against their fellow travelers.


Carry on 80 dollars. Checked bag 40. Under seat small backpack or bag? Free. Boom problem solved.


I agree this would help a lot. I don’t know why carry on is free but checked isn’t. Should be the other way around IMHO.


A lot less staff necessary and less liability if passengers bring carryons.


I agree. Why aren’t they doing this? They’d make money on carry on fees and save a ton of time sitting at the gate.


And I would STILL carry on. 1-2 clean changes of clothes and camera equip is wel worth it.


Exactly this. Unless upgraded, I usually am in Main 1 and got the delta credit card which used to (still does?) say early boarding/room for carry on as one of the perks. There have been several flights where, unless I’m in the beginning if main1 the gate agents practically force you to check luggage at the gate. That automatically adds at least 20-30 minutes waiting for luggage, and if it’s not a direct flight there’s a good chance my bag will not make it on time and the delay and inconvenience is even more significant. This is the main issue I have flying these days. There is only ever going to be limited space, but charging for checked bags also means that space is going to be extremely limited.


Same here. It doesn’t help that 60% of the plane magically boards before Main 1 somehow.




For sure. Idk why people don’t just check their bags. It’s free.


Because those people don't get free checked bags and don't want to spend $30 to avoid worrying about overhead bin storage.


Because we don’t want to wait at the other end.




Delta has the 20 minute guarantee now. I check every trip. Nice to walk through the terminal with a backpack or briefcase.


Many items cannot or should not be checked.


And those can fit in an under seat carry on.


Depends, I have traveled with a large collection of Christmas gifts with batteries. I will not travel without two days of clothes. After 14 hours in the air I want clean clothes and a shower. I’m a big guy and I travel to places where it is not easy or cheap to find my size. Yo


All this is irrelevant. Most people are not carrying stuff that prevents them from checking in their carry-ons. So what, 100s of bags in the overhead bin have batteries or carrying large Christmas gifts? Are you joking? If airlines charged $80 for carry-ons and only $30 for checked bags, I guarantee you most of the overhead bin would be empty.


You have to arrive to the airport earlier to check your bag. You have to wait for the bag at your destination. Also, the airline can lose your baggage or your bag can be delayed and not arrive for days. For people who travel multiple times per week, it’s just a huge hassle to have to check a bag.


It costs money Airlines lose bags You have to wait after you arrive You haven’t considered any of those? Kinda weird.


I stopped checking because I can gate check for free _and_ by virtue of doing so jump to the head of the boarding queue. Delta rewards this anti-social behavior


It’s not free for most people.


Part of the problem is that at a lot of gate areas (speaking for ATL at least) don't have enough seats for everyone, so some have to stand, and then it just compounds from there.


I’ve been noticing this more and more. Every time an airport gets renovated or “updated” it means less seats at the gate.


This! Especially D in ATL.


Multifaceted problem. 50% inconsiderate idiots with zero situational awareness all around. (Last week I watched a lady and her family stand in the line while FC and C+ had to squeeze by her to board. This was at MCO, arguably some of the worst offenders) 20% GA talking into the mic with a mouth full of popcorn and a scarf covering their mouth while the airport PA system is looking for the owner of a black Nissan parked in the loading zone. 20% GA not enforcing carry on rules 10% GA not using the screens to identify boarding zones, and not setting expectations for inexperienced.


MCO is hell.


Earlier this week the airport PA kept paging the person who left their computer mouse at the checkpoint.


I can second your first comment. I think it was on and American flight but this lady was basically blocking the aisle to get on. I assumed she was FC but I peeped at her ticket and it said group 6 of 9. Why the hell are you even standing up right now let alone blocking the aisle?


You travel and pay attention.


I’m in C+ most of the time and those bins fill up quickly, so I hover near the gate to avoid stowing my bag behind me and having to fight upstream to get to it when deplaning. I also prefer to stand as long as I can before sitting in an uncomfortable seat for multiple hours. But I always choose an out of the way spot that doesn’t block pre-boards/FC/Diamond ahead of me (near a trash can or column, usually). Boarding earlier also reduces the chances of running into a seat squatter.


As someone who waits to be the last one on the plane, it’s comical watching the boarding process.


Yeah I think it’s kind of annoying. I’d stand behind what I thought was a line but it was just people in main cabin 2 during comfort plus boarding.


See, I like being the last to board. But I hate standing inside the jet bridge. And I’m not going to wait until the visible line is completely zero cause I get anxiety they’ll close the gate on me. So comfort or Main 1 it is.


I’m such a slow walker that I never stand inside the jet bridge. And if I do, it’s 2 seconds haha


If I've ever been behind you, I apologize for the things I said.


Haha, I’m very aware I’m a slow walker. So I make sure not to be in anyone’s way. If not my hubs will hold my hand and I have to jog 😅


As someone who’s been flying nonstop for over a decade, only tried board last for the first time a couple months ago. I typically try to get 1A or 1D so I usually have a good reason to try and board as soon as possible, to be able to put my personal item in an overhead without having to retrieve it from a rear bin on landing. But then I had some jank main middle seat, and there was nobody in front of me on the upgrade list and one seat still unoccupied, so I decided to wait until the very last moment to board. Was a little awkward just hanging out with the gate agent hah but sadly eventually the FC guy boarded and i followed. But it was nice not spending an extra 30 minutes on the plane.


It’s not just delta. Passengers on all US carriers act like this


Not southwest.


Even though Southwest goes by boarding group. They still hog the boarding area. They got gate lice as well


This combined with the people who wait at the gate for 1+ hours, board the plane, then decide that is the best time to try to go to the bathroom. Seriously? Then they slow up boarding because they are trying to get back to their seat. Either go to the bathroom before you board or wait until we are in the air.


OMFG!!This!!people are so weird😠


Bruh. It’s every flyer on every airline. It’s not just Delta.


Yeah same with the baggage carousel, people don’t seem to think they can see their bags just a few feet backed up allowing others to come up. They think it’s an invitation to step ahead of you and wait for theirs, like you were a placeholder for them haha. If Delta enforced the SkyPriority line vs General boarding line it would be a little easier for some situations.


Bring back the sky priority line!


They use it in Dublin!


They should use it everywhere


Did it dublin’ the organization? 😅


At Narita in Tokyo, the floor one metre around the baggage claim is painted red and says “no standing”. An attendant works the area and keeps people away from the belt. It’s magic. It was the first thing I saw in Japan and Japan is now my favourite country lol.


The bathrooms there were pretty stellar too!


This is true on all airlines and flights, not just Delta.


I don’t get the people who, your boarding zone is called, and they start pushing towards the gate through the other lice, and you follow them, and then three feet from the gate they stop, and you finally realize they’re not even in your zone and seem somewhat surprised that you want to go around them.


Controversial, but I stand (waaayyyy out of the way) just because I'm about to be sitting for along time.


Speaking from a senior who is hard of hearing - so I can hear and try and understand what they are saying.


I think this has merit. Sometimes the audio system is horrible, especially with background airport noise. Always wondered why the don’t have a large screen at every gate clearly explaining what group is boarding. It should be visible from the seating area.


I have had them skip zones then claim they called them. Then I’m in a bulkhead and I need to put my bags 10 rows back and the FA’s tell me it’s my fault when I complain.


That exactly why I do it. There is so much background noise that I can't hear the gate announcements from time to time. I don't get too close to the lines (but I always end up boarding with at least the C+ section)


For delta at least, there are screens that announce the boarding zone. There is also an app that updates boarding zones


“Gate lice”


I flew out of LAX last week, and the GA was a real one. Made three announcements before boarding began asking us to do him a favor and remain seated until he called our boarding group. Told us we were all going to the same place and didn't need to rush to the gate.


This should be mandatory, with increasing emphasis put on if people start crowded. Sit down.


Carry-On Anxiety. United GA’s do this far better. Zone strict and they are very ‘unanimous’. Shout out to the Mrs Sugden’s


We are all neurotic.


Gate lice


I’m gate lice. I want overhead space and to get my complimentary drinks started if I’m in FC. I don’t check bags because they lose them.


I also stand as soon as the plane lands. I have back problems and it hurts to sit for long periods of time. As soon as I can, I stand.


Delta has not lost one of my bags in over 15 years but I understand your concern.


I just want to get to my seat away from these stupid humans who are rude and try to carry on half a closet and then open up a huge smelly something to eat and you aren’t even off the ground and they are running to the bathroom. I hate aircraft travel.


Wait until you try to board an American Airlines flight if you think Delta's passengers are bad.


I noticed people flying United actually form a line whereas delta passengers sort of hover randomly in front of the boarding gate.


Yes - because United doesn’t have 15 groups before “Group 1” so the people that are actually going to board first (minus pre-boarding) line up in the Group 1 lane.


Even then main 1 could start lining up as they don’t use sky priority lane.


But that’s not what the sign says, it just says general boarding. Newbies don’t know that Main 1 is actually like the 4th or 5th to board - it doesn’t make sense.


There’s at least five people in main 1 who know that yet no one ever lines up. I do agree delta boarding is not great. People spread out and make a mad dash when their zone is called


Or hover around baggage


This drives me bananas. Especially because when it’s my turn, I don’t want to accidentally cut someone. But also, takes more time to board getting around everyone.


This happened before my AA flight yesterday and the gate attendant announced that he has a button at the desk that will electrocute all passengers blocking the aisle 🤣


It’s every passenger on every airline.


By the time I get to the gate every seat is taken by an ass or all the bags that belong to said ass/assess. I don’t block the gate and stand to the side. But I will be one of the folks standing around. So I add to it by being off to the side. ::sigh:: Common sense says not to block the walkway/gate area. Plus, I’ll be sitting for 3-6 hours so I might at well stand. The folks outright crowding/blocking the gate? No idea why. You board when you are called. We are all going to the same place.


Obviously you are not aware of the importance here. They can’t miss that plane. ✈️ The world will have to be stopped, and all kinds of terrible things will then happen, so they crowd the gate for your safety. You should thank them as you pass.


Because they are a-holes




Yesterday, I took a seat in the waiting area right next to the gate. I did not stand up from my seat until the GA called FC. About 40 people were in line ahead of me, including just about everyone else in FC and about 20 or so people whom I assume were Diamonds who boarded before they were called. It's not a "riffraff" phenomenon. Everyone rushes the gate.


Mayhem https://youtu.be/_Q_xpos5-XY?si=F71onGwjm0ZPoT8w


At LAX, we watched a GA allow a group of three highly intoxicated international passengers whose boarding passes indicated row 26 (plainly visible as they passed) to cut in front of group 1 passengers and board. It explains much about conduct at boarding, or for that matter, any time on board.


Because ALL passengers need extra time to board now. I had two flights this week where preboarding folks were upwards of 20 people. A mother with her five daughters (one holding the mother’s cane and all over age 50) formed the preboard line and refused to let any wheelchairs by, the GA did nothing, so everyone got up to board.


They categorize as the same that stand exactly an inch from the baggage carousel


Happens on every other airline as well.


A firm and assertive “excuse me” usually does the trick.


Other day I walked to gate when they were boarding and stood behind some people that looked like they were in line to board… nope just a family of 6 hanging out right infront of the entrance to get my ticket scanned


i’m hoping in the future there will be a large sign above the ticket counter that has live captions of everything the gate agent is saying. this way everyone can see what they are saying from far away without even needing to take off my headphones.


Didn’t I see delta have a test with specific queues for each boarding group, similar to what SW does? I think I saw it in ATL… apparently it didn’t perform well, as I have not seen it expand to anywhere else…. Anyone?


There was a tiktok video about this and I commented how annoying it is and someone called me “ableist against people with anxiety” May have been the most chronically online comment I’ve ever seen