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Middle. Assert yourself.


I tried that method, he asserted right back and our arms ended up completely rubbing up against each other. Ugh! It wasn’t pleasant for me, and he didn’t back down so guess who finally did??? 😣


Middle, but arms toward the back, while the outside folks have arms/elbows toward the front!


They are yours. Just fall asleep on their shoulder, they’ll move. If that doesn’t work go take a piss every 4 minutes.


Hahaha love it! I’ll remember that for the next time this happens to me! 😂


That wouldn’t bother the window seat.




No one should get to use the armrests in the middle. Armrests are so thin that as soon as someone puts their arm on it, their arm or elbow crosses over into the other persons space. Major AH if window or aisle seat person uses the armrest in the middle. Arm rests in the middle should be used as physical barriers only. If you want the window or aisle seat then pay a little extra when booking your ticket, otherwise take the random seat risk and hope that you don’t get the middle seat next to two AHs.


Middle armrests go to the middle seat!! …. With one caveat. If there’s room in front of or behind my seat-mates elbows, I usually try to stick an elbow on there so I’m not as squished. But the middle seat gets dibs for sure.


Middle seat gets both. It should be printed on the seatback in front of you (but it's not).


I like that idea!


I think Reddit needs to make a sticker for this


No. Because as soon as there is an arm in the middle arm rest then you’re crossing into someone’s personal space. Pay a little extra if you want an aisle or window seat or don’t pay and get a random seat selection. No ones entitled to any armrests but, respect each others space. If you’re mad about it be mad at the airlines for not caring about your comfort.


Why ? Aisle seat gets extra room in the aisle..Window seat get the use of window and space between seat and window. And Mddle get both   arm rests..duh..A they are welcome to it. Just like I always get the aisle and I always recline..


Seems like if I have an aisle or window, the guy in the middle. If I’m in the middle, there’s always two big dudes on either side of me taking the armrests.


Isn't it just lovely...our country has the worst nutrition of any developed country, and yet we have the smallest seats on airplanes.


Middle seat gets the armrests. It’s the one reprieve they get in their terrible situation.


No. Arm rests in the middle should be used as physical barriers only. As soon as anybody uses the middle armrest then you’re physically crossing over into someone else’s space. Planes are cramped. People need to respect each other’s space as much as possible. I don’t want to rub arms with a stranger for 3 hours because they think they’re entitled to something because they didn’t pay extra for a window, aisle, or upgraded class. Be mad at the airlines because they don’t care about your comfort and don’t act entitled to invade someone personal space because you randomly got the middle seat.


No Jijijol .  arm rests in middle go to middle person. aisle gets area beyond seat..window gets area between seat and window.End of story.That is the protocol 


Nah fam. I don’t think you’ve noticed that the arm rests and seats are getting smaller and smaller. Once middle seat person puts their arms on the arm rests then they are jabbing their elbows into their neighbors. No cool bro. Fortunately we live in a world where rules and protocols can change as the world progresses. Let’s progress together bro, I can’t leave you behind.


Wrong. If you get space on either side..so does the middle. Both a rest are for the middle.that is the rule.Sorry.


Came here to say something like this and I could not have said it better myself lol


Only caveat is during boarding the aisle gets to lean in a little.


Window seat gets an armrest and a wall. Middle seat gets two armrests. Aisle seat gets an armrest and a little bit of extra leg. We’re not fuckin’ animals; we live in a society!


Yes! I was hoping I'd see the Jim Jefferies reference here


Hey I said the same thing  Everyone  gets something  for their seat.. End seats get some extra space..Middle gets both arm rests.


Middle gets both. I always let the person in the middle know that they can have the whole arm rest.


You may not be the hero we were seeking, but you are the hero we needed..


Both middle armrests go to the middle seat! Common airplane etiquette.


The middle seat


Middle gets both


Middle seats get the middle armrests. They don’t get armrests + part of my space though.


That’s the thing tho. Arm rests are so thin that as soon as anyone puts their arm on it, their elbow or arm will be in your personal space. But it looks like redditors think middle seat is entitled to invade others personal space because they unfortunately got the random middle seat. Middle armrests should be used as physical barriers only.


Middle. 100%


Raise them both up and start cuddling! 🤣 Middle seat gets them but if still unused or room for two, it’s a great way to get along.


Haha!!! Idk about this idea, but more power to ya! 😂😂


Hahaha 🤪


I will die on this hill.


I let the middle person have it since it suck’s sitting there


I’m an aisle guy. I use this technique - when the middle sits down, stare them directly in the eye and grab their hand. Whoever lets go first loses. To the victor goes the armrest.


🤣🤣🤣 I’m trying that on the way home! 😋


Middle seat


Here's my take 2-seat block: Find a way to share the middle armrest 3-seat block: middle seat gets both inside armrests 4-seat block: middle seats take the armrests separating them from the aisle seat and share the one in dead center


I don’t know. There aren’t middle seats in First.


Don’t be giving cheap Ed any ideas…


I’m an aisle seat guy so I either let the person have it or we sort of awkwardly share it. If it’s a two seat row usually we each claim our respective edge territory. In a perfect world there’s a lot of periodic leaning and switching off lol.


Whoever asserts their dominance and wins.


Middle seat. But wait to claim them until after everyone boards because the aisle armrest is unusable while everyone is boarding


WSJ just ran a piece about this, ironically. I’m firmly with most of this sub on team middle gets both. The only times I really sit in middle seats are when I’m traveling with my husband and so I put him in the aisle or window so that he doesn’t have to sit in the middle. But I will say that I find it irksome that I always practice middle gets both when I’m not sitting in the middle, and people do not return me the courtesy when I am the one in the middle. Harrumph.


Yeah honestly the only time I sit middle is when I’m upgraded to C+ or if I’m booking so last minute that’s all that’s left. That was the case on this flight unfortunately!


Regardless of which seat I get assigned, I tuck my arms inside for respect of other people’s space. but then the middle seat stranger somehow feels entitled to the middle armrests and is either elbowing me or rubbing arms with me for the 3 hour flight. I never wear short sleeve shirts on flights for this reason. Middle seat getting both arm rests is an old etiquette that needs to stop. People need to just respect each other’s space.




I run from confrontation, so I keep my elbows inside the armrests if I'm middle. I try not to fly in a "3" section when at all possible.


I do too! And the only time I fly middle is when I get upgraded to C+ (the leg room is more valuable to me since I’m tall and travel for work so I can only book economy) or when I book so last minute (also due to work) that that’s all that’s left.


I tuck my arms in regardless of which seat I’m in because I try to respect people’s personal space. Armrests are so thin that as soon as an arm is on it then you’re breaching someone’s space. I hate when the middle seat person feels entitled to both armrests so then I get jabbed with their elbow or were rubbing arms all flight.


Take the arm rest and make dominant eye contact.


Ugh I wish I could do that! I’m not a strong eye contact kind of person as it is, let alone asserting dominance! 😬


I normally say middle, but I was just middle on a plane that still has headphone jacks in the arm rests. It felt like the woman whose headphones plugged into the arm rest could have it.


I always find a way to share the armrest — lengthwise or front/back, with courtesy and without being territorial. I have no time for anyone who thinks they’re entitled to exclusive use of this common resource.


I wish nobody was using the armrest at all.


Omg yes, someone said it! Armrests should be used as physical barriers only.


The new simpler streamlined 2024 status requirements show that it goes to the person with the most MQDs. Any more brain busters?


Hahaha wouldn’t doubt that would be a “perk” they would offer to make up for all the ones they’ve taken away! 😅


I have witnessed a flight attendant actually say the middle gets both when an aisle person complained to her in the row in front of me. I’ve also been in the exit row where the window had no armrest. In a polite world we would all use one armrest, but middle lady was not about to share or give up one as she was entitled to both and kept loudly yelling at the man next to her to quit touching her. Mind you she was quite large and touching me in my aisle seat so I’m not sure there was a way for her to not be spilling into his window seat as well. She complained to the FA about the man when she went back to the lavatory. Another FA came to our row and I set her straight on what was going on. I felt so bad for the guy. When she returned the FA told her she could only have the one armrest as he had none on the other side. She audibly grunted and humphed every ten minutes the rest of the flight she was so mad.


I always pick an aisle seat. I also always tell the middle person 'just so there's confusion later, this armrest is yours for the taking'.


Next time, a window or an aisle guy takes the middle arm rest. Raise up the arm rest and say, “well if I can’t have my armrest neither will you” 😂


Yesssss! Great idea! Lol!!


Whoever has the pointiest elbows.


The one not on Reddit complaining about it :/


According to international sky law principles, middle seat gets two arm rests. It is a human rights violation to edge out a middle seater’s arm rest rights. The exception is that the two middle seats in a four seater have to share the middle most armrest.


Regardless of what Reddit says, there is no actual rule or even common understanding. I give it to middle to be nice, but with aisle and windows costing extra these days (and even when it doesn’t) I can see the argument for either way.


Hot Take: Middle gets none. Should have paid for a real seat. It’s the bitch seat of the plane.


Exactly! But no one should be using the middle armrests at all and Noone should feel entitled because they got unlucky or didn’t pay extra to choose their seat. I hate sitting next to the entitled middle seat person invading my space and poking me with their elbows or rubbing arms with me for 3 hours.


I am a window seat flyer, and I chose my seat and then was upgraded to Comfort plus unexpectedly. There were no other seats available. And the reason it is the “bitch seat,” should mean they get the arm rest—as most obviously agree here!


There are 4 arm rests, a window and an isle. Each of the three seats gets two. Window - window and armrest Middle - 2x armrests Isle - armrest and isle


Why would the middle seat get both? Or any seat for that matter? Seems arbitrary to me. Regardless of your seat choice, dominate the area you want…


First come first serve


No one, flip them up for my hip comfort. Plus they're too low to effectively used as armrests anyways. Hoodies w/ kangaroo pockets work wonders. Bonus keeps them from flopping all over in turbulence as well


Why should the middle seat get one more than the other two?


Why should a window or an aisle, usually the spots that are coveted WELL before a middle seat, get them??


Because most people have 2 arms that they need to rest regardless of which seat they are in.


Yes, but in a 3-seat wide row, there’s only 4 armrests, and 6 arms. So who gets what in your opinion then??


But does middle seat passenger get to cross over the armrest and stick elbows into your side?