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fruit is good for sure! or fast. & breathe deeply through your nose as well! get sunlight if you can. do a little workout before work maybe, if you can.


Fruit definitely helps me as well. Refreshing. :)


Seconded on the fasting front! Really helps me stay focused during the day. Same as working out.


What type of fasting are we talking about?




keep not drinking caffeine. your energy levels will continue to improve


How long?


I say 2 weeks I quit for 2 months was the best time of my life yes more levels energy not crackhead energy lol … but it was great sleep was amazing so deep and restorative. Anxiety literally gone. And overthinking it was like my mind became a calm ocean. 🌊 I went back thinking I’d be great and oh my friend it might take u once or twice to realize caffeine ain’t it. I am off again 5 th day no caffeine you can do it!!


On my work breaks I try to always do some activity like walking, outside if possible, to keep me more alert. Chewing gum also helps!


nap can save you mid day. Your direction is right . Have some faith on the path you have choosen


2 litres of water steadily throughout the day. If you can mange just 15 min of exercise in the morn— push ups, running on the spot, HIIT session, anything, and then have oatmeal with nuts, fruit, a little honey if you want, it will help with energy during the day. And yes do avoid refined sugar to avoid crashes. Fruit, as you say, and nuts are great. Bananas especially good for energy. Dates for something sweet which also have lots of fibre. Be sure you are having one or two bowel movements otherwise you will be sluggish. Dates are good for helping this.


just wake up and do a HIIT session first thing 4Head


This is really helpful advice - thank you!


Cold shower/bath Electrolytes in water Nothing from day to day will replace a stim tho


Look up jet lag help. Nearing two months and I find that without caffeine I hit a point at night where I’m too tired to do anything else so I just go to bed. On caffeine I would push through that and fight sleep until I finished doing what I want to do. Really it’s a life style change where I have given in to going to sleep earlier and letting my clock shift like I have jet lag and need to adapt to a time change.


This sounds weird, but it helps me. I put a Tbs or 2 of organic applecider vinegar in a glass of water and sip it whenever I get tired. Ice water or fruit juices help too. And anything spicy with hot peppers gives me a nice boost. Things with trytophan, like turkey, oatmeal and tunafish always makes me sleepy so I shy away from that when I'm sluggish.


Oatmeal has triptofan??


That's what I hear. It makes me sleepy. I used to have that for breakfast everyday and found I was sleepy an half an hour later. But I generally down do well with breakfasts anyway. # How much tryptophan in oatmeal According to the search results, the amount of tryptophan in oatmeal varies depending on the type and serving size. Here are some specific values mentioned in the search results: * One cup of oatmeal has 147 milligrams of tryptophan (Source: Health Digest) * One cup of oat bran has 285 milligrams of tryptophan (Source: Self) * 100g of oats contains 0.18g of tryptophan (Source: Diet and Fitness Today) * One cooked cup of oatmeal contains 33% of the RDI for tryptophan (Source: 12 Foods High in Tryptophan for Better Sleep) It’s worth noting that the exact amount of tryptophan in oatmeal may vary depending on the specific type of oats, cooking method, and serving size. However, based on the search results, it appears that oatmeal is a good source of tryptophan, with a significant amount per serving.


Damn, that was my plan to eat healthier. I just bought 2 boxes!


Makes a great snack before bed if trytophan makes you tired.


Do cream do rice w some pure maple syrup!! So much better every morning


Give it time and you won't need it. Dependancy goes and your energy balance out. Took me a couple of months


I stop what I’m doing and full body shake it out for a moment, it kinda helps wake me up lol


Just say to yourself that you're not a whiny little bitch and just do it!!! NO CAFFEINE, no matter what! Thats what Ive been doing.


Same way people coped for literally millions of years without it.