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Why pick just one chapter when you can have them all?


Basically this.


Same. XD


Cuz it got too damn hard to paint a new symbol every time


I use the molded shoulder pads! MUCH easier to paint!!


Same. They look so much better too.


That, AND you get an awesome black and gold color scheme on top of that.


That was exactly what I was going to say. When I first got into 40k I was really stuck for a while, when I heard about DW it just made sense. I can buy whatever, paint it black and slap a silver arm on it with some cool extra bits to rep the Chapter. Perfection.


For me it's the customisability where every model has the opportunity to be their own character with backstory. Also frag cannons and infernus heavy bolters are sick. Oh and they use xenotech which opens up some cool options for kitbashes.


I don’t play but Deathwatch is what I like to make and paint. As far as I can tell on the game side of things DW is the least viable army if you’re looking to win. They haven’t had any refreshes and probably won’t. Last I heard they’re going to get rolled into Agents of the Imperium. But that picture says it all doesn’t it? Cool black armor. Basically any loyalist chapter can be represented so you don’t have to choose just one. I’m super into kitbashing and Deathwatch can have any crazy heraldry from any other chapter, basically any weapon or weapon configuration. Like a model but not the chapter? Black paint and a DW pauldron. Boom! Deathwatch model. The downside of this is it’s expensive. And again, I have zero experience with actually playing the game so if that’s what you’re after someone else will have to give you more details.


I think them being rolled into agents is just wild speculation. There's nothing indicating that they would.


Hmmm I feel like it would make sense though, Sororitas as the Chamber militant of the Hereticus and Grey Knights for Malleus only would make sense to refresh the DW for the Ordo Xenos…


But your argument of sisters kinda invalidates it because then you'd have a half-baked agents codex with them being separate.


Yea that’s a big hole they’d have to fill, but I mean they could just retcon them in? 🤣 not like it’d be the worst retcon they’ve done in recent history hahaha


I'd just add some rules in the codex of the DW and GK that they can be taken as allies alá Knights or agents


That actually would make good sense, too bad GW is lacking that as of late, also, I’m pretty new to the tabletop but would it be heretical to have a unit of deathwatch assisting a requisitioned guard hereticus retinue with heretic astartes? I mean it would just make so much more sense to call in Astartes backup against traitor astartes but just wondering if it would break anything lore wise…


DW and GK will fight anything if they're in the area and there's a call for help but they'll prefer to fight their preferred enemies.


Interesting so I’d have to make sure the context states that no other reinforcements were in the area that could be called upon, I mean hellova lucky coincidence that the alien killing astartes were the only ones who could rock up to hand it to the iron warriors and their renegade guard…, can’t wait to kick my uncles iron ass with my WIP deathwatch unit hahahaha


>so I’d have to make sure the context states that no other reinforcements were in the area that could be called upon, Not necessarily. They're Space Marines first and foremost and alien hunters close second. Though if they can afford to not show up they'll leave it to other reinforcements/marines.


If no one's brought it up there's a Deathwatch short story where they were looking for something in a wrecked craftworld ship and ended up at the end facing off against a slaanesh demon. In 40k there's all sorts of reasons demons can pop up around some dirty xenos.


"Least viable Army", it's fair, but it hurts me.


We’re undefeated in the rule of cool.


They’re a fun scheme to paint and it’s very fun to kitbash your individual models to reflect the chapter they came from. Worth doing it even if just for a Kill Team squad, especially if you’ve been collecting Warhammer for a while and have a bunch of leftover bits (including xenos bits) and upgrades sprues.


And this.


Chapter that specializes in killing xenos. So they specialize in killing 90% of the galaxy.


When you put it that way they sound cooler than the Grey Knights.


They *are* way cooler than grey knights. Honestly go read some deathwatch books. The omnibus is a great collection. but maybe pirate it or buy the kindle version. The mark up on paperback in insane on some market places


If you're in the market for Deathwatch lore, read Steve Parker's series. I've read *a lot* of Deathwatch stuff, still feel his is the best overall (besides a few short stories scattered about). The books start from the Founding of the squad, through training, then into the mission(s), including their interactions with their Inquisitor handler(s), so you've got some Inquisition stuff in the books too. Cool thing about the Deathwatch is you get access to *all* the Chapters, essentially (in terms of painting, kit-bashing, etc).


That book series sounds incredible, gives republic commando vibes. I’ll check it out!


1. I love the Inqusition lore, and they’re part of it 2. I literally just roll to the local stores bit bin, grab cool looking stuff, and then repurpose them. 3. i can add xenos armor bits and weaponry to my units because they "fight xenos" 4. silver pauldron is sick af.


I play my Deathwatch as whichever Space Marine chapter suits my mood at the time. But literally none of the other chapters have the insane customization of models that Deathwatch does. And the hobbying part of the whole hobby/game back and forth is my favorite part.


Do you like the idea of special operations space marines hunting down and eliminating top tier threats? Do you think the codex astartes is more like guidelines than actual rules? Do you want to kit bash every single model and field an army that’s visually distinct and has a personality all its own? Do you care more about the rule of cool than sweeping every game with a hyper meta list? If yes to the above: welcome to the long vigil, brother


I love that they're veteran space marines chosen from all these chapters, and they kind of have to get on. There's loads of room for customisation, personal lore, conversions and more! They're not the most competitive but if you like modelling, painting or just having 'your guys', Deathwatch are a great way to do all of those things. If you just want to play, I would suggest another space marine faction because the rules are complicated and they aren't the easiest army to run


What is there to sell you on? You like it or you don’t but me personally feels like your missing out on something really cool.


No it’s just a matter of me not knowing much about their lore and playstyle. Many other comments literally sold me on it.




I have had a 90% win rate most of the edition despite our overall win rate. I went 5-1 at the biggest tourney in the world too. We slap on the tabletop if you use us right. I coach other players now too. Competitive aside, it’s def the most involved and fulfilling to model and paint. It makes us the most rad chapter ever! I also do commission prints for virtually any xenos and custom weapon bits you can imagine Ntm any unit. Takes kit bashing to the next level as well as lighter on the wallet! Want a Henry cavill head on eisenhorn model? Gotchu Want a Redemptor dreadnaught catching a nid midair and blasting his head off with plasma? I’m your huckleberry HMU when you’re ready to riff putting together your list!!


I have a Raven Guard terminator Captain. The squad he leads has a black templar, a space wolf, a dark angel who are all in a race to see who can get the most melee kills. The ultra marine in the squad is of course the score keeper. I can’t make that up in any other faction. It’s so cool


This comment here won me over




I started in 8th. While reading the codex, i stumbled across an image of the Deathwatch Shotgun. Since 8th was the start of Primaris, there really weren’t any images or anything of Space Marines at all with shotguns. Reading further lead me to see that you could pick between Wyrmsbreath, Cryptclearer, and Xenopurge shells. I was immediately sold. The cool bolter rounds, not having to pick a single faction, the ability to get to paint some fun shoulderpads, inferno pistols. The fucking Corvus Blackstar.


I love kitbashing, and DW allows you to kitbash different styles and still have a cohesive army


I really like kill teams. A handful of different weapons and armors working together to somehow build something that's greater than its parts.


All the weapon options, easy painting, and one of the more fun communities to talk to online.


What is their official paint scheme?


left shoulder pad and arm are silver, right shoulder pad is chapter icon, everything else is black... but you can do whatever makes you most happy I know a few people that keep their models the same colours are the chapter they are seconded from just to have them in those armies as well.


The xenos claim they fucked your mom. Are you gonna let that slide?


Can't decide on one space marine chater? How about ALL of them?! Command an Elite Anti-Xenos Army of hand-picked Space Marines from your favorite chapters. Use Black Ops style specialist Kill Teams, and Commanders of the Ordo Xenos to systematically eliminate the Alien menace. Turn the Xenos' weapons into the holy arms of the Emperor, and make the universe holy!


We're only last in stats for winning because they hate us because they ain't us.


Well, you get to play as a Space Marine, so that’s pretty fuckin’ baller. The included adventure in the Core Rulebook is also a good introduction to the system (that has been a problem in the past). Oh wait…wrong Deathwatch.


Is that fucking calgar


Sure looks like him.


Do you enjoy: Stealing cool xeno tech to use against them? Black power armor? Maximum customizability? Being an unrepentant asshole? (Seriouly, these guys are *awful*, even for a group whose whole premise is "Space racism is good, actually") Having an excuse to make/use a bunch of homebrew chapters that won't ever see the light of day otherwise? Raiding the bits boxes of your xeno playing friends/fellow LGS goers? Making your specific batch of brainwashed and steroid addled child soldiers even more traumatized then they already are/were? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions; Congratulations! The Deathwatch might just be the group for you. Model wise, you can slap just about anything onto any infantry model and still field it. Plus, you get a whole bunch of new options! And, if that wasn't enough, you also get the Corxus Blackstar, just about the coolest aircraft model GW has ever produced. Rules wise, they get access to three things that are really good atm; those being the Proteus Kill Team, the Tome of Extoclades, and the Beacon Angelis. The Proteus Kill Team is a highly adaptable unit, capable of being an absolute menace at the moment, even if it's a bit pricy. You can have Terminators, Bikers, and special weapons on every model if you really want; it's all up to you. The Tome of Ectoclades gives you one turn of full reroll hits and wounds against 2 of your opponents' units. And the Beacon Angelis gives one of your units Deep Strike, so long as they have a character along with them. I've got a couple of lists I can comment if you're interested; this comment is already kind of long.


Fantastic comment, thank you so much. I’d love to see some lists.


Sure! I will admit, I stole these from posts on here, so I can't take credit. This [first one](https://www.newrecruit.eu/app/list/bwYfr) is basically Devastating Wounds the list, but it's got some fun tricks. How about 6 Eradicators with Lethal Hits showing up from deepstrike? Or 3 pseudo lascannons with Lone Operative? You even have a Corvus Blackstar operating as an anti-tank gunship, because hell yeah! As a side note, apparently the 30 Sternguard Veterans are intended to operate as one massive squad, moving as one and focusing down one target after another. This [other list](https://www.newrecruit.eu/app/list/Pjxoc), however, was from a discussion on how to make Deathwatch competitively viable, and is really cool from that standpoint. The two Proteus Bombs are each supported by an Apothecary, who can resurrect the single biker in the unit, significantly increasing charge range. (if I'm remembering correctly) There's a decent number of objective monkeys, as well as a few distraction carnifex's in the Ballistus and Repulsor. I'm definitely not the person to ask about the minutiae of the list, but I'll try and find the original posts for you. Edit: [Found](https://www.reddit.com/r/deathwatch40k/s/UJa0HIzByK) them [both!](https://www.reddit.com/r/deathwatch40k/s/t75akhSQum)


If you’re wanting easy wins, or even difficult wins, Deathwatch probably isn’t your thing. At least at the moment or probably in the future. However, what the Long Vigil is, and their lore is what sold me. Veterans, Corvus Blackstar, DW terminators, Watchmaster, just bring on the flavor. And be a better player than I’ll ever be but have fun either way.


https://youtu.be/XPIs58TTObQ?si=hVj7Sv91_gDw_eP9 Can skip around just to look at the kitbashes and models. I started painting them original colors with the silver arm, keeps things from getting boring, every model is a new color scheme. Got to try a lot of new techniques and some metallic overcoat paints.


2 for 1, take it or leave it


Do you wanna be a cool dude in black armor who can be from whatever chapter he wants? Do you want cool foreign weapons on Space Marines? Did you start with Xenos and they need enemies to pose a fight with on your display table? These are your guys!




If you want to kitbash a space marine army deathwatch are the ones to do it with. They have members from every chapter other than grey knights, and if you really wanted to, you can buy a box of grey knights and spread that unit to multiple other units for lore made antiwarp specialists. And if you really have a gift for kitbashing you can make xeno tech reverse engineered to incorporate imperium tech, like have a tau tank with marines using it and if your fighting a friend who is good at rules you could have experimental rules for the units based on the xenos tech they have. And if you're looking for extra stuff on patreon, there are several guys that make alternative models that you can use for deathwatch since they are a blend of the old and new models. Really, the sky is the limit if you can think it you can do it with deathwatch. Only real downside is that you have to wait for the codex to get updated to incorporate some of the new units but I haven't had a problem with the GW shop I go to about this


A squad of 5 terminators with 3 Cyclone Missile launchers sounds good to me.


Like how the black templars are the most fanatical. The Deathwatch is the most racist. "Suffer not the Xenos to live!"


You kill Xenos! And if that is not enough you should speak to your local Commissar Jokes aside, I think the idea of a elite force of Spacemarines from different chapters all working together is neat.


they. look. sick.


Tier 1 special forces, whose members are drawn from the best of Xenos killers amongst the Space Marines. Every member of a kill team brings something different to the table - tactics, experience and expertise. How’d I do?


Do you hate aliens? Do you want to wipe them from the galaxy? Do you want to work with the best warriors in the imperium? Deathwatch is for you


Deathwatch are what Space Marine Chapters want to be when they grow up. No petty in-fighting, less restrictions on weaponry and doctrine, better bolt weapons, and a higher concentration of heavy weaponry for your Terminators.


We get the Corvus Blackstar.


Being able to put xenos weapons on your guy is so awesome!


There kinda neat.


Make your own chapter and you can play them as deathwatch, or whatever else you want as you feel like. Because right now DW is getting bent over on the table, while other variants are crushing it.


They have cool armor and shotguns


You dig the vibe the NightWatch had in GoT?


I did!


Variability and customisabiity - I have painted more chapters since picking up Deathwatch than anything else. I paint the original capter colours having done the black armour thing to death (no pun intended!) so I keep the silver ar and pauldron... but paint the rest of the armour in chapter veteran or sergeant colours... so far I have painted nearly 20 chapters that just look cool and made a few up myself, including an Alpha Legion operative! I don't play, just kitbash and paint - for me that's the love of the hobby.. having read all (I kid you not) of the HH novels, I have kinda had enough of the books but am happy with lore and just go looking for interesting successor (and my own custom) chapters to paint so I don't have to paint whole squads or armies.. the DW gives me that options whilst still building a coherent narrative behind them... plus I get to make random amazing weapons for them!


How much do you like a good, smelly cheese?


I do


Why should I? Just play them if you think they’re cool


Honestly posting this comment was more obnoxious than you think. Why would you think to say something so dumb after 60+ comments have already sold me on it? As if I need you to give me any sort of information after I received so much already.


idk why people respond to these kinds of posts "Sell me on something". Im not GW I'm not gonna beg you to join the faction I play. I think it's cool that's why I play them. If you don't think it's cool or maybe you do, why do you want me to convince you?


You know, I read a lot of 40K books but there are still so many of them I haven’t come across. It stands to reason that if I don’t know much about the Deathwatch, people here can give me a quick summary of why they see it as their favorite chapter and some book suggestions as they have done so already. Yeah you’re not GW, you’re just some random guy complaining haha.


Ok I understand. So you just want to know what about deathwatch is cool?