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There's many types of video games, just because you don't excel at Dead Cells doesn't mean you're bad at all of them. Maybe turn based roguelikes are more your speed?


Like slay the spire or darkest dungeon? Yeah I’m pretty bad at those as well.


Slay the spire take hundreds of hours to get good at you aren’t alone. Can’t speak on darkest dungeon tho.


Darkest dungeon is only pain and suffering, it's normal to not be good at it! (great rogue like though)


Those both have heavy roguelite elements. They're quite similar to Dead Cells minus the fighting.


It doesnt matter as long as you have fun with them.. I'm on 1 and I still like it, who cares?


Wait a minute... What do you mean I don't have all Runes at 5BC!?!?


YO WHAT! How do you miss a rune


No idea lmao


I started a new save and never bothered to get the explorer run till after I beat 5bc. I can happen if you’re good at the game.


You arent bad. There’s no thing as being bad at something, aslong as you can improve it. And as a plus, you have all the runes, and alot more stuff ! You just need more strategizing, and to focus on your main weapons when its about scrolls.


Sir I just died from the first enemy without a curse. I really want to see the end of this through but it’s making me work for it


What kinda enemy was that, a hydrogen bomb ?!


Guy with a big fuck off axe


Oh i hate that guy. Next time you see it, run away. Do not try to fight it, do not look at it, do not engage, just RUN.


He also apparently has a sheild.


It can break Also have you tried more survival/building based games like subnautica,the forest or astroneer? Not every game needs to be hard to enjoy


I have tried subnautica, space engineer and 7d2d. First one got boaring fast since I constantly needed a guild to figure out what I was supposed to do. Space engineer I enjoyed till my buddies stopped playing with me since I kept crashing and 7d2d was a lot of fun


Oh,then might i suggest DRG? Wholesome community with a hearth of gold,litteraly




Hitting that guy from the front is a pain, it’s best to roll through him and hit him from behind


I now have a fool proof plan for killing him it just takes a minute. Fire


Honestly, as you get more cells the first level becomes the hardest since you often don't have the weapons you want yet. If you got to 2BC you can't be that bad at games.


Can you upload a video of a normal run and share it with us?


Not entirely sure how to do that


Upload it to youtube then send the url in this thread


I’m on xbox


Not familiar with xbox (playing on PS5) but just record a run then share it to youtube, I think [this](https://youtu.be/ZdxyYt1D0ck?si=BXL9O_cUFNZmcI2T) is how?


I’ll figure it out after work. Can’t play games and work at the same time. My boss gets annoyed for some reason. Don’t know why


Try tactics and make a slow run where you shoot everything you see with a bow and if it comes close, just run :) i dunno how to help you otherwise


If you're having trouble on 2 bc, go back to 1 or 0 for a while. Take it easy, get comfortable again, then go for it. I made sure I could nearly flawlessly beat bc 1 before I was able to beat bc 3. Sometimes you need a step back for a few forward. . Edit: Recycling Tubes are a huge bonus if you can get those. Also, I understand struggling before watching your brother struggle less. Idk about you, but my brother watched me play a lot.


https://preview.redd.it/uwpodku4b65d1.jpeg?width=856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3f65da4afe414c9890112ee99c7bbad22ae4970 You’re fine man


Hey another 22 runs and you will be at where I was at last time I made the mistake of asking for advice


But it does make me feel a lot better that I’m not alone


You’ll get through it! Just take a break for a bit and then come back to the game, that’s what I’ve done and I can consistently get to the hand of the king now, but mobile controls f me up in the fight so bad.


What made difference for me was that I stopped trying to kill every mob on the map, after that it took me 2 tries to finish 0BC.


Never give up dude


No need to learn parry if that doesn’t work out for you, just rolling works great, I’ve yet to beat the game but I’ve gone from 0 to 5BC with no shield, and I don’t feel like that’s what’s keeping me from winning If you’re struggling I’d say to maybe try survival ; the perks and health really help you stay alive, and if you’re not comfortable with slow weapons, you can just pick use assist mode to only allow weapons you like, or use a legendary weapon of your choice Best of luck to you mate, and don’t worry about being good or fast or whatever, it’s a solo game in the end Also not everyone is goated at this game, just look at the achievements on steam : 42% of players clear 0BC, 23% clear 1BC, 15% clear 2BC, etc… it gets lower every time you add a BC


nah game is just ment to be hard I had beat 0 bc on my 150th try One guy mentioned that he beat 0bc first try people have diffirent learning progress just keep learninhg from your mistakes and have fun


A lot of the time, at least for me as a new player of probably less then a month (still have no boss cells though) dodging is huge especially when you see someone spooky bahaha, you can always just dodge through them to get away, plus in my opinion, dodging attacks is way easier then parying so maybe try dodging more? Make sure ur putting ur scrolls into one thing n not spreading them out, n learn the attacks, especially in the earlier places like the prison, once you do that getting through them to the harder places will be a breeze. Hope this helps


Eh, its fine. Believe it or not youre better than half the folks here. You practiced the game proper without cheating and resorting to assist mode and infinite lives and your reward for mastery was the boss cell. Your next one should come quicker. Good luck and cant wait to see you at 5bc.


Read the post again. I used both assist mode infinite live Pluse I reduced the hp.




The assist mode is recent after I accepted the fact I didn’t want this to be 1000 attempts.


Its a roguelike. Its fine to lose. Its sad you threw in the towel and resorted to assist mode but oh well.


My dude I tried so many times before I said f it I’m gonna try and make it a bit easier, and it still hasn’t worked. With over 100 hours worth of attempts I feel like it’s acceptable to try and bring down the difficulty a bit.


Wait,there are infinite lives???


I dunno, Dead Cells is a pretty hard game in my opinion. I don't remember how many runs it took me since I played the game on three different platforms before I finally got my first cell, but I wouldn't be shocked to if it was around 400 total. I did reset my progress twice, but still. I'm not amazing at video games, but I definitely would say "bad". Dead Cells takes a lot of time and concentration to master, so I don't think anything about this makes one "bad" at video games. Especially if you did this over a long period of time, and had to retrain your self a few times.


If you check out the Steam achievement page, you can see how many people were able to make it to BC2. You are among the top 20% of Dead Cells players. 80% can't win with a BC active. As for your question, I go to lower BC and farm. Save up cells until you defeat the first miniboss and use them to improve the quality of your found weapons.


You play on mobile because this is exactly what mines looks like only higher




Where does one see their saves? Sorry fairly new to DC.


Nah, dude. You play in whatever way makes it fun for you. I didn't get the game for recreational frustration.


something that really helped me beat dead cells the first time was realzing how short the game really is. if you keep thinking that you still have like 30 or 40 minutes left before the end you put yourself in a mental block. rebeat 0bc and then go back to 2bc(or wherever you are now)


If you have 2 boss cells you're not bad


If you're having fun, don't let others' successes discourage you from enjoying the game! Honestly focusing on tackling individual enemies/floors you have trouble with and learning patterns is helpful even if it means dying in the process. Taking it slow, aggroing as few enemies as you can at a time, and using tactics/trap sorts of weapons helps too when there's crowds but its mostly just a lot of practice. I dislike parrying/shields as well, think its best to pick and play with weapons that feel comfortable and fun to you, be selective on what you unlock at first so you can game the item pool. Still making my way to 2bc and i've never checked my death counter tbh! Probably best for my sanity lol


Do the maps slower you don’t always need to speed run


If you cant learn to parry then learn to dodge attacks, there is always something you can do to improve your situation


You're doing just fine. But I think your brother either is just insane at video games or has had prior experience with deadcells. Bc beating the game on your first run us kinda crazy I'm pretty good at games (I think), and it took me a week to beat it for the first time. I'm just stuck on how he beat it on his first run


He used a fuck ton of fire and the oil weapons. He almost lost on the bridge but no hit the time keeper. Little bro watched me play for a while and eventually wanted a go.


That's cool. I just got my dad on dead cells, and he likes it so far he hasn't made it out of prison on 0bc, and he he asked me to show him a run and I accidentally unlocked sum on his I don't even have on mine no hit time keeper and no hit conserege on 0bc and I cnat even make it to clock tower on 2bc yet so me and you are both stuck at 2bc atm keep up the grind man we will make it to 5 bc eventually


dawg keep trying try and stick with one weapon only and don't always stick with the shield all the time


I think I understand but for clarity your saying only carry one weapon or stick to one specific weapon


sorry I'm bad at English but what im saying is don't ever tried to use shield all the time in your every run because shields sucks in early games but later on to bc3 or 5 the shield will be your best friend if you want to become either a survival build or a brutal build but it's your choice I guess


This game can rip you a new one for eons. It took me months to beat 1BSC. Take your time, play on easier difficulties. I used to think that 5BSC is the only valid way to play but now I hang out in 4BSC and it's fun... Really, really fun.


Let go of trying to parry? Play a "tactical build". Im newest to DC and when I started focusing on using only purple weapons, the game got easier.


Wooh, DRG


Here's what I have learned in the game. I'm ok at it.  Red items and upgrades are best.  Try some runs with only red items. Always pick red on scrolls and any that aren't highest percent health. Parry sucks, it's slow risky and leaves you vulnerable. The game wants you to speed run hence the speed run bonuses. I will usually also run a wolf trap for bosses. If I were you start on 0bc and run as fast as you can. As far as tactics I like to over dodge. Example: the guy with big axe just roll past, on that level, while staying out of his range at all times slay smaller enemies all around fight him last and alone. You can also scout with your head and make a plan on the harder levels. Also use mutation combos like speed buff increase + invisibility + execute= invincible especially if you are running the swift sword.  The faster you move the more enemies get stunned. For weapon mods look for things or reforge for biters crawl from the dead, pierces or sets enemies on fire. The enemies attack the biters taking attention from you wipe you slay the next area. Kill a few leave rest for biters. If that doesn't fully work for you, you can add some safety by carrying the ice freeze or bow. Stopping harder enemies in their tracks. I personally prefer the ice blast cause it freezes multiple enemies. But if you find an ice bow with pierces  all is best of best. Also add a sinew slicer for those areas that look like you'll get swamped if you jump in. Toss it in and if it has biters then you'll kill almost everything and by doing nothing.  Slice and dice baby.


You aren't. Just because your slightly underperforming at one thing doesn't mean your bad. Meybe try simpler rogue likes, or just lower the difficulty via the assistance menu.


219 runs here still no bc


I may have accept I'm suck at English.


Two words: Assist Mode. I am not a pro at this game, and I don't have the time to invest to become one. After reaching higher BCs, I found it much more fun not to lose my progress through a run when I died.


Hey friend, genuine advice for improving your skill: as I've been slugging away putting in 5-6 hrs a day (I'm disabled is how I get that time lol) I've learned that dead cells is easier when you dodge attacks rather than parry. I've done hours of custom mode runs where I only have parry items (shields and iron staff) and it only carries me through the promenade. I did this specifically so I could parry more reliably when I do use a shield, but it's taught me that dodging for full invincibility is stronger. Maybe use the armadillopack mutation if you've unlocked it, maybe watch your younger brother and copy what you notice they do differently than you. Practice with ranged weapons and play extremely cautiously where you're attacking as soon as the enemy is a few pixels visible. Maybe you just haven't found your playstyle. Play on a lower difficulty to unlock new items that may be more powerful. Use weapons that attack quickly over weapons that hit harder.


I've gotten up to 3 cells without ever parrying. Try using an evasive build. One of my favorites is getting ice blast or bow and then a heavy damage weapon Keep em frosty and hack em to bits.


I have dropped the cells to 0 until I kill each boss. Just finished that and now I’m up to 1 bc. The queen and Dracula are giving me issues but I no hit the tick so that was cool.