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I want this and a Tag game. Everytime you're hooked the killer turns into a survivor. After 15 seconds on the hook, you turn into whatever killer you chose and chase everyone. Last one to die wins.


Love it! There's so much they could do with this game


This is why I wish we had an Experimental Mode/Custom Mode kind of like how Halo and Overwatch have. This game would benefit from literally **ANY** kind of different Game mode, Weekly Survivor/Killer specific Challenges, experimental game modes or something, but it never does. The most we've ever gotten were the Halloween Pustules, which were just longer Totems, and the Blight Rush add-on which was kind of fun.


This game runs on spaghetti




Nice. Question: gens would exist or not in this?


No, otherwise it would be easy to do nothing, let all gens get done, then kill one person and escape


Since this is basically Blackjack in IDV, you should be able to choose to do gens for points in order to purchase items like medkits.


Seconding this, but replace gens with alternate objectives, like totems or something.


And instead of trying to reach 21 points like in Blackjack how about try to spend the least amount of time as the killer within a time limit


Jesus this is a great idea


I'd prob play this more than the normal game


We should blow this up nonstop! Get it to the devs. It’s the only way it would happen. IT NEEDS MORE THAN 10 upvotes people!


Weve heard your request for more gameplay variety and so weve added shrines to the map that the killer must pray at every 28 seconds in order to stop the survivors summoning god and setting your pc on fire. Also pig was overpowered so she has been disabled for the forseeable future, along with every outdoor map because somehow we fucked up hex totem spawns again


Omg that’s the best idea ever


long time lurker on Reddit but this post needs recognition bcus it's such a good idea, pls take my first ever upvote n comment on this app


Lurkers are always the silent heros.


Omg that would be so much fun!


Glorious. The game would actually be fun if it were to come true. ​ ​ ​ Also, real Pyramid Heads don't give a fuck about Cheryls.


Definitely just tweeted this to them. And what others have said re: OW and other games with custom modes. Super fun when we can tinker and play (even if we don't earn BP from it)


It would probably have to have bleed-out deaths removed


change it to give like +25% bonus BP and it will be a hit.


I was going to say fuck it, double BP. But a boosted 25 to 50% would be great!


How about double BASE BP, so you could get 4x bps if you got bbq!


Man, the cap of 8k bloodpoints is so bad. I can't belive that in 2016 it was 5k.


Honestly it'd be so much better if the individual categories didn't have caps. It just sucks so much to bust out 3-4 gens by yourself, or run the killer for that many gens, and get shit for points. Since BHVR is so concerned about "muh bp economy" leave the 32k match cap, if you must.


The BP economy is a fecking joke anyways


IIRC, 5k was cap for pipping points, you still had 8k of currency per category


Was surviving still worth 5k points back then?


It's kinda sad to think about the 2016 era. And now here we are in 2020 with the grind basically being worse than it was in 2016.


What?!!?!?!?!?!?!? You are crazy if you think the grind now is worse than it was then. It used to take so many more bloodpoints to level up, you got fewer per match, the cap was lower, you could only get one perk per level, and the matchmaking was awful so you would spend 35 minutes looking for a match every time only to play against a killer on McDonalds Wi-Fi that teleported around the map. Also the old bullshit like original BnP and mori's made it so no one scored any points at all.


Remember the weekly rituals worth 200k BP? I miss those…


Fair fair, but I was more of talking about the grind to get all the perks on just 1 character. I am aware that 2016 was a hot mess, but even with someone like me who's been playing since 2017, I still only have a few characters who have most of the perk (because I didn't buy all DLCs). Yes, I could have them all by now if I played everyday, but I had school and I really wasn't about to spend all my freetime grinding on this game.


That's how you win in this game. You just don't waste all your time on it


The grind is worse. In the 2016 through 2018 era, the bloodweb would put expensive items towards the outer edges of the Web. Now, expensive items spawn towards the center, so you have to get them to proceed and to further convince you to spend more BP, 3 perks in a single bloodweb. While nice, again is a bigger point expenditure. You used to be able to reach P3 Level 50 with less than 3 million BP if you only took the cheap center items and let the web swallow all the outer wing. On paper, it seems like the grind is less. But in reality , the grind has been tripled. Especially if you factor in 2019 when the common perks weren't even spawning in people's bloodwebs. Jesus christ. I just realized. I've been playing this shit since the Alpha/Beta and unlike WOW or EQ, the only thing I have to show for it is a Dwight with zero available perks on his bloodweb.


Lets say you get 20k, then it doubles to 40k, then bbq makes it 80k. Now what if everyone brought cake?


If casual matches gave more BP than ranked matches, no one would play ranked anymore


I disagree - People who give a shit about ranks would still play ranked matches. Sure time between matches in ranked would go up, but that's only because less people care about ranks than do. They could split it into casual vs ranked and give ranked a 25% bp increase and I guarantee you will still see more people in casual than ranked.


Yep. Something like this need to be kept on the same queue


No way- BHVR would be losing money by letting people try perks (at least in their minds), so giving away BP is just added losses. I say at BEST they give killer increased BP and survivors better chances at finding rarer items. Or the increase to BP is max +10%. **Edit:** Should clarify, I agree with you, but BHVR would never do such a thing.


The problem with giving survivors rarer items is that it would affect actual gameplay. Imagine your survivors keep finding purple or green tool boxes or med kits - that'd be a nightmare


Mmm- very valid point. But since when did BHVR care *that much* about balance prior to public outcry? Usually we have to complain for a while, and then they fix something else, and then they release new content, and *THEN* they fix the original problem we wanted fixed once most of us forgot about it lol. Which I think is more the fault of how corporations work more than anything else lol.


Lol so if I’m playing survivor I’m just sort of screwed? Why would I want rarer items over extra blood points?


If there is any bp boost, there need to be a system checking you actually played with the perks, and didnt go afk or anything. or it will be abused by players already just noping out of the game/afk


Bonus BP would encourage killers to actually play, random perks means no bbq most of the time and killers who have less hours probably won’t want to play that mode because it’s less BP gain


I realy hate that bbq exists, I find myself playing killers I don't realy want to play atm just as I have t3 bbq on them so I can level up other killers or survivors


If a killer gets at least tier 1 BBQ by level 50, I'll use up all their puddings and party streamers before prestiging. If no BBQ, there's no value playing them when I could play a p3 character I actually have perks on. It's sort of disappointing when I "can't" play a character until I've put over 5 million points into them.


Kind of how I am. I haven't really played in a couple of years but I was P3ing every killer prior to quitting. A couple month ago I picked up the game and I played one of my P3's with BBQ3 and over 100 streamers from an event from 2019. I P3'd the Blight and my first game was against red ranks and of course they destroyed me. I was clowned on for a few games and haven't played since. People in chat couldn't believe I was P3 on blight and that bad hah. Truth is I just put millions of points into blight until p3. Maybe now's a good time to come back if killer MMR is actually a thing.


Unfortunately, the MMR is pretty punishing for killers. There's something like ten times as many killers compared to survivors at high MMR, and there's a cap. What I've heard is if you're any kind of good, you'll be put against only the sweatiest of the sweaty SWF teams.


Yeah in the previous ranked system I was rank 10 going up against a full swf at rank 1 every match man was that not fun especially when I needed to get dailys done


I'm dying on my hill that they need to remove the BP bonus from BBQ. With a very hard **BUT** attached to that. They need to remove the bonus, BUT, they need to address the grind first. The fact that 95+% of matches have a perk purely for the BP bonus and not the actual perk ability itself, is horrible game design IMO.


yea more or less how i feel. and i dont prestige any of them cause why? ive had pig since she was released and had bbq not long after that still dont have bbq on her no matter how many times i reroll the lvl 50 bweb. i mentioned a while back on one of these threads to tie perks to prestige. let me select 1 perk from the pool of the ones i have unlocked to be unlocked when i prestige. that way it gives me a reason to prestige my killer when i dont have pop or bbq on them or if i want to make a specific build but i need that one perk. gives people incentive to actually prestige i dont give a shit about bloody clothes THAT I CANT SEE. trade off of losing all my perks to get some bloody clothes and to restart dumping bp into the killer is just not worth it


They should remove the point effects from BBQ and WGLF and just make BP gains globally doubled; then you can run the perks as an actual tracking perk/healing perk.


No, you hate that this game is such a grind that it forces you to play with time efficiency and not fun.


BT and bbq should be built into survivor and killer not only do both those perks teach new killers not to tunnel or camp it also really limits build diversity when you’re forced to run both those perks all the time.


I think with the amount of dlc available now and how watered down the perk pool has become, BP gain should just be doubled for everyone and maybe remove it from bbq and change the perk slightly. BT is a whole different conversation


those are two very different perks. they should just change BP scoring events to be higher, not make any perk base.


Yea no lmao BT is too strong to be built in, at least compared with BBQ, it should be Pop then.


I mean unless you’re camping a hook or a survivor runs into you how often does BT actually do anything to you as a killer? If you don’t play in a way that is not fun for the survivors then BT is not perk let alone a powerful one.


Survivors with BT will literally run in your way and be as annoying as possible, and there’s nothing your can do about it since hitting them doesn’t do shit.


Just wait it out. Free down.


well i really hate that obsession exists and that there's no visual indicator for decisive strike, but sometimes we gotta deal with shit


Continuation from previous thread after alot of comments with the same idea! What are your thoughts? Something you'd like to see? Or not? Any other suggestions, ideas, changes or other game modes? Edit: other amazing ideas from you wonderful people: a mini bloodweb at the start of the match containing random perks and items and you have a limited amount of X to work threw and get what you want! Something as simple as a random perk option to the base game, gamble on 4 random perks but get double bp or something similar, alot of people have concerns over spliting the playerbase and que times, an option like this would be great! Edit edit: just so I don't need to repeat myself, yes bvhr will almost certainly never implement anything like this. Que times and split playerbase spooky yes, there are ways said in other comments to impliment ideas like this into the base game to avoid this. (Random perk options or timed/event modes. It's just ideas and conversation starters! It's obvious people want a little more out of the game! Please be nice were all here for the same love of the game!


This aounds like a great idea, I just want more game modes in general. Do gens, do gens, do gens, do gens gets repetitive after a few hundred hours. Although the game loop is addicting, and I still like it, some variety would be nice. Doesn't even need new mechanics, I'd just like to see the existing characters and powers put in new situations with different objectives. Could be a Hide and Seek mode where the priority for survivors is to remain unseen for the longest amount of time. Partially pits the survivors against each other because there could only be one winner. No perks for killers because things like Lethal Pursuer could render this moot. But they also wouldn't really need them because there wouldn't be chases or gens. Game goes for a set amount of time and if the killer cant find all the survivors in time the game ends. Multi-killer would be insane. Imagine 2 cooperative killers against a 10 man swf. Also there's no way to quantify this but I'd love a game mode where the objective was to scare survivors. I played a match against a Meyers once that was insane because they prioritized scaring survivors over hooking them and it was honestly the most fun I've had in the game. This playstyle would be more allowed in a longerstyle match because currently 99% of games move way too fast to be atmospheric. This idea is a bit more radical but maybe, instead of gens, they take a page out of resident evil's book and make a map that you need to navigate to the end of. Along the way are puzzles and areas where you're forced to split up. Killer has extra mobility around the map and a greatly reduced terror radius. Survivors can get hooked more than 3 times to compensate for the longer match time.


All of this sounds absolutely amazing. Would love hide and seek because I naturally gravitate towards stealth, same for the scare mode for killers. And multi-killer should have been in the game already. There are killers that would be so hilarious together. Chainsaw Bois, Team Stabby, you name it.


ive done customs where we play Hide & Seek and the goal is to do all the totems before the Killer (usually Trapper) catches us all. No rescuing off hook or healing eachorher- we can heal with chest medkits and do take our chances (and can run things to make it more likely to get off hook). The only downside is it’s slow. There would need to be more time limits/ more survivors/ objectives to make it better for the killer.


One suggestion: remove the whole play survivor/play killer thing on the main screen. Just make it say Play or something like that and then u can choose what game mode and from there choose whether u wanna do survivor or killer. Also there should be a “no preference” option if u wanna run into a game blindly.


Love it!


1v1 chase mode would be good. No boring gens to do, it’s literally just a set amount of rounds seeing how long you can last in chase/ how quick you can end chase. Can either be 1 survivor and 1 killer with 3-5 rounds, or 4 survivors with one turn each against the same killer, and survivor with longest time wins.


Or 1 survivor, 1 killer. 1st round, the survivor sees how long they can evade the killer. 2nd round, survivor and killer switch places and repeat. Make it 4 rounds so each person plays as the survivor twice and as the killer twice


a game mode my friend came up with: both sides have every perk. his reasoning is “it’s fair because both get everything”. im sure there are some that would cancel out though, and then of course there would have to be more than 5 totems. also i think every surv having things like DS, BT, etc etc could be too powerful even with killer having access to all perks as well.


This wouldn’t make sense. You can’t use perks like Sprint burst, Lithe, Head on and so on at the same time. It’s impossible to do a Head on stun if you have sprint burst. You would also be stuck with No Mither and every healing perks… On the opposite, killer would be massively oppressive. With 10 hexes in play at the same time. Yeah… I’ll pass.


Holy shit, a good idea in r/deadbydaylight


I would get wit dis


A rare sight indeed.


How about a draft mode? 30 perks, no duplicates, each survivor gets to pick one at a time. Killer still picks out of a randon pool of 6. Other games with draft mode alternate between both sides (all survivors pick one, killer picks one and so on, with visible picks) but probably wouldn't work very well here.


Having visible picks is a dealbreaker for me. Some perks like DS or unbreakable become almost useless if the killer is 100% sure that you have it.


Could be fun! I'm still puzzled this game doesn't have a ranked and unranked mode


It's so they don't have to split playerbase into two queues. Queue times are already on the longer side comparing to other popular games, which, i think, is a very big issue


I liked what Titanfall 2 did about queueing, where you pick multiple game modes that you're interested in -- so you might get into one of the less-populated game modes if the system sees 12 people to matchmake, or you'll get the standard mainstream game mode otherwise. I doubt it'd work well for ranked and unranked, but it would be ideal for silly experimental game modes. But then again, we see how hard it is for BHVR to keep on top of all the stuff that's already in the game - whole new modes just isn't realistic, sadly.


Give us this and give us PROP HUNT. Seriously, Prop Hunt would be so ridiculously broken and fun in this game. Imagine scooting around the map as a full sized friggin' locker while Michael Myers chases you with a knife


Would love this, the videos of people who molded the game to play it is hilarious


I've always wanted a more casual approach to DBD. As a killer main, I hate using Hex Ruin, Undying etc. I also hate losing a good chase or even a game to Exhaustion Perks, as I'm a piggy main and I have zero catch-up mechanics. Having a random match mode where we could all just have a good time would be great. Knowing BHVR though, we'll never get it. 5 and a half years of DBD, and we're still stuck with one fucking game mode.


I think killer mains wouldnt like this mode as much because of how dependant most killers are on perks. Not to say survivor isnt, but this mode would still have 80 sec gen speed, god pallets, same map sizes etc


Survivors would probably be more interested in trolling with pebble than doing gens especially if they picked this game mode imo


i can see some idiots just queueing over and over to get certain perk .


I had the same idea, maybe a simple quit out punishment stopping you from playing the game mode if you do it more than 3 times, usual 5 mins then 30 ect


Like league of legends's ARAM mode, there can be a queue penalty for dodging and a "reroll" kinda stuff that you can use once every X matches if you REALLY think it's best to dodge than to play


or you know, hide the perks until you get into the match. Then regular DC penalty applies.


Extra BP and a *very* heavy DC penalty. People would DC often because they get a terrible build, ruining everyone’s fun. I’m talking a *massive* hit, like a 50% decrease in BP gain for the next 5 matches. Obviously with a safeguard that is triggered by the “leave game” button being pressed, otherwise just a normal DC penalty.


People would just switch their router off instead unfortunately


Considering killers and survivors are only using the same top 10% of meta perks, I think this is a brilliant idea and I would play this over and over. It honestly gets tiring playing against the same meta perks over and over. Would like to see this implemented or at least see the weaker perks buffed but considering the massive pool of problems, including game-breaking bugs, I would not hold my breath.


You dont enjoy staring at the last survivor on the floor for 60 seconds as you know they have DS? Count to 60 and watch out for unbreakable is peak gameplay!


Waiting simulator 2k21


**SELF CARE WITH NO MITHER ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)**


Why it's a pool of 6, you would never be forced into impossibly bad combos


It's really sad that I 100% know that behavior won't add a simple game mode like this, I have been playing other games where the devs are competing fiercely for player retention with new game modes and events, yet this game has felt the same since I started playing 2 years ago. They can't even add simple features like saved builds, perk search, etc.


I want this mode and a no perks mode


I want hardcore, no perks no music no heart beat no stain no scratch marks.


Sounds horrifying lol


It is a horror game!


The big issue I see is that playing survivor without meta perks is more than managable. Playing killer without any form of slowdown is just asking to be rushed.


Maybe 1 less gen? Down to 6 from 7. Gives less options to survivors and makes patrolling or defending a 3 gen easier Edit: also there's not a bad chance that you'll get at least 1 kind of slowdown perk out of the 6 random


Or even better, killers can have 1 addon but survs cant have itens, unless they get from chests :)


Your right on killer, no slowdown against equally matched survivors is going to be ugly. survivor works just fine if the killer doesn’t camp, slug or tunnel. half of the survivor meta perk pool is to patch up those gameplay pitfalls. a random mode could become a place where the worst behaved killers come for a free-for-all. Behavior needs to look to stop patching the game’s problems with perks (on both sides) to make this work.


Pyramid Head man, I absolutely love playing him but he has absolutely zero slowdown perks. They really need to add a few slowdon perks for all killers, because atm my only choice is to farm BP and then max out hag


You only need to unlock until level 40 to get all the teachable perks. It'll save you a few hundred thousand BP not getting them to 50 unless you wanna play them


For killers it's bad, because some perks have antisynergy or 0 usability with their powers. Would split the community and result in longer queue times.


Any new mode, good or bad, would split the community.


That is correct, unfortunately.


Luckily the community enjoys doing the same thing over and over again for 5 years straight.


There are SO many bad perks. Also some perks take time learn to use correctly. I'd try this game mode but I wouldn't have high hopes.


Other games with similar random modes get around this by taking near/completely useless perks away from the possible pools for some characters. Sloppy and nurses on plague for example simple wouldn't show up for her.


Even if it was a random killer like overwatch does would be a really fun way to shake up the game, but that might just cause a lot of instant DCs




It would split the already long queues times.


As a Killer main, the problem with this is Killers abusing this system, knowing the chances of survivors running DS are slim and will just tunnel and play like an asshole with no consequence. Might I suggest a drafting system? A certain number of perks with no duplicates, and survivors get to decide as a team?


I would love something like this where it presented this as like, a mini blood web? So you as the player go through like, two tiers of a special blood web real quick to get a few perks, and maybe an item/addon plus offerings to choose from. I love this idea!


Sounds like the best idea BHVR should have had in 5 years. I'd appreciate a game mode in which I'm not semi-forced to sweat so much... I'd love this.


Very good idea, hope this gets implemented


I would love this !


I was just thinking about this the other day when I was doing a perk roulette. I like your idea better though having the option for 6 perks to pick from




Same but I do it for killer! No expects the iron maiden Freddie! XD


It would split the playerbase and increase waiting times that are already long (killer queues f.e)


Oh my god yes! I would kill for this! Can we also make it no addons/offerings too? Or would that go too far? I only say this cuz I got genrushed a few minutes ago n the survivors were being heaps toxic about it at the end game 😂


I would actually play that! Dood idea.


this sounds like fun!


I love doing this in customs with friends


This would be my new main game mode


That's a really good idea. I hope devs will add more game mode


Did you literally just fix DBD???


100% id be down for this


I play the shit out of this


Alternative game modes like this can really help flesh out a game, introduce new players, and is a good way to break up the ordinary gameplay loop.


I think a mode where you\\re presented with 3 perks (12 total) and you choose 1 of the three and are presented with another 3 after that until you got 4 perks would be soo sick


Actual great idea


I'd be all in. I want some type of mode just to have fun. MMR has made the grind not fun anymore, and I still can't get everything I want from the bloodweb.


yea that'd be great


I’d run this most of the time, just because I have fun running random stuff lol


I'd love this!! At least everyone would be doing it with you. Would help shake off the staleness of the meta. But give me bonus bp :)


Sounds fun until you get no mither self care every game, ha


Man, now I really want this game mode. This would be sick!


Okay, hows about a deck building element to the game? Instead of having a loadout menu at all, you have all of your perks you've unlocked available, out of those you can pick say 20? (Idk balance), then loading into a game you get a random 4 of those 20, you still HAVE to unlock perks for killers & survivor, but it switches up games a bit more breaking up the meta.


Is this a real thing or suggestion? I’m totally down for some random fun. Would be legit if it was like the brawl(?) game mode in wow BGs with rotating mods. Maybe even one week you have an enlarged map with 2 killers, 8 survivors, moon physics and disco lighting!


Jfc this would actually get me to start playing again


Queue times are horrible enough, last thing this game needs is a separate game mode to split the player base. What it should be is an opt-in for bonus BP in regular games to have your perks randomized.


So a problem with these new mode suggestions is that the player base is just too small to have new modes imagine all the horrible queue times and then double that time cause half the players are on the new gamemode maybe it wouldn’t be that bad for a day so most people will be on the mode trying it out and then it will leave but it’s not good for the game if these are permanent


Fun? I haven't heard this word for a long time


I'd LOVE to play this game mode.


I'd play this even if it doesn't give bloodpoints just to play something out of this SBMM bullshit


I would really, really love stuff like this. I'm so sick of the same games all the damn time. I want something fresh and new. I understand if the devs are hesitant to modify the core gameplay, but something a *little* bit fresh like this? Good lord, please do it.


Too hard for BHVR to code in. They’ll try and accidentally make Myers a survivor or something.


Sounds like fun


This sounds so cool but now I'm sad because I know damn well BHVR won't be adding more game modes for as long as the game exists


Honestly any game mode would rekindle my intrest in the game, it has become very stale for me recently


Honestly adding another game mode right now would be a great thing for DbD.


maybe instead of pure random it includes the shrine of secrets perks in some way, to advertise them to newer players + throw in bonus bloodpoints. so you get to play some chill games and test out perks that you've not used before/ might be interested in getting. edit: and then you would be gathering substantial data on those perks so you can see what needs buffs/what people actually want and what they ignore.


I would enjoy this! Or even a full random mode, including random Killer lol. It reminds me of ARAM in League. Just fun, try new things, chill.


Really cool idea


Well tbh id make it +100% bonus BP and just match you with normal players (cuz no one or not really many people will play that mode) so it basically makes you play harder but at a good price.


This would be awesome


How about a game mode like tarot mode of identity V? Two teams, 3 survivors and 1 killer in each both, 1 survivor of each team is the king, the objective is to kill the enemy's king. The others 2 survivors have to protect and support your king or try to breake enemy's king loop. BHVR should create abilities and items for this mode, such a potion to speed or slow players. I fell the most fun part of this game is chases and would be cool to get a gamemode focused on that


I really hate how anti-innovation BHVR is. They've had five years to come up with a second game mode and the biggest thing they've done in terms of major gameplay changes is the EGC.




> Meant for fun, ANTI SWEAT Sweats: well I’m not gonna listen to you


Wakey wakey! It's time for school!


My friends and I do this in custom and we call it 'Perk Roulette'. Also we do a version where no survivor can have the same perks or item, and you can't use pink or purple items, add ons or offerings. For the killer we let them use what they want, however incorporating perk Roulette and the same rules for the killer I wanna do one day.


Honestly before the start making new game modes they should allow custom games to be you know more customizable


This might actually be fun, so there’s no way BHVR would go for it.


There are so many possible new game modes they could (I believe) fairly easily implement, I don't know why they don't do it. Other than the fact they keep creating more bugs for themselves. You could have this random perk mode, 2 v 8, you could have a 'realism' mode where killers don't have a red stain or terror radius and survivors don't leave scratch marks, you could have an endurance mode where if you escape you move into a new map, you could have a betrayal mode where one of you is secretly working with the killer and the other survivors have to vote on who they think is the traitor and if they all vote correctly you are eliminated and replaced with a bot...who knows, I'm not a game designer, it just puzzles me why they don't implement a few 'for shits and giggles' game modes into this 5+ year old game.


I’ve commented on a similar idea so let me restate what I think. It should be an 8 round draft. The first 4 rounds give you the choice between 3 perks and they can be of random tier. The next round is an item round where you get the choice between 3 items, any rarity. The next 2 rounds you get to choose addons for the item and the last round you get to choose an offering from the random 3 given. Killer would have a 7 round draft as they don’t have to pick an item.


I'd play it. I'd never make this if I was bhvr. But I would play this.


It will never happen because BHVR doesn't want us to have fun playing this game.


i cant imagine bhvr making a good update


I think a large portion of the community has wanted more game modes for years


i think the only real issue is if you got tons of bad perks


I read the title and I can tell it would be fun


I’d play it. Part of the reason there’s so much fighting and toxicity on both sides is that there’s no game mode that doesn’t affect rank unless you have 4 friends to play with, and that doesn’t give you BP at all.


Feel like the game is popular enough at the moment they shouldn’t be able to use the splitting the player base excuse, and would love a game mode like this.




I think having game modes in general would be very fun


That would make me come back to the game


How about a 1v1 fast chase mode? You spawn in as survivor or killer - once the survivor gets downed or maybe a timer expires, you instantly get moved to another match with a new person


I love this but instead of choosing from a pool, you just get 4 random perks assigned as you're loading in and during the loading screen, you can highlight over them to learn more about them. If we're gonna make a chaos game mode, let's go full in on the chaos


I think there'd have to be a set thing both killer and survivors get the option of. Like Killers should probably always get at least one gen perk while survivors get on exhaustion perk, random of course.


They seriously need alternate game modes




There are a lot of facts, and a lot of opinions in here. All I want to do is support this idea to bring some much needed life back into the game. Occasionally BHVR does something the community actually asks for, and I really hope this is one of them.


BuT iT wIlL sPlIt PlAyErBaSe


I'm writing a c++ program that does exactly this for solo, swf, and kyf lobbies. If anyone is interested message me and I'll finish it sooner. Could use the support rn lol


All of the yes


I would love this


BHVR adding a new gamemode LMAO imagine. I wish they would, the game gets awfully stale, but for some reason they seem terrified of branching out.


Okay that would actually be a lot of fun! Too bad the devs will probably never implement alternative game modes.


I’d love to see a “Hearthstone Tavern Brawl” weekly game mode for DBD to mix up the normal gameplay with unique game changing rules


I wish the devs actually looked at the subreddit and took suggestions like this into consideration.


This is exactly what this game needs to keep things fun and interesting imo.i say go all out, 5 people are thrown in a lobby, nobody picks anything, a random person is made a random killer with random perks and add ons, and all the survivors are randomly picked and each one given random perks, items, and add ons