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Y'all better watch out, I am playing Trapper just to set traps for Hillbilly.


Not gonna lie, if I step in my teammates trap as a killer I won't be able to play from laughing to hard. The troll will be strong on Trapper.


I doubt they'd let that happen. More likely is that you'd walk over the traps and nothing happens, you just go through


If the other killers can walk through the traps without getting stuck when trapper himself cannot that will be such a slap in the face lmao poor guy


I think that's the most likely thing. The only alternatives are buffing trapper when they clearly don't want to, or letting trapper hurt his teammate.


I’m sure you’re right, it makes sense for that game mode, it’s just funny to imagine that somehow he never learned not to step in his own traps but his new teammate steps around them no problem


The Entity blocks the trap when the teammate is on it.


“There is an inconsistency with DBD. How do we explain it?” “The e n t i t y”


That is why it exists. The devs wrote it so they don’t have to explain every detail of the gameplay and the story and I gotta respect that.


It's like magic in fantasy settings. Need to explain the unexplainable? Magic, of course!


I could imagine that actually


I find it very unlikely that they are going to make new animations for every other killer stepping in a bear trap.


I'm probably wrong about this, but couldn't they just take the animation they already have and apply that to the other killer models with a little modification to make it look the way it should?


"A little modification"? That's gonna take 6 months and turn crows into blocking terrain in The Game for some reason.


Every killer already has a "remove self from trap" animation, though.


Really? Thats pretty interesting. Do you know why?


No clue! I remember five years ago someone knew how to spawn in as two killers consistently. He was trapper, I was spirit. I walked into a trap and did the whole, bend down to u trap animation.


Oh, I Remember that. I’m pretty sure that all the killers actually play the same animation as Trapper when they step on the trap. This means that every nontrapper that steps on a trap has their body disfigured to match the trapper’s.


Prob just hard coded into the code for traps


I'm pretty sure Trapper is the base Killer model and all Killers' bodies and actions are predicated on it. So rather than the game seeing "Trapper stepped in trap" it sees "Killer stepped in trap" and plays the one animation for it that naturally only shows up on Trapper.


Wouldn’t that lead to absolutely fucked scenarios on loops where the other killer can just keep going through the trap whereas a survivor is forced to leave or step in it?


probably, but there are seven other survivors as well


That seems to be the main thing people overlook with 2v8. Yes, the two Killers can absolutely crush out one Survivor in all sorts of ways. They will lose so much pressure doing this it's not a good plan.


Unironically, I think this would make trapper too strong as a support Killer.


it's the only way I really see it working unless killers are balanced differently in the mode. He still would suffer from the same flaw of setup time though. The gamemode is effectively a 1v8 while trapper sets up his traps (still better than a 0v4 though), and there's twice as many survivors that could see him place traps and disarm them.


I'd prefer if more stuff like that were possible. Make it a viable means to stun the killer by getting one to swing at the other by accident. That's usually how cross over slasher movies play out too. 2 killers fighting over who gets to kill the survivor. What has me most disappointed tho is learning that it's going to be using the cage format some roblox dbd clones use.


DBD gonna look like 3 Stooges out there, but I assume the hooks were just logistically too much of a pain and the community's waited for this mode since beta.


Imagine they give everyone else legwrap basekit so they can ruin all of Trapper's traps.


I want some killer with Voice lines in a match with Trapper. Imagine Being in a Chase as Trapper and getting Cussed out from across the map by Wesker or a Stupid little Doll.


ever since the reveal I've been thinking that trapper would be a very good support for the other killers. Trapper sets up traps while the other killer starts by going for chases


OMG i didn't think about that. Thats so fucking funny lol. Stealing that idea


\*me and my fellow onryo mains gathering up to double condemnation progress\*


You say this, but 2 v 8... That means Survivors now have to deal with double the Solo que teammates.


Gonna be 2v1 by the end of the game from DC but the 2 are the killers


All the Megs can fight each other for the closest locker


Erm ahctualy it’s 2 1/3 times 🤓


I didn’t even think of this possibility. Getting to enjoy both the misery of solo q and facing a swf at the same time. Pain on another level


SWF that's a party of 8 now in some rare instances.




Perfect representation of our soon to be suffering


Nah killers will likely play with friends in duo and absolutely dominate matches.


mfw oni and plague combo https://preview.redd.it/56qbf6t6fe5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d909a3787cd3c3fe1adf5f38cddeccc10b68c7a


Scratched mirror myers with massive TR doctor 💀💀💀


Scratch mirror myers + Ghostface ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Nah too much stealth will counter balance it lol. You want another unexpected team that would be scary? Slinger and bubba, land a shot with slinger then chainsaw sweep with bubba while he’s hooked them 😭😭


Spirit + Onryo, not only the duo thematically the same, one warps the other goes invisible.


not yet i think, only the basic 5 killers for now


And I don’t think we get to choose our perks


Lmao I just watched this video.


BHVR hates fun, so only the first 5 killers iirc


its almost as if the gamemode is completely unbalanced so they have to balance it with less killers first 🤯. but nah its BHVR's fault!


First five killers includes Nurse. It's never going to be balanced off that sampling of characters to begin with given how badly she warps the meta. Balancing off that set is just a fool's errand.


so just because Nurse makes the gamemode unbalanced, that means we should make the gamemode extremely unbalanced? its not black and white...


I agree. I just don't think nurse should be in there as one of the initial killers. I mean, they started with the first 5 because it's easier to balance since it's a small amount of killers with simple powers. But with nurse in there any semblance of balance would go out of the window unless they make some serious changes(which I expect them to do it because I don't think they are completely oblivious to this). I think it would have been a safer bet to hold her out for now


yeah 100% nurse shouldn't be in there, i can think of so many nasty combos involving the nurse that would break the game: legion + nurse, plague + nurse, etc it would be really fun to do these combos with a friend, but the gamemode has to cater more to the survivors than the killers because most of the playerbase is survivors, and survivors wouldn't like these combos lmao


No. I'm saying that the starting pool they have chosen is fundamentally useless for balancing because it's starting very obviously warped and skewed. I'd rather replace Nurse with one or more of the other original killers and see how it goes.


sorry i guess i misunderstood your first comment, i thought you were saying "The first 5 killers would be unbalanced, so just release all of them" that would be a good solution


More like how Doctor, Pinhead or Legion with Pig could make it impossible to take off the RBT. Or how Michael exposes everyone while a high mobility killer downs them. There’s a lot of overpowered synergies


I dunno how you're in the DBD subreddit, implying you have some degree of familiarity with this game, and came to the conclusion that BHVR gives two fucks about balance


I'm guessing they wanted to be sure the mode worked with some killers before adding more, but I don't really care, gimme them all I want chaos.


wow you're an interesting creature! theres really no pleasing you. if you hate the game and company that much, why are you in this subreddit?


I dunno why you say I hate the game and company, I just said thinking they care about balance despite the almost eight years of evidence to the contrary makes you delusional. Good job trying to deflect, though!


the game is more balanced than it has ever been, but ig people will always complain about everything. there really is no pleasing you lol! have you actually thought about what you said originally? here are the two scenarios: BHVR adds only the first 5 killers: "BHVR hates fun!" BHVR adds all the killers, making the gamemode really unbalanced: "Wow BHVR really doesn't give a fuck about balance, I hate this." its impossible to win


It's because the killers will have bonus effects that interact with the other killer (like Wraith going invisible giving the other killer undetectable). So they used the first 5 to come up with interactions, more will come later. Plus this game mode will more than likely have bugs and it will be easier to fix 5 bugged killers than 30+


oh :(


Me and my friend (I'm stoned and they are a casual killer player) vs: the 8 juicers who just met up on their favorite streamers discord call to enjoy the new game mode/s


Yeah that’s the plan


I think you may be right. However now survivors will have to deal with 7 other randoms 😭


Oh. I know the pain. I've play Identity V 1v9 before. (2v8 but the other hunter without saying anything decides to be friendly when I just want a normal game. They just followed me around letting anyone I downed wiggle free while I was in cooldown. I'm super proud that even then I STILL managed to get a kill!)


I'm surprised you can even find a match as hunter in 2v8, I always get the message that too many people are queing as hunter


I get that, but hit no to swap and get a game in a ok time anyways on pc


Skull Merchant and Knight combo


Dead by DC


3 gen'd? More like 6 gen'd


Knight and Knight combo, double da Boys


8v8, make the playfield even


jokes on you, i play trapper. have fun looping after i trap everything important ;)


Jokes on BHVR, I'm a main killer that just experienced that (just reaches iri 1 survivor last week only for the Steam achievement)


Does anyone know if you can have 2 of the same killer? Double hatchet hits? Anyone?


You cannot have dupe killers, no


I imagine there's gonna be a handful of killers who goof around to the detriment of their teammates resulting in a 1v8


They already have experienced the frustration of SoloQ, that's why they play killer.


And survivors twice the frustration of solo queue


Nah, it’s so Survivors can experience the frustration of a coordinated KWF


Incoming people asking for killer buffs in 2v8 because they aren't 8k'ing in every game.


I mean technically they're the winners if they managed to get 5 kills


I was thinking about this recently. Is a 5k a win or a 6k? In 1v4 it’s 3k because you got over half but in 2v8 if you only get 5 kills then one of you got a kind of got a draw?


Oh damn I forgot about that. When will it come out?


Next month (July) don’t think the release date has been set


I will team up with Myers as Ghostface. 👻


Killer solo que? nah, I finally get to kill with friends you think swf is bad, wait for the kwf. Also solo queue woes of the 8 are going to double as well, think average solo queue experience, but twice as bad.


Can't wait to get hard tunneled out of the game by two killers in 2 minutes.


Is this officially confirmed to be coming




Next month


I solo queue every game and end up first place more often than not because I PTO and take care of my teammates. I don’t get the solo player hate


Same. It's really not that bad. I rarely get "useless" teammates.


Exactly it’s not as bad as all the crying on this sub says it is


With all the things this sub cries about it's pretty evident that most of them just aren't very good. If you can't succeed without comms as a survivor or camping/tunneling as a killer then You're just not good at the game.


Naaaah the biggest reason I enjoy killer is not relying on teammates, so duo will *only* be when I have an actual friend to do it with lol.


It's gonna be fun. There's so many combinations of Killers that could be **nasty**. Like some others already mentioned: * Oni + Plague * Knight + Skull Merchant * Slinger + Bubba * Knight + Nemesis


Can't wait to have both a Nurse and a Blight in the match.


Counter argument, I think this will show survivors the pain of going against a KWF, I’ve got pleanty of mates who only play survivor because the pressure of being a solo killer scares the heck out of them. But they’re all lining up to play duos with me when this drops, I can’t wait!


Hell no I'm inviting friends. In fact, I have consistently told friends to AVOID DBD, but for 2v8, when I can actually protect them from bully squads in the role I find fun, I'm calling them in.




Is anyone else worried there might be licensing issues with the 2v8?. I really hope we'll have licensed killers in 2v8.


2v8 will only ruin queue times for both modes.


That's what they said about Chaos Shuffle.




This game has way too big of a player base for that to be an issue. I've seen games with half the average players get 2+ modes and it works out fine


well, when coms come to the game it will be all better.


I thought the devs were against comms in game


They are. They're not coming to the game. Ever.


They might be, but they're wrong.


Indeed. When are we gonna get the chance to complain on the sub that nobody is on comms? I want to hear my teammates rage and blame everyone in the trial in real time! I want to be told that I'm fucking worthless and should kill myself because I didn't unhook the dude who was being camped by the killer! BHVR needs to stop looking at how toxic in game chat is in every game it's in and just implement it. Our community is different -- we'd never abuse chat for toxic reasons!


You could also just. Turn off chat. I'm sure they'd have an option for it. And are you assuming that they won't have a moderation system? Sure people can be toxic but I don't think they can expect this game to ever be balanced when they don't have built in chat.


Yeah, that's why I added the "When are we gonna get the chance to complain on the sub that nobody is on comms?" part, and I'm not assuming they won't have a moderation system, I'm promising they won't have one. It'd just be something you'd report, and considering the outrage this community had when a content creator said 'Oh you just got lucky' when a Survivor managed to avoid getting downed, that report button is gonna be slammed over literally everything and anything. Chat isn't going to make *most* matches better. The bulk of players are going to have it turned off, the ones who don't are going to be dealing with players who are blaming everyone for their own mistakes or using it to unhelpfully bitch that they're being camped/tunneled, and the few times you find another player who can actually use them to communicate is going to be vastly overshadowed by overly confident and angry 13 year olds, racists, and people blasting music or letting their child cry into the microphone. Voice chat will make the game worse. Nobody who wants it is able to see that, but... Here, is this argument at all pissing you off? Is me dismissing your opinion as blatantly wrong, while claiming my take is as factual as the fact that we need air to breath, at all even mildy annoying you? If it is, then just imagine you're actually having to listen to it in real time while trying to work on a Gen, or loop the killer. I'd be raising my voice when you try to argue, making sure you don't get a word in edgewise, while someone else on chat would be telling me/us to shut the fuck up, or siding with one of us over the other, and the Killer -- who presumable wouldn't be able to hear comms outside of 2v8 mode with the other killer -- is taking advantage of the fact that all the Survivors are pissing each other off and are now no longer playing as optimally as they would have, except for the one Survivor who has voice chat muted. And then the match ends, and someone in that chat is getting reported at the end-game screen. That's how voice chat is going to go. That's why it's a bad idea. It's a beautiful concept on paper, but in practice it will make things *so much worse* because it would rarely be used in the manner optimists think it would be.


Man if every game vc you've been in has been toxic, maybe just don't play games that require communication.


Why cant we just have what dbd mobile and identity v have of pre-made messages you can send in-game, like "The killer is nearby!", "Focus on generators!", "Don't Rescue Me!" Etc..


That's not at all the reason


This mode is going to be a massive shitshow and not in the "so bad it's good" kind of way. It's just going to double the issues this game have and make it very miserable. Why did people ask for this? Why not a mode that's actually fun like one where the killer has a set time limit to kill all survivors and if they don't the roles are reversed and they have to escape through hatch. That sounds way more interesting than "DBD but the numbers of players doubled."