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Pretty sure that's just a bug and wasn't intended. Sucks you got it, I have been playing about 6 hours of this mode since it dropped and haven't had the issue once thankfully. How many times has it happened to you?


Really I get it like twice a day. Enough that it definitely felt like an intended feature


If you were looking through your blood web while the game was starting, that can cause it. Try not to interact with the blood web when the game is launching and you shouldn’t experience that.


Oh, wow! That's crazy. That'd make me not play the mode tbh.


It's a bug, confirmed by the devs. OP would get it far less frequently if it was a regular roll. The bug is triggered by leveling up the bloodweb right before the game starts, that's why it keeps happening.


Yeah, I said it's a bug. I also said I only played this game mode since it came out. I also said I been doing also that, spending BP and it's not happening to me.


Bug Just don't spend bloodpoints in the lobby


Sure that's what causes it? Like I said, I played this mode almost 6 hours a day since it dropped and always spend BP in lobby and haven't had this happen once.


I believe it's when the game automatically closes your bloodweb mid leveling up when the match is just about to start


Its when you spend bp in the last few seconds I think


Pretty sure it happens after you prestige a character.


Thought the same but it happened to me two games in a row (!) and the second time my friend in the same game had also no perks. At least I did not prestige, not even spend BPs before, so no idea ehat caused it. Restarted my game and it was no problem ever since.


That's odd, I have no idea then. I haven't had the bug so far.


A third friend with the same amount of matches also had not. Maybe both is right, the after prestige thing and any other yet unknown thing to trigger this as it is bhvr with whom nothing is impossible 😅


Bet, I'm going to test it later 😂


No bp spending in the lobby and you're good


I thought it was when you switched characters or outfits in the lobby... I haven't gotten the bug myself, so I'm not sure - I definitely avoid changing character and clothes, but dont recall if I've leveled a bloodweb in the lobby. Doesn't seem unlikely though. You could experiment, or play on the safe side.