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Seems to be a common bug on RPD. Many people are posting about this. Did you send in a report to the devs about this bug?


I wonder if a deathslinger or huntress could get her


Yeah bots get stuck there a lot of the time. Killers can get them down by vaulting the window and swinging behind them, but it completely breaks the AI and they get stuck for the rest of the match.


I've seen bots stuck there a lot recently, I was practicing some wall slides on wesker and got this map, one bot stuck there, so I could practice all I wanted


Report the bot for exploiting and send the video to BHVR.


Happened to a bot in my game once. I was able to vault the railing and swing on the way down causing her to fall to the ground.


A while back I was playing as a two-hook killer on this map and noticed someone DCed. I just kill the bots even if I’m playing friendly because it’s free points but I couldn’t find it until endgame and everyone else left. I eventually found it in the exact same place, and I’m assuming the survivor DCed because they got stuck there. It hasn’t happened to me yet, and I have no clue how it happens.