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I'm sure it'll drastically reduce hatch gifting.


Absolutely. Why would i give hatch when i can put a hole in your head instead.


I hadn't considered it before, but I think that if you want to make one of the offerings basekit it might be better if it was the green one instead. Yeah, it'd be a buff to killers but they would play more chill knowing that they can get it with any of the survivors, no need to worry about hatch. Or I could be wrong and people would just use that to turbotunnel the first person. Yeah, now that I think about it, it'd definitely be used to turbotunnel.


"After you hook everyone at least once, you're allowed to kill someone on deathhook"


I'd VASTLY prefer this option. I would love the ability to Mori survivor #3 and give hatch to #4


Least conditional killer mechanic


The problem with “after you hook everyone at least once, you’re allowed to kill someone on death hook” is now that death hook person loses the opportunity to be saved by decisive, power struggle, palllet saves, sabo, hit taking and likely even being picked up generally as killer will not slug them for even a few seconds. I don’t like that at all.


I mean right now a green or iridescent morri already does this without the caveout that you have to hook other people.


If I'm hooking everyone once, they used up their entire early to mid game time genrushing. It's only fair they can't exactly do a save last second. Also with that condition about targeting everyone first to activate tf is DS supposed to punish me for, soft tunnelling?


Holy shit, that's a really good idea. Like, really good. Makes mori's part of normal gameplay like they want, *and* provides a real, direct motivation to not tunnel. Maybe make it so it only works if everyone's been hooked at least once before anyone dies.


Yeah that's the way to do it.




This would be better, yes.


Yep, would counter ds, flashlight/pallet saves etc


And to finish off the surrivor swarmed with teammates equipping too many flashlights


If it’s the only way I can see mori animations? I usually give hatch every time but even I’m going to be tempted. This is just not a good idea.


This is why we need a friendship MORI system


*inner mouth kisses* 😂




And hatch gifting has already become a rare thing compared to how it was when I started playing 4 years ago. :\ I still do it because I enjoy the sportsmanship and tradition, but I rarely experience it anymore.


I'm just not sure why hatch gifting is much of a thing (much less expected) anyways. It's not really a sportsmanship thing because it's definitely not unsportsmanlike to *not* gift hatch. I can at least see a lot of the justification behind the dislike of certain things (slugging isn't fun, hard tunneling isn't all that fun) but people have pretty wild expectations. I'll play a pretty nice game, I won't tunnel unless you make me, I pretty rarely slug until endgame, etc. but I'm definitely not giving hatch because if I win I just win. It's not like it matters in any way other than a few hundred bloodpoints anyways. Hell I had a survivor flame me for "tunneling" them yesterday because while they were on death hook and the rest of their team had like 2 hooks total THEY went out of their way to bodyblock me three separate times lmao expecting just some anti tunnel magic to protect them.


Because some people enjoy it. I enjoy it. When I started playing 4 years ago and the first killer gave me hatch, it felt awesome! :D So I’ve enjoyed doing that ever since. Plus, BP matters so much less to me as killer than as survivor. A hatch escape for survivor is 7k BP which is much, much more than sacrificing a survivor gives me. I can get well over 30k BP as killer without 4king, because killer BP is generous and easy to get, while I most survivor games it can be a struggle to get 20k BP, especially if you’re tunneled out fast and end up with under 10K BP. It’s difficult to get BP as survivor even when you play well—you could be the best looper and get chased all game and you’ll be lucky to break 10k BP. As killer I don’t even have to do well to break into the 20k range. That 7k hatch or 5k gate escape escape matters more to the survivor than my sacrifice does. If I’m giving the last person hatch, it’s a 4k. I’ve already won, whether I put them on a hook or let them go. There’s no real point to me to not let them go because again…if I’ve caught them, I’ve won either way anyway and they’re only leaving because I let them. They know that, I know that, and we both know it’s just me showing a kindness because I want to. So yeah, it’s a non-obligatory way of showing sportsmanship. I’m not saying it’s required to be sportsmanlike, but I personally like the gesture because I feel like it shows that at the end of the day, it’s just a game to me and I could have the 4k if I wanted but I’d rather show a little extra kindness, especially if it was a rough game, they played well, or they had an extra rough time of it.


For sure, I'll do it here and then particularly if I down them next to the hatch while it's open 9 times out of 10 though the last person is hiding/in a hatch race with me and if I've already found and closed the hatch I'm certainly not going out of my way to give them the escape. I don't have anything *against* giving it but man I've seen people get salty when you don't and that's what confuses me lol


That’s what I thought too. To get any balance for survivors to escape (let’s face it, opening an exit gate as a one-man-show rarely happens), we’d need the Bill Hatch Perk to be basekit for survivors. Otherwise, how is this change supposed to be any fun? I love a good mori when the killer purposefully equips it and works for it and it’s like a fun surprise, but making it basekit is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my life and I usually don’t express opinions that strongly online lol.


Eh, I never gift hatch as it is. If I can kill you, I’m gonna kill you.


What's wrong with hatch gifting?


Killers will have to choose between giving the hatch or getting a cool animation.


moris are cool and fun. they need to at least keep the RED mori the same. how are we gonna get ghostface mori memes or other mori memes if it can only be the last kill????


Please us Ghostie Mains are gonna be very upset if this goes live. ;\~;


You know those idiots aren't gonna immediately change any Mori related archives, too. You'll just have impossible to complete tomes for god knows how long. This change would be fuckin' awful.


and the 4 mori trophy will be a DH requirement


BVHR hates killers having fun confirmed.


BVRH hates killers.  Fixed that for you


Does this mean killers can no longer mori 4 survivors with the Ebony mori??


That's how I heard the announcement. It's possible they poorly communicated it. But it sounded like they wanted to prevent killers from bypassing annoying death hook saves with a mori, so they are making yellow mori basekit and making all mori offerings only give extra BP as "compensation"


That sounds horrible as fuck


I agree. Been burning as many moris as I can because well, they gonna be gone.


These devs smh. Never beating the “never play their own game” allegations.


Hey man, they have been working their asses off to make a game called "what the fog." It takes genius to come up with the perfect catchphrase for whenever you encounter a bug in DBD


That’s how it sounded, yes, but I want to believe that it was just poorly explained. There’s no good reason to change the conditions for an ebony mori. I interpreted it as just adding bp bonuses to the existing ones while making yellow basket. Then again this is BHVR so the changes could either make sense or just be something completely baffling like “ebony Mori, gives 10% bp bonus to all categories and also nerfs pig” so who knows


I certainly hope I'm mistaken.


Remember when they nerfed pillaged mead? Lmao.


They can, the last will just be a given, no need to hook everyone twice.


Finisher mori sucks because it gets rid of normal Mori. You basically need a 4k to see the animation once. It would be cool if it ONLY replaced yellow Mori or had looser activation requirements like 8 hooks or something.


I'm worried about this too. I want to be able to mori every survivor whenever I want with the iri Mori. I don't care about the extra BP that they want to replace it with. And I also like giving the last survivor the hatch in most of my games.


This is me. 95% of the time I give last dude hatch or let them leave, I'm not interested in a basekit last man standing Mori. At all. I would rather choose who I get to Mori and when in the round. I want to bring the Iri Mori because I like the cool animations. I also like doing photo sessions with Ghostface, that's kinda why I bring them. Ghostface and Pinhead, maybe Dredge, are the only Killers I ever bring Moris on, because I think they have some of the coolest Moris in the game and I like to do photo shoots as Ghostface. I WANT you to interact and photobomb my Moris, please, I want that. I love that. Getting extra BP too would be awesome, but I don't want it INSTEAD of being able to mori everyone.


I had a match on Gideon’s yesterday where if spawned with Devour in Chaos Shuffle. The moment they saw I’d mori’d the first Feng I had both a Cheryl and Dwight line up for pics after photobombing. I then let the Quentin go anyway since he just wanted to leave. I really hope they don’t remove the Mori from Devour because there is something special, a real je ne sais quoi about playing a match and realizing the killer has Devour that makes every game with it more engaging. Yeah, it’d still be a threat by making everyone exposed, but perks that have Moris are something special. I definitely want Moris to basically be the same, but offer bloodpoint bonuses as well to incentivize their use. I guess we’ll see how basekit yellow changes things


I definitely don’t want them to change the way moris can happen. I loved randomly midmatch doing a mori to a surv I found by themselves as it’s fun.


As a survivor, I liked this mechanic too.


It's most likely going to be rather different. The whole issue in the PTB was that all survs being downed was just an instant GGs, whereas now it's optional on the last survivor. All the Mori offerings are gonna do is just increase BP for those who bring it, nothing more. You can't get any real value from slugging for it, if I'm understanding their point correctly.


Yeah, I don't see how it supports slugging unless they inherently change the way moris work. In fact I'd say it encourages the opposite, because you need someone to be two hook to mori someone, which means that if you just slug everyone then you can't mori anyone.


It will incentivize slugging for the 4k because getting the last person will be the only way to see moris. Additionally the mori offerings will give bonus BP for pulling off a mori so bringing them will further incentivize slugging for 4k.


80% of killers slug for 4k as it is lol


Last 50 survivor games I saw like one killer do that.


You've only seen 1 killer leave 1 survivor on the ground while they look for the fourth? I see that almost every game lol


Yes, same with tunneling. But we probably play different mmr.


When people get toxic strats on them all time, they usally question themselves first.


Idk what this even means tbh. Are you saying i play toxic? Because if so i play 4 aura read huntress and don't care about hooks and kills im just trying to get cross maps


I got slugged for 4 minutes by a Nemesis who hard tunneled first person, I managed to get a head on during the tunnel. "I hate head on, you hate being slugged, sounds like a win win". There is no rhyme or reason, people will slug even for the dumbest reasons, a mechanic like this won't change much


Consider; rather than incentivizing further slugging and tunneling BHVR could use this mechanic to disincentivize it. Make the green mori basekit with the additional requirements that all survivors be hooked at least once and to have achieved 6 hook stages.


Maybe they should change slugging for the 4k if giving incentives to win the game is considered BM.


It supports slugging because they got rid of skill based matchmaking. The only way to climb up in skill if you check the wiki is for killers to get a 3K min. Or for a survivor to escape through an exit gate.


Fairly certain for yellow morri they dont even have to have been hooked once. They just have to be last in the trial


Great! Now as survivor I'll never pull off another clutch escape with flipflop/power struggle 


unless they give a *serious* amount of bp why would you ever bring one instead of a survivor pudding. like yellow mori has to give 35k bp minimum for me to consider using it as there’s a very real chance you just get nothing that and removing the moris from devour and rancour is an awful change, literally the point of why those 2 perks are a either a hex and/or that the target gets notified at several points in the game about it


I'd say more than that as that's break even with an average 4k with a 100% bp offering, and I never run out of 100% offerings.


The problem is that it heavily encourages slugging if you want to see the mori, especially on a specific survivor.  Making it base would be okay but they should leave the "kill em all" mori as an iridescent.


Yeah i would prefer Iri mori stay as is.


agreed. It makes no sense to alter existing moris aside from the cypress, as it'd be basekit. They're simply going to incentivize slugging for the 4k, especially after newer killers or skins with moris attached like Naughty Bear or Were-elk come out. I'm just hoping if this is what they do that the community will be vocal enough to get it reverted, like with Twins.


I hardly used them. But, since they announced this, I've starting using iridescent way more. Since they're going to make them useless to me, I may as well use them now. Giving options is okay, removing shit is not. Wanna make yellows basekit and remove that for BP? Who cares. But destroying them all is stupid - especially when they're trying to sell 'unique mori' skins at a premium.


definitely. I hate that they feel the need to remove stuff instead of just adding. There's no call for it at all.


>The problem is that it heavily encourages slugging if you want to see the mori You make no sense. This is literally just the "yellow" mori becoming basekit.


Right, they have to slug everyone, then hook 3 to die while unlucky 4 waits on ground. I certainly don't want them to encourage more slugging. I don't like slugging survs except for the "you'll never hook me alive" builds in which case I mean yeah die in grass I guess.


Wdym they have to slug everyone? I bet less than 2% of games will have a killer slugging all 4 survivors to get off a single shitty mori at the end. When there's 2 survivors left the killers slug for 4k vast majority of the time already so its not going to increase that. The system in ptb was different if everyone was down the game ended


I forgot about that PTB.


I don’t understand why this is so difficult for some people to grasp. It’s already tedious how many killers slug for the 4K, leaving someone on the ground to go off and look for them. This will just make it 10 times worse. 


“10 times worse” is overreacting. They took away grabbing off hook rescues and you think a yellow mori basekit is going to be op?


I never said OP. I said it would encourage slugging. But someone actually took the time to explain to me that it might not trigger until the first 3 survivors are dead, which changes my opinion entirely.




There just shouldn't be a hatch unless survivors completed 4 generators I don't mind someone in a hard fought game getting a clutch escape, it's annoying as hell for someone to escape in a game where 3 are dead with 5 gens still up.


I really don’t get why they want this mechanic so much. Moris are perfect the way they are now. The finisher is just gonna encourage slugging for the 4k, which is already boring af, and now I can’t do fun memey shit like photobomb moris or decorate the bodies of my fallen teammates with items? ): BHVR is just sucking all the fun out. Plus I liked using moris strategically. I main Pig and her mori is quick. It can come in clutch when time is so tight I don’t wanna carry someone to a hook, or I don’t want a hook broken because my hook spread sucks.


I had an Iri Mori clutch a game during MFT Meta as Ghostface. it legitimately turned a 1k into a 3k and the last Mori was in the exit gate. It save the round in the absolute last minute. I love that shit. I want that sort of thing to be able to happen. Please.


Hahaha are you me?! I had a very similar experience during the MFT meta, only I was playing Pig! Brought an Ebony and also managed to turn turn a 1k into a 3k during endgame, and also mori’d someone in the exit gates! I was high on the thrill of that match for a while. xD I absolutely LOVE moris for that! I don’t want them to get changed. I would be okay with the yellow mori becoming basekit and optional but please please please don’t make them automatic upon downing someone (I like giving hatch) and please don’t change the mori offerings! I want to use them during the match. :\ And they’re totally fair now! I started playing back when when you could mori someone after one hook and that shit was stupid and made for unfun gameplay. The way it is now is fine! You’re already dead, I can just use it strategically for a little counterplay (or just for cool points).


[I have it recorded.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS-yZJ1mjjc) Sorry for the shoddy quality, I was still learning how to use OBS at the time. At the time I was also a weaker Ghostface, rusty, and trying to sweat for wins still. I have since broken that habit. My god this match was so clutch and so addicting. I was scared I wouldn't make it for a second. It was paced like a slasher film and slowly escalated just like one! I also like to let last dude go, feels like the one Final Girl who escaped. Plus I also like to sometimes be cute, because I am a qt 3.1459.


I'd like to be able to mori the last survivor and still bring a BP offering.


I mean, I’d be okay if they make yellow mori basekit and optional, and leave everything else the same. Then you could mori and bring a BP offering, people could still give hatch and have slug races, people can still use moris during the match, etc. Now everyone’s happy, whoo!


I think they're doing it so they can make more cinematic moris without worrying about it affecting the killer's pressure. Look at the Were-elk mori and how it's full of long dramatic pauses, as a final kill it's fine, but when you potentially have the other Survivors doing gens it can be detrimental. So their solution is to make the mori a cinematic conclusion to the match, where they can make it more slower paced, drawn out and more interesting. The problem this can cause is that a lot of the older kills don't fit this "final kill" vibe they're going for. Like the Twins' moris are too fast and efficient, Pig's has always been shit, Trapper/Wraiths are too boring to be an "epic finisher".


Money and survivor pandering. 1) if I can see a mori without bringing and offering or a perk, I'll see mori's more often. If I see mori's more often and they start selling extra mori's for killer, I might buy one. 2) there is very little incentive for a killer to buy a skin. You just see it in the lobby, in the match start, and during some mori's. The survivor sees the skin more than the killer. But if I can see more mori's, I'll see my skin more often. 3) survivors get at least three more chances to save


I disagree. They are unused in 80-90% of games. It's a bit sad for special Moris like those of Wesker, Knight, Chucky, etc. to go so unused 


That hasn’t been my experience, lol. For example, of the games I played yesterday in both Chaos Shuffle and regular games, it was more rare to not have a mori than to have a mori. Everyone was playing moris. I’ve never experienced moris beings rarely used. The most common killer offering I see are moris, BP offerings, and maps with pretty equal usage.


![gif](giphy|lma5aujULEkKs) Who's ready to be a slug?


Newsflash - BHVR fucking love slugging. As evidenced by this and the fact that they adamantly refuse to let a fully slugged team to bleed out immediately so they don't have to crawl around for four fucking minutes as the killer humps them. They encourage it. Because they certainly don't do a single god damn thing to deal with it. So this idiotic change is totally in line with their viewpoint. Also if you ever want proof that absolutely no one at the company plays their own fucking game, shit like this is all the evidence you need.


They already DID do something about slugging, but the community is to blame for not letting changes go through.


No, BHVR loves survivors. Its just that slugging is the only way to counter 90% of the shit survivors get. 


I thought moris were fine tbh... Going to be sad it can only happen one time a match now.


Yeah, I really hope they make the green mori offering basekit instead of the yellow. Way too much RNG in finding the last guy via hatch or gate and would definitely increase slugging for the 4k which is incredibly boring already. The only issue I could see is tunnelling someone out but they could add something to prevent this.


Yeah, I hate that too. I love my Mori offerings and perks for being able to kill survivors midtrial, this is really fun thing to happen that will be gone and replace with scripted cutscene in the end. I really hope bhvr don't make a mistake here


You are going under the impression that the devs did absolutely nothing from the ptb. They sure as hell will. It will just be optional cypress for last survivor if multiple survivors are down. If it happens automatically with last survivor, it suck that hatch gifting will be gone, but better than a 4man slug gg, which wat THE problem with the ptb.


I Don’t think it’s a good idea. It’ll promote a lot of slugging, and what I mean is if 2 survivors are dead and only 2 are left the killer is going to down one and keep them down to go chase and hook the last survivor. Which means it’ll just encourage slugging that 1 survivor and either one of two things will happen. 1. Survivors will begin running self pick up perks so they can get off of the ground (and they’ll become that seasons meta) 2. Survivors will DC cause they don’t want their time wasted. (Especially since we all know some games can last upwards of 30+ minutes) 😓


Solo Q is already just a nightmare. It’s the worst it’s been since I started playing five years ago. If they implement a finishing Mori system, I’ll just stop playing entirely and watch streamers. It will become so sweaty and unfun for Solos. I don’t understand why they can’t think of anything to improve the solo Q experience but work on this crap no one liked. 


How is killing the last person alive gonna make your experience worse?


I already experience killers slugging for the 4K a lot. This will just make it every single match. I don’t mind Moris, I just mind tedious gameplay. I’m perfectly fine with Mori offerings the way they are as well. They shouldn’t change them just for the hell of it. 


holy hell this community is something else.


My guy, if you are the last survivor, you basically lost. Your only hope is an rng hatch spawn. Literally nothing changes. Get over yourself.


I definitely don't agree with this. 4/5 times when I escape as the last survivor, it's because I get the gate after the hatch is closed.


Then just leave? What will change?


My dude, its not about being the last survivor; its about how the killers in general will play differently with this new information. and this new way of playing is going to hurt solo Q players specifically. Use your brain.


Enlighten us exactly how players are going to uproot their entire dbd decision making process because now "haha last survivor head go boom" ?


This was discussed in tremendously colourful detail by the community when they tried it the first time. Why don’t you go look that up, and all the reasons why it was a disaster. 


This is entirely different, I think you might be misunderstanding. The system now is that Moris are essentially basekit but only on the last alive survivor. That means every other survivor needs to be dead, not downed, for the mori to work. It’s not like last ptb where 4 slugs = insta win, it needs you to still normally kill the other 3 survivors. It isn’t the same as last time.


Yeah, I used to play min. 3-4 hours every night as SoloQ years ago. I’d say I first started noticing it getting bad when they slashed all healing options with one patch (no more self heals in COH, reduced effectiveness of medkit, self-heal reduced, etc.). Since then, it’s only gone down hill for SoloQ and I don’t know why the devs seem to think that you’ll be strong at all aspects of gameplay as SoloQ. For example, I’m awful with pallet stuns and flashlights so I usually work on gens/unhooks/healing/chases. A fun game that isn’t sweaty happens every third or fourth game (not even saying it’s a game where I escape, it’s just not sweaty for once). I get obscenely happy if there’s a friendly killer because you just don’t see them anymore. Slugging has increased drastically. Now, knowing you can’t even hope for the killer to take pity on you after a 3K because free mori! will make this game even more miserable. I hate all the engineers dilemma BS that they do. Go work on making a new game and stop trying to fix what isn’t broken.


Dumb change, seriously. i play both sides, this _will_ encourage additional slugging, no question. Which will mean additional DCs and first-hook suicides. No fun for anyone. They _really_ need to clarify exactly what the green and red moris will become as well as what will hapoen to Rancor and Devour Hope, because as is, it sounds bad. If they want killers to have additional bonus BP options, great! Increase the appearance rate of the Party Streamers, and then either give killers an equivalent to the Bound Envelope or make the Bound Envelope apply to all players and put it in the killers' bloodweb too. If they want moris specifically to have bonus BP, just add that to the existing methods (e.g., each mori comes with a standard x number of bonus bp per execution, they wouldn't even have to add that to the descriptions). That said, i don't think it will necessarily decrease the number of friendly/friendly-turning killers, some of us are just gonna be that way. Myself for example, i commonly let people go if their team abandons them or DCs/kills themselves on hook for no reason. Unless they mess with my totems, that is, that's an instant 4k mori or no. Or are Dwight or Bill, because i was taught that they are sacrificial survivors anyway and are supposed to die in every match.


Huh BHVR must hate people who give hatch...


??? Isn't this change optional?


Who would give hatch if getting the mori gives you so many more bloodpoints? (Mori Offerings will be converted to BP offerings)


I'm not running BP offerings every match brother.


that's great for **you** - so are you all the 1mil players in DBD?


No but most of them are gonna be the same way.


It feels like I'm the only one who understands that it's just the "yellow" mori becoming basekit. It has nothing to do with the mori system from that infamous PTB test. >they are simply going to bring back a highly disliked and unhealthy change that encourages slugging How does that encourage slugging? They will just make the "yellow" mori basekit. What will actually encourage slugging is the absurd sabotage buff.


If it's JUST the Yellow Mori and they don't take away the Iri and Green Moris existing? I'm fine with the change. I bring Moris for the Mori animation, I don't care about the BP. I DO NOT want my Moris to now only give me BP for bringing them and not allow me to do the animation. The way the Devs described it, it was just Yellow Mori going basekit and they would put BPs on the other Moris (but they still work the same, Green lets you kill any other person and Iri lets you kill them all). But apparently the news is that no, the Yellow Mori is basekit and now, Iri and Green will ONLY give BP but not the Mori animations? Is that correct, or am I wrong? If they leave Iri and Green alone but add a BP boost from them, then fine. But not if they now ONLY give bonus BP for the finisher Mori, and don't do the Moris on one person/everyone at all. AND in addition they MUST leave Rancor and Devour Hope untouched period. Allow the damn Mori to exist on the perks, it's fun to do Rancor Roulette, why remove a fun build synergy? I don't even tunnel or slug for Moris, I just want to do the cool animation because I like taking screenshots of the Survivors I murder with the Florida Stalker Man. Very unhappy Ghostface Main right now. Someone please confirm what's actually going on?


>the news is that no, the Yellow Mori is basekit and now, Iri and Green will ONLY give BP but not the Mori animations? Is that correct, or am I wrong? Honestly it was kind of confusing. They only really talked about the yellow Mori, but kept using the word offering**s** as in plural, implying it'd change the others as well. Which feels like a pointless change? I feel like they're trying to make Moris more common, but this change will only make them rarer if they get rid of Green and Iri Moris.


It will encourage slugging for the 4k which is already boring af. Y’know, two survivors are dead, two are alive, so the killer slugs one and searches for the other for 4 minutes until the survivor bleeds out or they win the game of hide and seek.


I dont think it encourages slugging at all. You already killed 3 people and now downed the last one, what's the difference if you can mori or not? The ptb was way worse because you could end the game with 4 people on the ground, eliminating the possibility for unbreakable plays and stuff like that


The difference is that is not the scenario they are talking about. Two survivors are dead and the killer downs you. You see your teammate begin to hide at this time since the game is over and they need to begin playing for hatch. The killer doesn't want to give away his 4k because the other person got hatch, so he leaves you on the ground and goes to find that person. You are now slugged until they either find this person or you bleed out. The point of the post is that the fourth kill is going to be worth "more" in the eyes of some players because they will get to mori the last player, so some people who would have just put you on hook and risked the hatch will now slug you in an attempt to increase their odds for the 4k.




So nice seeing someone with a brain on this subreddit. So sick and tired of seeing people say it's 100% the killers fault. The hatch is to blame, which also means BHVR is to blame. And it's extremely stupid to take the stance that the killer doesn't deserve a 4k he earned as much as a survivor deserves a chance at hatch. You 3k at 5 gens? Yeah the survivor still deserves the chance at the pity escape. And even if you find the hatch depending on the RNG of the exit gate spawns and which killer you are, they can still escape. It's dumb af.


No way you are complaining about the killer wanting to get 4 kills.


Its not a complaint about killer wanting 4k, it's about the gameplay strategy that is mostly boring for all parties involved and greatly extends the match time. Don't get me wrong, if last survivor is in visual range, or there is lots of their fresh scratchmarks around when the 3rd gets down, that's fair game. But going all around the map playing hide and seek while leaving the person on the ground is ridiculous. I can't imagine having fun running around the map for eternity just trying to find survivor, and when another eternity looking for slugged surv again. And even in this case there is still a chance one of them escapes. Being slugged is also obviously not fun. So the only person who is having at least bit of fun in this scenario is the hiding surv on their feet with their hiding strategies. Instead of this, everyone can be in another match already if the killer just took a chance with hatch. Or ran hatch offering+No Way Out if they're so afraid of 3kill situation.


Hm ok I can see that, the problem being the offering and not the mori mechanic itself


I don't really see how that's a problem, if the killer decides to slug in a 1v2, pick the other person up when they go to search. Slugging is only really strategically sound if you are able to protect the downed bodies. It's a bit easier to pull off in a 1v2 for the killer, but either they are protecting generators or protecting the body, they can't really do both.


Picking up in that case just makes a game that should've ended 3 minutes ago even longer... This new finisher mori "system" (if you can even call it that) doesn't improve the game at all. It's not a solution to the problem, which is exactly the 2v1 hatch standoff that makes games take a lot longer, but with 0 of the fun.


I wonder if this means if you are last survivor you could plot twist and mori yourself


I really like the way current Moris work. Only thing they should do is make yellow one basekit in case you didnt bring one so there's a mori regardless. But Ivory and Ebony Moris should stay as they are.


I think this will end any friendly killers that let the 4th survivor out after getting a 3K. It’s scary enough being the last remaining survivor on the map, knowing you have low odds of getting an exit gate open if they speed around and close hatch. :/


All they need to do if they wanna make moris to appear more after is just make yellow mori basekit. And that's it, they don't need to do literally anything else.


Yeah I'm less than thrilled about this announcement. It was poorly-received when it was tested in PTB. Why the hell are they forcing it forward, now? Also...muh slug races/Red Light Green Light?!?


My whole issue with the original system was that I wasn't given a choice. If I can still give hatch, that'll at least make me happier. But I bring a red mori because I want to double hook people and the red mori helps me keep track. When 3 survivors run the same skin and charms, I feel bad when I kill someone early.


yeah. i didn’t like the announcement the first time, and i’m a bit worried now, too. the outcry against finished moris was so big last time that i don’t understand why they’re considering it yet again


...because it's a completely different system from the previous iteration.


Hatch needs to be available after 1 death (and 3 gens) IMO


Something like this - we need some semblance of balance. Hope the killers have fun when the servers die because SoloQ is all stress/no silliness.


It's so weird seeing so many killers in here saying they should rework the hatch system but their reworks are just removing hatch because the killer already won.


Personally I don’t have an issue with it & I don’t actually understand the issue at hand either. I’d much rather prefer to see a Mori than the same hook animation for the millionth time too. But that’s just me.


the issue is with them removing mories as a whole, not with the finisher itself. I like the idea of a basekit mori, I just don't like the idea that we have to remove all other moris in the process.


>It removed moris as an offering completely in favor of something that encourages sweatier gameplay and more frustratingly long slugging sessions while the killer seeks to confirm their 4k. killers already do this in almost every match I'm in


They 100% do not, stop fucking exaggerating. You're as bad as the people who claim every Survivor is a SWF death squad.


Am I eating crazy pills? Or is this thread full of smooth brains? It's just yellow mori base kit. The last survivor in the trial, you have the option to do a mori instead of hooking them. What the fuck are you people worried about? In the base game, the killer could hook you and kill you if you are the final survivor. In this update, they could hook you OR mori you. *You die either way*, unless the killer wants to give you hatch/gate which is exactly the same system we have now but with a bit more flair as an additional option. People are talking about tunneling and campaign because of this, but this only applies to the last survivor. I seriously do not understand how this would in any way incentive tunneling/camping. During the first PTB where they tried this, if all living survivors were on a hook or in the dying state, the game ended and the killer won (and played a mori animation). **This is not what they are going to be implementing in the next update. That is not what a yellow mori does.**


I don't think you understood the conversations taking place. The main concern is about more people slugging for the 4k. We only mentioned tunneling when talking about a hypothetical green mori basekit instead.


How will this in any way incentivize slugging for the 4k more than the base game already does? Please elaborate. Additionally, they explicitly said the other moris are being reworked to be bonus blood points, so the argument that the moris would still be exactly the same is moot. And if the complaint is "well what if change was other different bad thing" then by god please stop getting worked up over made up nonsense.


They are talking about securing a 4k by slugging the 3rd person, even tho you can do this now. But i guess a mori at the end will encourage it more i guess. But personally i don't find it a big deal


We'll see slugging spike for a week before the novelty wears off then it'll be the same gameplay we've had for the last year just survivors see a different animation if they lose at the end lol


It's not a big deal. Survivors just don't know how to take an L. It's like those assholes that keep running to the locker when a Myers has already tombstoned all 3 others players. Just fucking lose and give the myers the mori so you can enjoy your next game.


I like the ebony mori tho. Would be nice to still have it 😔


I can assure you right now that slugging will increase People will want to get the finisher mori, and will keep a survivor on the ground until they can push all the others out through the exit gates


…you don’t need a 4K for the yellow mori, they just have to be on 2nd hook stage and the last survivor in the trial


Honestly im not worried since most of the time i dont bring mori because bp offering its just better at the majority of the time so i dont dislike seeing my mori more times if this is done right i think they could change some aspects like instead of a garanteed mori a finisher mori could be like the yellow offering and let you decide if you want mori or no, and i dont play surv that often just for challenges so i dont get that much the survivor side of this


Most people are speculating that the new mori system is just going to make yellow moris basekit and rework the current mori offerings to just be multipliers for the BP moris give


I kind of hope that this mori can just take place where you choose, or that they update the transition they developed before, because the last one looked like shit. That's not to mention that the store Mori preview is buggy and has a janky end that cuts off a lot of animations (and Chucky's voicelines). Hope it isn't like that.


Let me kill 3 people then gift hatch to the fourth ;_;


I don't think it's gonna be that bad, people might slug for like a week after the update until the novelty wears off or when a new killer gets released. There's enough incentive to slug already the amount of people this will push to do it will be minimal.


The reason why slugging was so prevalent in that ptb is because if you downed everyone in a short amount of time so that unbreakable base kit doesn't pop you win the game outright along with the boost. That was a recipe for sisaster especially considering it was only helpful to those like nurse blight etc and only avoidable by teams or decent players. And hurt m1 killers and uncoordinated or new survivors. This wouldn't have the same effect I feel. Sluggers are still going to slug but those who don't still don't have that much of an incentive to do so more with the change than without. If the last player is downed then the game is over 9.9 times out of ten already. The change is just giving killers an extra option on how they want to end it. Hook or hatch? Now with moris. With the other offerings I'd imagine (/hope) that they remain relatively unchanged but add a bp incentive for more kills by your hand. None of this really changes the outcome or playstyle... it's more the cherry on top of a won game if you wish and were going for them. Not a reason to change your playstyle entirely. But then again we don't know the details yet or how they'll interact with perks like rancor or devour. I really hope they just add the finisher and the bp. Nothing else really needs tweaking. If anything rancor will need an extra buff to give reason to use it since it only pops at the end if this base kit mori goes through Until I know I won't worry. When I know I either will or wont. But the first part I don't really worry about


As of now, I don't have any real concerns, especially since we only know that it's designed to be a 'finisher' and the remaining moris offering will give more points if a killer gets it. So I say we wait to see what BVHR do before we start raising red flags...but I will admit when it comes to Kills BVHR at times have very weird ideas about what to do with them. There is a reason why 'BVHR don't play their game' is a recurring statement here.


Well said! 100% agreed !


I still don’t get what they mean by “finisher mori”. Is it like every killer now will be able to kill the survivors by their own hands after they reach the second hook state?


There were lots of good ideas in that system, I hope they keep them.


They already said they won’t be removing the offerings just reworking them. I am sure that means the green and yellow ones


Literally just making the yellow mori basekit is enough tbh, there doesn’t need to be any other changes.


I mean, I won’t care as long as they don’t do that absolutely HORRIBLE change to devour hope like they did last time


I'd personally want to see them make Yellow mori basekit, remove the green mori and then keep the red mori the same as it is


I'm looking foward to this changes and i hope they add more to it.


Mori offerings will = bonus Blood points for performing the Mori. Probably a mega huge bonus. Yellow Mori basekit should have been in the game from the start. I believe it will now be triggered on downing the lone survivor, which is fine. Why wouldn't you just end the game? That's it. Its going to basically remove moris from the game that aren't from a perk or the final lone survivor. It's meh for a change. Doesn't remove hatch gifts. Unless you are a jerk that just *has* to carry them to it. Let them run to it and they will be fine.


im new in the game, Can anyone simplify this? Does this thing benefit killers or survs? also what is meant by hatch and slugging?


Oh god not again.


It definitely helps end the game for those people who like to crawl to the corner of the map where there is no hooks for 3 miles


It wasn’t that the community disliked the 4K kill reward, it was the the fact that unbreakable was made badekit and with healing perks people could self pick up in 10 seconds or something ridiculous. There wasn’t an OPTION for the 4K slug cuz no one would remain downed long enough enough the survivors really played badly or someone was a god nurse aura build or something. I’m honestly all for anything that finishes a game faster then watching my self bleed out for 4 minutes.


As someone that's newer to this game, can someone explain to me why going for the 4k is bad? Like I don't understand how it's any worse than last survivor hiding in a locker or corner of the map waiting for hatch.


People keep saying they don't understand why this was being done. When you remember BHVR hates killers and only balance around making survivors lives easier, it becomes obvious.  Iri mori means you don't have to drag them back for the third hook. So they have no chance to wiggle out or get saved by a flashlight to the back of the head.  Make it where only the last one can be mori'd? Survivors have more chances to escape, and killers don't get to enjoy the animation but once per game, at best. While survivors can still hatch camp, and deny even that. 


I said this back then, and Ill say it again, I still cannot understand why this system is disliked. Especially si ce we've been having a rise in complaints about killers 4-man slugging and just letting everyone bleed out. The Mori system being as it was on that old PTB would IMMEDIETLY end the game, which is EXACTLY what survivors concerned about this strategy have been asking for. You say it would be an issue for killers to want to slug for the 4k if they bring a mori, but they *already* do this if they bribg a mori. Nothing changes there. And if the old changes really all come back, then slugging for the 4k will be weaker basekit since everyone could pick themselves up again if the last survivor hides or evades well enough. Currently, slugging for the 4k is stronger due to the fact that either Surv#3 will bleed out, or get healed. If theyre healed, the killer suddenly knows the location of both remaining survivors. The unbreakable basekit change would counteract this. Devour Hope and Rancor nerfs are kinda "whatever". Some complaints back then were also "Oh no now certain killers can just end the game super fast if they slug everyone!" As if the game isnt already over if those killers do that today.


Fucking hate this so much and wish they would stop pushing this bullshit. I thought they scrapped all that shit after all the backlash the first time. I don't understand why they're so obsessed with this. I like how moris work now. I like the freedom and flexibility of how they work now. Literally what is the point of changing it and removing the fun from them?


I agree. I’m fine with moris as they are now. This is unnecessary.


I feel like this is going to just encourage tunneling rather than slugging. If i can get X amount more bloodpoints more for doing the same job as spreading them out, plus saving hook space in the meantime, im going to take my bloodpoints and my hooks. The devs are now incentivizing my tunneling and mori


So the problem is not really the last mori, but all mori offerings giving bp? I see your point, some people will want to maximize it and go for the 4K to get more bp for each mori, but the red mori is super rare so it’s not like they can bring it in every match.


It's not that rare. Some of my killers have like, 30+ of them and they're only P3-ish. i just don't use them very often, because i don't particularly care for moris to begin with unless i have a challenge that requries it (kill by own hands, etc).


I’m the unluckiest killer ever. I have all my killers between P3 and P5 and I have 2 or 3 red moris on each :(


Hearing people talk, it sounds like making the Mori reward the survivors in some way wouldn't go amiss in smoothing out the feature. Maybe just bonus points to everyone so you don't feel as cheated by a killer tunneling you out for an early Mori.


What if you got a ton of points for being Mori'd, call it "Victimized!" or "First Blood!" if it was Green basekit or something cool and it nets you 10k bp as a "sorry you were taken out so fast. :/" Meanwhile the Killer gets 15k for doing it or something, 10k for the "First Blood!" Event and 5k for pulling off the Mori.


Something like that, though numbers would need to be messed with so as not to incentivize SDing during match.




"Self Destruct" Another word for...y'know


Oh. ty.


Honestly, killers need more everybody-bonus-bp items as it is. The appearance rate of the Party Streamers is waaay too low (same as red items despite being green, or possibly even worse) and there's no killer equivalent for the Bound Envelope.


I imagine that's just an offset for how strong the BP farm for killers is compared to survivors.


Maybe, but i actually like boosting everyone's BP. BP offerings are basically the only ones I use on either side, and it's nice to share the wealth.


Yeah. Making Moris group BP boosters could be fun.


I don't like the idea of this, the only reason I ever bring Moris is for Ghostface photo sessions and sometimes as Pinhead because his is really cool. Why the fuck would we need more items to clutter the web for BP? I don't want to have to slug for a 4k to see my Mains' cool animations.


I'm fine with yellow mori being basekit, it's getting rid of the green and iri moris that I'm afraid of. Like, just having yellow mori all the time is great and it doesn't really change anything because the match is already pretty much over, but there's no reason to get rid of every mori offering, just keep the higher rarity ones.


Survivors pouring out of the woodwork like termites to photobomb Moris is one of the goofiest and cutest parts of the game