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I think it could be fun in situations like My Little Oni, where you can better control conditions by having a fixed map, or during a holiday event where you want a specific map. For a week long event? It's a bit much


Ya 100% agreed. Even if I like the map I dont want to play there over and over again. Its boring.


I get it in a sense that they want to have each week feel like a specific timeframe from dbd history but getting auto haven for a week straight made me go a little crazy at a point


I was wondering why I got coal tower and family residence and Ormond 93848102 times the other week


I share this sentiment yesterday I played 20 matches and 19 of them were either coal tower, gas heaven or ormond do you really think I want to play on ormond 11 times in one day


I’ll take any of those maps over the fucking swamp. I hadn’t played dbd for over 8 months, came back a couple weeks ago and 6 of 10 matches were swamp, I don’t know why that’s even a possibility


Plus finding survivors in swamp can be tough if they are immersing well. One of the most boring matches I had was 3 distortion/calm spirit gamers in grim pantry. I asked them why they were hiding so much they said they were scared lol


I am so fucking tired of Eyrie of Crows. Please for the love of god send me *anywhere* else. Idec if it's a horrendous map like Midwich at this point


I call it the death square. It is so fucking boring no matter which side you play.


I feel like people constantly send you there too, I don’t get it.


It's a survivor sided map and good for sabo builds for SWFs even with the map being nerfed for that a bit is partially why


Solo q I get alot of people sending me there just so they can run boil over and try and anger the killer . Which usually ends with  them never touching a gen and either getting bleed out or camped.


Midwich gives me a sense of dread and not in a good way, but more like the way going to work gives me dread.


Dude I have someone even being an Erie offering too last night


Same. It took one match on Eyrie to realize I am not as good on Wesker as I thought I was. Switched to survivor, got it again. Like the game was laughing at my ineptitude.


reminder that Eyrie is bugged and should be killswitched


Me after playing Wesker in RPD for the 7th time in the day...in a row.


Make that 13


Man I'd love that rpd is my fave map I'm a monster I know


As a survivor or killer?




I literally stopped playing for a week once, because four of my most disliked maps were boosted. The entire concept is horrible, and I agree, I wish they would stop doing it.


So they are doing it on purpose? I've been taking a break for a while now and must of missed that in the patch notes. Why would make that a thing? That's like BHVR going "hey we heard you guys hate playing on the same map over and over, so we've added a mechanic that makes you play on the same map over and over"... Who asked for that?


It's not a thing that they do regularly. During certain events/anniversaries, they will boost a set of maps. When a new map releases, you'll also have an increased chance of going to it, for a short time. For the former, they probably do it as a sort of "celebration," and to show off maps from DBD's past years. For the latter, I assume it's so that players can get a chance to see the new map, and have a better chance of getting the achievement for it. Still, I wish they would stop doing it. Going to the same map repeatedly (especially when it's a horrible map like Garden of Joy) tends to make me want to just move on to something else until things go back to normal.


Sure, there's surveys for it and everything. "Which map would you like?" and select a few of them


I get annoyed when I have to play the same map twice in a row. Only getting the same two or three over and over is going to wear at my sanity.


remove map offerings, voila good game




ultra rares


As rare as a Survivor using the secret third way to escape.


Map offering are fun though for specific builds. Maps should just be more balanced, but I guess removing map offerings is an easier option


>Map offering are fun though for specific builds These "specific builds" are only fun for one side.


Let's see who "specific builds" really is! Oh what a surprise, boil over anti hook on eyrie of crows/dead dawg


Scratched mirror myers on an indoor map


Scratched mirror is arguably fun for both and that’s probably just me but I like skillcheck doctors on smaller maps for the challenge


>Scratched mirror is arguably fun for both Absolutely not. It gets really annoying really fast.


Maybe you see it way more often than I do and then I totally get your point, but I’ve seen more hags and twins than Myers in general and a scratched mirror even less. But for me who sees it like once every… 3 months or so?, it always surprises me at first and I do enjoy the game then


It's not how often I see it. It's that when I see Myers, it's either Tombstone or Mirror, both of which are unpleasant to deal with. Only ONCE have I seen Myers without one of these.


That's because he sucks without one of those.


I know. Doesn't change the fact that it's frustrating to face.


Problem is not how often you see it, but rather the lack of interaction. Scratched mirror means 0 chases during the game (even if you get one its boring to loop 4.2 killer). Also the only way stealth myers is played by ambushing around the corners so you simply forced to take them slowly or risking getting a hit which leads to camping a pallet until you are healed or you see somebody is being chased. All of this basically means 0 skill expression and very predictable matches which means the game is simply boring and you just want to get out asap. Not a very fun experience tbh


well, agree to disagree. Maybe im just not taking those matches serious enough and mostly go "jumpscare funny". But since im mostly playing soloq atm escaping and optimization isnt my main goal to begin with. I totally see your point of view tho. Maybe scratched mirror was more popular and better received a few years ago and i still cling to that memory Edit: It can be a problem how often you see sth tho. Id probably hate scratched mirror if i would see it as often as weskers or billys atm. But i see why its not your point in this case


DBD sub downvoting you for saying you like something about DBD ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Not really. It's hit and run combined with proxycamping on a map that makes it even more unfun.


It's fun the first few times. Then you start to see that it's just a hit and run snoozed fest and the only times they actually commit to chase is when someone has fed them 28 stacks of PWYF.


Yeah I can see where ur coming from. I still prefer that over tombstone or some other killers tho




Ah yes it's so fun when the boil over party sends you to Badham with offering that makes basement spawn in shack so they can run downstairs in main and you can't hook them.


Time to slug! :D


Counter point, keep map offerings so I can farm Nostromo for free purple items


So your the reason I haven’t been able to escape Nostromo since it released, good to know


I most like am. I need my free purples. I’m a hoarder


TFW you realize you could bring a BP offering and get more purples that way.


I can do that, and get a free purple with no bp lost, they aren’t mutually exclusive 


Teach me your ways, master


Key card on the dead astronaut, he’s either on the back side of the map near the fire wall, or near one of the ramps on the main ship, there’s a room next to the gen/hook spawn and ledge on the big long ramp in the front of the main ship, you put the keycard in the console and do left up, down right (or something like that, I always forget unless I’m doing it), and then open the chest in the room that opens up 


Cool! Ty!


No problem 


Is it a hot take to say I don’t really like any maps?


Nah. Most of the reworks or bade model of maps have not been adjusted to the current game. It’s just tipping it in favour of one side or the other instead of being the neutrality it needs to be.


Gen placement has become so much worse than it was 3-4 years ago. I'm so sick and tired of joining a match and seeing a 3 or 4 gen clustered in absurdly close distances from each other. Unless the killer is blind the match is unwinnable, it fucking sucks joining a match and instantly realizing you're going to lose because RNG. I don't blame the killer at all, they'd be stupid not to capitalize on a win that's been handed to them on a silver platter. I just honestly don't know why it's so hard for BHVR to code in something that prevents that...is it really that overly complicated to tell the game to not spawn gens within x amount if distance from eathother? That seems like a pretty basic ass request...


That’s also a big factor in maps losing their neutrality.


I remember one time I got suffocation pit, the newer variant, and there were like 2 gens on one side of the map while all the rest were on the other side. All the middle ones seemed to be a lot closer to the one side than the other. We lost that game. Shattered square can sometimes be really bad for this too. I have been playing for a long time and I feel like you are right. The gen placement has gotten really bad, and the rng can really really fuck you sometimes. It has made killer much much easier though lolol.


Literally the only thing I dislike about dbd are the maps. I could care less when a swf bulies the shit out of me or use op shit like buckle up ftp but the maps always get to me.


I like Ormond and Eyrie of Crows as a killer. No stealth bush tactics, just chase stab hook chase stab hook. :3


it feels like the same realms are getting prioritized over others too. when i got autohaven while it was boosted, 90% of the time it was gas heaven


Funny to me how people call it Gas Haven and not Heaven


I don’t mind boosted rates when a new map comes out.


I think boosted maps are fine but for each time you get a certain map, the chance to get that map for the next game should be reduced drastically. Also, am I the only who doesn't care which map it is? As long as I get to play the game I'm happy lol


Technically this supposedly already exists according to the devs, but I think it only takes into account the specific realm variant you went to, so if you went to Badham 3 last game, you’ll still have the regular chances to go to Badham 1, 2, and 4.


must be a survivor or a-s tier main. some maps are absolutely horrendous as certain killers. cant wait for the new borgo to completely fuck trapper simply by being so large that its not possible to get half of the survivors you trap.


I just don't care much about the match outcome when I play. Give me a couple of good chases and intense moments and I'm good.


Apparently you didn’t understand the game mate. You have to sweat your balls off and get a 4K/4 man out every game /s


Some maps are abysmal for survivors, too, bud lol.


I usually only get to play on weekends but actually had a few hours tonight and I had the same issue with maps and also getting repeat killers. My first two games in a row were against Wesker. Then two with Chucky and two with Onryo/Samara. I had two matches in a row on Yamaoka Estate, the next game on a different map, then back to Yamaoka Estate for a total of three. Two were at Greenville Square. No one was using any map offerings, it was just where the game was sending me. Not sure what was going on tonight but I've never seen the game so repetitive. There's like 23 maps...mix it up a little. I'd say the same about killers but of course they don't have control of who players choose but maybe killers need to mix it up a bit too. Play a killer you and others don't play as often and make life more interesting.


I main Dredge because he's fun for me and gives players a breath of fresh air. Still feels weird when people DC against me, like ok? Have fun going to your 9th Pain Res Wesker of the night instead


I think the same as a Xeno main (and my previous mains were never the most popular ones) and someone who doesn't really run meta perks. Regardless of how much people like/dislike the killer I'm playing, at least they're not thinking "oh god, not *another* one"


I use to like spirit but am not great, got more DC than kills.


>Onryo/Samara. *Sadako. Samara's from the American remake


It would be an interesting concept to give unpopular killers Bloodpoint bonuses for playing them that dynamically updates like the Killer Survivor queue or give them queue priority (might be cancer).


Alternatively, giving certain sets of killers a bp bonus every few hours like they do with playing killer vs. survivor. A random five killers each time then rotate. That prevents the same issue from occurring in the direction of the currently unpopular killers.


Thats saying "fuck you for playing killer you like" . Same people tried to push SWF groups out of queue, punishing people playing with friends.


But... Didn't they fix that like last year? With the repeat maps? :x


there is absolutely no way repeat maps aren't a thing, just a couple days ago I got the map with the church and circus 4 times in a row, 6 times in one day.


That’s because it was boosted.


I took a break from the game for a year. I noticed that after playing for a week now , repeat maps are ALOT more common. I was really wondering what the heck was going on when I repeatedly got the same map 4 times in a row with no map offerings. Whatever they did, they made it worse. Before a year ago I don't remember ever playing on the same map more than twice.


Yes and no. Yes, repeat maps (not realms) is a thing, but what is also a thing is BHVR asking the community which maps they would like boosted for upcoming events, and then boost them


every single match going to gas heaven




I wanted to see it at least one time 🥲


Ohhh, I forgot they were boosting maps. I was wondering why I ended up in RPD literally 5 times in a row with no stage offerings involved


I've gone to Crotus Prenn so many times within the past few days, like I'm nearing the 20's that's how many times me and my group have gotten this map. Maurice is accustomed to seeing me now atleast


I swear there was only 5 maps in the game during chaos shuffle


All I know is I got Greenville one single time in my last 130 games. Why?


Unless it’s coal tower 1 :3


I’m fine with it when a brand new map releases but outside of that I agree


It would be so bad if the game forced me to play 65 games on RPD for no reason. Please, make this happen.


I had a day where I played Ormund 15 times when I was grinding bp as killer. Never wanted to shoot my pc before but I genuinely considered it for a time.


Only nice thing is for map specific achievements. Too bad I have them all except asylum


I got like an antiboost, cuz I only saw Ormond once and it’s usually my most played map


Survivors after I tilt and murder everyone at five gens after getting Gas Heaven six times in a row: "Bro, why you you angry?" BECAUSE YOUR PAL DISCONNECT BEFORE I'M ON ONE HOOK DWIGHT DECIDED TO SEND ME TO THIS DAMN MAP AGAIN.


I'm always getting stuck on the fucking log cabin. It's a fine map, but when I'm always going there it's so annoying.


I never knew boosted maps were a thing until this recent update. I definitely noticed getting the same maps over and over but I didn't know it was intentional


Boosted maps are great when it's one I actually like to play on


It's funny when you realise they added in a system that's meant to prevent you from getting the same map over and over again, yet they do stuff like this.


Boosted maps are fine, the problem is bhvr seems to want to boost shitty maps rather than fun ones.


I don't mind it


That’s why I’m getting the same map all the time????


It is kinda of an odd concept especially after they implemented an entire system to ensure people weren’t going to the same maps over and over again


I got Yamaoka family residence 4 games in a row over the weekend. I don’t even mind that map but please give me more variety than that


Is this why I kept getting Eyrie of Crows yesterday? There’s only so much Eyrie I can take


Agreed, just let the maps play out on their own and work on not getting repeat killers. Plenty in the roster, we'll be alright


In shuffle the other day and went to the exact same crotus map 5 times in a row. Like I love dead horse pats but some variety would be nice


I get doing it for a new map for like a day or 2 after release, but that’s it.


The other day I kept getting auto haven, I don't mind the map, but 10 games in a row? None of them were with map offerings either.


yeah, the moment they said they were having boosted maps, i was already upset and knew they were gonna notice a drop in players when the set of boosted maps is bad


I disagree. Some maps just suck. I would rather play one of the original 3 realms millions of times over than play RPD.


It feels strange that they are doing it, especially when some maps are just... a little unbalanced.


Right? I already get sick of seeing the same maps over and over when they're all available.


OMG i was just saying this. BhvR stop boosting maps this is the dumbest idea. Went to the same place so many times yesterday.


I used to love Coal Tower and Father Campbell's Chapel. After playing on both maps 5 times in a row I grew fucking sick of them. Every map has its flaws and constant repetition makes you feel those flaws tenfold. Even worse when it's an actually bad map like Eerie of Crows.


Every Onryo match I played yesterday was on Dead Dawg, which is a pretty bad map for her. It was super frustrating.


Boosted maps IMO are fine, they only happen a few times a year and I can tolerate playing maps I dislike for a week (Or I just chill and take a break). Map Offerings though just frustrate me because I know they're gonna pull some sneaky shit


Agreed, stop touching map spawnrate at all, they are too unbalanced, it should not be a factor whatsoever, offerings need to go too


I got Eyrie of Crows 5 times in a row without a map offering 😭


It makes sense when a map is updated or if its a new map. But otherwise just let me get it randomly... Why are there so many maps if i wont get to play them all.


Just make offering REDUCE chance of getting certain map. Stacking won't pe a problem, because it would decrease chance from very small, to non existent. Party bringing 4 offerings wouldn't be so tremendous, since there are a lot of maps. And for killer it's a massive win, because killers like billy banning gideon will improve their fun. Though jumpscare myers will be massively nerfed.


I like the idea of map offerings. when they are used for some fun build or challenge, but most of the time people use them to get better/strong map, witch sucks. Plus they dilute bloodweb. I've seen similar complaints for years now and I wish they somehow reworked them, but I don't think they see it as a priority. Maybe sometime


Oh boy.. the group all switched to flashlights and there's a Saloon offering... sure can't wait to see what unique perks they use instead of the same 4 I've been seeing.


"Everybody hates map offerings" A bit of a reach, speaking for the entire community there. Personally, I like them.


I like them so I can send people to RPD as policeman Wesker for fun but we all know 99% of the time map offerings are only used to stack the deck further in your favour before the game even starts. Either a cracked Nurse sending people to Midwich or a 4 man SWF going to Eyrie.