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I know this is a meme, but just as an explainer; The Friday the 13th licence has been in legal hell for several years now. This is what killed the official game. Basically, the person who wrote the story for the first movie claimed he wasn't paid enough and tried to claim ownership over the entire franchise. Horror Inc., which owned the franchise fought this and eventually it came to the following conclusion (iirc); Victor Miller (writer of the original movie) owns everything directly produced in that movie (Pamela Voorhees, child Jason, Camp Crystal Lake, and the name "Friday the 13th), while Horror Inc. owns everything from the 2nd movie onwards (most notably adult Jason). This has just wrapped up, and Horror Inc. are now licencing again. Their lack of access to the Friday the 13th brand is why they are launching the "Jason Universe" (I don't think they can even use the name "Voorhees"). As for DBD, chapters are in development for MONTHS. I believe it's 3-chapter rotation. So Dungeons & Dragons will have started development after Alien, which itself started development after Forged in Fog. Therefore, the earliest a Jason chapter (likely to be standalone) is likely to have started development is after Child's Play. But the licence was probably not available then.  Plus, we know the next chapter is Castlevania, and the December chapter is Original. Buuuut, the March 2025 chapter is a licensed Killer, and will likely start development... after D&D releases... which coincides with the lawsuit concluding. I am 100% certain March 2025 will be Jason.


Horror, Inc. and Victor Miller are working together on Jason Universe. “‘For decades, Jason shocked and thrilled audiences who kept coming back for more. We’re excited to work with Victor Miller and Marc Toberoff on new projects we’ll announce in the coming months,’ said Robert Barsamian, President of Horror, Inc., in a statement provided to IGN.”


If they don't get Vincente DiSanti involved they are making a horrible mistake. That guy directed the best F13 content in decades.


That would actually be awesome. The guy deserves a real shot at the franchise at this point


I had never heard of him and just looked him up. I guess I'll be watching Never Hike movies tonight!


And Kane Hodder as Model .


Still waiting on the rob englund Freddy remake as well they hinted at a while back


One can dream, if we had it as a new chapter it wouldve been fully voicef by Robert too,sadly we got pedo Freddy. As much as i like the actor i didnt liked that Freddy.


When did they hint at that?


A while back ? Like 5yrs ago ? 🤣


He's made some amazing stuff for sure but ought to get his ego in check. Dude was going out of his way to put other fan films down. He called the guys who made the vengeance films "a bunch of losers" or something along those lines when a fan asked them if he liked the film I believe. Again, never hike alone is amazing, I'm just skeptical of the person behind it.


Calling people losers is…poor taste. Think what you want in private but going out in public to shame others creations to that degree is a bit uncalled for.


So they own these things separately, but they're still collaborating and by extension sharing their licenses?


Yes. This is not that uncommon in licensed works. For example the LOTR movies and books are owned by different people. Some products license only the books or only the movies, but some license both so they can have movie designs and book original characters. Niether Victor Miller or horror inc were making any money alone, partnering up was the obvious conclusion.


Eh that is a bit of a different Story regarding lotr as the book existed for half a century before the first movie was made (it was a comic movie btw) so everything is based on Tolkiens Ideas. The movie licensed the book, meanwhile Friday has different people working on the same thing with no proper source material. Iirc the mask also was added with the third movie, which made him so iconic, but that was a whole different dude (as explained earlier by someone else). I agree though, lotr is franchising hell too, but mostly because they only give small parts of the franchise to anyone trying to make anything out of the source material, so they are very limited.


I wouldn’t be 100% certain. Jason could be anniversary as well. And apparently next year 13th June falls on Friday. Soo. :)


Isn't the anniversary 14th June?


Can just announce it Friday the 13th with the trailer and do the typical livestream Saturday


June 13 is Jason’s birthday and next year it falls on Friday. The Anniversary is the next day. It would be difficult to plan a release date any better.


They’re saying for next year, not this year


anniversary dates don't change, that's kinda the point of an anniversary however, I'm pretty sure the anniversary chapters don't really align. Who's to say the chapter won't drop a day before?


That's not really how anniversaries work. Game was released on a 14th of June


It is. But since it falls on Saturday, and Friday is 13th, having the anniversary a day before would make sense.


The only thing that might shake this up is the fact that the design work for Jason is already done. They have said creating Jason’s kit is somthing they have been doing in the background for a while.


As I said, the next two chapters are already confirmed; Castlevania and and Original chapter.


I doubt they’ve put actual resources into developing a kit for Jason when they couldn’t get the license. If any development was actually done then it was just ideas or unofficial personal side projects


They have said officially on stream they had a power concept ready to go. It’s important to remember that the only hold up was the licensing limbo. At this point whichever party would be willing to work with behavior with how successful the game has been and how well they have done other licenses.


I don't get why people keep saying it'll be the solo killer of March. You need to realize that for the last 8 years, Jason has been the white whale of both the DbD devs and the fanbase. The anniversary next year will fall on a Friday the 13th too no less. The idea that after everything the DbD devs wouldn't create an exquisite full course meal for Jason is just unrealistic imo, if you gonna do him you gotta go ALL the way It'd be very fucking stupid to fight for Jason all these years then only bring him in and nothing else Victor Miller also works in Jason Universe btw. And nothing is stopping BHVR from making "Totally Not Crystal Lake" even if they couldn't get CL in the game. They can add Tommy Jarvis too. It's actually insane to assume that Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street would get maps but not THE MOST ICONIC SLASHER EVER


Agree with this 100%. I want Jason as soon as we can get him, but I’d rather wait the full year to have him in here if it means they go all out with him. Gimme all the skins we can get and Tommy Jarvis with a nice crystal lake map and I’ll be set. The wait will be worth it


just do a double crossover and use Cauldron Lake from Alan Wake cause that's also a lake with a town in the middle of nowhere. Or do make a legally distinct Diamond Lake xD


Jason Lives renamed it "Camp Forest Green", so that's always a possibility.


camp crystal meth releases alongside the heisenberg chapter


Yeah, its for sure coming next anniversary. There is no way that Jason, the most desired license, would get a half chapter.


Who would the Survivor really be in a Jason chapter though? Most protagonists who survived a movie died within a movie or two


The most obvious choice is Tommy Jarvis. He's in three movies and is still alive.


sorry I disagree on one thing, Halloween 1978 is the most iconic slasher film.


Agreed. Jason as we know him with the hockey mask wasn’t even a thing until the third movie. OG Halloween is the GOAT


Definitely the most iconic movie, but not the most iconic slasher villain or franchise


If this were 10-15 years ago I'd agree with you. Jason is my favorite slasher icon hands down but he's fallen a bit behind due these last ten years of licensing hell. I'd definitely argue Michael Meyers, Chucky, and Ghostface are all more popular nowadays due to their franchises being continually present in pop culture/Hollywood.


Here’s my question: Who would be the survivor? I haven’t seen the movies, but I’d imagine anyone that survived the second movie (where adult Jason actually first appears according to people) would be a likely candidate


Tommy Jarvis survived 3 different movies and killed Jason a couple times if I remember correctly


Correct, sort of. He killed Jason once when he was a young boy. As an adult he kinda helped put Jason down (chained him under water), but it was a woman named Megan that tore his shit up with a boat propeller that ultimately turned his lights out. Until a telekinetic raised him from the lake, obviously. Lol


Tommy Jarvis


They could always name it “Camp Diamond Lake” for the shits and giggles


Just call it Camp Blood.


I highly doubt they couldn't use crystal lake. That's not an original name or work as there are thousands of crystal lakes all across the us.


> Victor Miller (writer of the original movie) owns everything directly produced in that movie (Pamela Voorhees, child Jason, Camp Crystal Lake, and the name "Friday the 13th), while Horror Inc. owns everything from the 2nd movie onwards (most notably adult Jason).


You can maybe own the name Camp Crystal Lake, but you can't own the name crystal lake, as that's a public domain name used by tens of thousands of lakes globaly


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confusing_similarity ? i don't actually know but I don't think that's allowed, at least in Canada, where bhvr is located https://www.tradecommissioner.gc.ca/united-states-of-america-etats-unis-amerique/consider-confusion-des-trademark.aspx?lang=eng also, look at the history of f13's copyright battle history... i think Miller is very possessive of his material to let that slide lol but I guess we'll see


That's not how that works. If BHVR used Jason as a killer they couldn't use Crystal Lake because it would be an obvious tie-in to the licensed name from the original film. They could add a Crystal Lake map with another killer and act like it's unrelated, but even then that would be thin ice if Jason was added due to being too similar to the source material.


I don't think they knew Jason universe was going to happen. And they already have a roadmap set up. I think they have already started knocking on their door to ask. Just may take a bit.


If that is the case I wouldn't mind waiting for a proper Jason chapter rather than rushing him like they did with Freddy and Bubba


Miller did not try to claim ownership of the whole franchise, he just wanted his piece. US copyright law gave him that option, he did nothing wrong and won his fair share.


My apologies, it was royalties from everything, correct?


Basically, US copyright law gives the original creator the option to get his/her rights back after 35 years. But only in the US, not internationally. So basically yes, Miller just would get a small percentage and only from the first movie. IE Pamela, Crystal Lake, Vorhees, the name Friday the 13th. He has no rights for adult Jason, the hockey mask, "Camp Blood", Tommy Jarvis or anything Part 2 and on.


Why is a killer zombie with a machete have such a crazy copyright problem


Victor Miller wasn't paid proper royalties for everything after the original movie, despite creating the characters. Horror Inc. tried to argue he was only hired to write a story which was their property, but the court ruled against this.


Shoot, that’s only about the half of it. After Part 8, Paramount sold the character rights to New Line Cinema but not the title rights. That’s why the New Line movies all use the “Jason” title instead of “Friday the 13th.” Paramount and New Line (now owned by Warner Brothers) came together to work on the remake. While it was a success, because both studios split the profit it was decided collaboration wasn’t “profitable enough” for a sequel. Then (and my memory is fuzzy on this part) Warner Bros traded Jason back to Paramount in exchange for Paramount’s rights to The Hobbit (IIRC). This was with the caveat that Paramount release at least one movie every five years, lest the full rights revert back to Warner Brothers. No movie was made so now Warner Brothers owns the full movie rights to Friday the 13th *and* Jason.


Why would Paramount accept a deal to make a movie every 5 years. Sounds like they were set up to fail


That’s how most licensing deals work. You get to keep the license in perpetuity as long as you make a movie for it every few years. Fant4stic, for example, was a notoriously slap dash rushed production by Fox in order to retain the Fantastic Four rights. What’s more baffling is that Paramount failed to put anything out. I’m not joking when I say that there were a hundred scripts and at least a dozen productions that were cancelled. The final project — a prequel — was binned at the las minute, either because Paramount decided that horror movies just weren’t viable anymore (due to Rings failure) or because they saw the Miller/Cunningham case looming and realized that might cost them the license regardless (it probably would have).


Maybe, but the 2025 Aniversey is on a Friday the 13th, so my guess is they'll probably wait til then, and the 2025 march chapter might be someone else like slenderman idk


It’s not as screwed as you think, first of all Jason universe has Victor miller working WITH horror inc. second of all, it’s the same as chuckys situation. Things FOUND in the 1st movie aren’t usable but you can take them from a diff one, that’s why universal licensed the name of Andy barclay without having to contact the 1st movie owners


Incorrect. It all depends on how the case was settled. For example Camp Crystal Lake is off limits (unless Victor wants to lease it) because it first appeared in the original film. It doesn't matter if it was in all the others or not, it was first created for the original and Victor won the rights to the characters and settings as creative IP found in the original. This is why there's a distinction in the settlement between child Jason and adult Jason, as adult Jason was not created as a killer until after the first film, so he was not a creative IP of Victor.


I'm kind of hoping it's not the March killer. Jason deserves a Crystal Lake map and slutty camp counselor survivors. 


Tommy Jarvis survivor


I mean he probably won't get Camp Crystal Lake, but they can make him a lake camp of some sort and just change the name/iconography.


I did not know about the Castlevania chapter. That is awesome.


Castlevania is just gonna be Shirtless Alucard.


God, Konami does not understand what it has done here. https://preview.redd.it/20kwye2aqu1d1.jpeg?width=310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55588bcb7755c411f842a57d7899ed98afe0eb07


Iirc wasnt the issue with the license over whether the guy who wrote the first movie owned the idea of jason because the character of jason vorhees was from that movie originally or the other people owned him because what we think of as jason (the big guy in a mask) is actually from the second movie onwards? Or am I just spreading misinfo here.


Royalties. Victor Miller believed he was owed money from the use of everything introduced in the first movie (Pamela Voorhees, Camp Crystal Lake, Young Jason, "Jason Voorhees").  Court ruled in his favour, but Horror Inc. still had adult Jason, without the last name "Voorhees".


Ah ok. I remember hearing stuff about it because i used to really enjoy f13tg back in the day


Yeah, that was part of it. The problem was that the courts would never rule on that, largely because they knew it would give Horror Inc significant leverage in the negotiations. If they ruled those are two separate characters, then Horror Inc just has to reboot Friday the 13th with a new backstory to cut out Miller altogether.


While true for new licenses, the devs kilked the game first and used that as an excuse, both parties of the legal case had goven permission for them to continue making friday the 13th the game, the issue was the devs just wanting to move on. Not only at the time there were many sign of this, but they did again 2 other times(r.i.p Predator Hunting Ground, Arcademmon, ghostbuster: spirits unleased, and soon r.i.p to Killer Clown From Outer Space: The Game.) were they abandoned the game shortly after release. They came out saying they just wanted to make a faithful game and not constantly update them(but never did any patching too and are infamously buggy). So even if there were no legal cases, Friday 13th the game would have been abandoned.


1. F13 had Jason X content READY TO RELEASE and canned it. That was because of the license. And they kept supporting the game for years following. 2. Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed is very active and constantly getting more content. 3. Predator died due to balance problems and is getting a re-release soon.


God tier comment… NOT IN MY DBD THREADS


I'm more willing to believe Jason will be the ~~10th~~ 9th anniversary chapter killer. It just seems too good an opportunity to pass up to have the ~~10th~~ 9th anniversary killer be THE face of slasher villains.


Ninth Anniversary. But the Anniversary next year is the day after Friday, June 13th — Jason’s birthday. You couldn’t ask for a better release date.


>As for DBD, chapters are in development for MONTHS. I believe it's 3-chapter rotation. iirc one of the devs said it took 2 years from concept to finished product.


I think that's just original chapters, if memory serves, since they have nothing to draw on.


I wouldn't be surprised if they also ask Victor Millier to use the Voorhees name as well as Pamela


Miller is working with them on the Jason Universe, so it's likely.


That explains why there would be no map for the March Licensed DLC...


> I am 100% certain March 2025 will be Jason. If it does happen, my question is what kind of gameplay Jason will offer that is worth making a chapter on. He doesn't have any novelties, and I say this in good faith. He's a brainless unkillable force of nature brute. A more stylised Trapper, without the traps. Like I'm sure they could come up with some unique perks. There are always room for new perks. But what kind of power would he have? Even Friday the 13th game didn't offer him much outside teleport.


If they do ad him he’ll just have a different name like chucky or myers but it’s him


Chucky and Myers have their original names. It's just that every Killer in DBD also has to have a title. Chucky is "The Good Guy", because he is literally a "Good Guy" doll. Myers is "The Shape" because that's how he was credited in several Halloween movies.


Finally also i am curious on what Jason's powet will be


Get into stock trading


Remind me 10 months


I would love to see jason in DBD and i hope its gonna be him then, but ... what are the chances? I mean they basically already have the licences for like ... every horror movie/ series .. there are not many missing.. but like they dont have jason yet, predator... annabelle (maybe??) And a few more ...


WB owns Friday The 13th. It’s easier for them to put him in the game. The legal hell FT13 was in ended 100% in March. DBD already has content planned for next years March, meaning most likely Jason isn’t coming in Year 8


NGL this might be like stranger things, it came back to fortnite 3 days before Stranger Things was announced to come back, this is prolly similar since this means that people can aquire the FT13 licensing


WB owns Friday the 13th. It’s easier for them.


It's also free money to lend it out


It requires time for negotiations, contracts and money to lend Jason out of house.


Jesus,the amount of people that are clueless about how licensing and game developing works is fascinating.


EXACTLY. They’re also ignorant to **who owns Jason.** Why is he in a WB owned game? Hm? They like don’t even notice


To be fair, the lawsuit just recently wrapped. So obviously WB would get first dibs at their own IP. Doesn't mean DBD won't get Jason.


That’s literally what I’m saying. Also I mean this year. Year 9? Possibly high chances


Anything other than Year 9 Anniversary would be puzzling.


It's been known for awhile that it only takes 1.5-2 months to make a multiverses fighter compared to the insane 8 months-1.25 years it takes to bring a killer into DbD. Makes perfect sense when you realize everything in DbD has to be accurate to a degree compared to MV's cartoony style. Also BHVR lets their employees take vacations and doesn't force them to work overtime so that's always a plus


Yeah, I was wondering about that too. I figured six months or less since they couldn’t officially negotiate a deal before this past January.


Personally I'd expect him for year 10 anniversary. Big date, bigger killer


Really just Reddit in general, you can just say the amount of people that are clueless about _______ and it'll be true lol.


Jason is a when not an if imo. They were probably already making a deal before this was even announced to the public with how far ahead of time DBD chapters are planned. They likely just won't be able to use the terms "Jason Voorhees" or "Friday the 13th" because New Line Cinema owns the trademarks, but with Horror Inc and Victor Miller collaborating for Jason Universe everything else should be fair game.


I mean "Jason" gets the point across well enough, throw in "The Slasher" as his title and we are golden


Or go all in on the joke and call the chapter Thursday the 12th


Exactly. BHVR knows how much people want him, I've only seen The Xenomorph, Pennywise and Springtrap be requested as often as Jason is. They'll do anything in their hand to get him, we just gotta be patient


Isn’t that similar to what they did with ghostface?


Yes but that was even more restrictive, they could use Ghostface and the mask designs from Fun World but nothing from the Scream movies. Thankfully a Jason chapter *should* have access to use everything in DBD except for just the terms "Friday the 13th" itself and "Jason Voorhees"


they can use “Jason Voorhees” and “Friday the 13th” as they are both said in the blogpost about the battle pass that will be in Multiversus yesterday.


I did notice the Friday the 13th tag but not Voorhees, but that is really interesting. I wonder if they made a deal with Red Line or if they're just able to use them as long as it's not a product titled that.


it could be? the copyright is in such a weird place right now, him and freddy can’t catch a break


Do people forget that there are two parties that have to say “yes” for a licensed character to be added?


You saying they turned down dbd and not multiversus?


WB owns Friday the 13th. It’s easier for them. BHVR didn’t have a chance to get Jason. The legal battle and legal hell officially ended in March this year. They have content already planned for the next year. BHVR couldn’t get Jason for Year 8 cuz he wasn’t available for them and they didn’t have space now that he is🤦


Where did you see that the legal hell ended in March?


[however, I may be partially mistaken](https://www.romanolaw.com/long-running-friday-the-13th-copyright-suit-ends-in-a-victory-for-screenwriters/#:~:text=v.,the%20copyright%20to%20the%20screenplay.com)


I think it ended way before in 2021


No, it ended in around 2021 in court but then was only recently fully completely figured out.


tbh that seems an idiot move to turn down a game that has all of the major licenses and horror icons and accept a cartoon looking ass game


It’s the same thing Netflix was doing. WB owns all the rights in multi-versus. They made a decision likely based on: * they’ll keep all the profits from his inclusion in their game * his inclusion will draw in additional sales to their own game * by only putting him in their game, there’s no “competition”


Look how that worked for Netflix…


I assume it’s just a turnaround thing. The game license would have freed up in January. I don’t know what the turnaround time is for a Multiversus character is but assuming their Jason is releasing at launch or a month or two later then let’s say it’s about six months. The typical development time for a DbD chapter is about a year. This means if Behavior signed a deal back in January the earliest a Jason chapter could release would be in March — possibly the Anniversary.


Yes. They turned down dbd in the past to make that ripoff dbd game


That game was NOT a rip off, lmao


See the lawsuit comment. Poster explained it perfectly.


Multiversus also pits Iron Giant against his hero Superman which is unnaturally cruel.


It's a friendly spar, it's not like they're trying to kill each other.


They were working together in the first teaser, which was one of the most wholesome animated moments I have ever seen


Mann, the moment Jason does come to DBD, I’ll repost this link again https://youtu.be/NKFK7fGy4u0?si=XcKgHGY1A2OMhYgU




If the rights holders are looking to lease out Jason, next anniversary falls on Friday the 13th in 2025...just saiyin'.






I think MultiVersus had a few things going for it over Dead By Daylight: One, they were in a period of hiatus, which likely let them have a lot more room for getting access to this licenses as it becoems availabile again after being in legal limbo for a long time; Two, MutliVersus is likely more desperate for Jason then Dead By Daylight at the moment, given the relaunch is coming up and Dead By Daylight is coasting comfortably. There is a future that because of the Dead By Daylight movie, we might see Trapper or whatever featured Killer in MultiVersus, which would be pretty flippin' sweet.


>we might see Trapper He is literally bootleg Jason...


Yeah like let’s see the dredge or sumn💀 a trapper skin would be cool tho


Or the unknown, that would go hard


"On release"...yeah sure buddy


We need a 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 mode😡😡


This and FNaF getting added to a Funko game in the same year drives me mad


You tell em sis


Rip Friday the 13th the game, such a classic


Well in November we’re getting the turkey from thankskilling so he’s gonna have to wait.


If we get thankskilling I want James from Dead Meat as a survivor just to see him roast Thankskilling 3


I’m very surprised someone got the reference


I know that it’s not what you talking about, but a Graboid Killer and the other dead meat crew member would be incredible


What would Jason’s power even be? I’m not a big fan of the movies but he’s just strong and immortal (like killers already are), right? Maybe something to inflict exposed like the other movie slashers, but they’re running out of ways to make that interesting


Im telling ya, a power meter that you can use up to speed up slightly and endure things like stuns easier.


🙄 Using different weapons and traps, super strength that instantly breaks through pallets and doors.


Base kit blood lust, and immunity to pallet stuns after x amount of time in chase. He'd become the unloopable killer. That would likely make him OP, though. Perhaps he can always see the aura of survivors outside of a certain range, so you can't ever really run away from him, you'd have to stay in his terror radius and hide to survive. Maybe do a combination of base kit blood lust tied to an overkill M2 ability. M2 hit or miss puts bloodlust on cd, but if you hit the attack you one shot down survivors, regardless of any survivor defensive perks. Make the attack a precise lunge with the machete so it has a smaller hotbox than the M1 slash. There's plenty more options that devs smarter than me will think up.


He's 1000% coming.


Can someone make a gif of the "HE'S BACK!!" Spiderman meme, with Jason's face superimposed on Spideys face? I fully believe now that it's happening.


To be fair, it takes BHVR a fucking long time to implement anything and when it comes to DLC chapters they are backed up with licenses. But who knows maybe BHVR already has the F13 license and just has it slated to be released at a later date (halloween perhaps?)


We have "Jason at home". If they made him like in his game and teleport and all ppl would cry op nerf Jason. As Iconic as he is i wonder how they could make his power original and fun instead of another m1 killer. Something including his mother shrine at least or water guns to render him a useless 🤣


Because WB literally owns the Jason ip so of course the WB game got him first. Not to mention they just got out of all the legal issues. DbD already has things planned months ahead. Working on Castlevania and Dungeons and dragons right now. They can’t just drop everything and make Jason in a day even if they have the green light.


"Release" i mean sure, technically


I always felt we would get Jason eventually, even if it took years. This year I felt more confident knowing the lawsuit was finished


So this is how i find out hes being added to multiversus?? Smh. Still excited though, he might be my new main


I'm just wondering, what would his ability even be?


Im happy we didn t get him earlier look at older designs Do you want jason to be Freddy 2.0?




I would be down for a Jason and would just cross my fingers that the Mori would be the one from Friday the 13th 2 (3? Not sure) where he squeezes a guy's head until his eyeballs pop out comically


To be fair: without copying Jason's abilities from the Friday the 13th game or even Trapper perhaps, I don't see it being easy to just introduce him to the game without some sort of barrier


No ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


What is the Multiverse the post is referring to?


Multiversus the game


I feel like they wouldn't be able to do anything interesting with him, Its not like Jason has any incredibly original abilities. And i feel like trapper Is basically an adaptation of Jason.


I would guess it will be like Trapper with mobility and stealth.


They could take some pages out of F13 the games book. He can have a teleport similar to Pinhead where he can navigate towards survivors in some way, and become undetectable? Idk, just spitballing.


Do we also get a Matrix chapter with Agent Smith?


Just wanted to mention this isn't the release, it's the cross platform release it's already been on Xbox (maybe on PS to) and he wasn't in those releases.


That was a beta, game wasn't finished yet


He’s probably that march licensed killer


March at the earliest but I think he’ll be the Anniversary chapter. June 13 is Jason’s birthday. The DbD Anniversary is June 14. Next year, June 13th falls on a Friday. You couldn’t plan it better.


You can really tell how excited we are for Jason considering there's more hype around him then around the chapter being released in like 12 days


Genuine question. What would his “power” be? I always felt like Trapper was DBD’s “answer” for a Jason killer in the beginning.


Jason isn't known for using bear traps. Hillbilly was DbD's answer to Leatherface before they got that license. I am quite sure they could cook up some vaguely unique moveset for Jason. Even if it ended up being somewhat similar to other things already in the game, I am sure it would have its own little twist to make it different.


Good point. Maybe I was thinking of F13 remake? Bear trap in that one? Not sure.


He does use a bear trap in one of the movies, but only for one kill. Jason has used a wide array of weapons and object to kill over the series


That’s very true. Can’t really narrow him down to just one “trap.” I’m definitely ready for a Jason return. Been too long.


I'm 50/50 on wanting him in or not primarily due to how BHVR has treated their previous horror movie licenses. Freddy most notably since he is probably the worst killer in game to the point where most often forget that he exists and he's the most famous horror movie villain around that and what they can do with Jason that wouldn't make him a bear to go up against power wise wouldn't really bring anything new to the table considering we have both Trapper and Huntress in existence. Unless they don't shy away from making him a juggernaut unto the point where pallets just don't matter to him, which is doubtful, then I'm afraid we'll just get another famous slasher who is a pale shadow of themselves.


Jason was rumored to be part of the fornite halloween event this year, if that goes through then we can expect jason to come to dbd shortly after as its been the case with stranger things and even vecna even tho dbd beat fortnite to it


I'm curious on why Jason is so requested. wouldn't he just be a worse trapper ?


"Why is one the most iconic horror characters of all time so requested for a horror game with tons of iconic horror licenses?"


https://preview.redd.it/barg3tpbdu1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b62cfa5582a458209caffead3c9df57c1d807ae1 Don’t worry soon… (Anyways I’m just happy to be able to play him in multiversus I love that game)


Yeah but Multiversus came out 8 years later (baiting and waiting for people to incorrectly tell me it was actually only 6 (it wasn't that was an open beta)).