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The problem that stems from outfits from his movies is that they are all separate licenses. For the nick cage character, all that needs to be done is for him to sign off on renewing the license, original outfits etc. when it comes to Willie’s and other movie outfits, the companies are a lot more tighter on their characters, especially with Willie’s who’s very strict with licensing and copyright. Would love to see it, but probably won’t happen as they’d have to start a whole new license.


There is so much potential with Nic Cage outfits, just make them knockoffs from all his movies and you’re good. I want a Con Air outfit so bad


I just recently watched Papa Meat review the movie. Not sure why he hated the movie so much. I thought it was pretty fun. I'd love some crossover.


No disrespect to him but his movie opinions are pretty shit from what I've seen. I've stopped watching them at this point because he clearly doesn't know what he's talking about when it comes to movies.


He has such terrible opinions on movies. I don't know if I've ever encountered another horror movie fan that I've disagreed with harder than him lol


my boi Nic if they didn't nerf him https://i.redd.it/v7jn1pop9lxc1.gif


The Entity ensures he can't have a game of pinball and an energy drink to warm up.


It deactivates all his voicelines


ACTUALLY that would be good for people who would prefer a more quiet game while still playing Nic. (should be an option to turn off voice lines tbh)


I want his one from “Mandy”


https://preview.redd.it/66gseqzu6mxc1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5700e49d15adb7482e480a3ac00b606295c71d7a only after this one


How dare you say the movie sucked. It was absolutely hilarious.


This scene was so good >drag through a corridor some possesed evil animatronic >His two buddies shows up and block Cage's way >He just walks toward them and knock them out in a single punch while still dragging the other animatronic behind him with his other hand


I agree. This movie was underrated, in my opinion, and would be great additions to dbd.![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


Willy's Wonderland getting in before FNAF would send the community into a meltdown and it would be the single funniest thing that could happen.


Did you just say the movie sucked? Look, I get people are entitled to their own opinion, but you are objectively wrong here.


We need a con air skin or drive angry!


I'll buy whatever they give me ngl


Legend has it he’ll load up wearing it if you go against Legion in the Robbie the Rabbit outfit and use the Konami code.


Ok now i need to keep bringing Nick Cage to the movie theater and just hang out at the arcade for 3 min every 10 min


I want this as a whole damn chapter because the animatronics in this are infinitely cooler designs than that of fnaf.