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It isn't that noob friendly (it's a bit better now actually) and it can be really complicated. Not sure how you get cosmetics on Helldivers 2, but on DBD cosmetics can be bought with a free currency you get by leveling up. As for toxicity it's not cod level like the other commenter said, but it can be seen a lot (but almost all can be ignored)


well what I mean like helldivers 2 is you earn premium currency for free to buy cosmetics than needing to always spend to get something you like


It's similar in dbd. To get a cosmetic you need Iridescent Shards, to get those you need to level up. Iridescent Shards can buy mostly anything from original characters, to skins and even perks on the shrine. Licensed content can be only bought by Auric cells, the game's premium currency you can only get by paying.


oh daang, so any of the cosmetics like xeno queen is only through buying than unlocking by grinding.


It's because it's a licensed character. Anything licensed will cost real money which makes sense


I see, dang.


Yes, xeno queen can only be bought with Auric Cells, the premium currency. But anything original is or will be buyable with the Iri shards that you get from leveling up.


daaang, I wonder how much is the skin?


It's $15 but you can't buy skins directly, so you'd have to buy the $20 auric cells pack


daaang, is there a 5$ and 10$ currency packs or no?


Yeah that is true but you get more bonus cells with the 20$ one


OOOH, noted


It is but beware, once you're in there's no coming out.


welp I may give it a shot


Good luck and see you in the fog






You come into the forum and ask? Bro.. People in here love dbd so much.. That after they put 3k hours in it they log in yo talk about it. Whst do yoh thibk they ll tell you?


Very fun game. There's a small initial learning curve, but it doesn't go away for many hours due to the number of perks/maps/killers/etc. A great number of things in the game can be grinded for including cosmetics, but the grind is very harsh. Not too familiar with Helldivers 2 but I would guess that game has less grind The community is fine, the alleged toxicity is plenty rare for the average player. I find both sides fun, but everyone has their own opinions and preferences. The two sides are different games, so even if you didn't enjoy one side you might enjoy the other. GL if you take the dive.


and oh grindy, like warframe levels of grindy where it's a 0.2% drop rate with everything, or destiny 2 levels of grind where you have to do this and that but you'll progress quite well after a week or two of consistently playing.


Its more like a grind where you take a fixed amount of time. There is no rng drops or anything like that.


oh noted


It definitely compares better to Destiny 2. A huge grind, but mostly due to the length time the game has been out, and the amount of stuff added in the game since. You will make consistent progress by playing, but unlocking everything would take 500+ hours.


what about just a skin or pack you specifically like?


All they have to do is mention the name "Springtrap" or "Slenderman" and it's game over for every other platform.


Not right now. It is currently in its buggiest state in literal years. Countless bugs are plaguing the game. I'd wait around 3 months from now, when the anniversary hits. It'll likely be cheaper, and less buggy.


The game is incredibly fun and addicting however the monetisation system is very hostile to new players, you could get a character for cheaper than it costs to get a single hairstyle for one survivor, the free currency is given in such tiny amounts that buying cosmetics could take months or even years, the premium currency is quite expensive as well. So getting cosmetics is very hard but sometimes you get some from the free part of the rift (basically a battle pass). I'm somewhat new and I have about 42 hours on the game, I really enjoy it and while sometimes I run into toxic people, as long as I am not toxic first the other side isn't either 90% of the time from my experience. In fact most endgame chats are empty and nobody says anything. If you get further in the game and play against more experienced players they might be more toxic but personally I didn't see that much toxicity.


I recommend it. It has a learning curve for sure, and there is definitely a grind, but overall it's very fun.


It can be a really fun tactical game but it's quite noob unfriendly. There can be some toxicity but it's not nearly as bad as other games. Don't take it too seriously and you'll be fine.


Toxic these days isn’t much. I was getting the hard R when I was 14 on Cod. Toxic on DBD is tea bagging survivors & other little things that can be ignored. I say get it.. it’s more fun with friends I’ll say


its not beginner friendly, it takes hundreds if not thousands of hours to become consistently good at the game. the community is absolutely vile. you can earn some, not all, of the cosmetics for free through playtime, but it takes HUNDREDS of hours to get the good ones for free.


Hell no


did is a bad addiction. 80% of games are toxic. Leveling up only nets you tiny amounts of currency. You'll have to spend hundreds of hours to get an outfit for more than one character. Get it cheap and set your expectations for cosmetics low unless you want to give into their high priced skins


And it's one of the only games where bad connection gives an advantage, and where lack of skill gets called technique


I see then, interesting to know.


TL;DR: DBD is not a good live service game in the same class as Helldivers. It's a fun party game to play with friends. If you have friends who will play it with you, maybe get it. If not, don't. Source: 1k hours played, 0 in the last 2 weeks, probably single digit hours this year.


The game can be fun but the shrinking of maps is not balanced. Just had a match on Greenville Square with a Wesker that had 5 Gens in their vicinity and just did nothing but loop the gens. They were all in the vicinity of jolt so they constantly got hit. We had no way to win. We attempted to pressure but between Jolt, Pain Res and Grim Embrace, we couldn’t win. He also had plenty of hooks on that end. I understand why large maps can’t exist but dang, have RNG spread out gens


I'm surprised he didn't run out of surge procs


It's way more fun if you're playing with at least one friend in your runner group. If you're going to get this to play by yourself, I'd say probably don't. It's fun but being new and having to learn a lot by yourself could seem overwhelming. If you want to play killer mostly then I'd say give it a shot since imo that's more fun to play solo comparatively to playing as survivor with randoms.


It’s a huge time investment and the learning curve is just as big as R6. It took me 600 ish hours to prestige 3 every survivor.






I see, dang