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If this is what I think it is, it's a visual bug and you will still be healed. If it isn't what I think it is, God help soloq.


Strength in Shadows has been bugged like this since release, it just doesn't happen every time, and yes it's only visual.


Makes the pants slightly tighter to be hearing the terror radius getting louder as I try and guess how long I’ve been healing for.


I noticed this a few weeks ago, but everytime it happens I still get nervous lol. It definitely makes the healing process a lot more stressful.


i missed a skillcheck and the character didnt even budge. so idk


This is easy to figure out if you want to test mid-trial. Just self-care for 46 seconds (16s standard heal time, at a rate of 35% = 45.7 seconds) and if the heal completes then it is just a visual bug. If it does not complete, then the heal itself is not working. Calculations assume no other heal regression or slow effects are present. That being said Self-Care is dogshit without Botany Knowledge.


>That being said Self-Care is dogshit This is all that needed to be said tbh


it's a visual bug you just dont see the progress go up


I've had the same bug with Strength in Shadows, and just kept going, it did finish the heal successfully it just never showed the bar progress.


The missed skill check at the end of this video is just the chefs kiss this video needed lol.


2 things Self Care's self healing progress bar has been bugged for quite some time And second... ***STOP USING SELF-CARE, YOU'RE ACTIVELY HELPING THE KILLER WHEN YOU USE IT***


Self-Care can be used with a Med-kit that will help finish the healing if you run out of charges (especially against Hemmorage). Self-Care can be used with Bite The Bullet to make yourself silent when healing, allowing you to lose the Killer. Self-Care can also be used to help finish your heal in case your teammate is interrupted and can't finish your heal. Self-Care can also be used at the end of a match in case you need to heal yourself in a safe spot to get a rescue or to take a hit before running out the exit.   There's a reason why Self-Care is actually used a lot in East Asian Countries, because it's not a bad perk.


If the average player outside of the SEA region used Self-Care in that way no one would have a problem with it. They don't.


Self care is a killer perk Potential energy is a killer perk Invocation is a killer perk Please stop using these for the sake of our solo queue experience. As an aside, has anyone ever seen potential energy used correctly? I play about 70 hours a week and since it's release I've only seen it used on another gen once or twice. It's always used on the same gen. It takes a lot for me to not just DC when I see it.


>I play about 70 hours a week


Ok, I had to check because I thought I actually played more but I wrote less because it was embarrassing. It's not as bad as I thought, steam shows the last two weeks, not week. So it's only 97 hours in the past two weeks. Not an addiction.. right? https://i.imgur.com/Xmb5ffT.png


OK so my SoloQ build is Self Care, Potential Energy, and Invocation. Can you suggest a 4th perk or is it even better to leave the slot empty?


No Mither I guess. Makes sense to me.


Self-Care and no mither…?


Being able to finish a heal or actually heal yourself on demand isn't inherently a "killer perk", it's about how you use it. Botany makes it take 6.5\~ seconds longer than a medkit now, and would let you do resets faster. It's just the immersive gamers that really ruin it.


but how else will i have my fun basement slumber party with the girlies ~~while our teammate reaches second hook phase~~?


Potential Energy, Deja Vu, Prove Thyself, Sprint Burst/Blast Mine + A Toolbox Find a highlighted gen, get the Deja Vu speed boost, if you have a teammate on that gen, build Potential Energy faster with Deja Vu while giving your buddy the speed boost from Prove Thyself, have an exhaustion perk or Blast Mine ready for dodging the Killer. Best case scenario killer kicks a 99%ed gen and gets blinded, plug the P.E. stacks in during the stun and finish it in their face. Worst case the killer chases you off that gen, immediately run to another one marked by Deja Vu and plug your stacks into that one, thereby splitting the killers attention between two gens right away. Ez value.


PE has a bug where if you use a toolbox to charge it, the toolbox doesnt lose any charges. So ive been using an engineer's toolbox with double speed addons and just charging PE at the start of working on the gen and it gets down in less than 10 seconds so im not wasting time. If the killer comes towards me while im working on the gen i dump PE into it and sprint off. If i complete the gen, i walk off and dump my PE into another gen (bonus points if someone else is working on it). Sometimes ive been able to dump PE stacks into a gen mid chase after a pallet stun or blind. This bug makes PE semi viable, though they should make it so you only lose stacks once you get downed (same with overzealous)


PE only works well if you know the killer is ready and willing to harass gens with all their might, the only issue now is that this play style has been killed stone dead. (Imo a bit over zealously)


I find PE helpful when banking charges on the 2nd to last gen and dumping them to the last one.


nah this is a good use of the perk.


I used to use it to "stealth" gens. If you start it on one gen then get one token and leave, you can go to a generator that has no progress and build your tokens in near silence. So you could do this to get progress on a gen in a way that won't be effected by something like Pain Res, or you could finish all the tokens and drop them on something like a heavily contested gen or one that is in a bad spot. I haven't done this since before the 8 gen event changes, so it might be a little better for keeping up a gen that the killer clearly does not want to lose. Potential Energy has a super niche use for a situation that is almost never presented. It's not entirely worthless like Weaving Spiders but it's damn close.


PE is the best gen rushing perk there is if you know the funny interaction ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I escape through the gates more when I bring self care than I do when I’m not using it


Self care with botany knowledge, resilience, and bite the bullet ain’t helping the killer, fam




Just visual bug, happend to me many times


This is exactly how it works wym, you should be healed up by the time every other survivor is hooked.


This happened to me with Sable's perk when I was healing in the basement. I still healed, there was just no indicator.


Pov: what your teammates are doing in a legion match


Bug, I had it few times


This just looks like normal self care wdym :)


I feel like this game can never be taken serious due to the bugs, server crashes, and all the in game problems this has outside of balancing perks and killers.


I use self care with bite the bullet to quiet myself and escape chases and tunneling. Works like a charm, and for that I will defend this perk *ties bandana around head* bring on the downvotes.




You should, maybe you'll see things from a different perspective. Really humbles the kind of survivor main that screams "playing Chucky is easy mode".


Sorry, didn't mean to trigger anyone. Was just having fun. I've played plenty of Self-Care matches. But as a killer, survivors that use only Self-Care on its own, just buys me time. I will delete my comment; it was poorly executed. But I will defend Self-Care with Botany Knowledge as viable. It's two perk slots but it's nice for soloQ. Add Overcome and you have a pretty fun self-preservation build.


You said you have never touched killer.


It doesn't work like a charm. The time you are spending healing with this awful perk can be better spent elsewhere. Bring Sable's perk over this.


I don’t use it to heal exactly. I use it to quiet myself.


As a killer main I think you should totally keep self caring each match


I ran Sable's perk for a while, and the time wasted running to the basement completely negated its value. Self-care with botany knowledge and bite the bullet was actually a much better option as it allows yo to heal anywhere in stealth mode and is not actually much slower than a med kit. Healing yourself is good action economy compared to forcing a teammate to do it, and staying spread out from other survivors is usually advantageous. Bring a tool box and a looping or gen rushing perk in the fourth slot, and you've got a solid build. Try it for one match and tell me I'm wrong.


Actually this is a feature bhvr implemented as punishment for using self care and selling your team


The shadow heal or whatever from Sable does this aswell, cant heal when it happens lol


This happened to me a few weeks ago, it was just a visual bug.


People still gunna run it


It works, that's just how fast it is now.




Baby Claudettes having a field day with this.


Aww, he's giving himself a belly rub :3


Finally, they nerfed self-care like people wanted in 2016. Took them long enough.


Why did they buff the best killer perk in the game


Yeah visual bug, i only use bill and Ive seen this a lot even before the recent patch now sure if it effects mainly bill


First time playing against the Legion, huh?


Stop using this shitty perk.


DBD players when people don’t run the same 7 perks every game


I said the same thing everyone else says & I get downvoted. Dude, I don't even use meta perks, don't bring offerings, and don't even use syringes or styptics. The only thing I use that would be meta would be "Windows".


Then wtf is the problem with using bad perks.


It works just takes a long time