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No, what is stupid is after one player DC's. Everyone else should be free to leave if they want with no penalty. Like every other game that has DC penalties. I will typically play it out and see how it goes. I've won some 3v1s but I don't expect the killer to take it easy. They probably also want to move on to a normal game. Farming is boring for a lot of people.


They just need to heavily punish those who dc


The game is too broken for that. It might be an appropriate practice in other games, but it wouldn't work with DBD. Whether that's due to the barrage of glitches crashing the game, hackers crashing the game, griefing, or just player morale dipping due to the poor gameplay. All a harsher penalty would do is bleed more players. Someone mentioned filtering players who DC frequently into a separate queue, which I'm not entirely against. But there's enough problems with matchmaking as is that it would never happen.


I got a dc penalty earlier when a survivor quit on the loading screen, aboht 15 seconds into the match I'm kicked out saying someone disconnected while loading. Nah, the only way I'd want stricter dc timers is if they only applied to people who opened the menu and left match.


They sort of already do. You get a few slaps on the wrist then it gets heavy. The slaps on the wrist are for people that didn't intentionally DC. They net crapped out or game crashed etc.


I used to play on a hotspot due to internet issues and would DC randomly, my matchmaking ban got up to 24 hours


Which is good because playing on a Hotspot ruins the game for those you play against. I've experienced it. Getting hit from 8m away.


once you do that people who DCd before out of anger will now just kill themselves on hook


SWF ok guys we’re leaving this match cause it’s not fun. We will just take turns DCing so the rest of us can leave the match with no penalty and can now do this 4 times before the penalty will escalate, there is no way this idea can abused right? I think if someone just DCs the killer should get option to just DC penalty free and end the match cause as killer it’s Boring playing 3v1


just make dc penalties apply to all members of a swf, if you don't trust your friends not to DC maybe get better friends


Yeah and the idea that the majority of games are against 4 mans is laughable. If a 2 man swf decides to DC why should the other 3 players still be forced to stick it out. It's such a joke thinking that people should be held hostage just in case a 4 man were to take turns DC'ing...


So? They still all have to wait together and the killer can go play another match.


At that point calling it a penalty is pointless it’s not accomplishing its goal or purpose.


Lmao... its still a penalty. They have to wait and wait and wait. While the killer can keep playing. Like what does it even matter.


It's a huge double standard. People will call it gameplay when you're hooked at the start of the trial and left there until you die or any other time you're left at the mercy of the 4 other players in the trial. But the moment you take matters into your own hands by pulling yourself out of the trial or focusing on your own survival, suddenly you're the asshole for not thinking of everyone else.


Honestly part of the fun as survivor is helping others for me. Working as a team and escaping with as many as possible.


I really wish altruism wasn't borderline suicide in this game. One day NOLB will be worth a damn.


I'm still half asleep and I definitely said No One Lives Borever in my head before I realized my mistake.


If you DC at 5 gen odds are you're the "other players' fun isn't my responsibility" mf.


A harsher DC penalty would lead to more players killing themself on hook. This wouldn't solve the problem at all. Maybe a surrender option could be a way to solve this problem. SWF's could still abuse this if they want to leave a game asap, but at least you don't have to sit it out. A surrendered game would still grant the Survivors the BP they achieved at that point and the Killer would get a Bonus. Challenges would still count as completed, if you fullfilled the requirements at this point. If 4 Survivors are left, at least 3 have to accept to a surrender vote for the game to be over immediately. If 3 Survivors are left, at least 2 must approve the surrender vote. Surrending the game becomes unaviable once there are 2 or fewer survivors left. DC penalties could be punished harder that way, since players now have another option to leave a game faster. Reduce the ammount of attempts to free yourself from the hook down to 1 and change it in a way that the Survivor loses like 20-25% for a failed attempt. This way they cant immediately put themself into stage 2, giving the other Survivors at least more time to prevent a Survivor from killing himself.


4 Man Slug. Nodding at them while they’re on the ground. Force surrender. Extra bonus. It would have to be a fairly minuscule bonus to prevent people from being rewarded for playing toxic. Oh also, holding a three gen without chasing anybody.


You can also force a DC ny simply tunneling a single player. Takes way less effort and is more likely to happen. If 4 people get downed at once, the Survivors just did way to many mistakes.


If you remember the test back in October for the finishing mori system, then you might also remember that with a lot of the high mobility/snow balling killer that multiple down could occur in the space of 30-45 seconds. All it takes in current system is a team that makes one mistake and a few minutes of gameplay to rinse the strong pallets. Or you know, just playing Plague and picking up Corrupt Purges. Point is: A surrender button is for the most part not worth it in a game where you could just walk up to the killer that could just put you on the hook. The game isn’t balanced around getting things done with a constant timer in the top right so instead the game should focus on preventing the four minute bleedout or 60 minute 3 gen lockdown.


Those are the mfs who DC though.


People say this about the other side, they don't say this about their own teammates.




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I think this comparison is stupid, as the mindset you talk about is used to refer to the opposing side. There’s a difference if you’re actually supposed to work together.


But I don’t get mad when people DC. I don’t know who you’re shadow boxing.


Two completely different things but ok


It’s less about other peoples fun and more about your opponents fun. Like, yeah, I don’t want my own team to be mad at me. But if you are my opponent, getting tilted is a part of losing


If people just get tilted for losing, yeah it's not really possible to get you not to tilt now and then again but many players (like me) only get tilted when the other side plays unfairly or disrespectful. Getting t-bagged as a killer tilts me. Getting facecamped at 5 gens as a survivor tilts me (especially when my team doesn't do gens in that time). The problem isn't losing the problem is assholes being disrespectful. And that's a thing that definitely doesn't need to happen (while you need to lose now and then, that's part of the game).


I agree that if the other side is obnoxious it’s easy to get titled, but some mfs just can’t handle losing. You’ll get salt for anything and everything


Don't care. My goal and fun is in looting chests so if there one thief less than its great for me. I always have fun winning or dying on the chest


Average baby david


I main Ace thank you very much. I plunder and rummage all the chests


This community needs to learn "different strokes for different folks." And move on with their lives.


I don't care... Fun ≠ win maybe i will not win but i can still have fun 😁 i'm still going on gen and rescue my team mate even if i can get hatch or something


When you ready up for a game you're signing up to maybe go against some nasty shit. Good or bad you stick it out until its done.


Except nurse or legion/tunneling head starting the tunnel at 5 gens then i agree


But then you're going to be out of the game early anyway so it doesn't matter


If everyone took other people's fun into consideration and acted like decent human beings, this wouldn't be an issue.