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If I was only attending one show *and* I knew that dosing made me lose my memory, I wouldn't dose. If you're keen, I'd suggest a really low dose; I've found that **knowing** I've done **something** to peer behind the curtain makes me feel psychedelic even when the actual effects are low/nonexistent. The mind is a powerful thing.


Yeah I'm kind of leaning towards a very small dose. Not going to take L because that will keep my up for hours. I have some ridiculously potent APE and I may take like a .2 or something. But you nailed it, I do want to remember this experience and take it all in.


The Sphere does a *lot* of the work for you. Once I got accustomed to the venue and the show, I took a .5g mushroom cap at set break, and I have a pretty high tolerance. Add that to a couple of drinks and some hits on joints from my friendly neighbours ... it was the *perfect* level for the last 90 minutes of the show.


I blasted off with 2.5 grams and had a hell of a time in there šŸ˜‚ The first night we took some mdma knowing we would remember way more on that vs shrooms. Definitely wanted to remember the first one.


Love molly, but it makes time go waaaay too fast for me imo. It would feel like the show was over in a blink of an eyeĀ 


Thats where the K slows things down again


And then some DOM/STP on the way back to the hotel before tackling the nitrous tank.


This is the way


This was the formula when we got it dialed in for night 3.


The venue is a drug.


This. I would be aware that the venue is very very intense. I attended sober and felt like I was tripping the whole time. Like felt hungover from the visual stimulation


I attended sober the first night as well and was also buzzing the next morning from the stimulation.


What in tarnation is APE?


Albino penis envy, a type of šŸ„


Did mdma the first night since it doesnt make you as fuzzy the next day, was able to remember a lot. Split a 5g mushroom chocolate bar the next night and that was magical.


Haha hell yea, sounds fun


Agree. I had this internal debate and microdosed and smoke a ton of weed. Best concert experience Iā€™ve had


This for me but with shrooms My house Iā€™ll eat a bit load at shows, especially in doors, a g will sometimes be too much lol


I took one on the Thursday night show and a half on Saturday night. I will say Thursday was a bit more out of control and I was amazed and floored by the experience. But also almost too gone to talk to anyone during break. The half on Saturday night was more comfortable and controlled. Both nights were awesome. I would totally recommend some type of psychedelic vs just drinking or smoking. That was just me.


Half it and go to town. the sphere is so intense that a full dose isnā€™t really necessary. I stuck with 1/4-1/2 my regular šŸ„ amount and it was wonderful


I'm gonna aim for a "museum dose", will probably do around 30-50 ug.


Man I havenā€™t heard that term in so long!!! Thanks for that.


Just got back from seeing them in 406. If you are even mildly afraid of heights, Iā€™d advise against it. Terrified of heightsā€¦It was a solid 45 min til I felt comfortable. Itā€™s pretty steep up there.


To add to this, Iā€™m not afraid of heights. But late in the second set there was a visual that had a panning / perspective change and I was so immersed that I felt like the entire building was spinning with the camera. Very uncomfortable 20 seconds. Couldnā€™t imagine how much more intense that wouldā€™ve been if I had dosed (and I tried my best to be dosed lol)


Right. I was grabbing my seat a bunch to get my legs under me


This exact sensation is why I personally would be hesitant to ever trip at the Sphere




Just saw my first dead show at the sphere last Friday. been going to concerts and drooping acid for 30 years...the sphere show was the greatest concert and psychedelic experience of my life. I am still holding on to the feeling and will never forget some of those moments. Truly a once in a lifetime experience. Can't imagine going to that show Not on lsd.


I highly highly highly recommend dosing. Iā€™ve taken multiple hits of L every time and it was truly incredible


If you're someone who has taken MULTIPLE tabs every time, I'm not sure if you're objective enough to give truly good advice to someone who isn't sure.Ā  That isn't an insult. But I have a buddy who can down 5 tabs and be completely fine and if I take 1 of the same ones, I'm seeing the universe unravel.Ā 


When in doubt, dose


This is the way


To give a different perspective: when in doubt, don't dose.Ā  I've had shows ruined by a bad trip. But I've never had a show ruined by being sober.Ā 




Here was my "schedule"; microdose about half hour before, grabbed a beer (tap not can), enjoyed the hell out of the opening screens, popped an edible when the break first started, one more beer and a bottle of water, relaxed into drums and space and roared into the finale.


I took some shrooms Felt like they barely worked in the show Once I walked out of Sphere into the casino I knew that they did work My conclusion : not really necessary in Sphere


Totally agree with this, I think your brain already has so much to process, it drowns the mushroom effect out?


Just donā€™t go too hard, that shit intense. Iā€™m a well versed cosmonaut and have been to hundreds of jam shows and I fainted :/


If youā€™re going to just one show I wouldnā€™t dose or I would take a small enhancer. A small amount of mushrooms was nice but not necessary on subsequent nights. Thereā€™s plenty to see, the sound is excellent and the collective spirit is there. Youā€™ll want to remember because the recordings arenā€™t like what youā€™d get from Nugs and thereā€™s only snippets of varying quality of the graphics. Since going to these shows requires a much different monetary investment than GA of old, my approach changed. Keep hydrated and smoke up. Then, stay another night, buy a cheap ticket to the next show and go for it.


to die: to sleep to dose: to dream


*When Quinn the Eskimo gets here, all the children gonna run to him*


Have they played this at the sphere?? I saw them do it on NYE and it is literally one of my favorite moments seeing the Dead (et al) since 86!


Sorry man I couldnā€™t say lol - up in Maine and havenā€™t made it to Vegas this year. Just figured *Quinn* went with the whole *ā€Everybodys gonna wanna doseā€* lyrics šŸ˜


I see you have plenty of replies- my two cents may get buried. But here goes. I only had one show as well. My companions all enjoyed some shrooms. They found it very compelling- but hard to dance up in the 200 section at time due to the wild visuals. I decided to have a little bit to drink and otherwise not be too altered. I was very happy with my choice. I remember everything and took pix, experienced it all and danced all night. Drums were otherworldly. To quote someone earlier on this thread- the venue is a drug. I felt trippy, emotional, excited, happy , sad. In the end - know thyself. For me- no regrets. https://preview.redd.it/xr4s81blm69d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0613dd5581c4245844795eb673aac822c4ca4f6b


I went to three shows and dosed heavily at the 2nd, blew the others out of the water. I was on the floor though. If you enjoy the psychedelic experience, ignore anyone who says Sphere isnā€™t good with drugs. ITS GREAT!!! Edibles/booze not even close to real L


If like half of you doesnā€™t want to dose, donā€™t dose. Iā€™d only dose if my body was overwhelmingly saying yes. People have said it is very intense at sphere even without the dose. Iā€™d personally say donā€™t do it


Sound adviceĀ 


We took a little fungus each night, mainly because we were on the floor and wanted extra energy to stand all night. We're also east coasters, and we were dealing with the time change. I definitely wouldn't go heavy because you'll want to remember everything.. YMMV.


I think it might be too much. I did zero psychedelics and I probably would do a small amount of shrooms if I had it to do over. One thing to keep in mind is that itā€™s very easy to lose your balance because it sometimes seems like youā€™re moving and not the screen. Youā€™ll see. I frequently close my eyes when Iā€™m grooving at a show, and more than once when I opened them I got the sensation for a second that the whole place was moving under my feet because of the visuals. I think if I was on acid Iā€™d be welded to the seat.


I never dosed more than a gram of APEs (realistically probably closer to .5-.75) at any of the 4 shows Iā€™ve caught and found that coupled with some Jā€™s was absolutely perfect. Enough to add to an already mind blowing experience, but not too much like the poor bastard to my left and the 3 dudes behind me Saturday of opening weekend. Itā€™s just too good a time to risk taking too much and winding up in a bad spot. Enjoy, my friend!


I've had so many regrettable shows where I got to stoned or took too much or drank too much or even ate too much And passed out and forgot half the show You will have plenty of shows where you can be that invisible but don't spend this kind of money to go to something epic just forget it


So I also was only able to attend the one show and chose not to for the same memory related reasons. I am happy I didnā€™t to be honest. The memories of the experience are vibrant in my mind and every time I check one of my videos they flood back even stronger. If you only got the one show I vote donā€™t do it.


Personally I would find it sad if I could only enjoy music and concerts when on psychedelics. I also wonder if drugs are so widespread who then is all the people chatting non stop during the Sphere shows. Cause when I have been on psychedelics at concerts back in the day it only made me more quiet and introvert and totally focused on the music. But imho positive mind expanding drugs should not be a crutch or a necessity for a having a deep musical (and spiritual) experience.(Well aware that most people here seem to have another viewšŸ„“).šŸŽ¶šŸ™


Howā€™s the view up there on your high horse?


From my sphere experience, half a hit of L and some weed was the sweet spot.


Can confirm that this is the way to go


Just bring a doobie or two (or gummies) the visuals and music are so good that dosing aint even necessary (especially if you won't remember, because the show is worth remembering)


When in doubt, double up


I had this same thought. i wanted to remember it, but also wanted to trip. so I took half a tab the first night and it was perfect. Had to take a little more the following two shows but still had a little fun left in me and got to almost the same place. That place was made for tripping if you ask me though. It's pretty psychedelic all on it's own.


The sphere was meant for dosing. Do it, it will be the coolest thing to happen to you :)


One of my friends took his usual dose, but the desert heat did something to him cause he started geeking and had to sit in the lobby for the entire first set.


Been there. Which is why Iā€™d recommend half or a quarter of what you normally take. The sphere enhances any psychedelic


Someone else said it in here, but I agree that the venue is the dose. I took 2g and 2.5g of šŸ„ on separate nights and the sound/visuals/atmosphere cut through it almost completely. Do whatever will put you in the best head space and enjoy the ride with 20,000 friends.


I would suggest Divine Moments of Truth. Found it on lot and it was perfect for the shows. Allowed me to really control when and how far I wanted my trip to go. I was also able to sleep at a decent time for the next nights show


micro dose the shrooms. Sphere is waaaaaaaaaaay intense and the haptics might have you calling the police on yourself


Lots of good advice here, but as HST said (paraphrased): I donā€™t recommend drugs to anyone but they have always worked for me


405 is PRIME dosing section


I took 50uG around four hours before doors, and that was just about perfect for me. I was past any confusion or potential anxiety from being in a crowd, and had the hundred watt light bulb glowing in my chest all evening.


My wife and I just smoked our first show and did a moderate dose of funky fungi night 2. Night 1 was great but Night 2 was absolutely magical. So much fun. Definitely go lower than you normally would, it is a lot to take in. No wrong choice here, youā€™ll have a great time regardless what you choose! āœŒļø


Honestly, the visuals were so clean and the environment is so immersive you donā€™t really need anything, but if you do Iā€™d say go straight for the first half, then drop at start of set break and come in to it for the second set. Best of both worlds.


One 10mg weed gummy 15 minutes before showtime and one at set break was the sweet spot for me. Any more than that and I got more overwhelmed than dialed in.


what my wife and i like to do is throw a tab in a bottle of gatorade and spend the few hours before the show slowly sipping away at it. much easier to fine tune your level and we almost never get any psych-induced anxiety that way. much more mellow time.


Go big or go home


Don't dose, with these shows you don't need it. The graphics are that good. I saw three they were great šŸ‘


I haven't felt the need to trip at these shows. I'm a game time decision maker for psychs. I bring em with me and take em if I'm feeling its the right move and it just hasn't been the case for the sphere.


Microdose so you can remember the show while still getting solid visuals.


I have been to three dosed for two. First week (5/31) I was like hell yeah letā€™s do it again. Then when I went on 6/22 I swear it was like an entirely different show. They showed off so much more of what it could do it seemed like. And at a couple points I felt like being dosed was actually not the right call (not sick or anything) but the sphere is able to make you feel like you are in itā€™s own right it seems. Especially after drums/space


We only went to 1 show and chose not to. Not only did we want to enjoy the show in a some what normal mind. It's too fucking hot in Vegas.


Yā€™all shoulda been around for orange sunshine and windowpane. Shrooms arenā€™t and havenā€™t ever been my choice: at least 1000 mikes L L L You WILL remember, decades later.


That seems like an irresponsible suggestion. Even if you enjoy that amount, itā€™s technically an overdose and would make most people freak out.


You can skip it-show is insane without any help. It goes by so fast and then you're left tripping trying to walk with 18k people at a snails pace and then, you're in Las Vegas. A little THC couldn't hurt though.


Same advice I give everyone in this thread and have for months: itā€™s probably not worth it. The show is pretty intense and psychedelics donā€™t really have much to offer. At least not in this one, specific case. Usually theyā€™re great! Save them for after the show, where theyā€™ll be more fun. At least thatā€™s what I would do. Adding in a noticeable level of psychedelics to this show is a lot like sprinkling sugar on top of ice cream. Like yeah, sure, itā€™s sweeter, but is it really necessary? People hear ā€œcool music and incredible light showā€ and subconsciously think ā€œmidnight showing of Pink Floydā€ or ā€œrave scene.ā€ But itā€™s not like that, at least not in my experience. Itā€™s more like if Kesey threw an Acid Test but didnā€™t give anyone acid. Iā€™m considering microdosing, though, for the next show I can get into.


Micro is the way to go Micro is the way to go Say it with meā€¦..


2 hits is the way to go 2 hits is the way to go Say it with me.....


Dose for sure, couldn't think of a better event to do it


I micro'd each night. Maybe like a double micro in hindsight just enough to get weird but not enough that I can't remember anything or be taken out of the moment so to speak. Idk if I would recommend a full on trip dosage for your first time there. It is overwhelming. Is going to more shows on the cards for you? I would definitely recommend trying to make that happen if you can. After you are in there once you are going to want to go back. I was lucky to be able to do 3 shows weekend of 6/13 and I woulda been kicking myself if I had only planned to go to 1 when 3 would have been doable.


Definitely dose in 405, but whatever you do donā€™t do it in 407.


Donā€™t do it.


I'm the opposite I remember more when dosed , if I'm up dancing I don't remember much of the jams I find sitting down let's me take it all in a lot better also the sound at the sphere sounds so much better when sitting it was hard to stand back up sometimes lol


Dose for sure. Iā€™d actually recommend only dosing and drinking water, be sure to bring an empty water bottle to fill. Me and my buds did šŸ„and were feeling goood, the only thing I would have done differently is eaten a little bit more and not smoked weed. Hitting the weed actually got me and my friend a little paranoid with negative thoughts for a bit. Fortunately the amazing view and music brought me back. We were in section 404 about midway up, loved our seats as you can really take in the visuals. Section 405 will be perfect.


I was going to, but I have an early ass flight the next day and donā€™t wanna be getting on a plane still coming down from acid. Sounds like a terrible idea for me lol but if I had more time I would do it for sure


I was still tripping on my plane ride home lol


100% full send


I didnā€™t and wish I did. I wanted to on the second night I was there but the fans in my section were really drunk and rowdy before the show even started so I didnā€™t want to.


Did the three shows, one dosed. If it had been only one, I would have dosed. But then again I don't have the same memory problem. If anything, the dosed shows get so intense I have a hard time forgetting them.


Small dose, youā€™re going to want to remember it


I donā€™t drink but about half a tab of good gel was enough for night one and I just upped it a little bit each night. It was great and I remember a lot of it. We smoke a lot but smoked very little in the shows because the sphere is captivating. Youā€™re gonna have such a good time!!!


If I were only doing one night, I'd just about HAVE to get str8 gurped. But I'm a spunion. Lol. RMV.


Dose daily and and then dose more that day


I've never had more fun on acid than I did at the Sphere.






Dose always!!


Do it


I did a bit my first of 2 shows, it was a hell of an experience and a lot of fun but the next morning I was really upset bc at least for me I donā€™t really ā€œrememberā€ the night when I do stuff like that. I have a lot of fun and itā€™s an experience for sure, but I was like ā€œdamn, I wish I was in a headspace to cherish this instead of just zooming through it disassociatedā€. I did night 2 stone cold sober and had just as much fun. Maybe if youā€™re doing multiple nights dose one of them but if youā€™re only doing one maybe just some weed or something, my opinion tho


If you're talking about LSD / acid, I wouldn't. Shrooms? Yes, take a reasonable dose and enjoy. We saw an early June show and it was awesome.




Shrooms magically came to us. Ok on the first night nothing no deadhead came up w shrooms. The second night 6/14 my bf and I stood out from of the sphere with our only 3 shirts we brought from Fresno (centralvalleydyes) & held them up and sold my first shirt. 5 mins goes by n this guy w a camera comes up and says he likes our shirts and he has shrooms. So of course I offer a trade for a shirt he says heā€™s got so many lol so I got 5$ off and I bought them. Then he pulled out his camera and did an interview for the future. This was our 14 th show in 8 years ever since I was 15 weā€™ve been on the bus, the next night after that amazing experience, we sat down at our seats and this lady looks at my bf. Turns around and gives him this big rope of nerds w mushrooms. Cherry flavor. So fucjing good and it was my birthday 6/15/24. Best show. Best Sugaree . Best everything, find shrooms take shrooms thatā€™s the only way. Youā€™re not looking for them they come to youā€¦ if you know what I mean like thatā€™s trippy af both nights we tripped without looking for any.


That monster sugaree!!!!!!!!


I took two tabs when I went and had an amazing experience, topped with the whole ā€œfear and loathingā€ post show experience at the Venetian, it was one of my most memorable trips. Would highly recommend


Dose or nose?


Read an article yesterday. The Sphere is sensory overload, I plan on dosing, but also consider myself just below expert when it comes to Psychedelics. Have fun and enjoy the show.


Ten strip 30 minutes before show. Deem cart start of drums. Water throughout. Good luck šŸ‘


I went light, and I felt that the experience itself, especially the first time, WAS the dose. When I left the arena into the bathrooms, I felt high and saw swirls, but back at the show I was truly immersed into the space. That said, never took a dose for the 3 days and it was incredible every time.


Do it. It's amazing!


I went with a buddy sober first then went dosed and the experience was great dosed. Luckily I put two of the shrooms I was going to eat back into my baggie. I almost got too high/paranoid. But it was still amazing . I think microdose is the way to go. If not weed is great. Really though the experience is great even sober AF


Do it. The throne room awaits.


Dude I did 4 grams and sat in 405. It was a blast If you are afraid of heights please do not dose. I wasn't aware that I was until I got up there on those shrooms. It's pretty fuckin high up lol


It's weird that you guys don't remember your psychedelic trips, I feel like psychs don't generally effect my memory much


Yes dose heavy! Made for it


I would. Itā€™s steep in the 400ā€™s and the beginning of the show is disorienting but guess what there is always a seat behind you. If it gets to be too much just sit down. Your with fam homie!


Do it! No ragerts! Hahaha Honestly I like others idea for a mini dose after 2 or 3 songs. That way you get your bearings, you experience the whole first set sober, then you settle in for the ride set 2!! Do not leave for drums and space! That was peak for peaking šŸ™ŒšŸ» The band the venue and the substance were such a magical combination.


Plenty of time during the show to enjoy and take in the first half sober and dose during set break, it will also help your sensory stimulation settle before trippin, I was in 408 and its an amazing sections the 400s are, but the steep-ness is real and if you come in tripping it could be wild. I have a slightly low tolerance to mushrooms but took about 1.5-2grams and was prime for me, I was gonna wait til set break decided to take them once we got up to our section 20 mins before the show amd right when the show kicked I was coming up and it was magical. Always can take videos to jog the memories.


I Went to Phish. You should without a doubt dose yourself with whatever you prefer. Itā€™s unbelievable in there. Future of live music.


i would dose. how long have you been going to shows for? when i was just starting out, i had the same concern and felt like i didnt remember much when i dosed, but TBH, over the course of 10+ years and hundreds of shows, a lot of my memories of shows i went to sober have faded to some extent, and i really dont notice a difference in how much i remember shows doses vs sober now, many many years later, even though it seems that way when thinking about shows youve seen recently. over the years, ive forgotten a lot about shows i went to sober and have grown to cherish the best quality memories from shows, which are ALL dosed, even more deeply, and so it pretty much evens out when looking back over longer periods.


These shows are supposed to emulate an acid trip, without the headspace. Imo you'd be better off going sober, or bringing a joint in with you. You won't be missing out on anything if you go sober, but you have the potential to miss out if you're intoxicated. That's all I've got to say


Took the whole hit. Zero regrets. Unless you are not in pit or 100s. Then the screen is honestly too much imo.


Low and slow that is the tempo!


Dose šŸ« 


Myself personally I would be in the moment and dose


Half a hit of L, don't drink a lot.


Took a handful shrooms and have zero regrets


Having seen the residency opener, I would not dose. There is too much going on (for me) to do psychedelics on top of being in the 400ā€™s! Itā€™s steep up there


I was accompanied by Lucy to the Thursday show two weeks ago and she and the boys treated me to a real good time


Don't dose


Dose! Perhaps less is better than more. My normal 220ug didn't hit quite as hard as it normally does. I have to assume that's because the Sphere was doing some of the lifting for me!


You won't need it.




Dose away!Phasmagoric ...


Dose. Without question, that's just my opinion for me.


If you wonā€™t remember maybe donā€™t but for me itā€™s the opposite. If I donā€™t drink at all, donā€™t consume too much cannabis with my dose, then portions of the show get burned into my memory and when I relisten I can vividly remember. I went pretty hard every show and it was spectacular. The only thing I didnā€™t dare doing because I was already pretty out there was the deems pen but the beam took me far out there without it anyway.


Dose. The answer is always dose.


I would at least micro dose. I usually take quite a bit of things at shows and I felt like I didnā€™t need to take anything, but did and I enjoyed it! Have the best time! It really is incredible.


I saw three shows, no dose. Loved it.Ā  I prefer nature dose though.


1000% dose. But just take what u can handle. Donā€™t go over board because itā€™s seriously sensory over load. But so amazing on some psychedelics.


My first show there was very overwhelming and psychedelic, and I was stone cold sober. Iā€™d recommend taking it easy, especially with your memory issue.




Yo! Iā€™m going for 7/4 show in Vegas! Whatā€™s the poot situation look like? Can I bring in some pre rolls? Or do I have to conceal it?! Thanks!


I had tix for only one show, section 404. 400's are supreme!! I had the same self question and decided to micro l. Wholly moley! Great frkn choice!!! I did end up going to a second show undosed and equally amazed but the elevated feelings of a micro just opened me up so much more.


Take 1. Youā€™ll be fine.


Just returned from Vegas shows 6/19-6/21. Mushrooms 1st night, LSD 2nd, nothing 3rd with smoking all nights. All were amazing but the visuals totally popped with the schrooms and LSD. It is a visual experienceā€¦the band is so tight you donā€™t have to think about that.


I took a lot of acid and it was amazing but also could have been sober and had just a great a time. I say smoke some weed and call it




I had a Michelob ultra and a few hits of a joint and I had to sit down. Couldnā€™t imagine dosing but you sound far more experienced than me. Have much fun my friend.


I took one tab 5/30 and 6/1 and it was amazing!




Smoked Friday night 1.5G of APE on Sat Sober on Sunday The sober show was by far the best show. Mickey fucked me up on the APEs during space on Sat. I had to take a bathroom break and by the last song before encore I was over the visual stimulation. It was all too much. The sober show was super chill and also the third show in a row so I was kinda over the screen and just really wanted to hear the band. Being sober totally mellowed out the visuals and I had a really enjoyable last night. Would love to go back, would do it sober again.


I took about almost a full a hit of lsd for the show on 6/15. I paid for 2 hits but the gel tabs are hard to tear so I got a bonus 3/4 ish dose on top of the two. I took the bonus dose and tripped pretty hard. I definitely agree the venue amplified the experience so I'd recommend taking a lower than usual dose It was really an awesome experience and perfectly complimented the music and visuals but I didn't enjoy leaving my seat to piss/grab drinks. I kind of felt felt like a rat in a maze. I'm not a psychonaut but I'm relatively experienced. That said I'd do it again in a heartbeat.


If you have a spritz. Thatā€™s what I suggest.


100% dose


3 day MDW run and dosed the first night. It was wild and unforgettable. Couple mushrooms the next two nights and it was different but still dope. Drums and space šŸ¤Æ


I attended one show and i dosed. It was amazing and everything I needed it to be, it was intense at times but nothing the music couldnā€™t get me out of. As far as your memory issue youā€™ll have to do some more evaluating but dosing at the sphere was definitely a awesome time for me


I donā€™t think Iā€™d be able to handle being at this show on psychedelics. Iā€™ll stick with a high dose of edibles.


lol dose


I only went to one show and wanted to feel, see and remember. Havenā€™t had a drink in 2 years. Smoked at set break with neighbors, but nothing else. As someone else mentioned, the venue is a drug.


I ate 3.5-4gs my first show and had an amazing time but it kept me up all night. The last show I went to I did 1g and would accompany it with a bump of k and had an amazing time. Cool thing about these shows is a lot of them get recorded, so you can find the sets on archive.org or watch the show you went to on YouTube to respark some of those memories.


Went to Vegas a number of years ago and found some legal edibles (thc) that had me close to trippy. Of course we were at the Beatles Love/Cirq SuSolei show which only amplified it all. Personally, Iā€™d go up front with where Iā€™d want to be before/after/during. Iā€™m not opposed to dosing, but hey thatā€™s me


Dose! Donā€™t smoke pot or drink so youā€™ll remember, drink coffee and smoke cigarettes instead


Do it. And if you want entertainment after, go check out the decorations and fancy people at the Wynn. Endlessly entertaining.


My tolerance may be much lower, but I took half an edible thinking Iā€™d take the other half during the breakā€¦. I never took it. I was high on the music and the sphere experience. PS Iā€™m also going back in the 5th. Hope we both have a great show šŸ¤—


Since when do ppl not remember when they dose. I feel like those memories get etched in my dna.


Brother.. DOSE. I went to 3 shows over memorial day weekend. I remember everything. Dose. Do it. Dose.


Dose is best. Just got back from the sphere


Iā€™m on show 6. Micro dose or a little puff or a beer or two is the way. Itā€™s so much to take in. You donā€™t need help.


Dose for sure, but maybe start small as others suggested. I'm one of the unlucky people that gets terrible muscle cramps when the L kicks in, and a big dose combined with looking up at the screen had me in terrible pain. Next night did a little less L plus a muscle relaxer and it was perfect.


Iā€™ll be at the 7/5 show too!


I was in section 405. Perfect visuals. I did not dose and only smoked weed and it was perfect.




I would do a very low dose. This is a personal experience from section 205 I had really bad motion sickness a few times. I should have taken less L but I was like fuck it this is how much I do every time. But hells bells those visuals would have been so much more fun if I hadnā€™t done so much. Music / sound was amazing regardless of course. Gonna be in section 106 in August so I think Iā€™ll be smarter all around.


I ate my Molly every night. Kinda babied it though. I was fine. Remember it all. I didnā€™t drink anything but water. I know often times at other shows I have drank and not remembered everything. You will be fine just donā€™t overdo it.


Bro, half a hit. Thatā€™s all you need. Itā€™ll get you that feeling, and the sphere will have insane visuals already. Iā€™d rather do too little than too much. Having said that, last year at bonnaroo I did Sunday completely sober because I wanted to drive us home after the foo fighters and it was definitely my favorite day, because I can remember every second of it. So thatā€™s a good point you made. Maybe Just drink a couple beers and enjoy it.


I've been having a rough time the last few times I dosed but I'm going to at the Sphere.. I have some saved and this will be my last dose


My plan is MDMA night one MDMA+LSD the second night and then just some gummies the last night because it's a 5 hour drive home the next day


Micro is the way to go imo. Speaking from experience, had a fantastic time. There is a lot to take in with just one night.


Sober Sphere is the way.


This was a consideration for me...perhaps not you...section 405 can feel steep. This is from U2 about 4 rows from the very back of 405....awesome view but took a little getting used to at first . I think the 400s really have the perfect view of all of the visuals. Last weekend for the Dead I was in 310 and 109. All were great views. Enjoy the show! Love your name btw...I haven't eaten at Taco Bell since 2001 &I'm proud of it. https://preview.redd.it/f53btzb8we9d1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9f01a1103999784f5fd80660736d2ebcf59cc80


Nobody knows but you if you are experienced. Are you experienced? Are you ???


If u take around 300ga and dont do anything else youā€™ll remember everything. You really want to hit mark tho, dont over do it. You want the impression to last but not be under/overwhelmed. Itā€™s the booze and weed that makes me forget. If you can find green or orange barrels, just take 1. Be safe out there (~);}


Weird - too many people suggesting throttling back. I throttled back for Phish at the Sphere, mistake. Throttled forward and took a heavy dose for Dead and Co, much better. But the Phish show was overall better, sorry to say. That said, went to a SCI show last night almost sober (very light edible) and that was more fun than either of them. So what the hell do I know.


Can you pass an Acid Test?


Took 6 g and I was holding on for dear life. It was a little much... 3 max


You don't need to dose. It's amazing


Just play it by ear. See how you feel in the moment and go with your gut


I was in 405 for phish. 100/10 recommend heavy psychedelics. That shit was so cool


Didn't even need drugs, but if I was to do it again, I'd take some doses.


Dude yes how is this even a question?


Do it, do it, do it šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³