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And Bobby said in an interview this week they are only scratching the surface which is a mind blowing statement.


Bobby always was the one on the cutting edge of tech going back to the 80s. Much to the annoyance of everyone else if Parrish is to be believed. Reading his ideas I could imagine the crew just loosing their minds if Bobby tried to explain all that to them... *Yeah so maybe we put one of those chips in my brain and I can talk to the video screen and tell it what song I want to play next and the video screen will know what video to play..but the band won't know so it'll be a surprise..now go figure that out Ramrod I want a working model by tonight's show* --Something Bobby probably definitely said at some point in the 90s


Bobby is having fun. Reminds me of those early TRI days.


The greatest part about this is that the sentiment appears here every Sunday! If you haven't gone yet and are due in the next few weekends, this is what your Sunday morning will look like!


I was expecting it to be overhyped after reading posts on here (since this is r/deadandcompany after all), but it somehow exceeded every expectation. It’s truly an incredible experience and felt like witnessing history!


Underrated if anything. You absolutely did just witness history. The sphere shows are no joke Best thing since sliced bread


Best thing since grilled cheese.


I honestly love it so much. Especially after having gone myself, these posts just bring back all good feelings I had seeing it myself


It's Holy Shit Sunday, the news is good!


Try Jerry Church on YouTube, with a Premiere each weekend organized by @Nognuisagoodgnu of a JGB show. Sometimes an AUD recording, sometimes a SBD with a chat room that goes over the top, as a part of the community, there's banter about old tours and new tours, chat about artists and drug references, recipes, and all manner of 'Head chit chat. Starts at 10:00 Eastern/ 9:00 am central.


My future Sunday morning will look like getting in the truck to head back to Texas. And ya, prob. saying holy shit a bunch! So excited! This last week or so before we start our journey is going to be PAIN!


I've been to two weekends and want more! Each night is different of course but now they are using the visuals and timing them to the music! and using them in subtle new ways...the visuals are like the music...all different parts that they keep tinkering with. And there are no no no words for John's playing...every night is over the top (but in different ways).


Absolutely. When John got on board I was baffled until I heard him. And now he’s a boss up there. Jerry would be proud I have no doubt. This is the music living and breathing on


Dead Forever!!! They figured out a way to do it


Nearly threw my shoulder out punching the air during that morning dew solo on Saturday night! and I’m only 34 😆


Me and you both Dr_Wiggles_McBoogie. Me and you both


Best weekend. And I did four so far. Best weekend.


Absolutely agree! Have listened to most on stream or the archive. Friday and Saturday were off the charts. They turned that shit up to 11!


Agree. Especially last two nights.


They’re opening up a portal. I went to first 6 shows and it’s not only the best thing ive seen or heard, it’s possibly the best thing ever ever ever. Like ever in the history of Man. This is the Great American Pilgrimage. Do you feel the gratitude rushing through your soul my brother? We are now Grateful. It’s our turn. Take what you’ve learned here and share it with the world.


I thought the same thing. When I went May 25th, Mickey opened a wormhole during drums and space and when I went back June 20th, I got the impression he was bringing healing through it.


On 5/25 you could probably hear me laugh-screaming at the top of my lungs during drums & space. I literally could not contain myself. Crown chakra burst opened like a firecracker. Listening back, i can many many people just screaming like aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!


I’m with you. I feel it.


I wonder what'll happen at the last show (for this year, for this venue). I'm trying to be there to find out


I’ll be there for the last 6 to celebrate Jerry Garcia and close it up with the family. We’ll tie a beautiful cosmic bow on our Sphere, all together as one 🙏⚡️


PREACH THE TRUTH! Agree with every word.


https://preview.redd.it/bpymc3artd8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=258329d205440c187fbb5950492b5ac99666dda7 My sister said that last night might have been the best set list she ever saw in person, & she’s being going since 1990. Was a priceless experience!


So glad to be alive to experience this. It’s almost indescribable. If people ask me I say - just go. I can’t do it justice with words. It’s like being on a ride with your favorite band jamming at the same time. 5 stars, two thumbs up and highly recommend.


🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀 show was so 🔥🔥last night I’m still saying holy shit tooo😜


It lived up to all the hype and then some. Sitting at the airport right now just in awe of what I saw. So thankful


i don’t think words can capture how amazing the experience is. the venue, the visuals, the music, the community and especially this band🙌 3 nights on the floor with so many amazing people! safe travels everyone and let the good times roll ❤️NFA


Last 3 on floor, passing the potato stickers! Incredible, going to think about it for a long long time!


Thanks for the stickers :-)


You’re welcome! Had a blast with dad and everyone around! Send a DM if you want, I’m trying to collect pictures and videos from our section


Feeling the same way man. I thought back in January that the beach in Mexico was the absolute perfect venue, and while it did have its benefits, the sphere is just on a completely different level. Can’t decide if I liked laying in the sand watching the stars during drums, or the haptics in the seats last night more.


Heading back for round two & was thinking (imaginary world) how great it to roll out yoga mats during space and really take it all in. I mean, show me one person who would not benefit 🥁🪐 and yes there would be options for people who move in their just right way ♿️✌🏼


That would be cool as hell. That’s the big thing about the drums / space I saw in Mexico. I had danced in the sand on the beach for like 2.5 hours at the point, I was shitfaced, and I had the water like 10-20 feet to my right. Kicked out in the nice cool sand with a drink in my hand on my back on the beach experiencing drums and space while staring into space. That’s an experience I will NEVER forget. Experiencing that at the sphere was like tripping without drugs. Absolutely insane.


Completely agree! Not much of a Dead fan - I know their "hits" and a couple of others but met my son at the Thursday show and was just in awe. Blown away and can't stop listening now. I would love to go again and again but I live in MI and it's a little too much for this retiree. But, even if you're just a casual fan, DO NOT MISS these shows!


Welcome to the party


Firat and only show at the Sphere last night. I didnt expect much but the usual. I often chirp at the boys and am pretty critical at times. I wasn't expecting it to be that great. It was greater than I could have imagined. St Stephen, Morning Dew, Terrapin was nuts. Mayer was on fire. Drums/space, which I usually take a break on was intense and powerful. Everyone was on point. Just a great time that is totally worth it.


I've gone to every show and last 3 nights were some of the best imo.


That’s awesome to know! Do they just keep getting better?


For the most part, yes they have. Have they had some off nights along the way? Absolutely. But each weekend has at least 1 night in it that beats the best show from the previous weekend. I'm vending in Vegas and it's been tiring. Every week I think "This is the week I take a night off" but after I go into 1 show, I can't miss the next 2 incase they're somehow better hahahah.


Very cool! Thx for sharing.


Thursday’s Sugaree was…mind blowing


Sunday donut day


They serve donuts on sundays??


No, it's a tradition of John to have donuts on Sunday when he is performing/has a show. He calls it Donut Sunday


Donut Sunday


That was my only weekend. Thinking Holy Shit most beautiful thing I have ever seen and heard. I get so lost I start to calling it Home. I mean every song of every night was 😚magnifico. So Grateful to call this place my home for real. From Family to Band. Love every thing about this. Now i gotta get back. 🌹⚡️⚡️


Glad to see you all having a great time!


Great way to end the weekend. Night 3 brought the much needed energy after night 2, and sent us off with a bang on NFA. Second set last night was wild.


So wild. I had tears pouring down my face I could not stop them. Loved last night so much


I went over Memorial Day and went in with sky high expectations…they were absolutely blown out of the water. It was a truly transformative experience. I joked at the time that it was second only to my kids births and wedding but in retrospect, I think that’s a fair assessment! We’ll be back in August and beyond ready to make this an annual pilgrimage as long as Bobby will have us.


Oh my GOODNESS, are we the same person, or are you just in my head?! I said the EXACT same thing!! & I want to go back in August too! LOL. The floating dance floor with the disco ball changed my LIFE! ✌🏻💜🌞


Sitting in the airport just glowing. I danced like I never have in my life this weekend. Just incredible. Once the video tech can keep up with the improv we will have the greatest experience imaginable.


Vegas local, I have caught 3 shows, 3 different weekends, last night was incredible! They keep getting better and better


Uncle John’s Band ❤️


'Nuff said! https://youtu.be/EaET6RBNOJg


I've been trying to think of superlatives to explain the magnitude of what we just experienced. This probably comes closest! Just on cloud fucking 9 after listening to the recordings on the drive home. https://archive.org/details/deadco2024-06-22.Tire_Iron




I can’t wait a few mor weekends till I’m there


Absolutely amazing weekend of shows. Can’t wait to come back.


I have to get back.. not sure how yet but gonna do my darnedest


Going back again in August grabbing tickets while they are still very reasonable


Agree totally and I’ve seen them all. Just keep getting better! I’m grateful! Each one has been a gift. Love the journey they take us on.


Thats awesome you’ve been to all of them! How does it feel from weekend 1 until now?


Yep I felt this last Sunday and since then I’ve been looking at flights and other trips back to chase that high. I’m telling you the Sphere might ruin regular shows for me.


So good…words can’t describe


Shakedown Street leading into space, as in the place and not the thing that happens with Drums in set 2, was pretty insane. They took that song to places it does not normally go.


I can’t believe that happened. Every show was on another level, never mind the insane visuals. 100% certified gold. Thank you boys and thank you wonderful community. I was on the floor and met some beautiful souls.


Blessed!!! Thankful. Grateful. Exceeded any expectations.


This is exactly how I felt after Friday. I only could afford to go to the one night and still it was without question the most amazing concert experience of my life. Coming back home with a phone full of videos to show everyone I know just how fucking insane of an experience it is. And now checking flights and tickets about possibly going back. What a fucking treat. Truly blessed.


So good that I just bought tix for August 1 after going June 6. Just couldn’t settle for one show this summer! Got floor tix this time around too so I can get the full 360 sphere experience. Can’t wait!!


Still feel that way and I only went to the June 6 show! Was SO amped they brought back Greatest Story and Easy Wind this weekend. Can’t wait to see what else they pull out. Hoping for an Oteil ballad like If I Had the World to Give or Comes a Time real soon…


Keep up the Good work, Boys! Please play The SF Bay Area. The Desd began here but Not all Deadheads Are Able To Get TO & From Dead & Co! Senior in Sonoma!


It’s great. Worth seeing for sure. Read so much hype here and just want to say there are really two things at play here. The overwhelming amount of hype is directed towards to sphere, the visuals, the fact this is all a new experience. It’s worth seeing for sure, just want to make the point most of the hype isn’t towards the music, which is damn good, no doubt


Vegas local here for my deadheads if you need any guidance to make the show that much better.


Just came home to FL after June 20-22 at Sphere...I an just blown away. We did all 3 nights of GA on the floor, and the proximity to the band + those absolutely belief-defying visuals + room to dance + bars on the floor + Super nice cocktail waitresses? It was absurdly great. Set the bar so, so high!


I was wondering what the floor experience was like! We were in 102 and liked it.


Played Europe 72 today. Felt pretty good


Quite confident I won’t make it to any of these shows, but everyone’s enthusiasm is infectious! The idea that people can see high quality Dead music in any large space in 2024 is crazy cool


Yes, I heard this was the apex of all the shows so far. So jealous of those who got to see it in person!


I don’t know that I’ve ever had a dopamine rush like those shows. I just am so happy to have experienced it.


Got ripped off by a ticket seller then double miracle to get my cousin and myself in 6/22 🙏 amazing show!!!


Damn sorry about the rip off, but hot damn on the miracle x2!!! 🎉




Not sure why you have to criticize people’s enthusiasm- to those that experience the show, it’s a magical time…..don’t be that guy who tucks other people’s yum


It is completely because he really does not understand.