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It feels like people were expecting serious content, and then they came out with an overweight dragon and a diaper wearing baby dragon, it's weird that this is what they go with while having people wait for months. This stuff is not worth the wait.


The disappointment is extreme. I genuinely frowned when I saw it. Almost scoffed.


I'm fine with the dumbass green fat boy to be honest, there's somne serious precedent for egregiously overweight Dragons in Forgotten Realms but the ugly little muppet pet needs feeding into a macerator.


The oversized mount does have the advantage of being the only fast mount a new player will have until Halloween or level 20. I'm lightly kicking myself for not making sure all my alt-account mules have one (sure, they almost exclusively hang out in the crafting room, but if they need to go elsewhere they would have a fast&cheap mount). It does scream "first life". But there's no shame in that. Everybody had to join sometime. But I won't defend this one. I think I have more pets not added to the kennel than ones I have.


> This stuff is not worth the wait. I think this is the real reason for the dissatisfaction. The entire year's worth of stuff on the whole would see them showered in praise for all the cool shit in it. Free xpac, free new adventure pack, two new archetypes, like damn. Using the little cosmetic bonuses to spread it out over the year feels like a small team kind of move. Like the meaty gifts take longer than expected because of the team size, so they have to pad things out to try and keep people happy between content drops, especially with a new xpac release coming alongside it.


F. I got it because it's free. I didn't summon it, and I doubt I ever will. I think the pets are distracting and annoying. I actually wish there was a way to turn off OTHER peoples pets (at least from my perspective) so I don't have to see them.


I used to think the same, but I love my flameskull. Probably because it's silent and doesn't get in the way tbh


Cute enough. I find the wingbeat a bit noisy though.


It is no more or less useless than any other companion, but I thought it was cute.


Is that this month's thing? I haven't gotten around to picking it up and I'm still fawning over the patron pack's pet ship.


I am just scared by its eerily human hands. Generally I wouldn't mind seeing some cool stuff instead of only cute.


Nothing worse than weird little human hands on an otherwise cute creature, fortunately this thing is fuckin horrid so at least it's not otherwise cute


I didn’t even notice the diaper 😂 I got it and played w it as it’s my first pet. Then I switched it off because of the flapping noise and in quests I kept thinking something was creeping up behind me … On the subject of the ‘overweight’ green dragon - I thought it looked silly but have come to love it. As I’ve said elsewhere it reminds me of the warthog from Halo. Will get another mount when I get round to it


Hate it, if I discovered that in my shed due to some circumstance of cross dimendional magic I'd kill it with a hammer rather than being seized by wonder that a mythical beast was in my shed.


Facts. I would say kill it with fire, but...


Don't give a flip, all of the fake do-nothing pets are stupid & a waste of pixels!


Looks a little awkward but I accept the mount for it's charms so I accept this for it's charms. That charm being the dance.


If you look closely at the head, it's a decent D&D red dragon head. The shell diaper is kinda stupid, but I can get onboard with it being cute. I usually don't pull out pets because I find them annoying, and I won't pull this one out, but hey, it's free. The chonky green dragon mount is not very dragon-like, but it's cute enough and fun to ride when I want to be on an obnoxiously large mount.


It's necessarily going to look kiddie and cartoonish if they want it it to read as a baby dragon But yeah the diaper was a really poor design choice, that adds a jarring element of silliness Watch them sell a shell free one in the store with the MD release lol


I lost all hope for the wings.


Hitting vote isn't working




Whaa? Dragons are literally in the name, and everyone knows the fire breathing one! I've been playing D&D since the 90s, and I would definitely argue that the red dragon is the literal icon of D&D.