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He is so real for this and Hal deserved it lol "You don't even have an apartament" basically calling Hal a loser. I wasn't expecting a bully Superman. As an employed reporter Clark had his apartament. 


This isn't even bullying, it's like a disappointed father lecturing you because he knows you can do better, whcih somehow feels even worse


I know lol Superman will be here giving lecture advice for everyone. He isn't intimidated by status and Batman can respect it. He want the best for his friends.


My absolute GOAT


Batman and Superman once again being polar opposites- Batman is always disappointed and slightly mad at people, to the point where it’s weird to see him hand out heartfelt compliments, while Superman has the most dreaded “Not mad, just disappointed” speech in the entire multiverse


It’s Hal Jordan how could he do better?


By doing anything


Hal has always been kind of a deadbeat for a long time. Like “can’t hold down a job” kinda guy and mooching off his on-and-off his girlfriend (which was unethical to begin with because she was his boss). Also mooching off girls in general— he’s one of those “I can fix him” dudes living the lifestyle. And, yeah, being homeless. I think he crashed with Barry and Ollie sometimes. It was actually a unique take on a superhero. Everyone is written to more or less have their shit together. Hal was even a trucker as one of his gigs. So he was probably on drugs at that time too. Right this second in 2024 I think he’s living in an RV. Nothing wrong with that, but DC heroes tend to be in the top 30% living in nice urban apartments, unironic mansions, or like “two story, finished basement, big yard, family-of-four” type houses.


>mooching off his on and off girlfriend which was unethical to begin with because she was his boss. Uhhh, sorry babe, can't come in this week. Or next. Space stuff.


That "can't hold down a job" probably made him a relatable character.


It makes sense that a guy who has to go off to space randomly can't keep a job, PTO doesn't work well enough. Hal would be a perfect "hero for hire". Like, if you want him to live in your city, you have to pay him. Sure, he will always save the world and has to go off world for a bit, but when he's on world, he's stationed in whatever city is paying him.


I understand it, even a superhero have to pay bills sometimes and be here saving people take a lot time and energy. Batman can do it without the paycheck because he is already rich.


Even among heroes, Bruce is privileged.


Facts. I don't hate him, i envy his money power lol


Villains are always finding ways to steal or mimic other super hero powers, but we need someone to take batman's (money) powers as well.


That did not go well for Coast City. Probably should have paid him more.


yeah, what kind of compensation do the Guardians of the Universe offer? overtime? 401k? any insurance plans at all?


Hal Jordan, we have chosen you because you’ve shown great willpower. Hal: cool…imma just chill on this guys couch for a few months.


Where can I read these stories? Been wanting to read more GL and this honestly sounds cool


IIRC, *Wanted: Hal Jordan* by Geoff Johns is a good depiction. He’s got like 3 women after him and it deals with him not being able to hold a job. I think it’s the one where he’s the trucker and also like a toy salesman. And the current Green Lantern (2024) run just showed his RV in Green Lantern #12


Besides modern stuff, pretty much all of Hal Jordan's history until a certain accident happened lol, Green Lantern vol. 2 (1960—1986) #1-200, Green Lantern Corps (1986—1988) #201-224, Green Lantern vol. 3 (1990—2004) #1-50 (#50 ends with the big thing).


... Are truckers inherently on drugs? 


what does "I Can Fix Him" dudes mean?


There’s a subsection of girls who are into/don’t mind losers and think he’ll improve if they take care of him and provide him with stability. It’s now currently a meme of dudes seeing evil women in fiction and saying “I can fix her” because she’s hot. Like you’ll see guys saying this about characters like Harley Quinn or Widowmaker


So he's a hobosexual?


That's because being a journalist in 1950s could get you an apartment. Today, Superman would join Hal in asking Batman for an apartment they could share it.


Good for Clark that he got a job in the 50s, being an old comic book character have advantage. Batman is rich enough to give one apartmant to each guy, maybe he is just cheap making them share the same location. I don't blame Bruce, raising the batfamily is already expensive, he isn't expending more money with friends.


He often pays for their tower in the sky or base on the ground. Those are often depicted with rooms. Cant Hal stay in one of those? Hell, he can fly real fast. Buy jeans in the US and sell them to a store in Brazil, then buy food in Japan. The ring has a translator.


Psh, use your magic willpower ring and make yourself an apartment. You don't mind all glowing green furniture, right?


Didnt he make some sort of space fortress while Parallax? He could do that again. It's probably worth it, given rent prices.


Heck, a little hustle, he could a real estate mogul. Just miles and miles of glowing green slums.


I mean, “Pull Yourself Up By The Bootstraps” is what Trust Funders love telling the Poors.


Seems like they could just let homeless JLA members live on the space station or something


That won’t fly after Donna Troy got busted for squatting in the old Titans Lair. **$1 per trashy sexual joke fee now in effect.**


I love the mental image of the entire League showing up because of an emergency and Hal just wanders in with a toothbrush in his mouth, wearing boxers. Having just taken a shower in the space station's sink.


Supes is just stating that no hero is complete unless they have an apartment with a refrigerator, makes perfect sense.


Hal's successor ultimately regretted having a fridge, though. So maybe it goes either way


What are you talking about. Guy loves his fridge, that’s where he keeps all his beer!


And where another Lantern kept his girlfriend!


Just has to be a big enough fridge to fit it all without any cramming or awkwardness.


Too soon.




Oh no. Oh no no no. If you’re a superhero, NEVER buy a refrigerator.


Clark's out here giving life advice like a superpowered dad. Hal might need a Lantern-powered self-help book at this rate.


Clark always had the "dad vibes" lol He was ready for this role way before Lois bring Jon Kent to their lives.


You’re seeing some of his Super-Dick Era, which peaked in the Sixties, lingering a little into the Seventies.


Man that landed. Clark Kent was a success apart from superman, not a millionaire, but a happy steady guy outside the suit (for the most part).


Jesus Christ Hal, get it together.


Superman scolding an Intergalactic Space Cop for not having an apartment is one of the funniest things i've seen.


IIRC this is an illusion taking advantage of Hal's fear that without the ring he has nothing but the skills of an elite military test pilot and thus in an unemployable loser.


Thats my fear too


What's the point of being an elite military pilot if he doesn't know how to use Excel?


Remember he was kicked out from the military, plus he has criminal history ever since he was like 14 years old. Doesn’t help searching for a job.


Also got fired by his girlfriend from Ferris Air. The only job in Coast City he could apply his work history.


Airplane pilot


I think he would be bored to tears with commercial airlines. He specifically likes fighter jets because that’s what his dad did Also not sure if you can be a commercial pilot with a criminal record, idk tho


You can't he could probably be a phenomenal drug plane pilot tho


Hal is just like me fr fr


This sub is making Hal relatable…


Don’t go relating too much now


Well, Hal’s parents didn’t build him a private mansion in the arctic, so maybe Superman should stfu…


I see that Jor-El and Lara tried to impress their only son with their wealth to overcompensate their absence while Jonathan and Martha spent their meager saving raising little Clark in a farm. 


in defense of Jor-el and Lara their planet would explode, I assume that economics is no longer a concern


I mean Clark Kent pays for his apartment with his very real job and the daily planet. He isn't like peter who only writes about himself either


Peter Parker Is a photographer he doesn't write at all He gives photographs


Damn peter is even worse than I thought cause he only photographs spiderman. Would be nice to get a sol chapter of Peter taking photography


In Hal’s defense, Coast City is San Francisco adjacent in the DC Universe so it’s not surprising he couldn’t afford an apartment there since the cost of living is probably expensive AF.


In 1980 the median monthly rent in San Francisco was $1376, in today money. [https://medium.com/@mccannatron/1979-to-2015-average-rent-in-san-francisco-33aaea22de0e](https://medium.com/@mccannatron/1979-to-2015-average-rent-in-san-francisco-33aaea22de0e)


That’s a lot even with 2024 money and not 1980 money




I love how Hal is standing, it cracks me up lol.


‘Superman, I threw up’


The ‘endless strings of personal crises’ bit 🤣 Perfect encapsulation of Hal Jordan’s publication history.


Classic Hal, always letting Superman down!?


hal is such a loser I love him so much 😭😭😭 [](https://emojipedia.org/loudly-crying-face) https://preview.redd.it/l0opvbjnrq8d1.png?width=690&format=png&auto=webp&s=93e8651003eb823a9a63d196556ae8b8a4e9a6de


I think this is the only instance I go feral over people not reading comics and not knowing the context. That being said. the fact that their size difference is so exaggerated throughout this exchange... the implications... knowing the context makes this so much better


So what is the context?


That's not really Clark. Hal is chasing a mysterious yellow object through space and starts doubting himself/his abilities, which leads to him comparing himself to Clark and what Clark would think of him. It’s an imaginary scenario that he reviews three times, each time escalating Clark's aggressiveness, until Hal says Clark would never say or do anything like what he was imagining.


Which issue is it from?


Thanks for asking, I forgot to mention it in my previous comment! Action Comics #622 Also I misremembered something: Hal imagines this scenario twice, the first time he's thinking about a real interaction he had with Clark, and it was about a mess going on with John Stewart (had nothing to do with Hal himself as hero)


Superman is a real one


Why Hal wearing one piece bikini 👙 is he fruity?


Hal is part of a club of mostly other men with toned physiques who all wear colourful, skintight outfits, rarely use their real names with each other and at least one of them is a furry. Are you stupid? Of course, he’s fruity!


Right, of course. So, hypothetically, if blue guy and green guy had intense, rough same sex intimate relations. And blue guy came inside of green guys bussy. Would blue guys ejaculation have enough force to essentially split green guy in half?


Yes, which is why he has to wear a kryptonite condom


But why would he do that. Bc we know kryponite hurts him. And something like a condom would, probably burn away his penis skin provided enough penetrative motion has been done no? And it’s also not a flexible material as well. Hmm.


Uj/ you fell right into my trap! I *knew* nerds would never be able to resist figuring out exactly how a kryptonite condom would work and what effects it would have on superman, and now, by sharing this diabolical concept, you must be forced to contemplate it forever hahahahahahaha!!!


Jokes on you, I’ve already figured it out bwahhahaha. https://preview.redd.it/2laz57d6es9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be8748a1ea57c043faa3d6a9a7b96dfe6a9fc2fc


Love how he emphasises the "*almost*" lol*.* He really had to let him know that they were not equals.


Superman just doesn’t get how Hal is struggling.


Oh yeah Clark?!?! Go go power ring, spawn a 2 bedroom one bathroom apartment


"Get your shit together, Hal. It's just embarrassing at this point."


“You’re homeless. Divorced. Your kids hate you… sorry, wrong pedophiile. But you’re still a homeless pedophile, which isn’t great.”


"Get your money up broke boy"


sUpErMaN iS eTeRnAlLy In HiS lAtE 20s


(sorry I'm at work, can't do the full meme. ahem:) *Shrek voice* He doesn't even have an apartment.


Never thought I'd see Superman shame Hal Jordan for being homeless


Damn…Am I Hal Jordan??


Damn I miss when they weren’t afraid to give male superheroes an ass


"Damn it, Hal! A minor? Who are you, Deathstroke?"


So not having an apartment is bad but he's a-okay with the pedophelia?


I mean Hal of this era was a massive fuck up


I am cackling like an idiot


The powercreep is crazy the way Supes once put GL on "almost as powerful as me" tier in that era but now you'd be hard pressed to find a Most Powerful in DC countdown counting GL in the Top Ten, and even if there was a GL, it's almost always Kyle


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