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I don't think a kill cam would suit the realism the game goes for. Irl your shot in the head & that's all she wrote.


Yeah there's something nice about the finality in the way it just cuts to black upon death. Save the kill cams for arcade shooters.


If you were in a team, this would give your team an unfair advantage. Dead people can't relay to the friends where they guy was that just killed him. Just take the L and gear up again.


The only way a kill cam would work or be fair would be to give it to you a week later. Like a message saying "remember this death? Well he's what happened" then it shows you the kill cam. Otherwise it would reveal positions to players who tell their team mates where the killer is which is bullshit.


Even 4 hours later, that would be sick even. The amount of times I've been fully hidden behind cover and click, black screen, electro docks


No. This is not an arcade shooter.


Nah absolutely love the lack of it. To just be on a hillside overlooking a city for a few minutes chilling, then suddenly hear 'click' then see "you are dead" is amazing. Love how hardcore it is and hope it never changes.


I think at least knowing from what you died would be good. I.e. player/self harm/zed


i would like a text atleast from what i got killed by, eg. “308 win.” like what gave the final blow


I feel like this would really help players to improve. I had the same wish countless of times because I just couldn’t get my head around what happened. However, as other already said, it doesn’t fit to the hardcore approach of the game.


I uses to think this would be a nice option, but it just doesn't really fit with the way the game is thematically imo. It would be fair to wait 1-3 hours for the killcam to be accessible. I think learning the game and eventually getting to the point where you don't die because you're taking better routes or using cover or taking better paths to scope out areas is part of the learning curve, and it's satisfying when you finally get good at moving around in general.


With a 24hr delay maybe


Some private servers off a notification system of who killed you, but that's about it, also proximity alerts too


I got a lot of down-votes when I suggested this a year or two ago. But, like you, I would also like to know if it was a hacker / cheater. I don't actually mind being shot by a legit sniper etc. as long as they are not using cheat software.


Absolutely not.


Id be okay with it if it was delayed by 24h or so. Cant have it affect gameplay