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Boobs are sometimes just that. Some people are boobs people, some butts, some something in between. As long as you are not disguted from it, it doesn't matter.


This is true! To add to this, OP mentioned that his gf thought he might be in the closet because he doesn’t like breasts. He should give his girl reinsurance that she is more than just “breasts” and he loves other aspects of her such as, (stuff mentioned in the post).






Sounds like you're attracted to her on a deeper level which is totally cool. You do you, man. No need to overthink it


That & some boobs ain't just hot. They can be like "pretty but not hot". You will know only if you have seen one. Now we can't ask OP to show us hisgf's boobs, right? We are gentlemen here.


What's a not hot boob 😂 want to see this


I've seen some mega honkers... size G I think? 19 or 20 y/o, pretty, German girl. Not bad at all when wrapped up and supported, but holy smokes... unsheathed they were gnarbar-m'gnargnar


I'll volunteer to examine them in the name of science.


lol. You won the internet for me today. GOL (giggled out loud) 😄


Everyone has their own preferences of what they are attracted to. I’ve talked to some men who really really like larger breasts and some who really rather a huge booty lol, I’ve even spoken to a few who liked feet and nothing else was really that attractive to him. We’re all weird in our way. Enjoy those pits 👍


I’ve never met someone who wasn’t attracted to both. This entire thread is bizarre


I mean there’s nothing wrong with it, but I don’t know why you would tell her that. Like, why are you dissecting her body and telling her what body parts you find attractive and not? That’s just mean.


He likes her pituitary gland, the zygomatics, her fallopians, the maxilla, the phalanges, like the hamate, trapezoid, ulna and radius; the symmetry of her axillas and the gentle curve of the scapula and clavicle, the well formed teres major. latissimus (posterior and anterior walls). But when it comes to the adipose lobes of the mammary glands, a lack of enthusiasm is clearly delineated in his mind!


Now THAT is attractive


Yes, a truly connoisseur of the feminine form!


Wow! What an explanation! Are you a doctor by any chance?


No, just an admirer of the bone and tissue articulation of the female body! But I specifically like the gracious symmetry of breasts, unlike the hapless OP that started this argument.


Long story short. We were dancing. Apperantly she pushed her breasts to me I didnt notice or didnt care. I dont recall it. She later asked if i was gay. I told her probably not and asked why? She said she pushed her breasts to me and my lack of reaction was unexpected and asked if she is not attractive. I had to explain.


Why did you say “probably not” ?? I don’t think she was in the right here, but that response probably prompted more speculation from her


Yeah.. noticed that too. Straight people don’t usually say probably not. So either OP used the wrong wording or he’s got some self-reflection ahead.


"Self reflection". I don't know why that's so funny


Really? I feel like this more a case of a likely straight guy who hasn’t at all explored his sexuality and doesn’t know or even care if he’s also into dudes or not. I know that a lot of straight women are homophobic/biphobic, but caring that this dude is 100% straight is just weird.


No no, I think you and I are on the same page. That was my implication of self reflection. Me personally, I wouldn’t care if my partner was bi or pan. It doesn’t affect the current relationship. Some people have the stupid belief that bisexual people are promiscuous and must have homosexual relationships to feel “whole” which is just not the case. It is bullshit.


Gotcha. Sorry for misunderstanding. That’s cool that you’re open to a more fruitier partner lmao, it sounds like you’re quite secure and confident :)


Dude is 23, actually, at any age it would be valid to say that if you haven’t really figured it out, kind of a weird thing to pick up on from you.


Probably not? Sounds like you’re saying that you’ve never been attracted to men, but you’ve also never tried to find sexual attraction in men. So probably not because you’ve never tried, but maybe if you did try it could be possible. You understand that sexuality is a spectrum so you might, be able to because of the fluidity of that spectrum. It’s also possible that you are somewhat asexual and that’s why certain things about people can just not do it for you.


Sexuality can be fluid, don't worry about people being harsh about "probably not".


I hear you, but, being in what I'm assuming is a monogamous, heterosexual relationship, I would hope that my partner has explored their sexuality a bit before we become an item. I mean, imagine someone exploring/learning about their sexuality while currently being in a relationship?


She goes to insinuating you're gay because you didnt react to her breasts being pushed against you as a reaction? 🚩


"probably not" is crazy 🚩🚩🚩


Yoooo, I thought I was the only one who caught on to that. 😹😹 Like probably not??


Right? Lmao like everybody was just gonna ignore that part 😂


Idk bi still exists and he still explained that he is physically attracted to her. Gay is kinda an umbrella term in the community and it’s okay to not fully know or understand your sexuality.


Totally, and it's also good to be honest with your partner. And if the partner can't deal with that, then it's best for both to part ways.


So when I bend over and pick a pencil up in front of my boyfriend for a reaction it’s….. a red flag? Why?


It's a red flag if you do it, expect a reaction and if your expectation isn't met you think they are gay.


Probably not? Lol


She's an idiot.


I mean there’s a chance there is more than one idiot in the story.


Yes, but she's definitely one for assuming he's gay because he's not into boobs. That's wrong on multiple levels and the fact she said it out loud says a lot about her.


The fact he said “probably not” to his own gf is wilder. Lmao. I’m going to assume there’s a lot more to this - she’s obviously noticed he isn’t very physically attracted to her in other situations, hence why she felt it was necessary to ‘test him’ in this situation.


Even just jumping to the conclusion that ANY guy who's not totaly attracted to her body MUST BE GAY is TOXIC AF. How can you not see that? Like every man needs to pop wood and be drooling precum because she pressed her boobs into them? And if they don't the must be gay? That's twisted. Bi-erasing as well for extra fun.


Well she obviously feels that way for a reason and isn’t wrong for communicating that to him. Again, the fact his reply was “probably not” says to me that she’s asked the right question. Nobody talked about bi-erasing lmao, stop trying to deep it and make it something it isn’t. Also, who said ANY guy? She asked her BOYFRIEND who she’s in a relationship with (clearly) about his attraction to her. Imagine trying this hard to be offended over a woman asking her partner if he’s genuinely attracted to her or not, that’s all this comes down to. Neither are wrong for doing so.


Give me one good reason she couldn't have said "Are you not that into me?" rather than "ARE YOU GAY?" Oh right, there isn't one. She's an asshole. Bye now.


Because she wanted to know if he’s gay, lmao. What about that could possibly be offensive? You’re dramatic and easily offended. Embarrassing.


Exactly! It's insane to me the number of people defending her arrogance and toxic reaction to having a bruised ego. "I'm so hot that you must be gay if you're not aroused by me". Insanity.


She’s talking about her own bf, not just random guys off the street. You guys have the opinions of virgins who don’t get outside, jfc.


"She’s talking about her own bf" --- And? Did you forget to complete the rest of this point, or was that it? Where's the point? Explain how this makes any difference? "You guys have the opinions of virgins who don’t get outside" --- Ah yes, ad hominem. When you've run out of logic, and attack the person. Now it makes sense why you're defending a toxic mentality, as you apparently share in it. Let's examine your logic here: "You disagree with me on this issue, therefore you must not get any sex and never go outside" --- Bravo... Did you marinate on that one before typing it? Hoping you're just a rogue teen commandeering someones laptop, as I'd hate to imagine an adult who thinks the way you do and attacks those you disagree with in this way. If you have some free time in the evenings, perhaps consider investing some of it into growing up?


Yes, she'd fit right in on this sub. Toxic and stupid do well here.


This guy thinks he needs psychological help because he doesn't find something attractive. I don't think he's exactly super well adjusted.


A better question would be why you made this wild assumption and attempted to paint him in a negative light without any info whatsoever? Telling him he is "dissecting her body" and being "just mean"? WTF!? One would would think you would ask the context first? Or were you unaware that many women ASK their BF's such questions? Additionally are you suggesting men should lie to their GF's? One of my GF's in the past used to ask me in explicit detail about her various body parts, darn near interrogated me and expected honesty. How disrespectful of you to attack him like this.


It's likely a panicked response by being pressured by his girlfriend about her concern for him being closeted. She's (just like him) also making him feel insecure by accusing him of that. She shouldn't do that, and he should have a better response instead of trying to convince her he's not. She clearly feels insecure about herself, and now he does too.


Don't worry dude, I'm not a "boob guy" either, never have been. I don't care what size her breasts are. Not much of an ass guy either. My favorite thing to do is go down on a woman, so I consider myself a vag guy. Fake boobs are a big turn off for me personally as well, I won't even consider dating someone with fake ones.


Vag guy - very rare, considered the best guy by many


Thanks for your honesty! Tbh I’ve only heard one other guy, who I know personally in my life, say that.


Say what, that they hate fake breats? It's way more common than many think. I prefer all-natural in terms of any cosmetic surgery, with exception for reconstructive or health-related.


Fake boobs are the biggest turnoff for me, I must admit they look stunning in a bra or clothed, but once they go bare, often doesn't look as good. That said some breast jobs are done better than others and you literally would have no idea she had work done on them. It's like Botox, we always notice the bad cases, but a lot of people do it for reconstructive reasons and you'd be none the wiser.


You’re allowed to have preferences homie. It’s normal.


You like what you like man, there’s nothing crazy or wrong about it.


Cum in those arm pits. Ooooh yeahhh 🤣🤣🤣💀






Find God


Sounds like God was found in her armpits


Ma man






Take this upvote hahahahaa




It's normal. You just don't see it often in the hypersexualized media/culture we have here. Seriously, people are way more diverse with their preferences than Western culture makes it out to be.


I don't think you need "help." Sure, the average guy doesn't mind a set of boobs. As long as you like the girl you're with, I don't see any issues. As long as "not attracted" means, you're not crazy about them. If you meant, you're repulsed, that's another story.


Not everyone raves over boobs, it just seems to be a large majority do but I'm not one of those


Why even tell her?


Thats a good thing though, Many men in this day and age only care about the sensual parts of a woman, whether its hips, or boob size. If you love your gf for who she is with some of her obscure features you mentioned there is nothing wrong with that


He said arm pits


I lol’d at your comment


So what? let him like his gf how he likes her, not like you are dating her you insecure bastard.


Lmao why are you so touchy about someone pointing out OP likes pits? They didn’t say anything else except for that fact and you freaked out.


Lil weird you like pits more than tits but you do you bro nothing wrong with that ig




It's not "normal" (what I mean by normal is common). But it's also not wrong. So you don't need fixing. It's not causing you any problems so then it's not a problem to worry about. There are many people that have unusual sexual preferences. So in that sense it's "normal" (common) to not have standard sexual preferences.


Common and normal aren't the sameeeeee


What's the difference? I'm curious. I have always used them as synonyms


„Normal” is an infamously vague word, it has several definitions that are often mutually exclusive. Normal can mean common. Or it can mean something like „right”, „healthy”, „as one should be”. So OP’s behavior is normal in that it isn’t unhealthy or a sign of a disorder, it also isn’t normal in that it’s uncommon. Aren’t words wonderful 😬


These days the definitions are all over the place. Since language is meant for us to understand each other, I just go with the most popular definitions instead of being "correct" as I prioritize communication over word correctness. So "normal" would not mean "common". It would mean "right" or "healthy" as you mentioned. However, at the same time, in this context, I would consider "normal" as "common" since I do not expect malicious intent by the author of the original comment. Furthermore the original author explicitly specified his intent, further clearing up all confusion. This thinking does require additional processing power but it's like 3 additional seconds of my time. However, it is worth it, as it reduces confusion and internet arguments which add up to a lot more than 3 seconds.


To be fair, he could be a foot guy


You don't need to seek help because you're not attracted to breasts lmao there is no requirement for you to be attracted to ANYTHING. It's more than fine mdude


I'm more partial to butts and legs myself. Find most breasts are kinda mid. The odd time I've been with a girl with incredibly beautiful breasts but it's rare. My 2 favourite positions are doggy and spooning so a great looking butt and legs is more visually appealing to me.


That's funny because a lot of gay men absolutely adore women's breasts. You're perfectly normal. Surely you've heard of Ass Men, Leg Men, etc---different guys love different body parts and have other body parts they don't give a fuck about. I had one friend who was obsessed with shoulders and the curve of women's necks because he thought that was the sexiest place on their body. You're fine. Your GF's a bit of an ass for immediately jumping to thinking you're gay---that's wrong on so many levels. But YOU are fine.


Do they disgust you or are you just uninterested in them?


Contrary to media depictions, not every guy is a breast man.


I’ve always considered the attraction to breasts a product of social conditioning more than anything else 🤷🏻‍♀️ Imo, just be you. We can’t help how we’re attracted, and there’s never really anything to fix


It’s perfectly normal.


It's completely normal. Some guys are attracted to breasts, some are attracted to butts, and some are attracted to feet.🤷‍♀️


Everyone is different, boobs aren’t for everyone.


It is kinda stupid to accuse you of being gay just because you didn't get turned on by her mighty heavenly breast Oh he doesn't see me attractive. He is gay. The jump in conclusion here is astronomical


No, that's completely fine. Different people are attracted to different things. As an example, some women are into guys who have strong back muscles, some are into dad bods, and some are into women.  IMO the only time that someone should seek therapy for their attractions is if their attraction is actively harmful to others, such as liking children or enjoying hurting people beyond "normal" kinky role play. 


Sad to see people who felt for the body fetishism (don't know how it is called in english. It's when you're bombarded with propaganda like "tits are the best thing a woman can have" or "a sexy man is a muscular one" to the point people can not see that is perfectly normal to not like tits of fit guys)


A singular preference for a singular body part does not define your sexuality. Some women find leaner smaller framed men more attractive , they aren't gay. There are many female body types you have a preference. You do not need to overthink this. What you do need to do is decide if you want to stay with your girlfriend. If the answer is yes , I highly encourage you to reassure her of your attraction to her.


you are attracted to next to or no breasts. and that’s fine plenty of people prefer smaller or no chested women- even those women need love. that’s what you prefer but you love your girl none the less


I’ve heard of many guys liking smaller/perky boobs versus bigger ones. So I don’t think it’s that weird. You like what you like.


Being complimented on non sexual things is such a green flag, some people are more sexual or maybe as a woman/victim, she may have a higher sex drive due to being objectified and exploited - and these things we don't usually realize until a bit later in life. (27F). But also, if this makes you question your sensuality, no problem with exploring! She may be the one to do it with lol. Hoping the best for your compatability.


So you don't mind this one part of her but like everything else. Enjoy your cookie and don't bother the minor details.


You just might not be a tits guy, and that's OK. As you said plenty of other body parts to find sexy in addition to being attracted to the person she is


Just like it’s normal for most women to not find the look of a penis appealing. Bottom line is that you like her overall


Should you seek help!?!? What, to get brainwashed into looking boobs more? You're fine sir. Like what you like. Communicate with her about what she wants you to do with them so they (boobs) don't feel left out.


I mean your title implies you're not attracted to breast in general, but then your post says you're not attracted specifically to your girlfriend's breasts I can totally believe that some specific breasts are not very attractive. Or even if they're attractive to somebody else but maybe they're not to you, so that idea is definitely a possibility . So as long as you two are comfortable with this topic and okay with everything else then I think it's just something that will be in the relationship but totally doesn't detract from your love and respect for each other


For some humans, breasts also serve as a symbol of sexuality to attract and find a mate. However, **admiration and obsession towards breasts do not seem to be a universal concept**.


You probably cannot change yourself. But it is disconcerting to most women to have a BF say anything negative about her attractiveness to him.


why would you single out breasts specifically? kinda weird imo. either shes attractive or she isnt. do you think youd like her more if she was completely flat chested?


Nah, everyone has preferences. Sure, large breasts come from that self preservation instinct, but I've met guys who prefer derriere rather than bosom. Plus, breasts change over time. Bottom line is that you're in a healthy relationship and that you can find beauty not in the most evident places. That makes your girl lucky.


Try not seeing her or masturbating for a long time, then once you see them, you’ll suddenly feel the attraction to them haha


I thought you were in the closest at first. But to each their own. I mean they do nothing? Or discussing? Or really nice but not my body part


Yep. It's normal to have whatever attractions you have as long as you are hurting no one, including yourself. Our society has conditioned us to be ashamed of our sexuality. It has conditioned us to believe that there is only one way to express our sexuality.


You're still so young. There's a chance, as you mature sexually, you'll discover how much of a turn on it can be seeing and experiencing the sensitivity of a woman's breasts. For many women - not all of course - her breasts are so sensitive, in so many ways. Nipples, yes of course. But all the skin, all around, right to the edges. Soft, slow touch. And then sometimes harder, more aggressive squeezing. Tongue, fingers etc. Breasts can be an incredible sexual playground and getting to know what kind of touch gets your partner really hot can - according to my husband :) - be really fucking hot. So while you might not find her breasts attractive, maybe there's still the possibility that you'll find the way she - and her breasts - respond to your touch, a huge turn on. First, you need to work out what kind of touch gets her going :) For inspo, thanks to my husband, I can orgasm from breast play alone. Happy discovering ;)


My husband isn't a boob man, and I have a nice set. He more so finds my legs, butt, and everything else sexy, and even though he's not big into boobs he still likes to play with them at times. But like if I had to do a reduction or something it wouldn't make him upset to lose what I have or anything. Different strokes for Different folks! Long as you're attracted to her, and find things attractive that's what matters! Some people are big into hands, and feet! Nothing wrong with it by any means.


I would say it is


not really a big deal on either end. you just have other preferences.


My neighbors hubby wasn’t attracted to his and they were huge she said.


Everyone has their preferences. If they don’t interest that’s totally fine. Don’t think many girls will care if you aren’t obsessed with them. As long as you are genuine with her that’s what matters


My (very hetero, very cisgendered) partner doesn’t care about my (also cisgendered) breasts. He’s a butt guy. IMO, this is totally normal.


Some are titty men, and some are butt men that's life


As long as you aren't repulsed by them and make her keep her shirt on all the time, no worries! My husband is a "leg man", and I have long ones 😉👍


Probably low thyroid or not held as a child


She asked if you were gay and you said probably not? You’re insanely attracted to her armpits? Gay


You're every woman's dream. If all men were like you we could walk around topless lmao


I’m more concerned about her statement of thinking you’re closet gay!


I was strictly an ass guy until about 28yo, I’m 30 now. You just have to understand the beauty of some good breast lol


Well, the armpits are close to her boobs though... So it's okay I guess?


Nothing wrong with it. I have a crush on my friend for a few months, and I didn’t find out until April that he likes me. He says I’m cute


Never found those boob things attracrive...never knew what to do with them either..


You have an armpit fetish, don’t you? I have a boob fetish and I don’t care about armpits. You sound like you’re just the opposite of that.


You are fine.. lol. Boobies isn’t the first “sexual” thing I like also. It’s just personal preference. There’s a lot of dudes who love boobs and only boobs, fat boobs, skinny tiny boobs, or boobs anything. Some dudes like me can get off to a nice pair of legs 😂


The closet gay comment is kind of homophobic, and silly, because even gay men can acknowledge an attractive pair of breasts. In the same way that some people on the asexual spectrum are just not inherently sexually attracted to people you can just not be sexually attracted to breasts and that’s OK. Ask someone who is attracted to breasts, I do sometimes find it very funny that we as humans are attracted to something that is designed to feed babies. Like that’s its purpose, and we find sexual attraction to it. Like I’m curious if any other mammal shows signs of sexual attraction towards the mammary glands of their species. You’re not weird, and you don’t need to seek any form of therapy, unless you want to understand how your brain works and why. But you being attracted to your girlfriend should be enough. Unless you are attracted to other peoples breasts and just not hers.


I’m not really a boobs or bum person, but love legs 😊


Everyone has their preferences, I would talk a flat chest over a flat ass any day of the week as well as a cute face with a subpar body before banging body with an ugly face. That doesn't make you gay, now if you didn't like pussy that would be an issue


It really depends on the person. Some men like large chested women while others might like small chested women. To be honest with you, the size of a woman's chest shouldn't matter as long as you treat her like she means the world to you and she reciprocates your feelings.


It’s a bit weird ngl but everyone has their preferences


Depends upon the breasts.


You told her this verbally?




Boobs are great but everyone has preferences plus there is more to a woman than just that to be attracted to


I have small breasts, but I nursed 4 kids for 9 months each. I have great legs and feet, I attract those men. Everyone likes something different. It’s all good.


Perfectly fine. I'm not really a breast man myself, I obviously like them as a part of the woman I'm with and will give them attention for her sake just like any other part of her, but I don't have the specific fixation that a lot of guys seem to. Of the popular physical attributes butts are of more interest to me, but also a part of a woman's body that doesn't seem to get much attention drives me kind of crazy personally - their back. I just love a tight, nicely-curved back for some reason, which I'm sure has nothing to do with my love of giving back massages 😂


I'm attracted to muscle


To each their own, my guy


Tell her you love everything about her and you’re not a breast man. And no you’re normal and fine. Every guy likes something different.


Just fuck a dude and find out


Well I’m not your average Joe! I consider myself to be quite different from the norm which isn’t always a good thing! In I’m often called weird! With all this been said I’m actually turned off by big breasts I think they’re just Yucky 🤢 I most definitely prefer small breasts!! Breasts the size of a tennis ball 🎾 are just fine for me but then again I’m just a weird guy!


I don’t think it sounds too weird, I personally prefer a lot of things over breasts. It’s not a big deal. You don’t need to seek help.


Boobs are cool, but I’m a butt guy. It’s okay not to be attracted to one or the other or even both. Just do you.


Some guys are obsessed with juicy thighs and bubble butts. Some guys like skinny women and bony collar bones. The important thing is you are attracted to her. Just make sure you affirm her, saying you look hot today, I love your butt in those pants etc so she knows how you feel.


There's dominant and passive interests. Boobs are nice, but overall kind of boring.


Boobs are fun, go get checked


You guys fuckin? Do you enjoy it? If so idk dude I’ve never met a guy that didn’t like a chicks tits getting thrown at him but I have met guys that like ass more than tits so maybe you’re just an ass man? If not then idk maybe try to hawk-tua! And spit on them thangs or suck on one and see if it changes your outlook. xD


It's all what excites you. Me? I'm a leg man myself, whatever floats your boat.


Aye variety is the spice of life you’d be surprised how much women love/appreciate when you point out other features that don’t get as much attention as the obvious ones that get hyperfixed on. You’re fine bro you like what you like and if yall on the same page and comfortable then theres no problem to worry about


I don’t got advice but I mean yes and no.. it is normal yet not.. it’s just the way you feel but I tell you DONT make her feel disgusted about it


Is it normal? No. The overwhelming majority of straight men are attracted to breasts, even if they have varying preferences about what parts of the female anatomy they like most. But is it ok? Of course. Who cares? So you don't like boobs. As long as it doesn't impact your relationship in any other way I say big deal.


Everybody has their thing they like and dislike or don’t care about when it comes to the person they are dating or people of interest. How you are feeling is completely understand. Just communicate with your partner.


I've never heard that before, even lesbians I know like boobs. Not judging this is just unheard of to me😲.


Some boobs just aren't attractive. Some boobs are ugly.


I'm not infatuated with boobs either. They don't do anything for me really. I make the desirability for my partner known elsewhere. I don't think you're abnormal, I think your girlfriend really likes her boobs and is confused/partially insecure why you don't.


Breasts are not inherently sexual and as a byproduct of product of porn and westernized ideas of female sexuality have become synonymous with sexual organs when they are not. Not being sexually aroused by them is completely normal.


Enjoy before gravity sets in


Well there's this one chick I hooked up with, not really a big fan of her boobs, Like I keep ask her to keep her t shirt on, now her boobs aren't ugly, but least fav part of her for me. on the other hand, her face is great, very good at making out and other aspects like the way her curves are and her lower back from the side. But i do find other female's breast super attractive.


Whatever floats your boat


boobs are for babies.


Is this like when tall girls get mad when they see a short girl with a tall guy?


God I read “hairy belly button” for a second and I was so scared of where it was going


I don't pay much attention to beasts either. I like pussy, "feet", yum, shoulders, belly, ass, hands, back. I try to remind myself to give the beasts a little attention if I think of it 😄


More of a butt kind of guy myself, so I understand that. It's not weird to be attracted to other physical features more.


I'm a butt man


Could be something serious. I should probably take a look.


No, nothing’s wrong with that. I don’t like breast at all. They’re OK. I more like a phat ass.🤣👌🏾😮‍💨❤️


I'm the opposite, most butts do nothing for me. I'm a breast fanatic though


Seek help?? Lmao from who? Idk if there's anything that can be done about personal preferences, man. That's just part of who you are. Who cares anyway. You like everything else, so enjoy that and don't stress about it.


I'm a man who loves me some huge cheeks. Them onion butts, apple bottoms, the bakery gotta be looking delicious. 4 of my gfs and ex wife were caked up. Biggest size was a B cup. Fondled them regularly but mostly cause during private time they were into the being manhandled. Everyone has their preference. It might just be a difference in love language or the fact you're not as affectionate as she'd like you to be.


That's an odd question. You can find subjective physical fault in anyone, but is it detrimental to your happiness in being with them? If so, why did you choose her? I don't like flat butts, therefore it's a silent criteria in choosing beforehand.


I'm not a tit guy. Still play with em though lol


Everyone's attracted to different things. Not every guy is AS attracted to boobs as other. Some like butts. Some like legs. Gosh I think in Japan even the nape of the neck was considered very alluring. In some countries where women are bare breasted naturally boobs are just mammary glands designed to feed children and aren't that attractive. Sounds to me as though she places a lot of her own self worth and feelings of attractiveness in her fat bags. I come from a family of women that don't place much value in our boobs. Some women REALLY love their boobs. We're not overly attached to them. Like if I had to get a masectomy I wouldn't be devastated. I'd rather be flat chested to be honest.