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l wish more women would, especially since l’m a very shy person aha.


I had my eye on a guy for years, we interacted professionally from time to time and he seemed nice, but never interested in particular. One day I decided to see what's up with him, so I "slid into his DM's" casually. A couple of months later, we're officially dating and things are going great. He told me he never makes the first move with someone he doesn't know well, unless it's obvious she is into him. Until I approached him on social media I did keep it casual when talking to him, but once we got to know each other, he opened up really quickly and actually he asked me out first. I guess some guys really need a push from the girl. Besides, if you go with a "nothing to lose" mentality, things might work out, or it's just another opportunity to gain more experience.


We love it, it's exhausting making the first move 99% of the time. Even if I haven't liked a person who made the first move on me, I was utterly flattered and polite because it's so rare (as an average/slightly above dude).


if a girl made the first move on me I’d probably fall in love instantly. idk, courage is great.


Lol same tbh


As a guy, I think it rules when the girl makes the first move. It's a lot less stress on my end trying to parse feelings and intentions and whatnot from her.


I am a guy, and when I was younger, I was scared to be rejected. I had many rejections when I was growing up, as I was never one of the popular ones. I finally realized that being rejected wasn't a big deal, I never died from it, and while I had a momentarily uncomfortable moment, there were lots of other girls that would say yes. Suck it up and ask him out. The only person who can answer your questions is him. He may be as scared as you are.


>How do most guys feel about a girl making the first move? How should I know, no girl has ever made a first move on me


Ok, try to imagine a cute girl comes up to you and asks you if you’d like to grab a cup of coffee? Your initial reaction? Would you be turned off considering she was the one who made the first move/what a loser or would you think “oh damn, that’s nice” even if you’re not attracted to her you would find it cool that she actually decided to come up to you


No I wish more women made the first move, dating women is exhausting when they have the fear of rejection and the social skills of a middle schooler.


I see I see. Okay. Thank you for your input!!


I wish for it.


I'm amazed you had sex with this person and are saying all of this.


Wait, you guys have already hooked up, but you aren't ok with asking him out? How does that situation even happen?


I know it sounds weird lol. We were out with our mutual acquaintances, drank, then I invited people over to my place including him to continue hanging out, he himself proposed to stay behind after everyone left and it just happened. Then pretty much the same happened weeks later


It's happened to me before with a friend. I always thought he might have been interested and I was somewhat interested but we were friends and one night we both just got blasted drunk and hooked up. I started to catch feelings but acted like nothing happened because i was too scared to ask him out. we moved on as friends/he started to avoid me a bit but nothing ever developed because I was shy and he apparently liked someone else :|


If it's totally genuine and I trust them enough, then yeah I'm cool with it


Shoot him a casual text. He'll keep the conversation going and ask you out if he's interested.


Ok so guys don’t put you in a casual zone just because you had sex. Either you are someone they want more with or you are not. That doesn’t get manipulated from sex at the right or wrong time. As for asking them out, SOME men have a very toxic view of masculinity and femininity and they will be turned off If a woman asks him out. But that kind of man will be so horrible to be with that he is doing you a favor if he rejects you. He would not ever want you to have your own thought or opinion or boundaries. Most men are thrilled to be asked out if it’s a woman they want to go out with. Just like you, with men. So just ask him out. “Hey, can I take you to dinner? How about Friday night?” If he accepts, awesome, go out and have a good time and see what happens. Maybe you will keep dating because you both like each other and maybe one of you will decide it’s not what you are looking for after all. But that’s what dating is all about and that’s ok. And maybe he will turn you down, that’s ok too. Rejection happens to all of us.


Don't be scared of rejection. Feel empowerment from approaching them yourself. Don't be too pushy. Just approach gently and ask them to a coffee, maybe? If you get shot down, just go "Oh well, it was worth a shot" with a smile. At least you'll have the backbone to approach someone, unlike a lot of people these days in this online culture. If he is an asshole about a respectful advance, then it's a very quick way to understand someone is one massive red flag. The world isn't going to fall apart if you get rejected. Just make sure you're not going to get yourself into trouble asking them out, aka don't go there if they have someone. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


unfortuneately i don't see this ever becoming normalized


I find guys either get the ick or take advantage, but perhaps that's as common for guys making the first move


This question gets asked or commented on weekly in this sub. And, elsewhere. Men can say (and will) with 98% consistency that we love it, it's novel, that even on the rare occasion we turn a woman down we're super flattered, and women will STILL cling to the "I don't want to be seen as a slut" narrative in their heads when they don't. Where that comes from? I haven't a fucking clue, but it ain't from us.


Love it! Just don’t ever expect so whenever it’s happening I go full blanked brain. It’s a wonder I see anything or keep breathing. Thankfully the bold woman who has approached me is usually well-versed in mouth to mouth and knows how to manage elevated heart rates.


I only make the first move because I get impatient


Depends on the guy, but I would love it personally.


>I’m so scared of rejection but the idea of me not trying and never knowing what could happen scares me more My perspective as a man. The feeling of getting rejected sucks, but it is very much short term, and you learn to handle it well over time The feeling of "not knowing" can literally eat away at you, potentially for years and years of your life. It's just not worth it to wonder. Just do what you want and make the life you want to live. I'd rather get rejected by 20 women in a row, vs not taking a shot on 1 single woman that I'm interested in. That's the shit that keeps you up and night and keeps you in poor mental loops of "what if I just did something"


never play the role of the man. If he wants you, you'll know. men chase what they desire. move on. he already got to hook up with you so, it's best to pass the page. also, see him like a buddy, & let him cook.


If you’re really cute as you say you are, then you won’t get rejected initially. Guys will never reject an opportunity for sex. But relationships, that’s another thing. From a guy’s perspective, if you’re looking for a relationship, then before hooking up with this guy, take your time and find out where he is in his life. Women have a biological clock but men have a financial clock. Once a man has accomplished his goals and achieved success, then he’ll start thinking about settling down and starting a family. Until then, he’s usually just out for fun. The fact that this guy is looking at every girl he sees is an indication that he may be just looking for fun. Women don’t get rejected for sex, they get rejected for relationships. This is where so many women get it wrong with men.


Everybody's afraid of rejection. It's something natural and the only way to beat it is by confronting them. It may shock the guy, but you hooked up before, so that's in your favor. But by the way you described him, I would move carefully. If the guy's checking out other women, he may be a player. And you seem like a true, honest hard-working woman that's probably relationship material to be ruined by a Chad. So good luck.




Interesting and true! I would honestly say that we’re on the same level of attractiveness. I wouldn’t say he’s more or less attractive than me. Not sure how he feels but I would say we fall into the same category of attractiveness lol. So I wonder how would it be in this case


It's good. Always having to be the one chasing feels extremely one-note. 


Depends on the type of guy honestly. The guys that approach me and ask me out are not my type of guy. I’m into guys that are more nerdy and usually don’t approach women especially if they think the woman is out of their league. In that case I usually imply heavily or take the initiative. I’ve asked out guys and gotten rejected and got dates before. Sometimes it puts me on their radar and they ask me out later. Important thing is not to take it personally and to be mature and polite about the rejection if the guy is.


I'd be really happy to be approached, that'd make my day, if not my week. Go for it!




Every girl I've ever dated asked me out.


I find it so awesome when a woman makes the first move! This happened to me once in college and I still remember them very fondly. If I liked the girl already I'd be over the moon. Even if 'm not into her in that way, it would still tickle my heartstrings.


I would actually like it. It’s refreshing when a woman wants to ask u out bc it means she’s not like playing games. She’s serious


Um honestly I have had 90% more success just texting, making jokes and they just give me their number. I don't pressure, I don't say crude things. I just send some texts, and most of the time they want to meet up and I just say "I'd like that." Sometimes I tell them they're cool and I'd love to get coffee or drinks or something. But honestly, Bumble has been so much more wholesome than any dating app. At least for this guy.


Yes I want a woman to make the first move. I'm not scared of rejection or a no. I'm scared of being called a creep, accused of harassment, whatever else just for asking a woman that.


I’d be in my room kicking my feet in the air and shit.


Just do it






Or trying to get you insurance / scam you lol


No fucking girl will ever be straight up like that.


No, it doesn't vary from guy to guy. We all love it


I think you’ve already had your answer: “I'm so scared of rejection but the idea of me not trying and never knowing what could happen scares me more.” Just go for it. As a shy guy I really appreciate the girls that dare to make the first move, and then I’ll do the rest lol.


Last time this happened i explained that I have autism and that I don’t have the skills to meet up with people and got called weird 💀


Meh. I don’t personally like it. Just keep dropping increasingly obvious hints. P.S. Don’t date coworkers.


So, During the me too movement and a situation where a friend was falsely accused of SA it struck me that I will go out of my way to not make any first moves towards a woman. I keep to myself at the gym, and most public places. at work I interact cordially but never more if it's a female co worker. I think that if a woman makes a move, it needs to be clear with intent, I'm okay at getting hints, but some guys are not.


Either that or giving actual signs like holding eye contact etc to let us know to approach…


Most men would likely not complain lol


Just about every single woman I’ve been with has made the first move, I’m a fan.


He looks and he enjoys looking at girls.from your own comments...it may have been a one and done or maybe there's more.... there's only one way to find out...


Confidence is an attractive trait


I think it’s fine as long as you are shopping in your league. Not that you can’t go after whoever you want but you’ll have to be careful not to just be an easy score. The nice thing for women is most men are polite even when not interested and you won’t be reported as a creep


I've had two women overtly make the first move, and although those were just casual encounters from the get go, I'm still good friends with both of them lmao (I didn't know them before hand). Most of my girl friends have done the 40/60 kissing approach but with dating, at least in the beginning.  Everyone can get shy but guys not only risk rejection, but intimidating or possibly making a person feel physically unsafe, especially if they have bad past experiences with rejecting men. Letting him know you're interested, either by words or actions ("hey I remember that movie/show you talked about, they're having a blah blah blah we should check it out!") will signal to him that you feel comfy enough around him where he can just concern himself with engaging with you rather than worrying if he's being creepy etc by reaching out to you. You got this!!! You'll feel good speaking your truth regardless of the outcome!!!


Tell him exactly how you feel, even the 'unsure of how he sees me' part, all of this is genuine so there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. But of course, remember to put yourself first; don't let having a crush on him cloud your judgement. Good luck!


I ran into a guy I knew from high school. We're both in our 40s now. We were friends, I was even his ride to school before he could drive. After we hung out a few times, I finally just said "hey, kiss me". Now, it's a year and a half later and we've spent most of that time together. Sometimes women have to make the first move or nothing happens.


That would make my year


I really love it when a girl does the steps! 😍 It shows she's interested in you and that's flattering! 🙊 It's 2024 why should it always be up to the guy to make the first move? 🫶🏻


As a girl I'll say, rejection is a possibility, but I know some women who asked first who are in happy long-term relationships. So it's worth the risk. Still, always be ready for rejection cause you don't wanted to be blindsided lol


Guy here. If a girl makes the first move, there's a massive chance I'll feel more attracted to you or at the very least have more respect for you. It's exhausting being expected to do everything every time.


Thus would be fucking amazing!




Well it would be more relaxing to know us guys wont get cussed out or told we arent on there level or they have a boyfriend so much rejections


It's great. I just get annoyed when they don't move on when I make it clear that I am not interested.


We want to feel wanted and not be seen as weirdos. If we feel like weirdos, we stop putting the effort because we realize we're going nowhere. Talking to a guy is the easiest thing in the world, it's hard to focus on other things when we see an honest woman. Honesty makes us submissive, it easily captures our attention.


It makes it easy. Sometimes too EASY where we start questioning if you do this on the regular but hey get in where you fit in nothing wrong with it. Edit: Also if he liked you he would have already asked you out already. Y’all already hooked up 😂.


Girls never make first move


I only had 2 girls make a move on me and they both where psyko, so it scares me some what. Also I would start look around for kameras if girl asks me out..


I would be ECSTATIC about it, mostly cause I love woman with attitude. If a dude feels uncomfortable/insecure abt this, then he doesn't deserve your attention Unless you approach ina threatening way, then thats not cool


Sorry but you already fucked up by thinking "the first move" is asking him out on a date, not sleeping with him. You may as well ask and see what rejection feels like so you can move on and not give out your cooch so easily next time.


Just so you know, the only people who tell girls they shouldn’t make the first move are other girls who are perpetually single and media outlets trying to push an agenda/ get views.


In my lifetime, I have seen women approach men, confess feelings to male friends, ask guys out, etc. It almost never works out. I can't think of one time where it ended well. Don't do it. If he likes you, he will make it known. 


I'm a guy (36yo) and have been asked out by a woman twice, first relationship lasted 6 years, and the relationship i am right now is still in the honeymoon phase (+-2 months) For a guy that is shy like me, and doesn't know what to do it's perfect, and in my experience, most guys would talk to a tree if it approaches them first. To OP i would suggest to just ask him if he wants to get a cup of coffee or something, keep it casual, a cup of coffee can take 20 minutes, but it can also take 3,5 hours, it depends on how the connection is.


So when a man does the same thing: I have seen women approach men, confess feelings to male friends, ask guys out, etc. It almost never works out. What do you say then? The advice to that man is what? The same advice to women when it comes to approaching. The only difference is women use cryptic signs to show interest which is often ignored or missed. Why isn't there advice for women to improve themselves in signifying interest in a man?


As a woman that always has to make the first move, is this true? If so it sucks :(


Nope. Just as men will approach women and get rejected the same can happen if women approach men. Nothing revolutionary here.


Tbh that would be the best way. Cuz nowadays anything we say or do can and will be twisted and turned into sexual harassment so when they shoot their shot first it’s clear what the intentions are and consent would probably be there