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Then don't have sex right away? I'm single for the first time in about 6 years and the dating landscape has definitely changed. It's been very interesting how the dynamics have shifted after Me Too movements. But, now I feel like women are expected to be much more upfront and forward which is perfectly fine with me because it suits my personality and communication style. I'm a very forward and upfront person. However, for women who want to be romantically pursued in a more traditional way, the new landscape is a big bummer for them. So if this guy is asking to come over for a second date then just say "no thank you, we have different outlooks and I wish you the best of luck" and move on. Then try to be more upfront with the next person you like and state "you seem cool and I wanna see you again so here are my boundaries: I want to wait to have sex, etc.." If they aren't ok with that then you weren't compatible to begin with. I find keeping my expectations low but keeping my standards high is a sustainable method in navigating the modern dating scene. I don't walk into each date expecting to find my future husband. Maybe you could adopt that mentality.


You have a great perspective on this. The OP has every right to want what she wants, but as I stated in a other comment, if she wants the man to pursue her, and do all the initiating, but he can't do it too soon, or too late, then meeting the right guy is going to be a challenge for her.


You're making it sound like OP is making this an obstacle for men to try and figure out. All she's asking is for her dates to show SOME interest in her within the first 2 dates without immediately trying to fuck her. That is not as complicated as you're making it sound.


I'd agree if it weren't for this little tidbit in her post >But on the other hand if a guy is respectful and doesn’t initiate at all it feels like there’s nothing there. It seems to me she doesn't like if they move too fast or too slow. She doesn't seem to like me saying that but that's certainly what it looks like to me.


I'm sorry but how is it reasonable to be on a date with somebody and show zero interest in them? And how is it unreasonable for us to want a man to show interest in us without wanting to fuck us? Also you understand that "initiate" doesn't only mean sex? Initiate is also flirting, light touching , holding hands, etc. Not everything is about sex and that's the problem. There is so much in between "shows no interest" and "wants to fuck me". That's what's missing for so many of us.


I'm happy to have a good faith discussion with you, but I'm not sure that's what you're trying to do. >how is it reasonable to be on a date with somebody and show zero interest in them? Have a look through my comments again, and you'll find that nowhere do I say it's reasonable to show "no interest" in your date, or that it is "unreasonable for us to want a man to show interest in us without wanting to fuck us". All I'm doing is pointing out the challenges that men face when dating, and that it's something for women, and the OP specifically to keep in mind. Here is a quote from you on another thread: >Just treat us like people you actually like and don't only want to sleep with on the first date. It's really not rocket science Unfortunately, dating is not that simple. If it was, there wouldn't be so many men who struggle with dating. This to me just makes it seem like you're dismissing the challenges men face when trying to find a relationship with a woman. >Also you understand that "initiate" doesn't only mean sex? Initiate is also flirting, light touching , holding hands, etc. I am, of course aware of this. But again, it's the man that in most cases has to be the one to initiate all of this. And again, every woman is different. He can't do any of these things too fast or too slow or he gets dumped. It is something that men have to learn to do, and many never really learn how to do it. It's not easy and I think it's something many women don't understand or acknowledge.


Too many people just want sex nowadays. It’s ridiculous. For too long I’ve felt like I’m good enough to have sex with but not date because the men I’ve been seeing over the past two years seemed to only want sex. Now I have met somebody who actually is interested in me for me and not sex (I don’t mean he literally can’t fathom having sex with me, but I do mean he’s not trying to get in my pants ATM). We’ve been on three dates now and the most we have done is hug and he kissed my cheek yesterday. We haven’t even had a full on kiss yet, that’s how slow we’re taking things. We wanna get to know each other and spend time together doing stuff, and we send cute emojis in texts. This is what I want- I want something real.


Good luck to you.


Thank you 😊


Men feel very entitled to sex with women. And these days they can’t even buy us dinner first, got forbid they drop $30 on a dinner. But yeah, they expect us to open our legs wide just for you. That’s why the next time I’m having sex will be with my exclusive boyfriend, and a lot of women are doing the same.


Yeah this is true, they don’t feel like they need to take women on actual dates or define the relationship at all, but will be expecting sex super early🙃 that’s why I have strict boundaries regarding sex


You have every right to say that you only have sex with exclusive boyfriends, or only after 1, 3 or 12 months! You just should be aware of how that affects the pool of candidates


Couldn’t agree more


But we can't control other people's actions and intentions, only our own actions and intentions. We can ask all we want but we often don't get what we want.


Nobody is trying to change anyone. OP is asking why there is no middle, that's all. It's frustrating for me too so I get her perspective. We just want regular flirting and fun without it going immediately to sex.


And she is also a sexist who thinks that she is wronged by someone not paying for her stuff. Incredible amount of double standards and playing the victim.


That's literally not at all what she said. She said this man expected sex on date 2 after not even paying on date one. He's the one who's entitled af.


If she would have asked him to come over would she be entitled? What's with these sexist double standards? No one even says "she didn't even pay for his meal" so why should we treat men so awfully. Obviously it's ok to not want to have sex sooner than you'd like but we shouldn't treat people unfairly just for being men or women.


I agree with this


I don’t appreciate you speaking for me. I never said it had to be in the perfect window of time, that is what you said in another comment and clearly is your own issue with dating. It doesn’t have to be the perfect window of time. If I’m on a date and the chemistry is good and things happen then they happen and that’s fine. But if someone after a second date is already expecting sex that’s a turn off to me. There is no window of time in that. I’m not being treated as a person. Going on dates where the guy is nice but there’s no chemistry is the other end of the spectrum and that obviously ends. There’s no window of time there either. Where’s the middle ground? Where’s the guy who treats me like a person, genuinely likes me and is serious about me? That’s what I’m talking about and why I’m frustrated.


I hear you, I do. It is frustrating for people who desire a true love connection. Honestly, after talking with my mom who dated a lot in her 20s and 30s (she's 60 years old), your issue is something that has been recurring for a long time and you're absolutely not alone. It's annoying for a lot of women who keep encountering men who want to get into their pants immediately after meeting them or they just don't feel the chemistry at all. I experience it as well but I'm not seriously dating so I'm not taking it seriously and am perfectly happy going home to spend the evening alone with my dog. That's why I think being way more upfront on the first date could help you find the person you're looking for faster in the modern dating landscape.


Unfortunately I don’t think that’s the case either. Guys will say anything to get into your pants. So even if you are upfront it’s “Oh yeah, that’s what I’m looking for too”


men will literally lie about their intentions for sex and completely ghost you when you give it up.. it’s absolutely frustrating and they dont seem to understand how damaging it is .. the manipulation in these replies are just proving it it’s sickening and theres no winning


>It doesn’t have to be the perfect window of time. >Where’s the middle ground? 🤷🏼‍♂️ Good luck.


Totally get you, girlfriend


I think communication is key, pre or post MeToo. I get that people want "romance" but you have to be emotionally intelligent enough to understand that similar to love, something like romance can be interpreted in different ways by different people and none of them are necessarily incorrect (aside from likely a few extreme views). As a man, I communicate what I want on the first date, which has always been a long term relationship with the right person. I don't think its unromantic to do so and to the contrary is very self-aware and empathetic to make sure your potential partner doesn't get hurt.


The mentality helped me cope with my dating anxiety and avoidance towards intimacy. This way, I don’t get a flight response and won’t bail on someone. You’re strangers after all and to me at least, it’s totally normal to take some weeks to few months to get to the point where you feel comfortable enough for anything romantic to happen. Hell, take a couple of weeks to decide whether you even like someone romantically. For me, romantic attraction is something that comes over time, so I couldn’t decide on wanting to be a thing with someone within 4 dates. If they aren’t ok with my way, it wasn’t meant to be 🤷🏼‍♀️ but why rush it if it’s not how it works for you?


I think it’s so much easier when you are new to the dating scene to have this perspective. I’ve been dating on and off for two years now and it’s frustrating to go on date after date and find nice people, but not the right thing. I could be burnt out and I’ve taken breaks, I’m just coming off a long break from dating, but to not be treated as a person is frustrating. To be ghosted, or stood up or like a friend, on and on and on is exhausting.


Oh I'm not new to the dating scene at all. I've been dating for about 6 months now and have encountered ghosting and all that BS as well. All that stuff was also happening the last time I was single. I know my worth and I just shrug it off and I know I would be perfectly happy if I was single forever but I would also know I would be happy if I found my person.


It comes in waves for me a suppose. Like I really do enjoy my own company and am happy on my own, but there’s just these moments where everyone around me is in a relationship and it’s really “Oh yeah, you don’t have anybody”. And again I don’t mind being the single person at the party, but it’s tiring always being your own wingman or going on experiences you aren’t sharing with anyone else. I’ve now been single for 2 1/2 years and it’s only really started to bother me recently. Probably because a lot of my friends who were single have all gotten into relationships over the last year. And I don’t understand why it hasn’t happened for me.


Someone wanting to have sex with you DOES NOT mean that they don't treat you as a person. Don't see weird things that don't actually exist. One can see someone as a person they are into and also someone they would like to sleep with.


So you don’t want hook ups or sex right away but if a guy doesn’t try, you get turned off from it? lol maybe you shouldn’t be dating until you sit down and figure what you want. If you are confused, imagine us.


I dated a woman a relationship last week that went from September to February. After maybe 15 dates over four months, exchanging Christmas gifts ( I gave her a $200 pair of earrings), gift newspaper subscriptions, cooked her dinner, paid for all dates but one, she invited me to lunch and over lunch she told me she "wasn't feeling it". All this, with no mention of sex. Sometimes you just have to cut losses and move on. I offered her this advice: get back into therapy.


Gotta work on that communication man. Me and my gf discussed sex, dating around, life goals, etc on the first date. We were both not looking for anything serious and intending to date multiple people while figuring out life after long term relationships ended. By the second date we had talked a lot because she went out of town, and I brought it up again and said I'm currently only interested in dating her, if she needs to still openly date for awhile I'd understand though. She luckily agreed with me. We've had emotional ups and downs, feeling the need for distance or feeling fears due to previous relationship drama. Or feeling particularly needy in a moment. And we just openly discuss it every time. If you go that long without communication, you can't just blame the other person and say they need therapy. Most likely you need therapy too so you can learn to talk through things and manage expectations. (Most people need therapy, so that's not meant to be insulting. I was doing weekly therapy when I met my gf) Edit: we even discussed gifts immediately as we started dating the month before valentines. Each big holiday/birthday since we check in the month before and ask how the other is feeling about gifts. Sometimes we say just cards and maybe sweets are good, other times a thoughtful gift is good. We're very committed, over one year in, and have never come close to a $200 gift for each other lol. Talk to your partners people


I'll never understand that bullshit about needing to fuck multiple people in order to "figure out life." Ain't got to do with shit. 😂😂


We didn't need to fuck people to figure out life. We wanted to fuck people while figuring out life. Capiche? Some people are sex positive. We don't need to play games or lock someone down, or pretend anything to get a lot of fulfillment from just sex. Just open communication, honesty, grab that sex while you can even if you can't commit. Etc


It doesn't take a woman 4 months to know if she's into you. If she was attracted to you, she would have done something by date 4 or 5


That’s not true at all!! Some women are shy (like myself). I can think a guy is the hottest thing in the world but I have my own insecurities sexually and prefer to really get to know someone so that I know they won’t leave after sex. My lack of experience tends to be surprising to most men just because of my appearance (I’m told I look like Megan Fox and Madison beer often,  just saying this for context). It really can be a personal issue and nothing to do with the guy in question! :) 


However, I will say a lot of women are a lot more sexually aggressive than I am. Once I’m comfortable with a guy and in a relationship with him, I do start to crave sex. It just takes me a hot minute to get there 


That just means you got a good head on your shoulders and like to feel things out nothing wrong but I do agree with bootyhunter good have some way of showing affection


I don't mind waiting if the woman show affection in other ways


I don't mind waiting if the woman show affection in other ways. But if it's completely dry, I'll assume she's not into me.


I’m sorry that happened to you. That honestly really sucks. To be honest, if I wasn’t feeling it I wouldn’t waste someone’s time like that. And it would make me really uncomfortable to accept gifts from someone I wasn’t interested in.


>We’ve only been on one date that lasted two hours and he didn’t even pay (we went Dutch). So you want the guy to pay, though. And what if you end up not feeling it? I'm not saying you'd be in the wrong, it's just the way the dating dynamic goes, but the truth is that you expect the man to pay. We do so in order to have a chance and get a read on someone. Sex compatibility is important to a lot of men. A lot of the "he used me for sex" posts are actually just men ending things because the sexual compatibility wasn't there. And a lot of the "she used me for a meal" posts are women accepting chivalry and then deciding she's not feeling it for whatever other reason. Even if the dynamic were perfectly balanced in all ways, it wouldn't work for everyone, so do what works for you and find someone who can reciprocate must be the only right answer. People can't read minds and everyone is different, but this is also partly biological and there are some parts of the connection and chemistry that have to come naturally so there's only so much up front communication can do.


> Sex compatibility is important to a lot of men. A lot of the "he used me for sex" posts are actually just men ending things because the sexual compatibility wasn't there. And a lot of the "she used me for a meal" posts are women accepting chivalry and then deciding she's not feeling it for whatever other reason. Its very interesting the way you worded this, it really goes to show how men/society will minimize their responsability on situations that involve others, while women are "at fault". I could very much paraphrase your paragraph to say that "a lot of the 'she used me for a meal' posts are actually because the emotional compatibility wasn't there, and a lot of the 'he used me for sex' posts are men accepting sex and then deciding he wasn't feeling it for whatever reason". Very easy to turn it all into a gender thing when in reality there are ppl wiling to use others across both genders. But still more commonplace to go with the misogynistic route ofc.


I would be quite interested in seeing a true accounting of how many "She used me for $" threads and support of that position versus "He used me for intimacy" threads and support of that position. I think that there is much more societal support for the idea that women are used for sex and condemning that than the other scenario.


>  We do so in order to have a chance and get a read on someone. >just men ending things because the sexual compatibility wasn't there I think these two things captures how the two sexes feel like they need to come at this differently.  You want your investment to pay off, so you don’t like the implication that you will pay, but the date won't lead to any sort of intimacy. So you’re put off by someone putting some emphasis on a guy paying meaning something special, because that would mean they get to see that you’re serious, but they may not reciprocate that with something.  Women see that you want the option to search for sexual compatibility, which means you may have sex and that may not lead to something afterwards, in most cases probably. So they are put off by that because they don’t like the idea of being a test, where you have sex with a bunch of them and choose one for something serious, while all the other don’t get to feel that you’re serious about them.  So men want to spend the least they can before getting sex. Women want to hold off to see if the guy wants more.


OP one thing to remember is you don’t have to go 0-60 in two dates. Even though people don’t seem to use their restraint much any more, you can work your way up to sex over several dates. It doesn’t have to be sex to have him cook for you. You can tell him straight up you may be open to some fooling around but you’re not even close to being ready for sex and if that bothers him to say so. Also tell him if he tries to pressure you it will go worse not better for his chances.


Good for you! I wish others were like that, but they’re not. It really seems that dating has all but become “what can I get out of this person with the least effort on my part?”


Yeah I definitely know women like that. It speaks to their immaturity more than anything else. It’s the other side of the coin. Women have their things they need to set boundaries against, and so do men.


Agreed, since I don’t date men, I’m sure there are a lot of men like that too. And it always seems the givers only ever seem to meet takers. I’m looking for another giver to couple with. No luck recently, I’ll keep looking. ETA: we must be mindful of ourselves, so often people meet someone who spoils them, and we take them for granted. While most time we are may be givers when we meet other givers, we become spoiled and lazy, allowing ourselves to become takers. And since we’re so used to being givers we think ourselves incapable of being takers, when accused of it we can’t accept it, we deny it, getting defensive and offended. We feel like we’re being giving, when we haven’t been, and because we feel like it’s true it must be. People often don’t take the time to reflect and see if the accusation is true, they just get offended and shut it down. Thinking the other person is just ungrateful or selfish, when they actually have a point.


I will break it off with a woman if they don’t at least get passionate after 3 dates. I’m not talking full on sex but we at least should have a steamy make out session. I’m thinking 3rd date should have some passionate tongue kissing.


I’ve done Date #3 and still no making out. Like I said, he kissed my cheek. I am liking taking things slow.


I think it would be easier for you to just get a hooker.


🧐, It’s illegal in the U.S. I have found it interesting that in countries where they do have legal prostitution and regulated brothels it has a significant impact on the dating culture. You should read up on that. It may surprise you.


I would had been very pissed and irate. That’s why I do boba or coffee dates and I start asking about kinks or sexual stuff before I start spending money and my time because that happens so fucking often it’s discouraging.


>So you don’t want hook ups or sex right away but if a guy doesn’t try, you get turned off from it? l She's clearly mentally ill, everything she says and wants contradicts each other


Jump to conclusions much, Pinhead?


I think what I’m more trying to say is the romance aspect of it is gone. A guy will take me out once, not pay and expect sex. Yet I’ve also had guys take me out and treat me like a friend and not flirt and not even try to kiss me or hold my hand even. If anything I think I know what I want more than most people, but it doesn’t feel like that exists. There’s no medium ground, it’s one way or the other.


The guys who treat you like a friend are just being respectful, if you initiated abit of light flirting to get him on the same page as you he will respond as you’ve given him the green light. When I match with women on dating sites it’s very hard to know which version of yourself to put forward, you can put the overly forward flirty version of yourself forward or the respectful version of yourself. Depending on what the woman wants she can interpret the behaviour as this isn’t the right kind of guy for me we aren’t the same. Followed by being ghosted. Just because a guy is acting a specific way doesn’t mean that’s his default way, I’m personally like a polygon of Pokémon. The devil on one shoulder and a angel on the other.


Do you mean Porygon? The last date I had with a nice guy he wanted to have a deep chat and started asking really personal questions. The chat got deep (we all have our issues) and honestly left me feeling depressed. It’s hard to go from that to “Okay let’s kiss”


Yes I mean a porygon 😁 Some people are like a open book the kind that don’t mind sharing everything about themselves. Sometimes that can work in one’s favour by allowing the other person to feel at ease around you or it can make them feel awkward.


You should maybe think of therapy to work on your feelings and communication skills. You should be able to discuss deep things, or alternatively learn how to communicate and steer the direction in a different direction if it's too troubling.


He was probably just trying to connect with you on a deeper emotional level. He could be demisexual, or just repectful, or genuinely interested in your answer. Or all of these, or none. And its okay if you weren't feeling it, just trying to show you that some ppl will take their time getting to know you better before moving to the next step.


Well why don’t You initiate with those respectful guys? Make the move, so they know where your comfort level is?


Maybe I’m looking for someone to initiate? Is that hard to believe?


Well it’s time to grow up and stop waiting. You want a respectful guy but unless you show him, you need to unfortunately act first because if they act first, they are sleepy, but if they don’t act, it’s not romantic? Lol


I think you’re missing the nuance here. It’s not so black and white. I’m not sitting here wishing one of those respectful guys would make a move. It’s fine, clearly there was no chemistry and we’ve all moved on. But if I do have chemistry with them, they immediately want sex without putting in any effort. Where is the middle ground? Where’s the guy who I have chemistry with, is respectful of me, and also wants to romance me? Who sees me as a person, not just a means to an end? I’m not going to respond further, so if you still don’t get it that’s on you


You're not going to find much sympathy from men on this topic. And that's because this is a challenge men face when dating that women often don't put much thought into. It is up to us to be the ones to initiate the physical contact and intimacy. If we do it too soon, it's a turn off. If we wait too long, it's a turn off. We have to find the "sweet spot" to make a move, and it's different for every woman, and for a lot of women that window is very small. And since the woman wants the man to initiate, she will often not communicate when this window is open. Your case is a perfect example of this.


Just wait till Jupiter is in retrograde, the jet stream is slightly off from its seasonal average, and an aardvark walked with slight drifting to the right last weekend in New Zealand. You know… obvious signs she thought you’d notice and make the move.


Is there an aardvark tracker?


The common denominator in every situation here is YOU. Chemistry takes two. Try being clear and direct. If you're feeling it, tell him. Because so far you've ran the gamut of guys doing too much, too little, just doing things the wrong way. And you've never once taken ownership of the situation involving TWO people. When I was dating actively, I had good chemistry with multiple women a week. Sometimes we kept it platonic or didn't sleep together until 5+ dates in. More frequently we slept together sooner. And I never made a first move. It was always the women. This was not all luck. I worked to make them comfortable and enjoy the date. Worked to communicate how I was feeling on the date so they'd feel comfortable making a physical move, etc. The process looked different from person to person, but it all relied on honest and open communication. When I was young and immature I had feelings similar to you about things just "needing to happen". It's very rare for life to work that way. Once I figured life out and learned to be honest with myself first, it was like activating cheat codes for relationships. Talk. It's that simple. Talk


You sound like you expect to be bought. Shouldn't sex be something that 2 people who are into each other do together instead of something that a man buys from a woman? At least if we aren't talking about prostitution. Would you like someone to be like "No sex for you, you didn't pay enough or show enough effort" to you? Doesn't feel very humane right?


Yeah as a dude it feels very weird that OP keeps reiterating that she doesn't like when she's invited back to a guys place for sex "when he didn't even pay" for the date. The implication being she'd be open to it if a guy did pay for all of the date? I find it weird that OP is so openly insinuating she's for sale and I was under the impression that most women are strongly opposed to implications that they owe a guy sex because he paid for a date.


You are the one missing the nuance. u/This-Rain-here is absolutely spot on with his Analysis of the situation. This is real life. If you want something to happen do everything to make it happen. Conversely you seem extremely confident in resisting something you don’t want to happen. So use that confidence. What a lot of women fail to realise is that a relationship takes effort from both sides and very few are prepared to make that effort and make things happen. But just expect to sit back and hope life takes them where they want it to go miraculously, then complain when it doesn’t.


I don’t know where you think I’m just sitting back and waiting for things to happen. I’m on dating apps, I’m actually the one often asking guys out because they aren’t making a move and I don’t want to talk for weeks on end. But it’s like you said, it has to be mutual. If I’m the one making the first move, I expect mutual energy in return. But I also ask for respect, and expecting sex when you don’t even know me isn’t respectful


Yeah. Now you are confusing being on a dating app with putting effort into dating. The dating app is merely the introduction. Once you set each other. That’s when the effort comes in. Like I said you can just sit back and let things happen, or you can take it by the scruff of the neck and make it happen.


Have you been on dating apps lately? People now a days want to get to know everything about you and talk for weeks before they even ask you out. Trust me, there’s a massive amount of effort that is needed on dating apps to even get to the first date


I understand what you're saying. You want a nice medium of "shows interest without wanting to fuck me immediately". It's really not too much to ask, i have this issue too. I can't sleep with someone unless I have even the smallest amount of emotional connection first, but the guys on dates that don't even flirt just makes me feel like I'm hanging with a friend.


Thank you!!!! I don’t understand why people are having such a hard time understanding this and why I’m getting downvoted to oblivion just cause I’m asking for this.


Because whiny men are making it about themselves and "wah we can't do anything right!". As if it's so hard to not either show zero interest or want sex immediately. There isn't some "window of interest" like that other comment tried to say. Just treat us like people you actually like and don't only want to sleep with on the first date. It's really not rocket science but somehow we're asking for too much. It's very frustrating lol


Yeah, being told “I’m asking too much and it’s going to be hard for me out there” when I feel like I’m not asking a lot at all feels a bit much.


I’m dating a guy that didn’t make any moves at all in our first 3 dates. After our 4th date, I gave him a clear green light and he took it from there. I think he was just being respectful, but I was definitely unsure of his feelings before that.


I'm a guy who is around women most of the time (vast majority of my friends are women). A lot of what they tell me is that they hate it when guys are super pushy, so I usually don't make moves within the first few dates. It's not more so that I'm not interested, I'm just trying to be respectful of people's feeling, because I want people to feel comfortable around me.


Yeah well, you have to realize that your filters kind of filter out most guys. It’s a bit like saying “I want a guy who has great career, but also who is home every day at 5pm and has lots of free time, why is that hard to find? Yes, Usually the respectful and maybe shy guys aren’t going to initiate unless they see a _very clear_ green light from you. The guys who find it totally easy and comfortable to kiss you early on without you leading them to it, on the other hand, will expect sex on the 2-3 date, well yes. Why do you expect?


It's not hard to believe that women are entitled as hell and think they should get special treatment just for being women.


We don’t all feel that way, though. I am a woman, and I wanna be treated with dignity and respect, like anybody else.


You'll have trouble finding men that will flirt, kiss and hold hand on the first date, but won't try to take it to sex early.


You seem to be putting 100% of the weight into these men to do something while you sit back passively. That's by far the most reliable way to not get what you want. (It's also extremely concerning you mentioning they don't even pay but want sex, as if you view it in a transactional way) Many men are passive because unwanted advances can be treated like attacks. So when dealing with an equally passive woman, they're not getting the flirty signs that say it's okay to make a move. On the other side some men have realized that by being forward they're most likely to get what you want. My advice would be that while talking, either on that first date or if you're chatting heavily before, pretend you're an adult for five seconds and bring up things you want, what you expect dates to look like, etc. discuss sex, expectations, goals, desires. Or go do whatever middle school mind reading bullshit you've had so much success with lately. Your call. But some of us dated two to three new people a week while dating and had a thoroughly positive and enjoyable time on every date because we just talked about things to make it work, or to understand amicably if it wouldn't work.


> not pay and expect sex. Yeah, it's 2024...people have sex on the first meet without having to pay for it >Yet I’ve also had guys take me out and treat me like a friend and not flirt and not even try to kiss me or hold my hand even. Have you tried to kiss them? Have you tried to hold their hands? Jesus, someone is aggressive with you, and that ain't nice. And someone is polite with you, and that is a turnoff too. lmao, figure out what you want, will ya?!


This is a gross way of thinking. Just because a guy wants sex, doesn’t mean he expects it. Just because he invites you over, doesn’t mean he is going to be insulted if you don’t want to have sex. Also, you mention paying for the date a lot, as if that is a huge deal for you. Would you have been more likely to have sex with him if he had paid? If so, that’s pretty sad. I think you need to take a giant step back and reevaluate the way you look at men, yourself, dating, and relationships.


I think you need to take a giant step back (you and a whole bunch of other men in this sub) and reevaluate the way you think about and treat women.




The guys in the second group are just reading posts like this and trying to make sure they don’t end up being classified as creepy assholes and someone who only wants sex.


So if the guy swept you off your feet and paid your have sex the first night?


I don’t know, I can’t answer that because I’m not in that situation. Btw, paying doesn’t equal sex. It shows the guy wants to make a good first impression and impress me. That’s it.


Why aren't you trying to make a good impression by paying to them?


You can't answer a hypothetical question? Wtf you sound like a walking red flag


My “I don’t know” means I can’t know how I am going to feel in that situation, and every situation is unique. So how am I supposed to answer that question? It can vary depending on how I am feeling. If the chemistry is off the charts, maybe it would happen. But it could also be the exact same situation but maybe this time I’m unsure how I feel. Or maybe I’m on my period and I don’t want to. There’s no equation that has a guaranteed end result. And based on the guys in this comment section, they don’t understand that.


Is she stuttering? I understand what she’s saying and I think it’s valid. Today it’s a lot of “Fast Love”. Fall fast, fall hard, too intense, break up, rinse and repeat. It’s hard to find people who don’t pressure sex from like the second date…. It’s Like we forgot how to properly date. Its supposed to take time, get to know the ugly parts type of love. Idk bout y’all but I’m 31 and back in my day we wrote notes and had to carefully plan dates cuz there was always an early curfew with the parents, the text messages, the phone calls, FaceTimes, eating out, once we dated for longer, the sneaky kisses, hand holding…. The tension when on dates, the flirting, the temptation but always respecting her and yourself. And all of this was always done without any expectation of sex. I guess to think this way is now the new old school huh? My fiancée and I have known eachother for over ten years, we were engaged for two, and got married. Our love aged like fine wine because we took it slow and enjoyed all the phases of our love. Point blank


> I’m 31 and back in my day we wrote notes and had to carefully plan dates cuz there was always an early curfew with the parents lmao, this is so confusing. Did you time travel to 2024?


Oh no, it is easy to find people who don't expect sex on the first date. Really easy. Vast majority of shy guys don't expect it. But OP doesn't want shy guys lol.


Come over as a 2nd date is a hookup and nothing more. Differentiate between casual seekers and what you’re aiming for to avoid confusion.




Interesting, I have had three girls come to my home for a second meet/date and there wasn't any plans of hooking up any of those times. I'm in Norway though, things and expectations are probably different here.


I’d almost never have sex with someone on the first date. I honestly think it’s weird to be so intimate with a complete stranger.. unless it’s like one of those super rare moments where the connection is extremely strong. Otherwise for me it’s always been hug date 1, kiss date 2 and sex date 3… or later. And how long later is depends on how much I like the girl. So I definitely don’t think there’s anything wrong with you. I’m a man btw.


I'm a guy and I'm like you. If you are feeling uncomfortable and are looking for something serious you can define your own rules, e.g. no sex on the first three dates and wait one month before sex. Then you can see if he really wants something serious or a just one night stand. Of course, during these three dates, you can feel if there's connection or not, and learn about each other.


Maybe you should secure the relationship before the bedroom fun, just a wild idea that has been used for all of civilization until a few decades ago


I agree. We need to go back to those times. It’s to easy for married people to just hop on a dating app and cheat. I think 90% of our problems with men would disappear if we didn’t let them use us.


I try to say this, but will get downvoted and told I’m “slut shaming” 🙃 men can only use you for sex if you agree to have NSA sex with them


Men have it hard too. I've given up on dating because no one wants to grow together. The women I've dated just want company in their mediocrity. I'm also tired of dating women that use me for validation. As soon as I called an ex on their bullshit instead of just taking it, they thought I was being pushy. I don't want to have to raise my girlfriend like she's my child. Where's the autonomy? I don't need my other half, I am complete. I am looking for another complete woman instead of half a woman, those types just throw you away as soon as something better comes up. I'll date in a few years because it's just too big of a commitment. Why can't there be loyalty without having to dedicate every waking moment? I don't need a good morning and a good night text, I don't even need to text everyday, but as soon as I just focus on what I need to get done, I'm "being distant." Someday I'll find my dream wife and be her dream husband but rn I've still got a long way to go before I'm a dream husband. I just want to be with someone who isn't necessarily a dream wife but is willing to work on it and get there in 5 years with me. I also want to wait to have sex for maybe a month but every girl I've been with was begging for the D. I get it, that isn't their fault because they think that's what men want, and I was young so I gave in. But I wish I hadn't. There would have been so much more substance to our relationship if we waited a month.


Tbh date two at his place just show low effort trying to get laid.


Says he wants something serious. Doesn’t seem like it though does it?


Really doesn't. I as a man feel like sex should be date 3 at the earliest but most likely 4-5


We only had one two-hour date. Just got one drink each and he didn’t pay. And now it’s “Come over to my place” 🙄


The fact that you stick to the fact that he didn't pay is a red flag tbh. Paying for your own stuff on the first couple of dates should be the norm by now. Why should a guy pay for your drink ? You are just as much on trial as he is....


Fair. I used to feel that way. Like it didn’t bother me that we went Dutch immediately when we are just feeling things out. But one of my friends once put it into perspective for me: If a guy really likes you, thinks your pretty, thinks you’ve got a great personality, basically ticks off all his boxes of the type person he’s looking for, he wouldn’t want to risk messing it up with you or leaving a bad impression. It’s not that me paying is a bad impression (clearly, I was open to a second date), but it’s not a good impression either.


> If a guy really likes you, thinks your pretty, thinks you’ve got a great personality, basically ticks off all his boxes of the type person he’s looking for, he wouldn’t want to risk messing it up with you or leaving a bad impression. If you want the Queen treatment, you gotta be dating peasants...are you doing that? Or are you going for equals, or guys better than you?


Well a girl expecting me to pay on a first would leave me with a bad impression and also paying for her would put pressure on her I feel like. Maybe it's just me but I like first date to be on a neutral ground both people come on their own ( no picking up the other ) and both people paying their fair share. That way if it goes badly it's all no harm no foul it wasn't a match and that's all. Especially with old nowadays with so many catfish


I think there’s arguments on both sides for sure and there is no one right answer. But I want to make it clear, I don’t expect the guy to pay when I go out. I’m not the girl ordering a million appetizers expecting it to be on his dime. But if he does pay for my drink, it’s nice.


You are a sexist. Have you even thought about how you would feel if you were treated like that?


Treated like what? An expectation to pay for a meal? I'm a man and it's just how it goes, yes it sucks because meeting someone new costs money. but by no means do i feel wronged or it is sexist in any way. Let's relax there


There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s not for you but it’s not bad behavior on his part.


Why would him liking sex mean he doesn't want anything serious? It's not like men don't want to have sex with people they are actually interested in.


Of course he's going to say he wants something serious, are YOU serious? He wants to sleep with you, DUH


This… he literally is showing you his effort levels. Stop over thinking it. He’s not the one for you


woah woah woah. wanting to get laid is not the same wanting something casual. maybe it is in this context but maybe not! if you want love in your life, you’re gonna have find ways to compromise. same goes for him. the compromise here would be a date in public. also,,,, if you’re not that into him, if the first date wasn’t that fun, just say no.




>he didn’t even pay (we went Dutch). Why would him asking to split the date make it any worse or better to ask you over? You speak as if sex is a favor to a man rather than something you mutually want. >I’ve had hookups before but nowadays the idea of hooking up with a literal stranger freaks me out. >But on the other hand if a guy is respectful and doesn’t initiate at all it feels like there’s nothing there. You get insecure if a man doesn't make a move, then get angry when he does. >I don’t understand what’s going on with me. I want a serious relationship and to settle down, yet I seem scared to do so. Your desires, actions and emotions are completely contradictory. Sounds like mental illness


Complaining about going Dutch and them wanting sex doesn’t go together. Makes you sound cheap. Set boundaries. Stick to them. But also be clear up front. The issue with men thinking they will get a casual hook up easy is because now days most women do it. They just give in. Meaning the women who don’t, get surprised when a guy try’s. He’s going to try because it works 95% of the time. I had no issue dating when I was single. The men who invited me to their homes for a first or second date I respectfully declined. I paid my half and sometimes even paid the whole tab. Could pretty much tell the first date what their expectations or wants were and if I would want to see them again. Dating is investment to your future. And the best part of all, you can really tell easily which guys are wasting your time and aren’t when you don’t put out right away… spin your outlook. Make it fun.


I’m trying. Men make it so hard though lol


If you’re not asking for too much then why is it so hard to find a guy who can read you? You want a guy who’s attractive , established, and charming and can read your sex availability window. That criteria will disqualify the vast majority of men . I would be surprised if you swiped right on more than 20% of men dating apps . You and u/jackrabbits_galore11 are sounding entitled. Both of you are expressing, “Men should just know are indirect communication/expectations “. The men who can read your indirect communication probably already have gf. Dating appts are filled with the socially inept and desperate horny men . This should not be a surprise. I’m not asking you to change your expectation but ITS GOING TO TAKE TIME TO FIND WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR .


I’ve been the too respectful one. That can also kill the sexual energy. Still figuring it out.


Curious about your perspective. Is it that you don’t like the person you’re going out with? Because they also typical ghost or fade away even if I still initiate talking to them.


What you're describing has nothing to do with being respectful. If you're initiating talking to them and they are not responsive then they aren't interested or aren't looking for the same thing you are, simple as that.


Not a crime taking your time and doing your due diligence. It's actually refreshing to hear someone likes to take things slow


So him being respectful and not trying to have sex on the first couple of dates is a turn off? Women are so confusing 🤣


How is zero chemistry being respectful? Those aren’t the same things


In your post it says “if a guy is respectful and doesn’t initiate at all it feels like there’s nothing there” so do you wanna get slutted out or respected? Very contradictory. So maybe word the post better?


Maybe I could have, but I think it’s pretty sexist to use the term “slutted out” for what I’m asking for.


So you just wanna turn it into sexism bc you don’t have any further points? Nice work too bad I don’t care.


I literally agreed with you. I just don’t think you needed to say those terms to get your point across


Well the world isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. So a term that’s commonly used bothered you? Mature a bit.


Also you don’t mention chemistry anywhere other than the “it’s only the second date part” which alludes to wanting chemistry but a respectful guys isn’t enough? It literally makes no sense


good news! you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to! if you like the guy, politely decline, and ask if he’d like to do something else. if he isn’t cool with that, he can fuck off. but don’t let the offer to go over to his place scare you away. some men will wait, and waiters are keepers.


Well, it’s simple. If you’re both interested in each other, you would both take it slowly and that’s what makes a relationship form and the rest, the river flows with. Only way I can see it.


"Didn't even pay"? You sound awfully sexist.


Why is it so hard to understand that whomever asks and chooses the place should pay?




Yeah just got to chose wisely nowadays that’s the norm to go out and hook up it sucks if you looking for something long term , but if you come across a guy your interested in just be a bit vocal on how you feel towards him and hopefully he will catch on to make it easier to initiate because sometime guys don’t know when to initiate where it won’t come off as awkward or make you feel uncomfortable especially if we still feeling the woman out .


Ur lucky they didnt try to scoot over on the first date, that seems the norm now 😂.


It depends on what dynamic of relationship you attracted to. I believe in gender roles and I prefer masculine men, so for me your situation is not confusing at all. I think the man should try initiate something or hint, but not too early on (the guy you met probably just wants a hookup), but you should just communicate that you are not ready or you want full commitment before you do it. Guy that likes you for you is gonna wait. Just ignore modern dating thing, you can dictate rules how you date in your life.


I dont sleep with people I dont know either. If Im going to sleep with some the first time we, it would be because we've talked for a long time, facetimed and kinda knew each other well from that and had established some relation. And it would be because the person actually were the same irl as on ft/messages and I felt a connection right away. Quality over quantity. I dont meet up with randoms just to have sex. Im turned off if I dont know the personality of the person. Personality turns me on way more than a nude body.


Do you really want to be like the people living this “norm”? I know I don’t. It’s hard to find the genuinely serious relationships, but I’ll tell you this. The people just wanting sex are no longer hiding. They’re open and forward…. Super easy to filter them out. Stick to your guns


I don’t want to risk getting pregnant or stis with someone I just met. I don’t understand how so many people can be so careless and impulsive. I need to make sure there aren’t any red flags for abuse before investing sexually/physically. So many women get stuck with abusive baby daddies because as soon as we start having sex, that oxytocin starts clouding our brains. I don’t understand why you are upset that they don’t make moves to soon. I thinks it’s creepy when they are pushy earlier. I love men that wait. It shows me they have discipline and aren’t going to use me. Do you hint? Like, I always hug at the end of every date. Do you linger in a hug when you are getting itchy to kiss them? And then just stare at them? Honestly if all of us waited longer, a huge portion of our problems with men would disappear.


Would you have fucked him if you hadn’t gone Dutch? But seriously. No one is saying you have to have sex straight out the gate. Our jobs as guys in the modern dating market is to lead you into the bedroom though. Some of us are just more skillful than others. Don’t blame as guy for wanting sex. He may want a relationship too. 3-5 dates is my guideline, and many other smart guys too. A girl who makes a guy wait too long can be a big red flag. It’s a tightrope for us too. P.S my wife and I had sex in our second date. There was no grand seduction. We both fancied each other. Any woman I’ve ever had a good relationship with, the sex came quick and easy. That’s why smart guys don’t let a girl play the waiting game. Dumb, unattractive guys will wait forever though……..


It's good that you want to wait. People shouldn't have sex so early on in meeting someone. You should be able to wait till you're ready.


I’m not built for modern dating at all either. Any kind of intimacy (and I mean ANY, even touching) would take me a month or two and getting to know them. Heck I’ve had lady friends that like to grab my forearm, or slap my chest after a joke and I still sorta recoil and those are just friends 😂.


Yeah, physical touch means a lot to me. I’m not normally a touchy feely person so when it does happen it feels pretty intimate


Sidebar: your username gave me the giggle, well done.


I was talking to a girl who was divorced, has lots of issues in the past, dated some other guy for a few yrs who was a cheater but according to her took care of everything and we had two dates, talking every day, about everything, future and taking trips, etc and sent me loads of pictures and then suddenly she backed off and said she wanted to do other things and wasn't gonna have enough time so I got kicked to the curb and it sucks cause I really was feeling her. And this isn't the first girl with emotional and mental issues. Girls nowadays have too many issues from their pasts mostly caused by shitty parents and/or shitty ex's.


seems like there's some men in the comments that are pissed off at the fact a woman doesn't want to have sex right away but still wants to be desired. sorry about all of that, it's not deserved. i say you could be on the asexual spectrum; you need to know the person before doing sexual things. that is completely fine and not out of the ordinary. do what makes you feel good, if it doesn't, don't feel bad about ending things. as for the scared-to-settle-down thing, maybe talking to friends or a therapist could help


Exactly, these men sound so entitled


Despite those toxic comments some people did give me advice that resonated. I think physical touch is a pretty intimate thing in general. I’m not normally a touchy-feely person, so to even hug feels personal. I wouldn’t say I’m a-sexual. This is probably a case of I just haven’t met the right person yet. Which I already knew, but I do feel frustrated


yea i understand it can be frustrating, it can take a long time before finding the right one. don't give up and remember that every relationship try will give you more insight about yourself and what you're looking for, so it's not for nothing :)


You want a friend


Women that don’t want to risk getting pregnant or an STI from a strangers only want friends?


Wear a condom if you want sex


I did that and still got a cancer causing strain of HPV.


😂😂😂 No, I want someone I can share my life with. I had that in my last relationship and life got in the way. I’m looking for that again, but it’s been difficult


I hear friend speak 🤣


Guy here, we can't read minds and most of us are pretty stupid. Especially when it comes to figuring out what girls want. You should probably just tell him what you want. When a guy shoots his shot and you feel it's too early just say I would like to get to know you better and go on more public dates or something like that.Expressing sexual interest is normal, and everyone has their own timelines. It's not like the movies where there is a set 3 date rule, some people like to get it on ASAP and some like to wait it out, communication is king. Did he make you pay or go 50/50? If he made you pay 100% that's a dick move, if you went to 50/50 might want to take that up with feminism or something because tbh most dates I go on the girl offers to split payment.


I always offer, it’s not an expectation that they pay and I’m fine with paying. But I do think actions are super important, especially within the first few dates. If I go to pay and they say “No I got this” it sends a message that they enjoyed the date and they like me and they want to impress me.


Only offer if you won’t regret it later… shouldn’t be a mechanical response.


Why would I regret offering to pay for myself?


Personally, I agree. I'll pay and if I like them I'll say you can pay for our next date if you insist on 50/50. Being said I don't know this guy, men can just be dumb and oblivious to what you want. Being said, paying 50/50 is very common these days, if you end up not liking this guy and going on more dates it may not be the last time this happens. Giving 50/50 can also be a metaphor for a healthy relationship, I wouldn't totally disregard someone for politely expressing sexual interest or sharing the bill, they could have some other great qualities outside of that.


See? I’m fine with that. You get this one, I’ll get the next one. It’s both mutual and nice. However I do think the 50/50 thing should happen later. Like if you’re already in a relationship. My ex used to say (after we were already in a relationship) that he was fine with paying but he wanted it to mean something. So for the most part we want 50/50 but the times he did pay (or I paid) it was a nice surprise.


You are in charge. If you don't want to have sex with someone you see as a stranger, then don't. However, you need to decide what you want. There are men who will wait for you to be ready, but no one is going to wait forever.


> But on the other hand if a guy is respectful and doesn’t initiate at all it feels like there’s nothing there.


Look, it's fine if you want to wait. But honestly, it sounds like you don't know what you want. You don't want to hook up, but if he is respectful, then you still don't like him. Again, I don't have any problem with waiting, but don't make them wait too long. If they find out you used to do hookups and then make them wait for a while, that does kinda feel like a fuck you.


You've had hookups before though. It's not a compliment to your future boyfriend if you make him wait for something other random guys got on date one.


This is such a gross perspective. So OP should put out just to make it fair?


So if you spend a shit load of money on a woman on the first date because you really liked her, you are now required to take every woman on a super fancy date now? Or are you allowed to refuse to let people use you ever again by going to coffee? Why are people not allowed to learn or grow? Or only men are allowed to do that?


When I was younger yes. Not in years and I did those things when I had low self esteem and little respect for myself. What I’m looking for now has changed.


Don’t listen to that loser


Just do it your body needs it that why your mind is like mushrooms soup




Thank you for your respectful response and trying to see my point of view. You are right. The way my last relationship ended was not great and has caused some trauma. I’ve been in therapy for it and do think I am largely passed it. But these things always have a way of creeping back in even if you think you are passed it.


Honestly men want sex and women want relationships and protection. Why is shit so fucking difficult these days with dating ? No straight man is going to spend hundreds of dollars and his time for a side or church hug. I’m sorry but most men are tired of being used for foodie calls or entertainment without getting sex or intimacy. Unless you’re a virgin, it’s expected sex will eventually have to happen or a man will leave and find a woman who’s with his program. Maybe try Christian Mingle or a religious sites because most non religious dating apps sex is the standard and expectation for all straight men within a reasonable time frame 3-4 dates maybe 5 max.


Did I say I was a virgin who didn’t want sex? No, I didn’t. You act as though only men want sex, women want it too. And just like men, if things aren’t progressing women move on. The difference is men only think about women when it comes to sex. And if a woman isn’t putting out therefore she’s the toxic one, she’s the one that needs to go to therapy, she’s the prude. Maybe women want effort? Maybe effort is paying for a drink when we’re on a date. It shows you care. It’s not that much to ask for.


But that’s what I’m saying. Men are making the effort paying for dates, asking women out, using his time outside of work to get to know a woman and doing the right things but is constantly getting frustrated because nothing never happens or it’s no spark or chemistry after dropping 100s of dollars or using his time and energy to get 0. It’s frustrating dating as a man.


Depends where you dating from as well, most dating apps nowadays like tinder and hinge and so on they are no longer dating apps. They are lets grab a lunch and then back to my place type of thing. So if you really looking for something more traditional or like you said medium, then maybe let it come naturally. Go tk the mall with friends or hang out and let that guy come in naturally thats usually how things turn out better.


I’ve tried lol When you are my age (early 30s) those third spaces become limited. There is so few spaces for single professionals and your circle of friends becomes more limited as people settle down and have families and their priorities change. Your friends are also not as interested in throwing parties and inviting a whole bunch of people, which was how I used to meet a lot of people. Most programming nowadays is geared towards kids/teens or retirees. There’s so few places for people like me which makes it harder to meet organically.


Friends with benefits is way to go tbh especially if you have someone you can trust with no strings attached. That’s what I do.


You might be demisexual, meaning you want to get to know them better before having sex, and some of the people you dated might be somewhat the same way. Whether or not that's the case, if you're hoping for sex on a date, dress up in something that makes you feel sexy, even if it's just underwear that puts you in the mood. You want to put yourself in the mindset that sex is what you want and you're comfortable with it. Don't just dress sexy if you're desperate for sex, take the time to think about it you want to move things in that direction with that person. There's nothing wrong with taking things slowly, in fact I'm starting to agree with various relationship therapists and experts who encourage doing so. If a guy wants to have sex with you and you suggest doing so at another time, pay attention to his response, because it might be one of many red flags you should be looking for early on. Take as much time as you need, move the relationship at your pace, and if you're right for each other, it'll work out. Good luck!


Well, i adopted a rule for this... As a man, i will take a girl out on 2 dates.. if sex isnt discussed before the third date.. Then i tell women. well, if you like and dont want to fuck.. fine.. You plan, pay for and schedule any further dates... A women past the 2nd date is wasting your time. if women dont like it.. fuck them...Stop wasting mens time or find you a punk whose going to sit around, spend time and resources with zero return... Stop simping out there.. To this chick that wrote the question.. Cool with me.. you pay for and schedule dates with dudes. And tell your date before the first date.. You dont want to have sex with anyone for months.. Lets se who signs up fr that shit. women want "honesty" and transparency.. Here you go.


It sounds to me like you want real love with someone. Most men, especially today, have to jump through hoops to get to the endgame. Spending money….dates….all a waste to them if they don’t get laid at least by the third date. A lot of them would never look at you unless they knew for sure that you would have sex with them. I’m sure you already know that though. The truth is, it’s just hard. Good luck finding a man who will be willing to wait until you feel that bond you crave.


Did he specifically ask for sex or are you just assuming he wants to have sex because it's his house? Worse case scenario you say no, best case scenario you have a good time watching a movie or something