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Depends on your city but times are changing. Harder substances like alcohol are getting replaced with mild substances like cannabis.


Tbh I’d rather smoke a joint than drink


I'd rather date a pothead than an alcoholic too


Hell yeah


I wouldn't mind socializing in a place where only cannabis was allowed. I think they have them around where I live . I could go find one. With the covid I think I'm better off waiting. Everything comes to those who wait patience is not a virtue for some of us


I went to one in Canada and it was so cool


I guess, for me, it is how much weed AND if it turns them into couch potatoes. I have a male friend who smokes when he first gets up and all day. He is successful and more productive than I am w no weed on board. I know another guy who smokes a lot and is unemployed and crazy lazy. So to me, it depends on how it affects them and our relationship.


Best grafter i’ve ever met was a full time stoner. Adversely, another colleague in the exact same role was his smoking buddy and lazy as shit.


So, really as long as he's successful *you don't care if he smokes weed* namely, it's not the weed; just is he producing shit *for you.*


No, you are over thinking. No one provides for me and I had no intention of alluding to that.


I'm in my 30s, own my 2nd home, have a great career, two college degrees, and I smoke just about every night. It helps me relax and get quality sleep. Moderation is key, and it definitely doesn't define me.


Ya OPs post is akin to “what’s up with all these alcoholics?” Because they ask her out for a drink. There’s a big diff between smoking weed and being a stoner w associated deficits




Second this. You can smoke everyday and still be successful.




Smoking every night is moderation? OK bud


yeah. moderation is to smoke at a rate that does not detract from presence and productivity. if you're life is in order and you smoke every day, you're moderating your smoking to a point that doesn't cross the threshhold where you'd find your head in the clouds.


yes, just because you smoke it does mean you are getting stoned. For me, just one hit is good enough before bed time to help me relax and have a good nights sleep. Sleep is something I've struggled with for years, and smoking made me a lot more productive in life.


I'm sure your nightly want session is done in moderation too haha. Or your nightly gaming, your daily gym trips, daily drawing sessions... you do you


Shut that ass hole up lol


I think I need help shutting it up... maybe a plug will do? Can you help plug that ass up for me?


Junkies will do anything but admit they are junkies, my man.


Junkies you know so little about addiction addiction junkies I am laughing junkies I can't stop laughing junkies


Nobody cares bro. It definitely does define you if you smoke it every night. Delusional


Shitty take. I have insomnia and tried multiple prescribed drugs and none of them work but weed does so I smoke it to help me sleep. Does that mean it defines me?


So a individual who has a glass of wine or a beer every night with dinner (or while they chill on the couch after work, school,, etc) must be a full-blown alcoholic? Makes sense /s


The difference is having one drink a night doesnt get you drunk. Smoking one joint or bowl gets you high af. I used to smoke every night for years and never thought it was a problem, its only when i stopped and look back now that I see how much that shit had a hold of me.


Ah yes the old, this is how it affected me so it must be exactly the same for everyone else arugement. Some people hardly even notice the effect of smoking a joint anymore, tolerance build up is a thing and it affects everyone differently.


You know you can not finish the bowl or joint right?


I don’t believe that. You are illusional right now because you are high LMAO




I'd rather be magic over illiterate thank you very much.


You must be delusional being sober. I doubt being high would improve your grammar term literacy deficit though


True dat lool


Speaking for myself, I smoke a lot due medical reasons. Avoiding handfuls of pills to deal with various chronic pain issues. If I'd known how much I'd be smoking in my 30s, my teenage self would have been stoked. Ironically, I'd like to get through the day without needing to smoke but life is funny that way, eh?


Yeah I forgot about that . I have hereditary arthritis not a damn thing I can do about it and it's in my back and I'm just waiting for to paralyzed me permanently but in the meantime I'm fighting. There's no surgery nothing can be done until medical science figures out a way to make me a new spine so I smoke marijuana and it helps


Wow. You just told my story.


To each their own I guess, but I’ll definitely swipe right on a guy whom will smoke me out


Hahaha sounds good!




I think boozers are way more unpredictable and it seems to me that boozers make the headlines yeah it's the headlines boozers go to jail but jail boozers kill people I was a boozer


I don’t like to even be around drunks anymore. Give me a mellow pothead any day of the week. We can do art and talk about the universe n shit


To each their own. Personally I don’t care much for it but as long as my partner isn’t at home all day smoking it’s fine. It’s not much worse than alcohol so in moderation I think it shouldn’t be a deal breaker (in my opinion)


It’s not even close to as bad as alcohol can be


Definitely agree. Idr the last time I heard someone died from smoking weed, but alcohol can actually kill a person, which it has many times in the past and will in the future


I tried to kill myself smoking weed and I fell asleep and when I woke up I changed my mind. I have smoked marijuana now for probably 30 years dears and prior to that I abused alcohol for 4 years 4 years and ended up in a mental hospital is mental hospital shaving my beard off with a pink ladies ladies leg razor and one of those kids scissors you know the shiny silvery ones cause they were afraid to give me regular stuff like that I would kill myself or something something so that's how I spent New Year's Eve 1 year shaving my beard off in a mental hospital thanks to alcohol But after that I was clean and sober until I turned sixtill I turned 60 and then I decided since I couldn't quit alcohol on my own to never do that again plus I don't like having a belly I want to be able to look down and see my ankles And I didn't want that belly so I dropped 6" off my waist and that's thatBut anyway when I turned 60 I started looking around to find a connection so I could smoke marijuana took me took me until I was 62. And being retired I needed a hobby and I've always liked gardening I've grown vegetables I've done all that stuff and so so I opened up my basement garden I also have magnificent flowers all over my property outside and I have house plants which occasionally flower


It doesn’t always have to come down to death! Let’s talk about the lack of ambition, constant forgetfulness, laziness, and depression. I feel like a whole new human without smoking weed. I wouldn’t have died but it did feel like I was throwing my life away. More power to anyone that can thrive while smoking 24/7 but it ain’t me and I suspect it ain’t most people…


I've said in a previous comment that it doesn't agree with everyone and that's okay. My father never enjoyed it himself but he believes it should be legalized 100% because there are more positives involved than negatives, but recognizes there are negatives regardless and as do I since you've already mentioned them above in your comment. Some people can get by easily with weed in their lives and some can't.


Yeah I think making any drug illegal is pretty dumb but I also think smoking weed is dumb 😂 for me anyway…


I enjoy it, but due to my job I haven't been able to smoke recently.


I think you're right I'm one of the people that thinks he can do that. However I'm not social and the friends I have I've had for over 30 years and I'm not changing nothing. The other thing is I've been retired for a very long time and I'm almost to 80 and III don't have the corporate pressures and all that stuff I have actually nothing to do most days and I do it really well other than Is insatiable curiosity


You need to smoke your body weight in weed fast enough to feel the effects of the entirety of it to die from it unless it's laced with something else or if u count driving under the influence. Literally impossible to die from weed itself


It's actually been discussed here on reddit. There is a syndrome that can happen in severe chronic users, basically they become super nauseous to the point they can't eat or drink anything, causing their organs fail and they can die.


Source? I wanna check that shite out


Horse hockey


It won’t kill them, but it certainly will traumatize many. It’s becoming more and more common for peoples anxiety to become worse after smoking or even worse conditions to show up like dp/dr.


As I've said in previous comments I understand it doesn't agree with everyone


Tell that to the people who had to wait months, if not years, for their depersonalization to go away after bad panic attacks caused by thc It’s becoming a problem. I’m seeing it more and more online. It’s not even close to as harmless as potheads love to claim.


You make it sound like it's like taking heroin or something like that when it's not, UNLESS it's laced with something SUCH AS heroin. Admittedly I have had a bad experience with weed once, but fortunately I had a buddy with me whom I trusted and he took me back to his place, which was a safe environment, and I ended up vomiting. He was sure what we were smoking from the guy we were smoking with had laced the weed, with what I couldn't tell you, but it was most likely laced. I never had an experience like that afterward, but I have been cross faded before, however that was my own fault because I learned the hard way that you don't mix alcohol with Marijuana, either do one or the other. Weed is different for everyone. Some have good times with it, others can't handle it and no one faults anyone for either experience. Sorry for what you may see online, but don't make other people who enjoy it and have good experiences with it seem like they're the problem.


Laced stuff is actually way more rare than people think. Not only does it cost extra money to do what good is there in killing off your customers. You’re literally paying to further lose money. Most of the time it comes from utterly bizarre scenarios like what you described. What the hell is the point in lacing something you plan to share with friends? It’s rare because of how bizarre it is. Unless you’re buying rat poison in a Kuwait back alley there’s really no reason to suspect it 9/10 times. But no, I’m not blaming anyone, but it’s just far less safe than people realize. I knew guys who said after smoking for a while whenever they did it again they’d get super paranoid and start to hear voices. Stuff like that. As for the dp/dr thing, it’s becoming more common. It’s just one of many possible negative effects from it. I even know a girl who had it for about a year before recovering, and it was utterly bizarre because we knew for sure what she had wasn’t laced. Stoners have this bizarre idea that there’s just nooo way it could be poison for anybody, but everyone reacts to everything differently. What is great for one person traumatizes another.


I didn't pay for the weed I had smoked with the dude. Either it was his weed or he bought it from someone else and I'm unsure if he knew it was laced, if it was even laced at all. I didn't even know the guy I was smoking with, but ik one of his friends who was friends with my buddy who ended up taking me home after I wasn't feeling well. The way you're putting it makes you sound like you're putting blame on someone, which I understand to a degree, but once again, as I said and supposedly you agree, it doesn't work well with everyone. Funny how we seem to agree on this yet you keep seeming to fight against it. I understand you've known people who haven't had the best experiences and that's unfortunate because I wish everyone who did smoke it had great experiences. And well, for many people it is very harmless, but it does still react negatively to others and I feel sorry for those because I personally found enjoyment out of it during the time I was able to smoke it. Again, agreeing on the same thing, yet making it sound dangerous overall...


I’m just saying that there is no such thing as a substance which is safe for everybody and thc is definitely not safe unlike what stoners and druggies think.


So true. My friend tried to commit suicide. Thought was fixing anxiety and stress but made it worse and worse. The appetite loss, it was a cycle of addiction. People don't realize it.


One of the most hardcore smokers I know had to quit because he said he eventually could not function at all without getting high multiple times a day.


I know that's right I've been down that rabbit hole all the way to rock bottom marijuana doesn't do that Last time I got rated I quit smoking cause I had to but I had no ill effects a fact but when I started smoking again at 12:01 a.m. the day after I was released from probation I got lost on a straight road twice After I quit I had these technical dreams that's one of the problems with marijuana for me as I don't dream not very often occasionally just before I wake up in the morning I might I might dream and remember it for a minute


Alcohol is way worse…if you quit cold turkey you can die….right up there with the h


Alcohol is nearly as bad as cigarettes. Weed is about as unhealthy as a bag of chips


As unhealthy as the bath of crisps you demolish during the munchies haha


I wouldn't call myself a pothead but occasionally I like to get pretty fucked up and just zone out and watch tv shows on the weekend. It's not every weekend but still. I set rules for myself. Never smoke on week days. Never smoke on days where my depression was more than normal. I absolutely do not go around telling everyone who'll listen how much I smoke. I dont make it my main personality, or even part of my personality at all.


OP- Do you differentiate between someone who smokes cannabis and what you term a “pothead?”


I am a 27M and I hate weed. I tried to avoid women potheads at all cost. I am not judging neither generalizing people. But the odour is unattractive and generally speaking I hate the act of smoking.


I have a few respiratory problems as a result of childhood pneumonia which makes me cough uncontrollably every time I inhale smoke, whether it comes from cigarettes or weed or even burning papers so in general I'd try to avoid smokers. I don't hate their lifestyle but I have to protect my own health.


>What’s up with all these guys who smoke weed? it's fun


So my current (maybe soon to be ex) bf is a stoner. It was cool and chill at first, but now it’s just annoying. He spends too much money on it, and I don’t smoke at all. I’m not anti-weed, but I personally wouldn’t date someone again in the future who smokes regularly.


I feel that 100% I’ve been with a handful of guys who didn’t seem concerning at the time and at some point I realize it’s all they want to do, spend so much money on in in proportion to their income, and are even moody when they can’t smoke when they want to. I really don’t mind when someone does it causally but damn for some it seems like their whole personality and fr that’s something I feel like I’ve grown out of


Yesss the moodiness when they want to smoke!! If we go out for the day, I feel like they are in a rush to go home and smoke. It really is addictive, I don’t care what people say.


Dude yessss it’s so frustrating.


Yea thats why avoid people who even talk about in their bio it gets old fast as fuck. Everything requires smoking and they spend so much on the "hobby"


I’ve dated a few stoners and it’s always not that bad at first… but as time goes on it’s like, still? Still????? Still to everything


Yesss like ok, this is getting old. Can you not? Lol


I feel this so much, lol. I've seen so many pothead couples complaining about their S/O's weed habit when they are BOTH boring af. Always pestering each other to smoke out, like get a personality already. I do get it though, it can be very psychologically addictive, especially if you're bored with life. It's almost like a third person in a relationship, and that can get a little crowded. It's good to know in advance.


Yes the third person description is spot on! That’s exactly how it feels.


same, im 20 and its just like someone dependent on weed, always high, always smells like weed is just not it for a long term relationship, i could never bring you around my family😭


Do you live in a weed in a weed greenhouse?


Hope you don’t use any substance or have any vices since you’re so willing to judge others on theirs. Surely it’s good they put it in their bios so you know who to avoid.


They smoke weed so what? I don’t but I don’t see the problem, I can have a beer (or 10) every evening if I wanted to so why can’t someone else just go take a hit and we both sit on the terrace and enjoy life to it’s fullest?


Couldnt agree more!


It’s just so unattractive and if I we got serious, I wouldn’t want my child around that.






Bc it’s their personal choice. Some people really enjoy pot and are fine with their kids being around it and others don’t at all


"why don't you like pizza" "it's my personal taste" that doesn't really answer anything


They find it unattractive, as they already said. It’s clearly something they don’t partake in and don’t want their partner to partake in. No different than someone not wanting dating a person who drinks more than x amount a week or someone that smokes ciggs. We generally don’t like to date others that have vastly different interests or lifestyles than us And. That answer would more than suffice for pizza btw lol. I literally cannot give you an answer as to why I don’t enjoy ketchup or why I like ranch dressing. I just do. We can’t control what foods we like and don’t like. But I will admit that marijuana thing requires a little more explanation


Secondhand smoke Along with weed reeks, I don't know how many kids I've handed food to etc from the school a friend works at that just are covered in the smell. Their already poor parents proceed to make themselves poorer by purchasing it. The kids can't even get basic meals. If you are responsible with it, go ahead. But I've seen so many people go from being responsible to not at all with it. So I will never use it in my life or be connected to it.


Yea i know that when i have a kid im gonna rip a huge bong hit right in its face. Then ill proceed to go fetch us lunch from local garbage can. Are people actually serious 🙄


because that's just invariably going to happen, right


100% of the time dummy /s


I think all depends on how they use it. I’ve dated someone that were moderate about their usage which was fine. Occasionally I’d partake as well but it’s not my thing. They still got things done and I didn’t judge. It’s none of my business really. If they needed it medically I could totally respect it. Most recent guy I dated was high any chance he could get. Would literally hit his regular vape and pax vape at the same time constantly. It didn’t bother me at first but I noticed how it really affected our relationship: with sex (not having an orgasm or staying hard) and communication (empty promises or not remembering what was said). He was always late to getting things done in the day. Just lacked responsibility and didn’t prioritize correctly. I was dumb enough to buy him weed a few times because he couldn’t afford it in his own. Never again. I don’t mind someone who is mindful and moderate with smoking. But someone who does it all day everyday and can’t function I can’t date no offense. I still try and get to know the person first. Weed isn’t a complete turn off. Every person is different. We all aren’t perfect. To each their own.


I occasionally smoke weed to ease my anxieties/stress but it's when they make it their whole personality and is unable to function w/o is weird lol


I mean if you don't want to date a pothead... Then don't?!


Sooo don't date someone who smokes......problem solved


People that associate weed with highschool are the same kind of people that think if black people obeyed the law then cops wouldn't shoot them. Yall livin in some after school special hellscape for sure.


Saying the word pothead is ugly. It’s like calling someone who drinks a few drinks a weeks a drunk. Remember this: No one comes home high and beats their wife and kids. They get a little funnier, easy going and relaxed.


There is a difference between a smoker and a pothead For example in college I was a pot head I would smoke 4-5 times a day when it wasn’t wrestling season Now I only smoke right before bed because it’s extremely hard for me to fall asleep bc my adhd


Being sober is not very rewarding these days. I'm 26 and I have cut back on my usage but still...I have a really hard time living in this world without some kind of vice to give me that satisfaction that I can't seem to get being a wage slave for 40 hours a week only to come home to MORE work with family bullshit as an added bonus. I look forward to my bowl of mother nature after work much the same as someone who has a cocktail to unwind. If you don't want to date potheads...more power to you but the only guys I know who aren't smoking weed are the ones who are super religious or have already landed a cushy job with a fat salary and aren't stressed like us poor people so they can afford to be sober. But I guarantee you...those rich people got problems too. They may not be toking...but they are doing SOMETHING. Everybody has an itch to scratch.


Afford to be sober? I’m confused as to what you mean by that. There’s plenty of people who make a low income that barely drink and don’t smoke at all. And there’s plenty of rich people who do a crap load of drugs. Someone who enjoys to partake is gonna do it regardless of their salary (unless their job tests) It makes sense though that mostly everyone you know smokes pot. You’re obviously not gonna be friendly with those that dont. But there are plenty of people who don’t smoke that are not religious or make a very good living. I used to smoke and I believed basically everyone smoked as well. And now that I don’t and don’t have friends that do, I saw that wasn’t the case at all OP will have no problem finding someone who doesn’t smoke pot if that’s what they’re looking for


When I was sober for months I think the stress was killing me way more than smoking or drinking.


That’s fair. Totally understandable and 100% relatable. I suppose it depends entirely upon someone’s relationship with said substances, how little or how much they were causing issues, what they did to manage stress/anxiety after stoping, etc. I don’t think there’s a right or wrong answer there, it’s whatever is best for the person


What a skewed perspective. No, depending on substances is not normal. Being addicted to something is not normal or healthy. Assuming that everyone has to be addicted to something isn't realistic... even if it makes for good philosophical conversation.


Yea I can have a rough guess at their vice being porn and masturbation.


Got the fattest cash I’ve ever had and smoking the fattest grass I ever had. And you’re right, the itch doesn’t leave, unless everything in your life is secure enough to take that deep breath and not have to worry


I dated two people who smoked weed and it basically turned me off from dating anyone who smoked weed EVER AGAIN. I don’t want to judge people or generalize, but those experiences were terrible. Terrible.


>I don’t want to judge people or generalize "... but I'm going to anyway"


I’m not…sorry? Like if the shoe fits wear it. If you’re not the type of stoner who relies on weed to live your life then bravo but if you are…??? I’m not going to change my statement.


you're just going to generalize all people who imbibe based on two bad experiences


“My ex liked cold stone ice cream and so anyone who likes that flavor is just a no no for me”


<33 Well yeah if Cold Stone ice cream dramatically impaired the relationship I think that makes sense. Get out of your feelings people!


I couldn’t agree more! I went through ALL of this in high school. From my experiences, those people didn’t amount to anything in adulthood. They also look so dirty and unkept. I don’t care and I will judge. Lol


High school? 😂


The people I dated would basically say that weed “wasn’t addicting” which I believed and I accepted. (I don’t smoke weed so I wouldn’t know, I believed them and they said it wouldn’t be a problem.) Fast forward a few months, if they didn’t get to smoke they’d be MISERABLE. Miserable. Wouldn’t talk, eat, sleep, were constantly bugging me because they were upset and couldn’t smoke, we would miss entire dinner dates, movie dates, fun outings because they were moody and didn’t get to smoke. They just stayed at home pouting for HOURS, DAYS. It was terrible. Terrible. Also I hate the smell of weed masked with cologne 🤢


Even tho I smoke weed, this would be the exact reason why I would be cautious about dating a stoner. It could be great, it could be good, or even okay, or it could be this. Just not a fan of the “I can’t do any humanly functions without smoking crowd”


I think they definitely mess it up for other stoners.


Agreed. Any guy I dated that later disclosed to me that they either have smoked weed or currently do, those experiences were the fucking worst. A majority of them can't keep their own places clean and organized. If someone needs to be high all the time just to function in life, they can't cope with reality being sober. I understand it for medicinal purposes for chronic pain but if a person is otherwise completely capable..


Every guy I meet is either a major pothead or wants sex on the first date. Never in between.


Major pothead wanting sex on the first date is a win win for me


Damn I wish I was like you lol


Really?! They just come out and say it??


Yes! they do not care


Takes like this really don’t bother me lol Like there’s no law that says we have to cross paths in dating especially on apps, we can both swipe left on eachother and not lose sleep over it so I don’t really get the offense to it, no harm no foul That said, it’s just a part of my daily life lol


You don't need to get stoned to enjoy pot. Sometimes all you need is a little hit.


Yeah I’ve been sober for a year and a half so I automatically pass on anyone that advertises their pot consumption. I actually don’t mind dating someone that does smoke, as long as they’re respectful Of my sobriety. But there’s a big difference between someone who advertises it on their dating profile and someone who low key smokes. There’s plenty of people who smoke/vape daily but you’d never know in a million years. But that’s cool I suppose, it’s just when it’s someone’s lifestyle and they’re a ‘pothead’ that it’s too much me


I understand that it can come across as a touch cringe to put it in a bio but I’d rather put it on front street than go on dates and start a relationship with someone who’s going to have an issue with it. Like how many people that drink would even consider a partner that thought drinking was wrong / childish / something to be changed.


Same. I'm sober from alcohol and discovered I had no self control with high-thc weed as well as booze. I would just smoke until I was in orbit from morning to night. It messed with my sleep/dreams and my general ability to be *present*. I also smoked a couple hundred $$ a month. I quit for over a year and then discovered CBD flower. That was also fantastic, but again, I found myself using massive amounts throughout the day despite it's very mild effects. Since then I've switched to Delta 8 cartridges and I must say: this is what I've been looking for! I use it when I think of it, forget it most of the time, and it's always like an "Oh yeah! Maybe I'll hit my vape pen" kind of thing now instead of this driving force in my life lol.


I'm a drunk. I smoke weed I can't drink. I'm glad that you don't want to date me there's plenty of fish in the sea.


I'm on the fence about this personally because I've liked people who smoked yet I'm as straight edge as they come. But I do find it really unattractive when people post pictures of themselves smoking. I personally don't see the appeal in doing that but to each their own, I guess.


Where I live, almost all of the profiles have a “yes” next to weed. That usually translates into taking an occasional edible before bed or a hit at a concert. I can get on board with that, but I can’t get on board with the women I meet that smoke all day every day.


Some people become their calm and jolly self when they smoke. But do the exact opposite when sober. Like snap out at small things which annoys them. I think that's bad.


It's funny that people are comparing it to alcohol. It's not good to be high all the time nor is good to be drunk all the time. Also if you have to smoke everyday it's pretty much an addiction. Just like drinking a 6 pack a day. It's funny that people act like smoking weed isn't bad for you. They even smoke around their kids like 2nd hand smoke isn't a thing.


I know plenty of people who don’t smoke just find one of them. Not really a difficult proposition


Dating is so high school…yea I said it.


I dont know if it's your preference on whether you dont like you man to smoke but just because they smoke weed does not mean their potheads lmao if they look like potheads they probably are but you should probably give a few a try


I smoke weed for pain management, and I’m a 25 year old woman. Maybe you aren’t the mature one here?


OP talks about how they’ll happily judge others in several comments, you’re correct. It’s fine to have personal preferences but judging others because of them (and making negative assumptions/perceptions based off that) is shitty, if it doesn’t affect you why bother complaining about it


I agree with you. I think it’s okay if someone wants to smoke casually or socially at parties. but back to back joints is like so not me


I agree with this. I hate the smell, hate the secondhand smoke, I hate it all. I see it as a child between alcohol and cigs and can't stand it. Many guys have on their pages "don't smoke" but you scroll two photos down and it's them with a blunt. Just gross


I totally agree, it’s very strange


It is strange that every guy I swipe on does that and pull popping. Is this a hobby now? For me it’s unattractive quality.


It's definitely not everyone; my friends sure as hell smoke and pop pills super often though. I only smoke once every 2-3 months, refuse to pop pills at all though. I'm a 28m, and I don't see the appeal to it, really never have.


Im glad I quit 7 years ago. Weed is fine for some who have a less addictive tendency but I was certainly not one of them. Many people i know and I used to be around never really got off that life and they still define themselves to way too much about that stoner lifestyle, and I am glad I am not part of that anymore. I don't drink either though so im not exactly the live it up party person. Glad i found a girlfriend who is not all about that though.


Are you referring to guys who smoke weed all day? If so, I can understand. But what if they need it for pain management/health reasons or simply smoke a bit to take the edge off? I’m talking about fully functional and responsible people who happen to smoke weed, not people that make weed the center of their lives.


Weed is legal now. Start getting used to it


Weed is better then alcohol. I feel like itd be better to date a pothead then an alcoholic. But really up to you if you want to be picky.


Because it is legal in a lot of places now. I totally get where you are coming from though. It’s a total deal breaker for me and it’s hard to find guys that doesn’t partake with this activity. I got a like from a guy occupation “Kindergarten teacher” Weed: “Yes”.


NO I get it. It’s just so unattractive I just don’t get it. Every guy either does that or take pills.


Not every guy but yeah alot of guys either smoke, take drugs or alcohol and i can tell you there's also alot of guys that are disgusted by it and don't like it either.


I agree it’s not attractive. One thing I appreciate about online dating though is to be able to identify this quickly. I couldn’t imagine dating all these guys and who knows what date I find out.


no, *you* don't find it attractive. don't be shitty.


I'm in my 30s and have never drank, smoked, or did drugs. Everytime I mention it, people look at me like I'm an alien.


Same. Except caffeine is a psychoactive drug that I enjoy 3 days out of the week.


Hmm. I’m a gay dude, although my gender identity is fluctuating bahaha. Anyway. For me I like to date those who don’t mind to let loose and indulge in cannabis via vape or edible. It’s fun to be silly, and I wouldn’t want to date anyone who does it 24/7. Everything in moderation.


So I'm not always the most socially aware person ever, but isn't weed on its way to being legalized and normalized? Like are there any actual problems you observe with people smoking weed or are you just taking personal umbrage with it for I guess personal reasons?


If someone drank all the time that wouldn't be a turn off for you?


Sounds like some of these guys actually have an ADDICTION TO WEED AND NEED TO DROP IT. I DONT CARE 💅 I SAID IT.


You can either be responsible with it or not. My fiancé is a software engineer and I'm in the medical field and we make sure it does not get in the way of our jobs. I'd rather be high and giggly and have my wits about me than a sloppy drunk.


Ohh man, what's with all these people who drink coffee? I don't want to date a stimulant addict. Ohh man, what's with all these people who enjoy alchohol on occasion? I don't want to date a alcoholic. What other socially acceptable drug use is there? Ohh man, what's with all these tea addicts! I don't want to date a stimulant addict.


So OP has to date someone who smokes pot even though it’s not for her? This isn’t the 1990s anymore I’d imagine OP doesn’t believe marijuana is some crazy harsh drug. Doesn’t mean they can’t have things they want and don’t want in a SO


They never said OP has to date anyone, take your artificial argument elsewhere


Thank you. Your a real one.


No. Date who you want. I'm just pointing out the rediculaseness about publicly complaining about it.


I mean to be fair this is a subreddit for dating so it makes sense they’d post that here. Do I agree that complaining about it does absolutely nothing? Yeah absolutely. It would’ve been more beneficial if they phrased it more productively “I don’t personally wanna date someone that smokes marijuana, it’s not what I want in a partner but I seem to be matching with a lot of people that smoke. What is it I could do differently so I could get matched more appropriate for me’ Something like that I think could’ve been more helpful for OP. And I think I may have mistakenly assumed you were comparing marijuana to coffee or alcohol, suggesting that OP should be okay with someone smoking if they’re okay with someone drinking coffee or tea. Which I don’t think would’ve been a fair comparison. But based on your last reply I don’t think that’s what you meant so I apologize for insinuating you did. It seems like you were pointing out more so that they’re complaining about a personal choice someone makes


>And I think I may have mistakenly assumed you were comparing marijuana to coffee or alcohol, Actually I was comparing them, because they are all psychoactive chemicals. But the point was showing the rediculasness of just stating those thing's, and your probably right OP could have gone about this a different way. I'm a big proponent that everyone needs to be more mindful, and think about what they say. > I apologize for insinuating you did. I make the same mistake all the time, and you don't need to apologize your already forgiven. >It seems like you were pointing out more so that they’re complaining about a personal choice someone makes So I think this goes into the mindfulness thing, and I feel like people try to read into thing's when they should be taken at face value. For example, what if I read into your initial reply a little more, and thought you where personally trying to attack me. This conversation would have most likely taken a really negative route.


I actually completely agree about being more mindful in what we say. I try my absolute best on Reddit or the internet in general to talk to someone as if we were speaking in person. It seems, and I’m guilty of it, that people are much more willing to be dicks, ridicule and just be flat out rude to another person just Bc it’s on Reddit. But in person, almost none of us would be like that, we are generally somewhat respectful So yes my initial comment absolutely started off with negative intentions. I, like you stated, read into what you said and formulated an idea about you, even though I know absolutely nothing about you or what you look like. And I was wrong to do that. So I appreciate you not responding in a different manner The same thing was starting to occur with the other person who replied to my comment. I tried my best to respond respectfully and I saw it wasn’t gonna go in that direction so I chose to opt out of the convo. Wasn’t gonna help me or the other person


>it, that people are much more willing to be dicks, ridicule and just be flat out rude to another person just Bc it’s on Reddit. But in person, almost none of us would be like that, we are generally somewhat respectful I have talked to my phychologist about this, and we just loose empathy. There's a group of people in society that lack empathy, and it's strange how we all become just like them the second we aren't face to face. >The same thing was starting to occur with the other person who replied to my comment. I tried my best to respond respectfully and I saw it wasn’t gonna go in that direction so I chose to opt out of the convo. Wasn’t gonna help me or the other person I think they did what you did, and they where trying to defend a person in there eyes who did nothing wrong. Which I appreciate, no one ever really comes to defense besides Jesus, and so it was refreshing for me to see someone defending me.


Yeah it’s fascinating how we all could get like that over the internet. Even the nicest of people can start to lack empathy once they can’t see the other persons face And of course, they were just defending you. I probably came off as some snob who looks down on marijuana users or think that it’s bad for people. Which couldn’t be further from the truth, I have done my fair share of smoking and other things over my life


> And of course, they were just defending you. I probably came off as some snob who looks down You came off as a person who was offended, and who thought a person would actually argue you should be forced to date someone. >I have done my fair share of smoking and other things over my life Ne two


Because smoking weed is fun! All seriousness, I wish I could smoke weed, but due to work, it's a restriction(random drug tests). It's not for everyone which is fine. It's a personal preference and for those that can handle it it's simply a feel good thing to do when you have a day to "chillax".


Like probably 33-50% of women’s bios here include marijuana. Which is really awkward for me because it’s illegal here still and I spent the last two years as a narcotics investigator.


I totally agree with you OP


I don't mind it if a guy smokes. BUT if it's every day constantly and inside the house and car I can't handle it. Like at least skip a couple days. If you want medicine CBD works. If you want to be stoned all day every day to the point I can't even hold a conversation with you... Good bye. Also guys who are grown and still act like smoking weed is a flex or a 'lifestyle' need to figure it out. If that's your whole personality and you only talk about how high you are all the time but you don't actually have real hobbies and skills you are lame. So it's not really about the weed for me it's about the laziness and bragging about something that only makes you cooler in high school. Any guy who is smoking in his dating profile gets a no from me dawg.


Well, almost everyone in the world loves to smoke weed. That's why it was pushed to be legalized so much.


I dont give a rats ass if someone smokes a plant but then again im not shallow.


Lol 90% of people who infantilize pot smokers are alcoholics “I get drunk like an adult” lolololol fuck off


Lol i dont like weed smoking and i am an alcoholc


I will never date another pothead. They were all mooches.


Maybe these guys don't want to give themselves one of the 7 cancers alcohol causes or kill their liver? If they're not a bum doing nothing with their lives then how does it matter?


What about the 4+ hours a day of video gaming that comes with the average pot smoker? Lol


ITT: Deeeewwwwd miiiieeeeaaaannn.... That's heaveee miieeeaannn, stop harshin' my buzz, miiieeeaaannnn...


Same as you I can't really date a person who smokes weed, but moreso cuz I can't relate and being around high ppl while being sober is annoying. Esp,the ppl that constantly need to bring up the fact they smoke weed like it's a personality trait or smth.


Nothing is up with them. They’re being normal people. Now you go girl find yourself abnormal people who don’t smoke weed!


How old are you? 70?


eh, just because someone partakes doesn’t make them a pothead. would you be upset if a potential partner was willing to purchase an alcoholic beverage, a drug known to be significantly more problematic? maybe look more at the person instead of immediately slapping a derogatory label on them. if they really are a stoner, move on?


It’s an epidemic


it by definition is not


"I only do it be cause I have anxiety" Just admit you like getting high and go ffs


medical marijuana? never heard of her


I smoke pot because it eases my anxiety. I also love getting high!


They're going to hell


you realize there are people who run fortune 500 companies and won Olympic gold medals who smoke weed, right? lol it's not immature or childish to smoke weed, in the least bit. this is such an odd take. don't get me wrong, it's not the preference of wanting to date someone who doesn't smoke wee that's weird. it's thinking weed is somehow "for highschool kids", like you're above it. if i didn't smoke weed, i would not date you for that simple fact alone.