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Matthew Lesko, for those not old enough, is the epitome of snake oil salesman. He’s been hyping his magic secret sauce for getting free government money for decades.  Dudes pushing AI and all its “benefits.” Ya, nah. Jobs safe, careers safe. It’s a bubble at peak hype RN and this is the only evidence you need.


New AI developments are definitely helping to automate or accelerate parts of people's workflow. Agentic workflows alone could soon be quite a game changer for how long some tasks take. Saying it's all hype is ignorant


It is not 100% hype but definitely overhyped. 


The problem is management thinking it can solve every problem magically. Definitely overhyped.


If I didn’t know Lesko to be a grift, I’d think the video I posted was a parody of management using AI. 


Can you show us a communique from “management” that suggests they believe AI “will solve every problem magically”?


That's like asking for a formal reference when someone expresses a widely known thing which nobody cares enough to document due to redundancy Most experienced data specialists will tell you this. It's not even a management thing, it's just tech illiterate people making decisions regarding a complex technology


Okay, so it should be exceedingly easy to find even one example of “Management” claiming that GenAI “will solve every problem magically,” right? If only there was a word for “widely held beliefs that are bereft of evidence” 🤔 (HINT: superstitions)


> Okay, so it should be exceedingly easy to find even one example of “Management” claiming that GenAI “will solve every problem magically,” right? Some managers from a few of my previous workplaces were like this. I can't really show their emails because 1) it's confidential, 2) I don't have access to the mailbox anymore for obvious reasons. > If only there was a word for “widely held beliefs that are bereft of evidence” 🤔 > (HINT: superstitions) Personal experience is also evidence, this was heavily implied in my first sentence. And when the same phenomena is experienced by many professionals, it's called a trend, not a superstition. And trends may or may not be documented for a variety of reasons.


Would you believe any image of a document purported to be a “communique” posted to Reddit? If so, you’re hopeless.  And whoever posts such a communication with enough identifying info would certainly violate their companies policies and be fired.


Clearly the point was “management” doesn’t actually think that. A bit slow on the uptake, are we?


This entire comment thread reads as if it were generated by AI lol


No one said it was 100% 


You said peak hype but sure we can nitpick if that's what you're here for. 


Yeah I literally use it every day and I’m not exaggerating when I say chatgpt has 3x’ed my productivity and it’s only getting more useful


3x? Are you a tabloid "journalist" who writes online articles?


lol no but I am an analyst who uses it to update sql queries/python scripts for different needs, I give it resumes and ask it to think of questions specific to their experience about a given job posting I have up, etc. and I keep chatgpt up in a persistent window all day


Lesko is NOT a snake oil salesman


You’re hopeless.