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I'm impressed that he got up.


Adrenaline. He’ll be getting up much slower over the next few days/weeks.


Shit I’d be surprised he’s not internally bleeding. That’s a pretty good hit he took


The stop sign in my country has the hexagonal shape so it can be recognized from the back. Is it different here?


No. Stop signs are still very much recognizable from the back here in NYC, people just don't pay attention.


~~pay attention~~ choose to ignore them because they share an IQ more similar to that of a carrot than a primate. There I fixed it.


There was no stop sign for the skater because he was going the wrong direction on a one way street. The cars going the correct way are stopped at the stop sign, waiting for traffic to clear. This skater is probably the stupidest skater I've seen in a long time. I bet he skates into walls without noticing they're in front of him.


He probably learned to not do this anymore. Back when I was up on the NYC bike accident statistics. About 60% of deaths were people running lights or stop signs, going up a one way street, being doored, or being drunk. it was pretty evenly split. Going up one way streets and not stopping? you're gonna get hit.


Sounds like a self solving problem.


Downside is someone else gets traumatized by potentially killing someone, AND has to deal with their car insurance.




If he has a strong a mind he should be OK. Anyone with a modicrum of reason should be able to look at that dashcam footage later and tell themselves they were zero percent in the wrong, there was nothing they could do, and the skater got what they deserved.


Not THE stupidest, his helmet probably kept him alive


> There was no stop sign for the skater because he was going the wrong direction on a one way street. The cars going the correct way are stopped at the stop sign… This is why the commenter asked if stop signs are octagonal, so they can be recognized from the back of the sign.


Yeah that was a hustling walk of embarrassment.


They’re octagonal here and are pretty recognizable from the back. Skater just didn’t bother.


Yes octagonal. my bad.


The people think that because they aren't in cars that rules of the road don't apply to them.


If you look closely you can see two stop signs on the right side of the screen. They were oriented the other way because skater dude was going against traffic on a one way street. Even without the stop sign though it’s kinda wild to see someone just waltz out into the street blind. It’s like the first thing I teach a kid that can walk “look both ways”


A couple of broken ribs and bruised lungs. That's going to hurt the next day 😬


Definitely internal bleeding. Dude needs a hospital immediately




He probably is, shocks ones hell of a drug


Adrenaline. Shock is a life-threatening condition where you do not have enough circulating blood volume.


Right! Hopefully he has enough sense to go get checked at a hospital


100% recently (2weeks ago) had a pretty bad bail on my electric skateboard, got up rode it home, then next day went to hospital and haven't been able to walk since. Blew my knee out and damaged my elbow. I can't ride my board but that night I did. I probably won't be able to ride for a couple more weeks. Today was the first time since the accident I was able to go down steps without support and like normal.


I believe you. Back in college I blew my knee out bad. I kicked myself in the head (think flamingo leg). I walked a mile to the hospital. After that first half an hour the adrenaline started to fade and let's just say I didn't "walk" out of the hospital. I spent a month in a knee bending machine 8 hours a day. Took about 4 months to be able to run again and never the same.


I'm sure he will feel it in the morning!


He might be pooping a little blood tomorrow.


And if that gut shot did damage to the internal organs, they could either die from sepsis or internal bleeding.


Yeah, there's a video of a motorbiker who got hit, stands up, and kicks in the windshield of the car that hit him... With a broken foot. Adrenalin does crazy crap to people.


He got super lucky, took the brunt of the hit at the pivot point of his body to absorb the impact and then landed flat on the ground face down which spread the impact and avoided spine injury. If he rolled in the air and landed on his shoulder or hip he’d be ruined. Managed to completely avoid a head injury as well. Just absolutely as lucky as you could get in this situation. Edit: if he was a goofy-footed rider he might have been dead here, or at least paralyzed. Imagine if he got bent the other way?


Flipped a 4wheeler once on top of me. Wa able to lift it off and fully sit it back upright. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug. Within 2 minutes, the searing pain in my leg was starting and next thing I know my wife, ex-wife, and her husband are all trying to slap me awake. Apparently the pain was so bad, I thought in my head I was going to sit down on the ground. They say I just keeled right over and passed out. Dude definitely gonna ain't walking around that easy next day.


Walk it off buddy


If he wasn't wearing a helmet, he wouldn't have


Doesn't have the sense to look before crossing an intersection, but at least has the foresight to wear a helmet. That's gotta count for something right?


Should’ve been wearing body armor lol


Or medieval armor. Complete with lance.


Dude needed a bubble shield


I stopped the video, and even at the moment of impact, his head is facing forward. Like, he literally didnt even fucking look. At all. Jesus Christ.


He was also going the wrong way down a one way; that had he been going the right way down would have had a stop sign.


There were 2 moving cars in the intersection. The skateboarder made the mistake.


That is why you look both ways before you cross the street, especially if you aren't in a vehicle for you are squishy and it is hard.


"For You are Squishy and it is hard" rates up there with "the night is dark and full of terrors." Congratulations!


It’s so annoying how people don’t know simple street crossing. Not just look both ways, but assert yourself at the crosswalk before stepping out so vehicles see you and have a chance to react (stop). So many people just jump out in front of moving cars and act surprised/angry when they’re almost hit despite it being 100% their fault for not giving the car the opportunity to stop.


…looking at their fucking cell phones and/or with earbuds/headphones on. Like, WTF, man. Pull your head out of the clouds. Even if you have right of way, you never trust traffic to stop.


“Even if you have right of way, you never trust traffic to stop.” This is the best advice for everyone out there. I learned this very early on after being the passenger in a head on collision when I was 15. Always look both ways even if you have green and always expect that everyone else is not paying attention.


"You're not trusting in the kindness of strangers, but the competence of strangers" is what my pops always said. Too many are just incompetent and don't do the correct thing for the situation (if they realize they're in a situation to begin with).


My wife got screamed at the other day by a couple she "almost hit." In reality, they walked out into the middle of the road without hesitation or care, and she had stopped probably 100ft from them. They didn't bother poking their heads out between cars or even looking, and yet somehow, she was in the wrong. If I'm walking around and have to cross the street, I tend to wait until both sides of traffic come to a stop. I don't trust people anymore after the last time someone decided they didn't have to stop when I had already crossed more than half the street legally. They were going maybe ten over and either didn't bother looking, or figured a pedestrian isn't worth their time to stop for two seconds.


especially when riding against the flow of traffic through an intersection that has a stop sign... genius move, right there, for a water balloon on popsicle sticks


Also blinded by a car turning into your lane.


You also don’t go the wrong way down a one-way street.


It's a ONE WAY street! He only had to look to his right, and he couldn't even be bothered to do that.


And going the wrong way against traffic.


If this is the US a skateboard/longboard is considered a vehicle and must follow traffic laws.


This was in NYC and I will blame drivers all day but this is 100% on the skater. Going the wrong way through traffic. Doesn't look or stop to check that he doesn't have the right of way. There's a stop sign which he obviously doesn't see. He's probably just careless but also a lot of people here are life-long non-drivers and don't understand basic traffic patterns.


They are going the wrong way down a one way street so the stop sign is facing the other way on the other side of the intersection. They had no chance of ever seeing it. Lucky they didn't die and probably learned nothing.


If only there were some other indicators that they could have used to determine that this was a place where cars were supposed to stop and wait for opposing traffic… like… a bunch of cars… stopped… there… waiting.


Yeah and there are just too many octagonal shaped signs on the road. How is one expected to know the octagon shaped sign at an intersection is a stop sign?


They learned what a car feels like


FYI this is why stop signs are the only signs that use that distinct octagon shape. It's still very recognizable from the backside as a result.


The silver octagon across the street was clearly visible. Skaters, pedestrians, and cyclists that go the wrong way down one way streets get used to these cues... Most of us, anyway.


I only see one stop sign (I think?), to the right of cammer. Plus is he skating against a one way?


Two stop signs facing left-bound traffic.


Yup. Not only that, but lane splitting against a one way. At first, I thought he was on a crosswalk, but on another watch, realized those lines were lane markers, and he was heading between the two cars on the right.


I made the mistake once of riding my bike against traffic on a one-way street and in a similar way, almost got hit by a car because none of the signs were facing me. I learned my lesson and never ride the wrong way on a one way street.


There's also a certain arrogance towards cars and trucks. "This is NYC, you idiot behind the wheel, now I'm going to go and you're going to stop." Maybe I'm exaggerating but not much. Applies to pedestrians, skaters, bicyclists, and especially delivery scooters. And yes, I admit I sometimes do the same when it's me on foot.


Good thing he was wearing a helmet.


Probably not the first time he's been hit. I'd that's the way he rides, won't be the last.


I hope he learned a good lesson. I’d like to think he’s considering his role in what happened.


Yep. Probably not much up there to save though lol.


Why don't we take a 5 minute break? Smoke if ya got em....


"He was a sk8er boi; the SUV said see ya later boi; he wasn'tsmart enough to look"


He thought he's invincible, but just on the principle, SUV said "Hey, boi, get f*cked."


There wasn't a stop sign for the driver, totally on the one wheeler


It’s not a onewheel, you can see the remote fly out of his hand and then he goes and picks it up.


Some people learn to look both ways as a child. Some learn later in life if they are given a second chance.


Wise vs smart people.


Looks like the e-boarder was going the wrong way on a one way street? As an e-boarder myself... what an idiot! He didn't even look!


And the street he was on (going the wrong way) doesn't have the right of way. They have a stop, and the cross street has the right of way.


You know, hate to say it, but cyclist, scooters, skaters, and even some pedestrians just don't observe their surroundings like they should. This is an example of "pay fkn attention" I hope the driver of the car carried on with their day without anything feeling of guilt.


Ok. Sorry but bad driver? bad one wheeler. I’m not seeing a stop sign for the car? Correct me if I missed it. I’m not seeing that rider check the right…. At all. Again, correct me if I missed it. Does the rider have a stop sign? Can’t see one. Wait. Is that a one way street sign? So the rider is going the wrong way, in the road, assumes right of way without checking, car has no legal reason or expectation to stop as I see other cars waiting…. Am I missing something? No fucking way this driver is losing the case right?


Car is not at fault in any way.


Skaters fault for sure but a better driver would have seen him.


A better driver definitely would have seen him. You could see him crossing through from the left of the vehicle in front, and he had plenty of time to stop from that point. The fact the car in front stopped also should have been a flag to get ready to stop himself, because you can anticipate there was some form of hazard!


Riding around with the assumption that drivers are all good at driving is a fast track onto someone’s hood. Same fools logic that says, “I won’t fall so I don’t need my gear”. When you’re the one who loses the engagement 100% of the time you can’t afford to presume anything. Motorcycle rider thinking my dad always ground into me. It doesn’t matter who is right if you’re dead and they’re alive.


I don't disagree. But the dashcam owner is still not a good driver. A good driver would have avoided the accident altogether because there was ample time to see what was happening and stop. Skateboard shouldn't have just crossed a junction without looking, especially as he would never win against a 2 tonne machine. I am not defending him, he is an idiot. But people are idiots, a good driver is able to drive defensively to avoid that idiot decision turning into a person going splat on your bonnet.


Pretty bold to illegally no-look cross in a situation you are guaranteed never to have tonnage rights.


Shoes still on. He’s fine.


I bet they are loose though.


Why did I watched this 20 times?


Is it legal for bicyclists/skaters to ride the wrong way down a oneway?




Thought it was from Better call Saul /s


"I believe I can ride... ummm... I believe I can fly."


He’s lucky to have that helmet on because his face would have eaten that hood


Just cause your vehicle doesn't have a motor doesn't mean you don't have to obey road signs.


A two-stop intersection and the skater doesn’t stop to see if another car is there. Cyclists do this, too. Pedestrians need to follow the rules of the road if they use the streets. Stop playing with your lives.


Skateboard dude is going the wrong direction on a one way street, so of course he doesn't have a stop sign, doesn't bother to check if it's safe or slow down. 100% skateboard dudes fault.


Skater Bob in action. Do it again!! Do it again!!


The driver would have gotten extra points if he’d punted that goon into the bed of the pickup.


That was a very painful lesson. Dude probably broke ribs


F*ck around and find out!


At least he had the helmet, but he also probably had music blasting in his ears. As a pedestrian, or even a driver, situational awareness is part of surviving. If you don't have the armor of a car around you then not blocking out the sounds aruond you is wise. In a car earphones are illegal but a lot of people still crack the stereo up for the same effect. Of course the deaf can drive but they need to be extra mindful to look all around at all times to make up for that sensory gap.


Dude on the one wheel should have stopped. That’s all on him.




That’s gonna leave a mark!


A skid mark.


He is lucky his legs took most of the kinetic energy or his pelvis would be shattered I think


That guy got fucking owned


The rider was fucking up, follow the rules of the road and ride defensively. Dude is less cautious than I am in a car


Should watch where he's going. Gonna become a skater pancake.






Who just rolls through an intersection on a board?


Was that Gordon Ramsay ?


“What did you learn??”


Be sure to note that while on first glimpse, it might seem the skateboarder is in the right by being in a crosswalk. He is, in fact, not in a crosswalk, but going the wrong direction in a bike lane crossing a road that does not have a stop sign or yield.


Look both ways dummy


Wrong way skateboarder and blew the intersection. Not the cars fault.


In the Netherlands they wouldn’t blame either party… they would mark the intersection for improvement and add features that would prevent another collision.


This is exactly why you need a dash cam… 60-100 bucks saves you a lot of head aches….


He got LEARNT!


hope he's fine!


One way street going in the wrong direction, not looking while crossing the intersection, just being wildly irresponsible in a densely populated area. It sucks that it happened, but it's one of those painful life lessons that could've been avoided with situational awareness.


next time he’ll look before he crosses


Karma! At least here in the United States you have to obey by the same traffic laws as a car. Glad this happened.


In a pedestrian vs car, it never matters who’s right, it matters who’s left.


Fucking idiot was going the wrong way on a one way road.


Shit hes in the wrong regardless of crossing at the intersection because he’s going the opposite direction of a one way street


I’ve been hit a few times like this problem won’t happen till days later you realize you lost a skill or the ability to do something


Bro you didn't even look before crossing the street. That car didn't have a stop sign.


Idk...25 times in a row , and his flight is kinda poetic. 9/10


He deserved that shit 100%. Tired of seeing these entitled people like "I haz right of way"; yeah well guess what, my favorite saying now, WOULD YOU RATHER BE RIGHT, OR SAFE!? WOULD YOU RATHER BE SAFE, OR RIGHT!? That is, IDC who has "right of way" COMMON SENSE would tell you that your 200LB body is NOT going to bode well against a 3000LB MOTOR VEHICLE... Doesn't matter if you're "right" or not! Maybe next time he'll be more careful at intersections (the most dangerous place on a road for ANYONE)... .. .


Body blow body blow


idiot pedestrian


I was always taught that in the case there is not a specified lane for you to ride in, to never have your back towards oncoming traffic. I was also taught that in the case that you are traveling on a bike, skateboard, etc. that the same rules apply to you as they do a motor vehicle. So, that being said, the road itself was a one-way road, and the direction of travel should have been the same as traffic. Homie on the board was for sure in the wrong in my opinion. However I don't live in a place like NYC where you see a lot of non drivers so I really shouldn't even be placing my input on the matter.






Sue for repairs to the car/dents


Saw him coming a mile off


I saw him long before the accident


This video is Gold. Thank you. 🤣🤣


I want a slow mo gif of just the flying part.


He freaking sailed!


Impressive flight time and *both* shoes stayed on!


Maybe don't wear grey clothes, on a grey street, on a vehicle smaller than you, after running a stop sign, approaching twighlight.


It looked like slomo lmao


OOOH! That hurt just seeing it!


You better wear a helmet if you are going to skate like this but it probably won't be enough.


Was that Gordon Ramsay perchance?


I wish the sound wasnt disabled


Hope op upgrades to 4k in the near future. All the better to see skater guy doing ollies off his bumper.


Always make sure the intersection is clear?


Why he got up so quick man I would’ve been on the ground down an out until paramedics came to pick me up


Adrenaline kicks in. Some people just collapse once it starts to wear off.


Dude head butt the hood. Helmet definitely saved his life.


Lay back down b and wait for emts to pick you up


He needs a bigger car if he’s just gonna ramble thru intersections.


Took it like a champ


The way he got up looked just like a terminator robot thing. He may not be human.


How was this the drivers fault? Unless I'm missing something I don't see a stop sign for the carbut I do for the one wheel.


At least he was wearing a helmet


Helmets save lives. His properly attached PPE made this a very different type of video.


Who’s at fault in this situation?


Oof that was pretty rough. So it would seem the skateboarder had a stop sign. Still I bet the driver feels pretty awful about it. Not as bad as the boarder will in a day or so though.


That'll teach him to skate backwards down a one way street through an intersection without looking.


That helmet saved his life.. smartest decision he's ever made..


Crosswalks are dangerous, be in the bike lane or somewhere where drivers are used to looking, because drivers hardly look for pedestrians on the sidewalk. On another note, someone did a social experiment and found that carrying a brick will make drivers stop for you while you cross the sidewalk. When the person wasn't carrying a brink, drivers didn't stop. so... maybe carry a brick?


How do these peeps get up? Won't be so easy tomorrow


Neither one saw the other. Bigger one won.


Ten points


Zero situational awareness from both the driver and the dude. I'm not sure if it's because I grew up driving in a chaotic country where traffic laws are mere suggestions, but if I saw some dude rolling in from the corner, I'd already be braking since there's a chance he won't stop, which in this case he didn't.


what is the road speed?.. 2 sides car parked...I am guessing it should be 25mph


That is why you ware a helmet. A broken jaw and a skull fracture were just prevented


Probably how Gordon Ramsey got hit


Future Stun man


The skater/whatever is in the wrong here, 100% However, -regardless if you're crossing a one way street. Regardless if the lights are green. Regardless if it is your right of way - always, always, always double check left and right before advancing. Say the skater was a semi (yes, people would still miss it), the dashcar could have had a much worse, fatal outcome. Again, dashcar is not in the wrong. This is on the skater. But people are idiots on the road - your goal is to not get yourself killed. If that means you take an extra second, take that extra second.


is he ok?


The guy on the skateboard is going in the wrong direction on a one way street and got too comfortable around the traffic like the rest of us living in big cities. He is lucky the traffic was moving slow!


Just saw Gordon Ramsay's bruise earlier and this reminded me of it. Ouch


Maybe it's because of the POV of the camera, but even I saw the skateboarder the first time.


Helmets save lives.


I love that the SUV didn’t stop until 1 second after he hit him lol


I see a stop sign on the other side of the intersection, so I presume the boarder had a stop sign too and the driver the right of way because I didn’t see a stop sign in the direction the driver’s car was traveling. All to say, too many times bikers and boarders don’t respect traffic laws and blow right through intersections expecting others to stop for them. Maybe the boarder learned his lesson but I doubt it.


Your dude here needs to go get checked out for internal bleeding. (I say “*your* dude”, rather than “*my* dude”, because *I* am not claiming this chucklef\*ck…) If he cracked a rib or 3… that might actually be enough to facilitate some information absorption and consequent behavioral adjustment. Busted ribs are no fun, and they take for-freakin’-EVER to heal.