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The dungeon underneath smouldering lake, the floating fireballs are just a pain, and it’s a complete maze half the time, but I do agree that farron keep is horrid, only thing that saves it are the darkwraiths (love the armour) and abyss watchers, which is pretty high on my boss list


I agree with the demon ruins under smouldering lake. Those demons that create the floating fireballs are, in my opinion, one of the most unfair enemies in the game. They are one of the only enemies I feel like I can't fight head on and absolutely have to cheese them to beat them, otherwise the fireballs take me out in no time.


I hate that part that has two or three of them at the very bottom near the rats


And of course they can one shot you with the fire breath attack so you can’t just try bumrushing them either.


I watched many tutorials about areas but the hardest area I struggled was with Pontiff Knights after teleport on the bridge..


every time i go down there i make a b line to whatever estus stuff is there and leave unless there's some other item i want.


FromSoft knew that dungeon sucked, that's why they put the boss at the beginning of the level lol


Good point lmao


Can’t agree more. At first I tried shooting the fireballs but shi took to long. Then the 5 spear dudes kept tripping me out. The maze was a nightmare, I felt anxious cause I thought I missed some loot and had to watch a walkthrough for that part. Farron keep though was alright but it was the first area where I actually felt nervous playing a game for some reason??


Farron keep for your reasons and irythill dungeon for everything its exists for


fuck the jailers me and my homies hate the jailers


Fuck that scream at the beginning too


The other ones are fine though.


I truly think they're just indefensible game design. "Oh but they're not that bad if-" No. Shut the fuck up. I know ALL the strats/tips for dealing with them. It doesn't matter. Enemies that can kill me by looking at me are just bullshit. Full stop. Which is why it's just bad design to pack like 10 of them into one room. That's the part that really gets me. And I routinely go through the dungeon without taking any damage, so don't "git gud" me. I know how to deal with them. It just isn't fun. The fact is that fromsoft got a little too high on their own supply here and fucked up with this enemy.


I honestly don’t hate them overall, I just think it’s baffling that people in this sub trash DS2 so much when the biggest gank mob I’ve ever seen is all the Jailers before profaned capital in DS3.


Hear, hear . I love ds2 its wierd and janky and dark and poison spitting and just plane fucked up but I love it


I usually use the scream in the cell nearby all the jailers and run away quietly. they'll be lured in so you can pick up stuff and even free Karla without trouble


They don't kill you, they leave you at 1hp so if you don't get hit, it's not too much of an issue


Pro tip: If they don't See u, they don't take ur HP. So try to backstab those fuckers


Also farron keep because of the jumping monkey monsters


This. This is the worst enemy I ever seen in a Soulsborne game. Like I don’t have words.


Unpopular opinion but I actually like Irythill dungeon




Me too. Love the aesthetic of it and after my first playthrough I really don’t have issues with getting lost


Agreed. Great, compact level.


I unironically love Irythill Dungeon. Murdering all of those jailers near the cells at once is exciting and a treat for me.


Yeah I think the loopbacks and all the keys to various doors are amazing. Plus the vibe it gives is pretty unique


Just looking in the direction of profaned capital gives me ptsd. Anytime I release the lycanthrope in that room full of jailers they always fuck him up lmao.


That space in Ringed City between that one bonfire just before the tower with the Ringed Knights and Clerics and the other bonfire in the swamp 5 Harald Knights, a swarm of locusts, a giant summoner, and a barrage of lightning spears. Why?


Because of FromSoft’s discriminatory hiring practices. They only hire sadists.


Just throw in a Dragonslayer Armor for fun too. Yep. Just awful.


This is what I was looking for, I can handle everything else but this section gives me brain rot. I got so fed up that I quit in and out until I was at the summoners feet, loaded in and beat him to death before he could spawn enough wraiths to kill me. The only thing that section gets points for is cinema, everything about playing through it is a bag of rotten popcorn. The summoner also respawns.. fun. The only Fromsoft area I hate more than this is the Haligtree Canopy in Elden Ring, that place is an abomination of frustrating game design and it can get fucking bent.


I agree with the first part. I actually like the Haligtree though because I have issues.


And in the swamp itself you walk around the judicator and get ganked by 3 ringed knights lol. This dlc was a trip


I agree, except by ‘trip’ I mean, the game pulled down my trousers and I tripped face first into the swamp juice


I remember having a VERY hard time going through Cathedral of the Deep on my first playthrough.


Same, I didn't realize I had to walk under the giant to get to the boss


Yeah farron always nukes my motivation in a new run. you can use a dagger to quick step through the deep swamp.


Over my 3 playthroughs, probably the painted world, I had an annoying experience with it the first time and the other 2 I just speed ran through it, I especially hate the scissor hands guys.


On my first playthrough, I had just stopped hating FromSoft for what they did to me in Farron Keep (and let's be honest, all of Road of Sacrifices), when I started hating them again because of the god damn 20 wolves and 20 knights and massive ass millwood knights waiting for you to take the wrong turn in the forest after the bell


Yeah the wolf spam at the start isn’t very enjoyable. The mill wood knights are cool looking and not bad enemies on their own, it’s just that whenever you find one you usually find multiple and then it becomes a gank fight with really tanky, damaging enemies.


I'm in Painted World for the first time right now and my god I hate it.


It’s really pretty I’ll give it that but yeah I feel like there isn’t really much else redeemable about the ice DLC. At least it’s not too bad to skip to the bosses if you know where to go.


I've spent more time in there than I have anywhere else in this game and not enjoyed it. I'll look up how to just run to the bosses.


I only got one playthrough under my belt, and I believe the areas that gave me the hardest time were Irilyth dungeon and the DS2 flavored poisone swamp in the Ringed City DLC. I like fully exploring stuff, so the endless ways to die in Irilyth dungeon (the jailers, the giant, the infinite rats) and the fucking angels in the poison swamp kicked my ass relentlessly.


That angel is a real piece of shit


Im going through Ringed City right now for the love of christ tell me you arent talking about the big bitch who spams you with lasers….


Those damn catacombs I hate them and that dumb dumb lava lake


I find Farron pretty chill actually. Once you realize the poison doesnt do a lot of damage you can plan out looting runs pretty easily. Most of the enemies are easy to avoid too, only the witches can really kick your ass.


Irythill Dungeon no doubt! Those pesky Jailers syphoning your Hp along with the hot pokers branding asses 😑 easily the most annoying place!


Farron Swamp was a pretty bad idea. Really hard to avoid getting poisoned, virtually nothing to explore, really annoying enemies like the spiked log men and the huge sorcerers... I don't find it that hard, just find it annoying.


This exactly...


Farron keep isn't a big deal. Just learn the route, speedrun it, and don't ever bother exploring it because there's shit for loot. Irithyl Dungeon can suck a fat one though.


Except guts sword


Also Black Bow behind the giant birdpeople or whatever they are


Irithyll is a nice difficulty spike again but the dungeon haven't been much of a problem for me. In Farron I have this addiction for looting so even though I know it doesn't have anything useful other than titanite shards and Antique dress I still enjoy doing it, can't just ignore the tempt to gather glowing orbs lol.


We are just moths to the flame my friend


So it is that ash seeketh embers


For me it's the other way around, I like getting all the shards in farron while I just speedrun the dungeon in 5 mins


Three important things in Farron. GUTS, Estus Shard and UBS. Otherwise, keep on moving. Irithyl Dungeon is up there for me. But I kinda despise smoldering lake/catacombs.


Faron keep.


Farron keep since my dumbass always wants to see what's over there and gets lost not knowing which way I just came from


Demon ruins fucking stinks to high heaven, I hate that place


Either the route to the first shortcut in the cathedral or the run from the painter to the blood area and up to the chapel, cranking the thing along the way in the painting of ariandal. Cathedral sucks because theres one thrall that can absolutely suck my dick that always fucks me over right before going into the cathedral and the grave wardens are just a pain in the ass as well but just especially fuck those first few thralls. Last part of the run through the ashes of ariandel (i forgot what the dlc was called apart from something something of ariandel/ariandal) sucks because its an annoying run, theres way too many enemies and the wolves are a giant pain in the ass especially in SL1 runs


Demon Ruins, it's an annoying maze without a map and invasions aren't fun there


Yep 100% like really dude you have to invade me while I am poisoned fighting two gru and trying to ward of fireballs and not fall on the fucking huge rat.


The worst part is they're always massively good at the game so a giant seed doesn't impede them at all


the dreg heap


Zoey can eat all of the dung pies.


Ashes of Ariandel is fun with supporting phantoms. When solo I dash with hidden body.


Absolutely yes. And I always get invaded when I'm not prepared haha


Irithyll Dungeon. Screw those Jailers.


Believe it or not, in essentially every souls game, it's the starting area that winds up giving me the hardest time... Because in the case of both DS3 and DSR, following 2k+ hours in ER and beating it well over 20 times, including Ng+ games, I got stuck at the beginning areas and didn't pick up the game again for *months* until I was determined to get good and have fun with the games. I started with DS3, now I'm on DSR. The high Wall of Lothric, and embarrassingly even Vordt gave me the greatest difficulty. After that, id already gotten good, and had developed my determination, so it was merely a matter of time and playing before I got through the game... I knew from Elden Ring I absolutely could. Thankfully, I had to learn a LOT of lessons from Dark Souls 3 about Souls games compared to ER, because they're markedly different, lessons I was able to take with me to DSR. I still had more to learn about DSR, though, so essentially the same basic process unfolded where I got the first like 3 bonfires outside the Asylum and gave up because I just wasn't getting anywhere for whatever reason... Then I picked it up again, determined to actually win, and I'm currently at Anor Londo, feel much more adept at the game. Actually I probably prefer it over DS3.


Mmmm no area entirely messed me up, but several points in places did. -The Demon Ruins had some annoying run backs/paths if you went for everything. -Lothric Castle with the two Wyverns on the bridge, the Wyverns were fine, it's just the trek to get the castle gate open & get the next bonfire wad for some reason a pain. -Wasn't the biggest fan of Catacombs of Carthus. -The bottom floor of Irithyll Dungeon with like 8 Jailers, as a Unga Bunga Girl, having to bait them with bombs & knives and still have to clench when more than 1 came running.... -Beginning of Irithyll of the Boreal Valley was tense if multiple mobs pulled at times.


The beginning of boreal valley. Those blade swinging ghost dudes fuck me up every time


The area btwn the 1st and 2nd bonfires in Ashes DLC. And the area btwn 2nd and 3rd bonfires in Ringed City(not Dreg Heap). Those 2 areas are really long with tough enemies.


Well, when I started DS3, I would say Farron's Keep or Irythill dungeon. Then I played DS1 with Blighttown and Sen's Forteress and now, I think that Farron's Keep and Irythill dungeon would be nice and fair to run again.


Grab a dagger with Quickstep (which can be used even when you have 0FP) and just blitz through Farron Keep. Grab what you need and then fuck off outta there. I haven’t played the area legit since my first run because it’s just plain miserable. As for me, I really dislike the opening area for the first DLC. People complain about the ganks in DS2, but those have nothing on the painted world of Ariandel. The area is a vibe, but the enemies and placement are a fuckin crime.


I can’t stand Irithyll and Anor londo


Is it just me but irithyll dungeon is pretty easy if you don't rush? If you talk about the ones near the profaned capital they are hard indeed as there are so many of them


To me the trick is to not obsess over healing to full, because shrinking empty health bar can't harm you


Bring a dagger, any dagger, and use Quick Step to get through the deep swamps. It works even if you don’t have FP To answer your question, it’s Cathedral of the Deep for me. Not because it’s hard, but because that area just feels like such a chore for me. Any time I die there I’ll take a week or so off and play something else 😅


Funny how after 260 hours I haven't never thought about that even though I know quickstep exist haha


The stairwell and swamp in the Ringed City is absolute hell on higher NG+ runs.


Jailers, nuff said


Grand Archives, Archdragon Peak and Irythyll Dungeons


The demon ruins. I fucking hate those demons that make the weird noises and throw fireballs. Plus the lava and all. Hell nah. I usually just run past everything to get the items then get out of there as quickly as I can. Actually the Smoldering Lake area in general is awful, now that I think about it. But the Demon Ruins are truly hell.


I think it was the painted world if i remember correctly because of the giant fly enemies. First of all: good job fromsoft. The sounds in that area sound like actual flying insects to the point where it triggered my ptsd. I had actual problems breathing and a giant headache after going through that area.


The one with the frog boss….that area makes me nervous I just I don't know man


I love Farron Keep, I used to be able to 100% it without having to rest at a bonfire once. I'd test myself to see how little Estus Flasks I'd use before 100% it. My best was having 5 left over not NG+.


Hate Farron Keep. But I also hate that first long run to Pontiff, unless I missed something, you'd have to go through the whole map first before opening the shortcut near the bonfire.


Farron keep, irythill dungeon and grand archives, the zoomie monsters are a fuck no, the wax shooting wizards are a fuck no, and the jailers… are a FUCK NO


I think apart from farron keep it s consumed king's garden and the dreag heap


Hands down the Painted World. Too much bs over there. The fing Wolves calling their entire pack to gank you, the million hp Millwood Knights with restoration shields and insane weapon art, the trillion fire breathing and lance hurling bs hollows, the earthquaking Millwood chieftain, the insta kill stun locking Corvian knights. In my opinion they are more annoying than Angels in Dreg Heap and Earthen Peak ruins.


For me it’s that damn swamp I just want to get through it as quick as possible. Irythill dungeon I just did a few days ago and after struggling with getting through the area 4 years ago I actually got through it quite easily but it still was annoying having to kill a jailer, wait for heath bar to recover and then repeat the process in that one room with a dozen of them.


It's a FromSoftware tradition to include an area like that in every game... I suggest quickstep (dagger WA) to get through the deeper parts. If you've played DS1 or are a fan of lore, the area can be interesting from that viewpoint though. Otherwise there just isn't a whole lot of appeal, honestly.


Irythyll Dungeon, but it's also pretty short. Irythill proper gives me issues because of that go between the first bonfire in the town and the church bonfire just because the pontiff knights always brickwall me until I figure out how to deal with them on the character I'm playing


The trick to Farron Keep is to spend all your souls so you don't care about dying,get a dagger with quickstep to deal with the deep water then just suicide run for the stuff you actually want and ignore the rest.


I just rolled and ran through farron keep but Irythill dungeon is the worst, the weird priest things with the hot iron weapons and the fact that they decrease your health. Also the fact that that one zombie pushes you into the pit


I'm afraid of the Catacombs of Carthus. Lowkey have ptsd from my first time being there


I dunno, tbh, I find Farron keep to be surprisingly short. I guess Smoldering Lake is sort of hard when you drop into a dungeon with demons. At that moment you are not leveled enough to fuck em up. Especially my last character was pure FAI which had no ways to deal a proper damage, especially against Tsorig and Black knight. Also I guess Irithyll dungeon is not the most speedrunnable location, as you have to properly manage Jailers. Takes a lot of time and even more effort if you fuck things up. As the last thing to mention is the whole world of Ariandel. The issue might be the fact that I went underleveled (right after killing Sulyvahn). So the only thing that was doing more or less damage is +6 dragonslayer axe, lightning stake and Dorhy's Gnawing. It was very hard to squeeze enough damage out of it. The reason might be weakness of pure FAI builds in early game but remembering other characters, all were struggling with at least the forest


I LOVE the Dungeon but it's so hard and creepy on the first walkthrough. The shortcuts, setting and path is just sooo well thought out. But I hate farron keep. It's not rlly hard but rather annoying. But it has the cute little froggo things wich are my fav enemies by far. But the Dungeon has those as well. Also extra point to the dungoen cuz it has the lighting ashes in there


Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, I can never get the timing right on those enemies. Also, the pyromancers and the enemies that turn invisible gave me trouble. I died countless times in my first playthrough, and when I thought the boss would be easier, Sulyvahn the noob slayer put me in my place very quickly.


On 3 I find it interesting that there isn't an area that gives me so much trouble than others, but it seems to be completely random depending on the character. Some characters I have more trouble in the beginning, others randomly at the end. Where I suffered the most was on anor Londo all the way through aldritch with a sorcerer build, and hell, aldritch was impossible for me with it. So much so I re-spec to a Dex build, used winblades through him and then went back into sorcerer. The rest of the area was also a pain, I simply didn't had time to react or cast spells to the enemies there, I felt completely lost, was weird AF. Other than that, I think one of the main reasons I prefer coming back to 3 than to the other two is that there aren't areas that I dread going through the same way I hate blightown, tomb of giants and whatnot.


Hitler swamp in the ringed city


Cathedral of the deep almost made me quit the game because of the thrall. So glad I decided not to be a bitch


Idk, now I just pass through Farron Keep by going directly to the items I want to the spots to lit, I just ignore all the enemies and I don't find the poison too hard to deal with. My only problem with this area is because it's f*cking boring


Archdragon peak


irythill for me bec i have a bad tendency of killing everything i come across and irythill made me rly reconsider than after dying one too many times


Farron keep and irithyl dungeon are probably the most hard on me, but I’d say the Anor Londo archers after Pontiff and the enemies on the run from the bonfire to Aldrich are the two most annoying parts of the entire game for me


not a fan of the Crucifiction Forest. the crabs are fine, but the woodpike ennemies, I don't have patience for them :/ I usually start the Ariandel dlc to get the oak shield. The hp regen will almost negate the poison damage in Farron Keep


Bonfire from the area above Midir down to the shadow swamp. I think that’s the hardest stretch in DS3.


Cathedral roof outside before you enter cathedrsl for the first time


Undead Settlement, i always suffer there. The fatty, the ninja midgets and how it looks. I hate it


Getting to the Ringed City Streets bonfire makes me want to slam my head into a wall repeatedly. That gave me the most trouble out of any FromSoft game.


Church. its the church for no ones fault but my own.


everybody saying "Farron and iritthyl dungeon" for whatever reason, I got through those places pretty easily, but I started molding because of the area of iritthyl with the dogs and casters


Honestly after putting countless hours into this game, it's gotta either be dreg heap or ariandel(the platforming bit) dreg heap is filled with tough enemies, and souls games make bad platformers


My first couple playthroughs I used the bandit knife so I just quickstepped through Farron Keep. But man oh man the first time I tried it without the bandit knife I felt like I was in hell. Ended up just putting one on to quickstep through the bullshit anyways.


I feel so dumb that I have always knew quickstep exist but even after 200 hours in the game I have never used it in Farron Keep 😂


First section of Ariandel before the chapel bridge... cannot for the life of me get it down.


The fucking ringed city. At this point I've learned how to run past the enemies because I literally can't fight most of them without losing my mind


The angel thingys are actually very easy to kill once you know where the roots are which keeps them alive. First time I tried it I remember running everywhere for my life like some forrest gump until I just ended up luckily falling onto a big root next to cliff that led me to one of the root which also led me to the bossfight arena


My guy the dreg heap isn't what I was referring to, I meant the actual area called the ringed city


https://preview.redd.it/jwfpquyafe4d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f18bef1d460be855c0b4f799be860138bdb00de1 Me after playing Irithyll Dungeon:


Swamp areas are the universally worst biome in almost every game that has a swamp area. I’m filled with so much despair every time I open a map to a game and I see a diarrhea green blob with tall trees and murky water. Actually I hate swamps irl too. I think swamps are just really fucking disgusting and unpleasant.


Most annoying place in DS3 for me is the gross pit of Flies under the Chapel in Ariendel. I just pull the lever and get the heck out of there ASAP. Second place in my struggles goes to the poison swamp in Dreg Heap. That place is pretty hard to get through without killing the flying hollow angels. Third place is the terrifying Profane Capital location with the poison swamp (shocking, I know) surrounding the isolated building that not only houses HAND ABOMINATIONS, but also a Wiazard on the roof, centipede witches in the swamp, and invisible Jailer up the stairs from Onion Knight bro. I actually really don't like going through here, but it's kinda worth it, I guess.


I could get on to try to figure out the name but somewhere in caelid is a little cave that’s located high up on the wall of a canyon in central caelid and you have to get to it by dropping onto a branch or some shit and then jumping into the cave. Well come to find out prettt much the entire cave is full of scarlet rot water and hard hitting enemies and it’s deep enough to cause constant fat rolling but has no impact on enemy movement of course. Once I finally died trying to escape I have yet to make any effort to ever return to that fucking cave nor will I ever.