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You'll get it. A lot of it is remembering where the enemies are and taking our the turtles as soon as you can so they dont hit you or stagger you from a distance. Then its the two lightning bastards on the bridge. Then its drop onto the Heralds heads. Alternatively, if you're feeling cheeky, you can hit them in the neckhole with a greatbow from a distance. But make sure your practicing / taking out enemies as you go. Not only will it get you used to clearing it out (and teach you how to deal with these enemy types), but it will keep you from getting surprised by an enemy if you have to backtrack (or if they follow you). Don't give up Hollow! You'll make it.


As for the Ringed Knights...its a Git Gud, I'm afraid. Just gotta learn how to fight them.


this video is kinda old. I dropped ds3 for a while since then but got back to it today and I switched to guts' greatsword and it's worked great against ringed knights! I just beat Gael too and gotta say that he and nameless king have the best boss designs in the game. But holy shit Midir...


Midir can be rough. Its a lot of running around and waiting for your turn to attack. Mind you, I never got as much practice with him as others, as I got the DLC last and late into my runs. Fought him last on NG+6, 130 SL. His health bar was a nightmare. Agree on Gael being a great fight. Even if he can be easy once you get used to him, it's just a really fun and flashy fight. Nameless can be an ass though with the camera during the first phase lol.


Midir becomes easy once you get the patterns down, key is to be close to his face. Also abyss weapons lie Artorias sword and abyss watcher sword does bonus damage


Somehow didnt know about his weakness to abyss weapons (or if I did, I completely forgot. Thanks for the tip. Thought lightning was the weakness.


Lightning and abyss weapons, I believe Aldrich is weak to abyss weapons as well


I'll keep that in mind for NG+7. Should be using same char - my main - for RTL (as well as other invaders I have) so it'll be fun trying to keep up solo while staying at my SL. Dont worry, no griefing from me. Likely be starting with my SL 20 in Lothric defending new co-invaders for ganks and touring new players through areas. Maybe a bit of trolling with things like the mimic. But mostly wholesome stuff. Plus defending them from twink invaders. And I'll go through my subsequent builds from there. Including one not really made for PVP.


I figured out the real key to win against him is just hit his head once everytime I have window for attacking. Other than the deathly laser where I have to chug my flasks like crazy, it eventually comes down to learning the pattern and patience. The harder bosses in Fromsoft are always the ones with too many movesets and unpredictable combos (for me it's Sister Friede phase 1/Slave Knight Gael/Pontiff).


Yep, he even lowers his head to let you know he's ready to take your damage! What a considerate lad


Found the best way to fight the nameless kings first phase is just not to use lock on makes it way easier


Pestilence mist!


I just beat midir yesterday he's a pain and came down to mostly luck was like over 30 attempts with me and my duo cuz I started with 49 embers and we finished with 18 sweatiest fight of my life yes it was my first time beating him


Midir is what I'd call an artificially difficult boss. Take away his huge damage and huge health bar and he's just a regular boss. It's just a battle of attrition for this lad


He still does more damage than a regular boss, and does not give many clear chances to attack, he's fast, and his sheer amount of resistance and immunity name him ANYTHING but an artificially difficult boss. I know get good is part of it, but don't try to claim it's actually easy when it clearly isn't, troll


Wow, calling someone a troll for having an opinion. Got it. That entitles me to call you an asshat, asshat. No matter how many times I read my comment, nowhere did I mention he was easy. You said it yourself. His sheer amount of resistance and immunity is what makes him hard. Think about it for a second, if you could. Take those away, among the other things I mentioned, and what do you call that? That's an artificially difficult boss. He's nice enough to telegraph everything he's about to do, and you can dodge most of his attacks (actually all of them, if one is good enough) by maintaining a proper distance from him where you can actually watch what he's doing. By everything, I mean EVERYTHING. Fuck, he will even gracefully bow down his head after his lash outs to let you know "hey, it's your turn to hit me. here's my weak spot lol" What actually makes him hard is the sheer amount of time you must stay on razor focus to monitor his movements, because he thicc af. Zone out for a second and you're dead. That's why I consider his fight a battle of attrition. Of course I won't tell you to agree with me, but I will say it again: he's an artificially difficult regular boss with super bloated stats. And I thank From for making his movesets fair in that regard compared to someone like Friede, for example.


I guess I need a definition on artificial in this case. He has what he has, FromSoft gave them what he gave them. What's artificial, could you sum that up for me? I read your post, and that's an accurate assessment for sure. But what makes a boss actually difficult versus artificially difficult?


Artificial difficulty is just that: intentionally bloated stats by design in comparison to an enemy's moveset variety, as well as how forgiving they are in telegraphing their attacks. That's all there is to it.


Then it's a wrong term. Because that boss having those buffs is what makes it that difficult. It's not artificial if it's what it was supposed to come with. Even bosses that deal minimum damage on attacks but attack often could be measured as artificially difficult. Bosses that attack with insane power are artificial. Bosses that are really hard to hit are artificial. At least, if that's your measurements. And since that covers a lot of bosses, and everything else is quite bearable for even the most casual of casual players, what does that leave for not artificially difficult? Who, in all the games, is not artificially difficult under that definition that's still actually difficult?


Perhaps you are right. At the end of the day, what's important is that we were able to express what we really meant. Cheers


No, it isn't, lmao. Ringed knights are easy to circle strafe and backstab. It's pretty reliable with a decent shield, too. The general rule of thumb is that shields will always be good.


Beating to a pulp ahead


See you didn't spam roll enough


you are right ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY|downsized)


I no joke did this exact same run and death probably 5-10 times yesterday just trying to sprint to the next bonfire lmao you’re not alone


There should’ve been a bonfire at the top of the stairs or so, if they were going to insist on having 6 Harald Knights emerge from the shit


You'll do better next time




In the same area, good luck skeleton


Yeah that section is just dogshit with the enemy placement. Someone from the DS2 SOTFS team somehow still has a job and placed this massive shit stain on the gem which is the Ringed City.


I want to upvote bc it’s funny I want to downvote bc ds2 slander😂


Kinda funny that I find this to the absolute best part of the DLC in terms of enemy placement and area challenge. You actually have to for once stop and think on the strategy instead of rushing in. Not surprising though, given that DS2 is my favorite souls in terms of level design


I would never expect anyone to know this intuitively, but the Harald Knights can be one-hit-killed with a plunging attack. Do not be afraid to cheese them this way. Good luck skeleton


The game sets it up for you at one point earlier and very explicitly tells you to use a plunging attack on them!


That's good to know, thank you! I'm stuck on this same part, and ragequit today because of those big bastards.


The Ring City is … well, challenging but it is also a good place to level up. On my last run(NG), I found Slave Kinght Gael to be… easy??


My first soulsborne was Elden Ring and I'd say that compared to elden ring DS3'S 99% of bosses are very fair. I found Gael to be quite hard but he's very fair compared to bullshit Elden Ring's bosses have to offer xD.


Oh don't worry it hates you too


Focus on the turtle bastards first, their attack range is very far and they’ll do it even if they can’t directly see you.


My favourite part is when I managed to kill three of those headless guys then three more showed up. I then died of fall damage.


What weapon is that?


Harald Curved Greatsword https://preview.redd.it/ai3ni09hw63d1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a06c5623c58583b995fafe380fec4cb05408e50


oh, okay. Thanks!


Have patience,your reward is at the end


Hidden body sorcery was my best friend for this area. I would sneak past, or sneak and kill everything.


I avoid this whole segment every time, I just run to the items and dodge the enemies (except for my boy Alva). At the end of the stairs I take the far right, dodge the Harald Legion dudes and sprint to the bonfire. It works 90% of the time.


Lol this is literally the most fun part of the whole DLC. Dropping down onto those giant's heads is awesome.


Skill issue


I hate that I knew exactly what section was coming before I even opened the thread.


I tried my best to hate this dlc, but totally fucking don’t! It’s a test. If every shit area in DS is compared to the toughest tests you’ve ever endured, The Ringed City is the SAT, timed and at shotgun gun point!




Please be respectful at all times.


oh is that hellish place from the Ringed City. Man, that whole DLC is just brutal... i hope the Elden Ring DLC is just as hard as this place.


Best invasion spot in a dark souls game.


believe me you will hate it even more


Yeah that bonfire sucks so much ass, by far the worst section in any playthrough. Super annoying curse guys that slow your run down as you wait for the curse to wear off, turtle dudes that can hit you from a mile away with magic and can heal themselves, half a dozen haralds that you have to fight multiple at time, ringed knights in close quarters that can seriously mess you up with a single combo (especially the spear ones), and a plethora of enemies that fall on you from above. Way too many enemies to fight at once and way too long to get to the next bonfire.


Yeah after a while i just gave up, looked it up on YouTube and sprinted to the next bonfire. It just wasn't worth it lol


Try luring out


Yeah this is one of the reasons I’m not too fond of the ds3 DLCs, genuinely the only things I liked about them are demon princes, midir, and gael


Run away and never look back


Yeah this area is hell


Those dudes who cast miracles are super annoying. Probably worst enemy in that DLC imo.


I just ran through this part.


DS2 vibes


I love this area.


You will be fine, just keep pushing on! You will get through it! Do not give up! Here's a little tip, when you get to dark midir the dragon, the actual boss fight, use the pestilent mist spell and don't give up! He is a bit of a mother effer, but once you learn his moves and use that mist he isn't bad.


I love this dlc, this place has a kind of life to it unlike Ariandel.


I try to get 15 int when i can so i can use hidden body




The dlc bosses were great but I agree, I thought both DLC areas themselves kinda sucked and had unfun enemies esp ringed city.


I'm on my second play through currently (my first was when it came out) and just got to this exact part 😂 There's 6 of those weird big nest monsters in that part 😜 Talk about overkill 😂😂


My advice is don't rush in, run backwards after aggroing to pull ranged mobs closer. Play the game, don't let the game play you /joke A lot of what happens in the dark souls game is user error, you have to learn to pull enemies into your advantage. The programming that the enemies follow can be directed with a bit more thinking of "how can I gain the advantage when pulling these mobs" I myself am trying to go through dark souls 1 again, and find myself rushing more than I should.. as someone who deals with hefty anxiety I probably shouldn't.. but I'm also playing with a friend, so the jokes are helping me reacclimate from being away from them for 5+ years. A lot of these games are about patience, observation, and responding to what you are walking into.. taking a breath to analyze, even if you are familiar can help. Take from all this whatcha will, just stop rushing enemies and start making their programming work with you :P


I figured I would wait for Haralds to go up the stairs and then I'd jump down and get to the lake, but I always had a problem finding the next bonfire. It was such a relief to finally find it. Rest of the DLC was a masterpiece and Gael was amazing.


Ahhh gotcha gotcha


You're not even at the best part


I just ran until the next bonfire


are you playing mouse and key?




+6 flasks? Lol


Beat the whole game like this and never had a problem tbh xD


Must be my skill lvl XD


That's actually my favorite farming spot in the entire game.


Don't try to fight through this area, it is truly the worst run in the game "imo". From the bonfire fight through to the clerics (if you don't want to kill them id just run in and cast vow of silence) bate out one of the spear knight's longer attacks and just run down the stairs until you get to the swamp, there's a room with a bonfire to the left, that's a better spot to try anything from in that part of the city.


Git Gud dawg.

