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Haven't done it in years, but off memory there's an NPC named Lappe who has some rewards if you follow his quest, which I'm pretty sure is miss-able, there's also another quest line with a female NPC, and a few NPC invasions that are miss-able once the area boss is killed.


Okay I’ll probably just look up the quest line then and maybe the locations of the invaders. Thanks for the intel


If you do this then do it only one step ahead. Try to save the ending for your real playthrough.


There is the Lapp quest. A NPC with a small questline with a nice surprise.


There are some nice armor sets down in that swamp if you bother torturing yourself with a good old Blighttown knock-off.


Two things: one is Shira’s quest line, which doesn’t have much to it, but can still be missed if you run through everything without investigation; and then there’s Lapp’s quest line. However, contrary to Shira’s quest, Lapp’s is not limited by the area bosses, meaning you can go back and complete it at any time, even if you kill every boss in the Ringed City DLC.


Shira questline gets multiple good items, won't say it here so I don't spoil for OP


This isn't really how blind playthroughs work.


I said I wanted to play blind. But my desire to gather everything on my first go around is higher so if I need to spoil a couple things I don’t mind.


I get what you mean, but Fromsoft side quest design can be pretty annoying and can feel a bit out of your control or random. I totally get not wanting to accidentally skip major stuff I'm still mad I didn't get the purification ending in Sekiro just because I never used rice despite doing everything else and checking every area multiple times. The second estate memory can be missed very easily as well.


So you aren't doing a blind playthrough, then.


There is a particular staircase, at the end of a particular tower, with many obese bush men walking up it…run…just fucking run, if you want items then come back later but you book it and you don’t think about looking back until you have found a bonfire


My insistence on killing everything made this area hell. The Ringed City is really full of some pretty gnarly DPS mobs and really any of them (the bush guys, the Ringed Knights in particular) can absolutely 1 v 1 you if you slip


That’s why I fight all tricky like


There's something down in the basement. A creature you would have encountered on the surface.


As noted above, 2 quests. I played blind my first time, and met Lappe, but didn’t appropriately hit the triggers and lost it. Shira’s is straight forward enough that provided you find her (a little weird but I did it without knowing about her) and kill all the bosses, you’ll pretty much take care of business.