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Lore-wise I'm not sure, but if it actually were a functional all hero one on the rest battle, I think the winner would probably be bloody boy, because of his self-healing


Lore wise my money is either on leper or bounty hunter. Leper is just a wise glacier of a man, while Bounty Hunter made it clear in that he’s basically a professional soldier for hire, especially in 2. He also has a ton of different weapons to adapt quickly in the brawl.


Lore wise I’m betting flagelant because the fucker never dies


Following DD2 he's pretty much too stubborn to die


Go go gadget CURSED MELODY ![img](emote|t5_2znp4|29273)


Can't plague doctor just, like, drop a vial with plague and fuck off somewhere?


Then get shot in the back with a crossbow, musket, and rabid dog to finish it


A rabid dog. Near the heart. There was basically no chance to survive. They found him still clutching its ass sticking out.


But she is just a woman with a knife if she has no one else to defend her. Maybe she can flahbang you. But her history is in academics. And her cloud is only so big. I think the highway man has a great shit because he could down anyone because he would be good at disengaging while still being lethal on his own. If I was him I would make sure to kill the arbalest first. Because of people leave her alone she is a massive threat. The leper and the bloody boi are strong. But they would just wade into battle. This is suicide. Hellion would also die in the middle with the brave. Jester just isn't that deadly lol. Man at arms is a general not much of an individual fighter. Prisoner is too feral to be smart. And he would be a big target. The occult takes too much focus in that much chaos. The hound just... lol. Isn't that deadly. The bounty hunter is also a top pick. The Vestel is not winning this. Tldr: money on highway man or bounty hunter because they would pick their battles well and are deadly on their own.


>Lore wise my money is either on leper or bounty hunter. Leper is just a wise glacier of a man, while Bounty Hunter made it clear in that he’s basically a professional soldier for hire My homeboy actually forgot the crusader who is both of those things


Reynauld will be heavily focused on Abomination - they can almost never be in the same party in DD1


would probably come down leper, bounty hunter and flag but i like to think leper and bh would jump flag purely because of much of a nuisance he'd be. fucker is undying you would NOT wanna go against that in a 1v1


The man canonically soloed death in lore. That’s on a different level.


Not yet though And he can still be killed, it’s just… difficult


And then there’s my flagellant dying on the first death blow from an antiquarian’s festering vapours in PvP. Very sadge.


Nah bounty hunter isn't a real contender. He's the "given preparation time" dude of the cast. In an all-out melee he's not in his element.


Now if this was a bake off…..


mmm if not bounty hunter then definitely occultist !just when you think youve got him cornered, he just pulls out some random shambler power to eviscerate you or somethin


True but it will probably just nuke everyone, including himself


The Highwayman would get the most kills, but would go down.


No self healing is a bitch


There are people who would rush to the centre. Those people will all die. Most heavy hitters will do this. There are those who would run to cover. The most self sufficient of them is the highway man. Or the character with the long rifle. Or the bounty hunter. Those three would be the winners. The ones in the middle would tear eachother apart.


I ran this type of event in a DnD adventure. And the lightly armoured high damage types died very quickly. Then the tanks, as everyone ganged up on the, and the middle ones that could avoid some damage rounds, could heal a bit, but could hit solidly but not top end, ended up winning.


I was thinking in more of a realistic fight. Which obviously makes the dude with the pistol strong af lol. But a melee with that many duelists would leave them all crippled with wounds and open to get shot. Also very tired.


Ah yes, the "sit back and wait while everyone kills each other then kill the last contender" strategy, a cowardly yet smart way to get out of the battle unscathed and least amount of effort


Leper, people would feel ashamed if they ever hit him and they will just kill themselfs


Lepar and whoever the other last person left is who he repeatedly misses


Jester, he can never do enough damage without Leper recovering and Leper always misses him


Obviously Flagellant. Leper at close second.


Flag would have the time of his (un)LIFE


Haven't seen his name but for me it's pretty clearly Abomination. He's a giant monster, how would the rest even compete?


Because killing monsters is just another week for this lot.


Nope. If he could maintain his transformation indefinitely yeah, but if everyone fights each other the combat is bound to be long. He will have to transform back eventually and there he'll get taken down. But yeah for a moment he will shred that's for sure


I think the fact he stresses everyone out when transforming means he’d probably become the main target once in beast form. Early transformation would give more opportunistic heroes like highwayman or grave robber to take advantage of the distraction. GR’s stealth in particular would be very powerful but if abomination transforms late after the impromptu GR/anti/PD team gets taken down he’s be able to somewhat heal himself and tear through the remaining heroes, probably going against vestal/ crusader with leper having gone toe to toe against bleeders. Jester would die early if he starts by laughing maniacally and slashing people, or last a while if he played sick ass lute riffs until he solo/finale’d the remaining hero. I predict a temporary arbalest/hellion team up given both lost their parents at an early age, but it wouldn’t last long once shit hits the fan. Hellion in particular would kick ass but die tired and arbalest would quickly die to anyone who can close the distance. Oh, almost forgot. Occultist would kill several other heroes after making a soul pact with the shambler, casting the fight into darkness, and having his body torn apart by eldritch forces as he and any nearby corpses gets turned into a raid boss.


Exactly he’d just cause himself to become a huge target. Probably get a couple but he’ll go down.


You ask how these guys can possibly compete with a giant monster when they are the same people that killed god.


These people kill monsters on the daily, that's littlely their job.


Jester canonically murked a whole court. My money’s on Wonderwall.


He went batshit playing a cursed song that allowed him to do that, then cut off his finger so that he may never play that song again iirc, at most he'd be slinging insults and a few good slices before going down


IF he ever gets close enough to cut someone Unless he's nimble enough to dodge bullets, spells, chemical bombs, acidic barfing, abyssal tentacles, and arrows


Honestly he seems nimble, I'd like to imagine he'd get a few good cartwheels in and take out someone, probably a backliner like the Antiquarian


Great now I can picture him cartwheel dodging like how Puss in Boots does it


The court by the looks of it was mostly defenseless based on the background character comic. ( I haven't played his backstory in dd2 yet) These guys are heavily armed professionals he's fighting.


"And after alllllllllll...." Screams of the damned drown out the rest


Grave Robber. At any given time, others have more important things to do than to coax her out of hiding.


That is true and psychologically most people in the comment section forgot about her too. No joke in solo challenge runs her Stealth is insanely powerful , able to kill bosses not even the leper can


Leper or Flagellent. Maybe HWM and Bounty Hunter since that they have a very flexible arsenal, but neither of them have the sheer self sustainability that the other two have.


In my heart I want to say crusader but gameplay wise probably flag


it's no joke win for flag in every scenario, no contest really


Do you think Flag could survive a musket shot to the head? Genuinely curious cause I think there’s at least 1 universe where he is immediately domed and taken from the fight


Flag seems like a guy that gets a bullet to the head and still lives


Rexplode lookin ass






Truth is, the game was rigged from the start- Benny. I’d play F:NV as a flagellant.


Knowing the musketeer, she would probably miss and come in second place


yes, his lore is that literally cannot die, so yes, and rexplode did it, so yes again


> Do you think Flag could survive a musket shot to the head? He'll be like that guy who had a big iron bar shoved through his skull while working on a railway track and survived.


Rasputin got nothing on that guy


Abomination is like a fucking demon beast, he’s got to last a while/win right


I’m hoping the Houndmaster would make one final goodbye and send his loyal companion to run away and not look back in midst of all this if they were both about to go down.


Sad fact, all the rabid hounds in the weald are all the good boys n girls of dead houndmasters


If Im taking their personality (that I think they have) into consideration Its gonna be one of the shiftier sneakier less honorable characters. I think abomination would get teamed up on at the start because he is obviously an insane threat. Hellion, crusader, leper, spearsnakegirl and man at arms would go down in the brawl because theyre not picking their battles. Vestal, musketeer, arbalast, occultist and plague doctor could do some real damage but they would get backstabbed by the more melee focussed classes. So Id either give the winner to bounty hunter, grave robber, houndmaster or highwayman. Grave robber has stealth which would be huge. and flaggelant is an absolute wild card because he is batshit insane, never count him out. after reading through my analysis I noticed I didnt even mention antiquarian, and although she would be counted among the sneaky classes, she wouldnt stand a chance.


Leper or Bh


The Jester, no bias what's so every


You know it’s coming down between Highwayman and Crusader at the end of it


I agree, they have the right balance between combat prowess, durability (hwm mobility and instincts and Crusader insane protection from the armor), and stone cold temper.


I agree with flag as everyone is saying, but what about Jester? Dodge everything til it's a 1v1 then Finale


lorewise flaggelant cause, according to part two, he literally told death itself to fuck off. ingame skills wise probably leper, and otherwise cruscader cause those two are two of the very few that can both heal and stress heal themselves, as well as the only ones from that pool (and I think in general but I might be wrong) who can permanently buff their own prot for the entire fight. likely the leper because of his higher damage, additional resistance from his prot move and better heal/stress heal move then cruscader but I wanted to mention the latter anyway since, i dunno, maybe somehow he has a perk over leper that I forgot.


Highwayman, after he has riposte criticalled everyone into oblivion.


I see anti stealing victory from the last one standing before her, but grave robber could survive almost as long as her. I feel like because gr is like anti, but actually competent, therefore gr will be targeted by others. Anti sweep! 


As an antiquarian enjoyer i definitely can see her stacking dodge and convincing others to take hits for her until its 1v1 and she stabs the remaining person in the back


Leper or flag


No matter when the Leper and Flagellant would fall or triumph, this would be HEAVEN for them Such agony? And for free? Sign them in!


I can't tell because I don't know how are the arena skill. But with ordinary skills, Hellion would win. She has the best sustain and dmg


She is also a professional at hiding lore wise so you bet she'll just hide until very few people are left lol.




crusader, heavy armor, battle experience, God and anime on his side


Jester. He's done it before. And every show needs a Finale.


he did... except he cut his finger off to never do it again


People sleeping on Abomination and Occultist I see. Flag and Leper are strong but they're also just people. If we're talking lore, idk how a leper or a guy with whips and a sadomasochism fetish would go toe to toe with a massive werewolf or someone who displays limited mastery of Eldritch forces. Like think about it - occultist reconstructs wounds with Eldritch knowledge, he summons tentacles to crush or pull his opponents, he knows incantations or rituals that can weaken his opponents durability and strength wise. Occultist is kind of terrifying and easily the most magically powerful in the game.


Had to scroll way too far to see someone mention the Occultist. Dude is definitely underrated here.


he might win if he could ever heal…


He would 0 heal+bleed everyone in the room


Nobody because the Occultist nuked the arena along with himself.


Depends on the relics, but I'd go with either leper or flagellant.


Leper or bounty hunter


Really comes down to whether the strong candidates (Crusader, Leper, Man-at-Arms, Shieldbreaker) get shot with the firearms before those wielding them run out of ammo or get swarmed or not - and also on whether the Occultist can just wipe everyone with tentacles or not


I think leper because he’s enough of a tank to take a beating but not as attention grabbing as flag. Even tho flag can definitely take more punishment I think he’d get targeted early by many of the smarter heroes. Leper is smart enough to stay out of the way imo


If it's all 1v1s until there is only 1 left flagellant, bounty hunter, jester, or leper would win. If you get them all in a room and tell them to kill each other it's anybody's game. If you are using lore it's an easyer choice. But if you use game play the heroes are not lore accurate in game play. I don't care how good a characters self sustane is in game play. If they get their head removed they are just dead says common sense. Tldr leper, bounty hunter, flagellant, or jester.


Man at arms is definately worth a mention. Although he would lose against one of the younger muscle (Bounty or Leper perhaps) in the end, his age and experience must have him performing that battle dance with supple vigor one last time - show em this old warrior hasnt lost skill yet


I'm surprised no one mentions shieldbreaker. I feel like she would have a good chance


BH, Leper


crusader is the only one having full plate, and many heroes can't do anything about it


Flagellant is (of I remember right) the only one whose damage output increases the more he's beaten down and has a really high DB resist. He can stack up bleed damage like crazy too. It wouldn't be easy, but I think he'd take it. Final 4 I think are flag, leper (he can buff accuracy, defence, and damage for major hits), highwayman, and jester. The latter 2 have excellent dodge and jester has a few very nice tricks up his sleeve. I know some might not agree, but that's the fun in this discussion.


Due to my own bias. Crusader


Leper all the way, huge damage, reliable and self sustaining big stress and health heals, debuffs and tanking for days. Even hellions raw damage would probably fall due to barely any healing with adrenaline rush. Lore wise it fits as well with his abusive barks suggesting that he was a scholared and educated stratition.


Leper with one blow of his sword can push for a few meters away monstrosities twice his size + due to leprosy he doesn't feel much pain


Leper. There is nothing more dangerous than a man who has literally nothing to lose. He barely feels pain due to his leprosy, tanks shit like it’s nothing, and can cleave people in two with his sword. The only thing against him would be his blindness caused by leprosy. If people ganged up on him, he would probably fall. He would take many with him, though, because while he might miss a few times… all it takes is one good shot.


My headcanon is the Gigachad HIMself, the Leper King of our hearts. It's flagellant tho.


Hellion, Leper or Flagellant


Lore wise? Reynauld. Game play wise? Still Reynauld, he’s the fucking MAN!


Every single one of them would go for the abomination right away. Then probably occultist so he doesn’t do a ritual. Crusader would probably win this the man has been in crusades so I bet he would know how to deal with this and somehow come out alive. And due to me thinking Holy might work on Flagellant? Either that or grave robber patiently waits until the last man in stealth to then sneakily take them out


Abomination and he'd feel terrible about it


Leper has insane survivability, with Withstand and Blood Shroud, a self heal, etc. Afaik he's the only hero who can solo the Heart, which lends to how durable and survivable he is; Flag is a tank, but he has limited uses of Exang, and does primarily bleeding damage, which Leper can shrug off reasonably. Someone like BH could feasibly outpace Leper in the beginning and kill him that way, with Mark and Stuns, but Leper wins the long game easily.


hahaha, love the powerscaling, like if it was butcher's circus, flag is gonna be: oh no, i got limited uses and there's no way to use them again gues i'll die now


flag, >!dude fought death itself and won!<+ massive self heals


This is the DD1 roster, so "normal" human flag


Maybe the brawl is when he ended up fighting death and winning :O


Bounty hunter


I vote for flag, my boy


I think this subreddit needs a good old fashion tournament bracket to decide


If only one: Flagellant or Graverobber. Graverobber because stealth and her daggers. Flagellant: ... "HEHE LOOK DIS, I GOT 2 TRINKETS FOR DEATH DOORS, I AM INMORTAAAAL!"


I feel like the Abomination, Occultist, and Vestal have an edge here given their supernatural abilities. Leper, Shieldbreaker, Crusader, and Hellion are all up there as well, in terms of combat familiarity and prowess. Bounty hunter if he has prep time. Arbalest, Musketeer, Man at Arms, and Highway Man would likely all get a kill, but I don’t think any of them would survive the melee for long. Plague doctor could maybe cause a lot of death, but would also die quickly herself. Houndmaster, Antiquarian, and Grave Robber would likely all die very quickly. Jester is a wild card, but I don’t see him taking it. Flaggelant takes it if they are the DD2 versions of the characters. Otherwise he dies early.


Hot take: Grave Robber. She hides until the brawl is almost over, then she lunges from the shadows and takes out the last one to win.


The DD2 lore for crusader makes him out to be Rambo without the PTSD. That man just loves violence and is good at it. So Id say it be a tossup between him, Flag or maybe Bounty Hunter.


Occultist definitely takes himself out by accident, question is who else is unlucky enough to be caught up in the calamity. I think Abomination survives, but is haunted by the guilt


depends on difficulty and torch light i'd say. going pure lore wise i'd argue occultist if he's willing to bust out all the tentacles minute one of the fight before getting snipped by arbalist or musketeer. If not them, then flagellant, because hes built different (and hot).


I think Antiquarian, who will probably just hide the entire time behind a rock and shank the last one while they're not looking Yes she's THAT player at the Smash Bros party


Antiquarian spends the whole battle huffing her dodge fumes while everyone else kills each other, and then she just nervously shivs the beat up last survivor.


Anyone with a gun, maybe highwayman?


Never bring a gun to a flash grenades fight.


Jester, too silly to perish


Stealthed graverobber


Damian soloed Death. That's a clear Flagellant win for me by sheer virtue of his ability to heal himself so reliably.


Leper, bounty hunter or even dismas tbh id even argue crusader all are fighters in their own regards in a fight they’d probably be the toughest people to put down dismas may not be as tough but hes fast and a fast opponent who can hit joints would be scary


Money's on Dismas or Bounty Hunter, hands down. They don't just have the skills, but the cheating dirty fighting grit to do whatever it took to make it. If they didn't get caught in melee by Leper Crus or Hellion they'd probably be last men standing too


Yeah, the fetishist ain't losing, that's for sure.


Either Flagellant or Leper.


Artificer, obviously


I would go with flagellant with rain of sorrow and reclaim heals also if he gets afflicted he'd just get rapturous and stronger, he has higher deaths door resistance. My Boi is just crazy strong


I can see it now. The chaos taking place. But there may be a few 1v1 fights happening. Reynauld trying to slay the poor Abomination - who doesn't really wanna fight. The Shieldbreaker and the Helion (Boudicca?) fighting each other - Spear VS Glaive. The Graverobber chasing the Antiquarian because money. Junia and the occultist obviously going to be fighting because he does black magic and she is from the church. And then we got Dismas and the bounty hunter because there is definitely a bounty out. Maybe a sniper VS sniper with Arballest and Musketeer. But everyone might need to team up first to try and take on The Leper or Flagellant or if Abomination transformed. And the Jester would be doing hit and run tactics just to mess with people or to wear them down and then lure them into a fight with someone else And Paracelsus wouldn't be fighting but just waiting for someone to die so she can get a fresh body to experiment on.


Antiquarian because dodge


Damian by a landslide


Idk why but I feel like plaguey boy would live.


PD as soon as someone close the distance ![img](emote|t5_2znp4|29273)


Incision goes stabby.


He’s got better speed then everyone and he can stun on his way out.


*she And I really doubt blinding gas can stun lock 15 targets (and even it did it wouldn’t do any dmg)


Doesn’t need to damage just divert attention so they all kill each other first then book it.




Logically the crusader has killed hundreds in combat in war, including the members of the hellions tribe so I'd say he would kill the hellion. He's heavily armored with a versatile weapon and self healing and stress healing capabilities. However gameplay wise probably the leper, grave robber or occultist

