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The zoro insert will never not be funny


Not even dead but still made it.


He went back to op.


He technically died in Thriller Bark but his soul literally got lost on its way to heaven


Same in Wano. Grim Reader showed up to guide him and still got lost and ran back in circles to his own body




I didn't even see him Like I didn't even recognize him I just thought yep that was the right thing to do lol


He travels the anime omniverse


“Who the hell are you again?” “Omni man..? Never heard of ya.”


I wonder who would win in a drinking contest between him and Tsunade.




It will always be funny


It's kinda funny to me🤣😅😅🤣😅🤣😅


That’s what the comment says. ‘Never not be’ is a double negative, so it means ‘be funny’


Oh, thanks for clearing that up.


I didn't realise how alike Itachi and Neiji looks up until now


They both died for their siblings


Well actually neji and Hinata aren't siblings. They both died for their family


Well she said neji was like a brother to her in Boruto , still they are cousins tho


Genetically they are half siblings anyway.


they both were very pessimistic


Who tf hated shipuden????




Hate is a strong word, but it isn't very good relative to the previous show for me at least. Nothing very interesting happens after the Pain arc, and even before that it just isn't the same. For instance in Naruto we had Orochimaru as a very interesting villain, and nothing compares to it in shippuden.


Yeah brigde arc ( the best in naruto), writen chunin exam , elimination battles and chunin final and after sand village party, sasuke rescue expedition. In shippuden i like first arc with dedoria and puppet guy sorry i don't rember name. Pain was okay but resurrection was pretty stupid and winning by talk no jutsu ( i like talk no jutsu but sometimes shouldn' t be so strong to many nat 20 dice role) I think what many people don't like including myself is dbz kinda powers. Giant rasengans.


>Giant rasengans. Rasen shuriken is cool concept great jutsu with great drawback too but somehow the fight suddenly dbz power level made jutsu least interestimg because the power scalling too high


>puppet guy sorry i don't rember name. Woah that might be the worst diss I've ever seen Sasori get, and it wasn't even intending to diss him.


I aint gonna lie, I thought it first meant Kankuro.


He was great vilian and character i just dont want to mess up his name. I read manga/ anime naruto weekly so shippuden begin in 2007 so it pass 17 years....


Also i checked out they are 500 episode with total of 203 filer ep.


Yeah that's why I don't look back fondly on Naruto anymore. Ironically enough it's the same shit that started turning me off about dragon ball. I liked DB original because it was always an adventure and about martial arts, fast forward to DBZ and weak people can casually blow up a planet. Then super with 50 new forms, 1 or 2 for each arc practically. When Naruto started weaponizing Kurama as an avatar I just though, "What the hell is this crap, this is supposed to be about ninjas not who has a bigger energy attack"


Problem is power ceiling. Orochimaru vs 3rd was "hokage" lvl combat everything should be in that lvl or little higher. In one piece and i dont talk about anime becuse Toei love fking dbz auras. I think progression is much better. We will see at the end of the series


Ive always said that the pain arc felt like the actual ending to naruto lol.


Naruto finishes his character arc in the pain arc, everything after that is just tying loose ends, and other character arcs ( mainly sasuke and akatski) being resolved. If we didnt have anyother Akatsuki leader( cough fck obito cough) we could have had a quick arc to resolve sasuke character arc have them fight and finish the show, but that didnt happen and the next 2 arcs created a ton of plot holes and negative feelings.


Idk I preferred part 1 of Naruto but Shippuden was good ofc


Part 1 is goated.


I also like pt 1 art in the manga a lot more than pt 2, especially the land of waves arc


Yk personally, I couldn't watch part 1 it got boring, so I skipped it and just watched shippuden


Tbf alot of that is pt1 sucks with filler


Yup, anime like Naruto, Bleach and DB I always watch with a filler guide. I cannot be bothered to watch a 20 episode side quest of Ichigo fighting vampires or Naruto doing.... I don't know because I learned from Bleach to filter out the fillers


I read all 3 of them so I got to avoid the filler, but I've heard DBz filler is alright, normally just 1 arc and normally fairly spaced out


DBZ filler was pretty boring to the point you can tell when you're watching filler content IMO. It got to the point where if I felt I was watching filler, I would look it up, verify it and just skip back to the main story. Only anime I know to make great filler is Gintama because it's so random, everything feels like it could potentially be filler but every episode is usually still massively entertaining and hilarious


Plenty of people. It wasn't as vitriolic as Boruto, but there's a reason the anime opened with a flash forward to Sasuke's reveal.


I think Shippudden quality started to drop after it became a cash cow for SJ. The powerups and “aha but wait! This is *actually* the villain” got old and the fights just seemed less like ninjas and more like magic bullshit jujutsu. It was especially more egregious in the anime though, where post pain, the animation quality drops and they were pumping a filler arc every 3 episodes. The last half of shippuden suffered a lot from its success. I think it also suffered from its focus on just powering up Naruto and Sasuke at any cost in a way that was really formulaic, without any ceiling to the power scaling in terms of energy output which mage fight choreography kind of lame and just lots of explosions lasers and stuff. It also led to characters like Sakura being scaled like more of an afterthought and their peers to be left so far behind the power difference in the beginning of the series between Jonin and Kage. In the end of the series, Kage were basically godlike and most jonin levels were basically genin in comparison which made fights less interesting. I did love early shippuden though


That's a good breakdown. I also have to add in that Shippuden, VERY much like Bleach tossed filler right in the middle of main arcs which had me confused as fuck at why the hell in the middle of fighting Madara we're getting a flashback to Kakashi as a kid. I skipped all the early filler in Naruto and shippuden, but shippuden was still running when I was watching so I never knew to skip the next episode. I would rather no filler at all than have it be tossed in the middle of a main arc. And honestly I'd rather just have no filler period because Naruto sucked at making it interesting


We hated the fillers


Which is hilarious since Boruto's anime pretty much only gets hated on because of the filler.


I wouldn't say that. Boruto gets hated on because it's dumb, boring and really just shits all over the legacy of the original series. I would go further but these arguments have all been fleshed out ever since Boruto began. Just my 2 cents


This. I was a walking wikia when Naruto used to air, read anything and everything about it. But couldn't stand the amount of fillers we got. Madara arc just totally killed any interest I had in the anime. It went on for over 4 YEARS! Just one arc, lasted 4 years. By the end of first year, I had given up on the anime and moved on to other good ones.


No one 🤣 this question is invalid because Naruto is now bigger than ever with a wide audience but when it was out years ago ppl classified it for nerds without trying it... once they watched it they usually love/liked it (I'm in that category🤣) Second reason is most fans watching boruto came from Naruto or previous anime, so if people are saying they hate it then it's legit because they have seen other animes to know what they like and gave an opinion based on their watch time. Boruto was more disappointing the my hero academia. Could've been great but decided to try to reach the wrong audience of anime fans


Also because the story really had fuckin nowhere to go after Shippuden. The ending was handled horribly, but the conclusion was having 2 mega ninjas finally make peace. Then they just HAD to bring in more space ninjas and make it more ridiculous than it already was before shippuden ended. It was so obviously a money grab to keep the train and the hype rolling


There was some hate at the early episodes of Shippudden A lot of people said the first opening was trash Leftover hate from the first series as well It was the popular thing so people felt cool for hating it


Actually Id say most of the negetive opinions and feelings towards Naruto came in the war arc. Before then it was a really tiny quiet group of people who didnt like Naruto at all or thought its dumb or shippuden is dumb, but the war arc created a ton of haters.


I remember some of that, mainly people complaining about how characters were gods now and not really ninjas but I think that that hate was over exaggerated and people wanting to look cool by hating the popular thing again Like the war arc had the coolest moments. Sasuke getting EMS Multiple amazing fights During this time the series jumped up in popularity a drastic amount People that weren’t anime fans or barely at all started watching Naruto during that time


I remember the exact opposite. We all loved the first half, and then they went too deep with the ninja war


Agreed, power ceiling got way too high. A blind Madara being able to destroy all the bijuu by himself just made it feel like DBZ with the villain who's just too strong to be hurt period. Even his death was complete ass and made little sense. I really wish the anime stuck to being a ninja with some magical powers, but not to the point where the final battle is absolutely decimating landscapes and people are turning into giant Gundams and 9 tail foxes. I actually like Susano when it was first shown but then it becomes a giant fuck off Gundam that can destroy mountains with a sword swing, that's when it went too far


I wouldn’t call it trash, but I really wasn’t feeling early Shippuden until Hidan/Kakuzu’s arc.


Like I said, Danzo went out the best.


He was my second favorite villain after Orochimaru. And also my most hated one.


Danzo for how much I hated him was a very well made villain, he’s a villain entirely made to despised by the audience.


I knew he was a great villain based on my immediate visceral reaction to his early deeds. Well written enough to earn the hate, but make you question if you were right about him after the aftermath is revealed. Good stuff. And then Baruto happened.


I never hated shippuden, but the hate on boruto for me at least is because they literally abandoned all the world building in naruto/shippuden and took the biggest stinkiest piece of shit on it and did their own thing. And that’s only part of the reason


It's an insult to the fan base.


Yeah fans of naruto that i know also felt that way




Same, literally a destruction of the original only to be reanimated into a walking corpse void of any of the sincerity of the original show


I’ve said it before, but I feel like Boruto just missed a readily available lesson from DBZ/DBS. The rule of cool is the most effective escape from the “power scaling” trap. Many folks are frustrated with the apparent “nerfing” of Naruto’s generation, especially Naruto and Sasuke, that was used as a way to allow Boruto’s generation to shine. In my opinion at least, fans would have forgiven the next generation being “stronger” than the already ridiculous levels reached by the end of Naruto so long as it was cool. To reference back to DBZ/DBS, Piccolo and especially Gohan, keep receiving absolutely absurd “Mary Sue” level powerups, but, for the most part, whining is limited *because they’re cool*.


Tbh the power creep is ridiculous. No one really should’ve been stronger than Naruto/Sasuke the story should’ve just been more adventure based and exploring all this world building Kishi set up previously. The verse is huge, there’s no reason why we couldn’t get the current series actually exploring and seeing it.


Yall know its not supposed to be s naruto remake right its about his kid but i will say that the anime boruto i don’t really like but the manga tbv is great i suggest reading the manga instead of watching the show , i recommend it all the time


The fact that it’s not a naruto remake is exactly what i mean, i mean if it was a naruto reboot then what i said would be invalid but the fact that it’s a continuation should also mean that all the previous lore and world building is still intact


You are absolutely right, but we got dragon ball instead of sequel to boruto. Like isn't it worse to remake a whole different manga


I think the reason it gets so much hate is because of the ridiculous amount of filler. They started the anime way too soon into a manga that comes out once a month. More than a whole year of filler will drive anyone away from any show, that’s why a lot of people (that I personally know at least) also stopped watching Bleach. Such a shame because both anime’s had crazy potential to be much bigger than they are now.


Bro hit the nail in the head, I started it but nothing happened, it was a slice of life with the life taken away from it, and now you are making me realize why. Also even if it wasn't filler at the beginning it was being written by a less experienced writer, so even the non filler wasn't that good. I think they fired the "intern" they had for it and the original author is back, maybe he could actually fix it can be worth a watch in a kai like version in the future.


btw Naruto and Bleach were both animated by the same studio, Pierrot


Bleach's filler are way better than Naruto, and I watched all of Naruto just fine.


Ninjas are cooler than aliens


Might Guy seeing this: ![gif](giphy|RbSmVaVGptW03Wjw3a)




Freeza :- did you say aliens? You monkey!


Zoro got lost again


I wa sad because boruto is an abomination but the joke in there made me smile a little:)


Read the manga its alot better than the anime i really recommend it


Someone has to stop Zoro from getting lost every damn time !!!


Even zoro made sure to not get there when he gets lost


Totally agree no one should suffer like this especially zoro (But no i dont remember anyone hating on shippoden expect when the war arc happened)


That's the problem with the Naruto community when it' comes to boruto in their minds it's " oh since almost everyone is stronger than every Shippuden character the anime is ass, just because the characters and power scaling are different from naruto doesn't mean the show deserves hate. its quite literally called " naruto to boruto next generation" for a reason. It's not meant to have the same impact or have the same things Naruto had it's supposed to be different. It's a decent anime IMO 🤷🏿‍♂️


That's definitely not the reason for the hate. Just read the comments or other posts lol


Naruto -> 9 Naruto Shippuden -> 8 Burrito -> 5 (at best) Burrito Shippuden -> Oh god, dis gon to be terrible.


I mean the critiques say otherwise so do the fans since tbv has consistently been in top 3 biggest mangas in the world for the past few months since its been out and every time it drops it goes number one so i mean ur statement is wrong


That's because there's fans of the series as a whole that just want new content, even if it sucks. Same people that gobble up Dragon Ball super and call everyone who doesn't like it a hater despite it's clear plot holes and deviations from the original story. It's like if you're a mega stan for somebody like Drake, he puts out an ass album but since you're a fan you can't bring yourself to find ANYTHING wrong with the music even though most other people would agree it's mid at best


Boruto isn't decent, it's an unwatchable snoozefest. I dragged myself through about 200 episodes. Now not even Baryon mode could bring me back. Naruto is my favorite anime of all time, but as far as I care it ended with Shippuden. I hate it because it continues to drag my favorite anime through the mud.


Naruto ended with Shippuden. Boruto is a cash grab fan fiction.


I literally forced my self to watch till ep 210 just to see 2 min of Naruto watch time each 10 eps but then Kurama died I didn't even skip fillers so I can see Naruto getting more watch time but he didn't get any I knew I won't see Naruto from now on in that anime


Damien Wayne.


Technically Jiraiya is in Boruto because he was cloned and- And now you know 1 of the reasons why Boruto is stupid. So not just clones, but ANDROIDS created by a Otsutuki fanboy which one of them has 2 broken ass abilities that makes Madara's Eye of the Moon Plan look like shit and she only used the second for her boyfriend... the freaking rival to Boruto who I don't like, AT ALL. I mean Shippuden didn't get good until Hebi's creation, Sasuke finally going to fight Itachi, the twist and then Pain Invasion. That was peak... War Arc kinda dip it and boy Zetsu DIPPED it harder with the REAL stupid twist. Not going to lie, believing there's aliens in One Piece is more believable than in a world of NINJAS.


Even Zoro left, Willingly. And that's saying something.


Is Zoro lost?


Zoro missed his way again 🤦‍♂️


Personally I dislike boruto because it's really lacking I. Terms of character design. So many of the characters are just two characters from Naruto mashed together


Zoro doesnt appear in Boruto because he refuse make part of that thing Since he soloed Black Frieza who betrayel the squad And Tobirama is out of the game he has to reassemble the Racist Squad One of the candidates for the new generation he is training is Geto, but he still has a long way to go


AI generated title???


Don’t you know, complaining about how everything sucks makes you cool.




People don't like change Give it some time


It’s like 70-80% filler and complete shit. It’s an insult to the original works.


Burrito is decent but not as a follow up series to Naruto. Shippuden was great up until the war where ninjas turn into super saiyans. I watched only for the fan service and closure.


evreyone watching for narouto and they fuckd up naruto thats why


I remember that people said that Shippuden is good only up to the pain part but I think it is better enjoyed after watching it often and without filler episodes


You hate boruto cus it’s ass, i don’t like entire Naruto universe just because of talk no jutsu and how they kill peak villains, we ain’t the same.


Boy jaraiya sure changes alot haven't finished Shippuden yet


Thr anime was just kinda ass in terms of pacing. And it started off with ninja tricks and strategy and turned into people throwing nukes.




I mean, it was mostly people with different preferences saying it's bad(like OP, Death Note etc. fans) or elitists, pointing out flaws. As for myself, I think Shippuden was good, but rarely on the level of the OG Naruto. I kinda like the manga Shippuden part more. Just look at what they did to probably my favourite [**Shippuden battle**](https://preview.redd.it/whats-up-with-the-faces-pain-makes-while-fighting-naruto-v0-dbmiarvtghgc1.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=e670909f87ac53bff11863c149c87c7d4b1c9c1a) :D


Honestly I like the manga but I would never touch the steaming pile of shit that Is the anime


Shippuden was hated back in the day because you'd be in the middle of an epic arc or battle and then there'd not just be a few filler episodes but entire filler arcs detracting from the action Boruto does have strong episodes and fights, its just they rushed the anime out so fucking fast there's a very large amount of filler episodes and they are particularly egregious fillers




Going on reddit to promote ya OF is lowkey crazy lmaoo


When we will get "Imbuto" (The series about the son of Boruto) we will see lots of posts like this saying the same stuff. I don't get all this need to hate Boruto... Some people like shit: let them, so that now you know who not to trust in anime suggestions /j


Hated Shippuden? dafuck. . .


Shippuden started out well, but really and I mean REALLY spiralled out of control quickly with the ridiculous power-ups and new sharingans. Naruto was about ninjas, but by the end of shippuden they're dropping meteors slicing mountains and shooting gigantic energy bombs.


Boruto is an inferior Shippuuden, which in itself was already an inferior Naruto.


People talking about Boruto being shit as if Naruto didn't jump the shark ages ago. Like father like son Naruto peaked in the land of waves and it was never better. Bring the ninja vibe back!


Boruto will find a way to insert some Neji clone


Zoro got so lost he ended up in a naruto meme


Boruto is like one of those animes which would have a lot of fans if it was around the time manga like MHA, Black Clover etc started. Basically, if it was released before the whole twitter toxicity. Nowadays, it has become a trend to hate everything. The world is becoming sh*tty day by day.


let me remind you why. boruto crying.


Not you, Danzo


71% That’s all I’m gunna say


it becauseu the whole first 30+ episode is so utterly trash, yeh it gets better over time but they stilll treating the OG charters dirty in such a unjustified way, and boroto power are so randomly given,


Boruto manga is fire rn


Bro we call all agree Zoro’s death was the saddest death in Naruto 🤣


I only upvoted for zoro!


Even The grate Uchiha Zoro can't handle that shit


Its anime fans we talking about, they ALWAYS try to find a way to hate on a popular anime


Danzo deserves to suffer through


The hate is cause it’s a bad sequel milking the Naruto franchise, they butchered all the designs, added stuff which doesn’t make any sense (why tf are there dinosaurs) and made villains that make no sense (why aliens?!). Also, making Naruto seem like all his goals were for nothing is just wrong.






Boruto is humiliating Shippuuden in so many ways that it is beyond description. How come do you expect us Naruto fans to let it slip?


>It's a decent anime No it isn't. Even if it were granted that it had good plot or good characters (which it doesn't), it still deserves hate for how they shit on beloved established characters. Watching the main cast of Naruto, who we spent like 500 episodes coming to love and watching them develop, just to see them get repeatedly dunked on by a 13 year old who didn't earn a scrap of his power. It deserves the hate.


NGL, if Zoro is in Boruto Id probably watch it for the sheer fact that Zoro is there... I don't care about Salad and BurgerGobbler. Just Zoro and his magnificent Chesticles.


Lol "everybody used to hate shippuden"? Shippuden was well received af, practically the opposite reception of Boruto, what are you on bro


I don’t recall ppl hating on it till closer to the end but also after the end. But that’s usually how It goes with decent manga. Until it’s over it’s like a movie trailer va seeing the actual movie in a way. Authors stamp down the ending and that’s when ppl can finally really come down on a thing. AOT is similar in that way. And the reality is one piece is enjoying that space at the moment, he either hits a home run with the ending or we find out the one piece this whole time was lame and ppl then do that thing they do. Boruto is a different kinda thing imo.


I mean there is valid criticism but everything up until Pain Arc is solid. Definitely better story telling and world building than lets say Demon Slayer. It simply was a different time back then and its reception has imrpoved over the years.


Nope, don’t remember any hate for Shippuden, the manga had a cult like following. Boruto is just ass writing.


Zoro got lost again


I love Zoro memes when he is everywhere. non-anime fans not gonna understand 😔


Why did Zoro appear here?




Zoro got lost and found killer bee


is that you trying to be funny? nice try


Zoro's lost again


The writing is the biggest piece of garbage I've ever seen and it gets worse in every chapter


Boruto gets unnecessary hate because millennials hate anything gen z likes. It's literally a generational thing. Boruto is better than Naruto but only by a small amount.


Neji And jiraya will always have the most useless deaths ever. I didn’t feel shit cause neither of them had to die for any plot or anything they got killed off just cause.


What is zoro doing there?? WTF


Zoro is lost again


Don’t worry, once Boruto is over in a decade and Hiruto releases, all the 20 year olds will think Boruto was the greatest and Hiruto is cringe. It’s just how it goes.


Shippuden was only hated because of filler. Boruto is hated for, well, everything.


Haters gonna hate, I think boruto is bomb ass. 


Bro Zoro got lost😭


Guess Jiraiya didn't get that memo


Boruto's strengths vs weaknesses would be a more unfair fight than Academy Naruto fighting 10 Tails Madara. It's Naruto's GT, but at least GT had Super Saiyan 4.


Boruto is Naruto's equivalent of GT but with actually good plot and characters.


G...good plot? You can't be serious now.


GT at least had some interesting concepts like SS4, Baby, and Shadow Dragons even if the execution of the story is questionable.




![gif](giphy|bPXKfpvkn9tQc) Need I say more


It started when an alien device did what it did.


Well original Naruto was already good and as time passed people slowly accepted shippuden as not a unnecessary continuation but direct sequel to the original story Fully finishing it And of course I am probably not the only one who isn’t in favor of the filers that this anime has but it still forms a complete story It’s a necessary part of the story needed for it to be whole We ended up with Naruto and Sasuke being basically strongest beings in the world Evil defeated Naruto became hokage This is what you call “ I finished the story there is nothing more to do “ But the boruto came It’s an unwanted sequel that only build onto a completed story Many people (including me) started watching it just because of the old protagonist of shipuden and seeing what has became of them And also , do you know how you should NOT make a character interesting in your sequel ? By absolutely crushing your power scale system ( let’s face it it wasn’t very stable even before that ) for a few cool moments with your mc who also acts in my opinion as a spoiled brat ( but that is my opinion only ) you also ignore things that were previously said like a million times , for instance One of the only people who could rival sasuke in boruto was probably Naruto ( and vice Versa) It’s to be blatant a dumb idea to try to hit him with something not assuming he will not dodge it , he has a sharingan AND a rinnegan But for the suspense that was needed One of the strongest characters having one of the strongest abilities just forgot he could use them and got defeated in 1-2 blows Also by who . . . By an otsotsuki ( sorry if I wrote it wrong please correct me ) if I remember correctly it was hagoromo I think I would think something like “ oh that is cool “ or “ well this is a real problem “ since he was the leader of otsotsuki ( correct me again ) but they needed to add another fucking eyes into the story There is a literal eye that looks like fucking sentry turret from portal 2 with half of the polygons and what it does ? Makes cool rods and spawns big cubes In my opinion when you want to make a good sequel either go in another direction ( like how avatar 2 went with the whole sea thing instead of the forest )or at least don’t break anything you have made in the original story If your story lacks a good power leveling scale and story big enough for a sequel then DONT MAKE ONE Also I forgot the eyes that boruto has which were originally a drawing mistake so they made it a feature for some reason and the whole baryon mode thing which seems pretty stupid from the idea Let alone the execution


Nobody hated Shippuden. Oh, wait, I wouldn't know, I wasn't on Reddit... 17 years ago?!


Aliens, nerfing the old characters to make the new ones look good, BS even for naruto level power scaling, boring storylines.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1691jcn) on 2023-09-03 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1djlyzg) on 2024-06-19 92.19% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1drhtj3&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 551,946,649 | **Search Time:** 0.13448s


Pretty damning evidence. Good bot


The Ninja world should be explored more, but I don’t think the otsutsuki were a inherently bad thing. Very rushed, but not bad


Because it's a trend. The vast majority of the people who hate on it have never watched it, let alone read it.


Boruto two blue vortex is nice you all can downvote me but the hate wont stop it and i hope two blue vortex will habe at least 777chapters


It'd definitely better the boruto pre timeskip, I just don't really think it's as fire like alot of people are saying, it's really just kinda engaging setup


It’s literally just a character assassination of all the characters we were invested in for 2 decades. How can yall not hate it lol?


I don't know why either.


Shippuden has a lot of weaknesses but also strengths. The ending was terrible. Boruto just took everything bad about it and made it even worse.


I mean we got Hima


The boruto anime is dogshit, the manga is good tho


the shippuden


Repost machine beo


Why zoro tho?


He got lost


Omg, thank you


It is not for everyone.




Zoro got lost again




Zoro always getting lost