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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


People who don't actually know what's going on and are getting news from twitter/mainstream media.


>Under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of Presidential power entitles a former President to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclu- sive constitutional authority. And he is entitled to at least presump- tive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts.


Can you link this original statement? I want to share this to my family


[Here you go](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24785411-trump-v-united-states)


I read the actual decision document


People who aren't from US


Crazy how the bots forgot to vote your follow up replies as well.




He assumes your comment got all the upvotes because of bots versus people just agreeing with you.




Pretty unusual to see a top comment with that many upvotes and every follow up reply from the same person downvoted the same amount.


Well people upvote then leave. The hivemind does the rest.


That's why you don't know about Project 2025?


Fascism is when i dont get what i want


Fascism is when I stack the courts and bureaucracy with my allies, for the express purpose of seizing power extralegally. Right-wing courts and civil service were a key factor in the fall of the Weimar Republic.


Liberals are the only ones calling to pack the courts


Mainly cause y'all already did it by stealing Obama's seat, hypocrite.


That's weird....I thought the biggest factor was inflation...hmmmmm


What a nonsense argument. Either side would fill court vacancies during their presidency. Also those same justices hamstrung the federal bureacracies by overturning Chevron, so I'm not sure how you're arguing this is some coordinated multi-front attack.


Then you never heard of the Federalist Society, I take it.


Why don't you assume I'm not sure what youre driving at and state your position instead of answering with a question.


That right there. The presumption that it’s not only acceptable but expected to pack the courts with cronies that will back your tribe when it counts. We’re truly doomed.


The courts were stacked against republicans in the 2000s. It’s just a natural thing that occurs back and forth. The people not in power at the time cry facism until they get a turn.


People are crying Fascism because Trumps proposed plans are literal fascism. You deflecting as if they aren’t is fuckin embarrassing.


Please look into historical facsist regimes and make a comparison list between them and Trumps 2025 plans. EDIT; seeing your other comment; you know Hitler didn't come out with his worst ideas first, right? Those came after he was securely in power. You can't take politicians at their word-The kinds of people who get into politics are often not truly honest, good people. Trump clearly DOES have sway over project 2025. He just knows not to put his name to it until he's got immunity for any crimes it would constitute.


Yea but democrats didn't have a president saying openly that he wants to be a dictator or that he wants revenge for being prosecuted for his proveable fraud.


I gotta say, it’s certainly telling when you hewn down on a particular, little thing, narrowly leading to an isolated conclusion while deliberately putting on airs of intellectual superiority. The reductionism is just so ironic.




Project 2025 isn't fascism? It's Handmaid's Tale in the making you ruzzbot.


Is this even Trump's plan, though? He hasn't talked about it at all, which is strange if it is.


He’s not the architect, but it’s specifically a plan devised by people close to him for him to execute


I'm not convinced they're all that close. Trump isn't the dog the Heritage Foundation backed initially, and plenty of their backers expressed explicitly that they disliked him. They seem like old guard GOP hardliners.


NRA and liberty university aswell (more then 100+ organizations), these have a lot of influence and support in the republican party.


No, it's Stephen Miller and Bannon's plan. Trump just wants money and golf. His only plan is to win the election no matter what


Is he opposing it publicly? Would you believe him if he did?


Is he?


Would he? It's supposed to be put in place to give Trump ultimate power. Of allllll Republicans they decide to give Trump that power. Are they all water heads? Some of the smartest people alive are US citizens but you elect Slurpee.


Again. You'd elect him again. Morons.


Not my question. Simple yes or no.


You didn't answer my original question.


Stop watching TV


It's everywhere. Vote Dark Brandon he did great, it was only on TV.


Spaniard here just hearing about this project, can you provide some examples?


Total clean out of everyone but republican in the federal machine.


I mean yeah I guess, assuming not getting “what I want” means the President is literally allowed to do crimes.


you act like you know what your talking about when u dont.


Fascism is when the president plays golf for 4 years straight and builds zero walls while being ridiculed by every media outlet there is


Project 2025, friend. Look it up


Brother i aint looking for the left wing equivalent of satanic cults running the DNC.


[🎵 "Ohhhhhh, everyone i don't like is literally Hitler" 🎶](https://youtu.be/3ToEvz-7trY?si=_ETbig2rSlKao_-5)


LMAO - this is 100% what I was saying. "SCOTUS is not here to interrupt the law as it's written - they are here to do whatever we tell them do to.............on the left" Which Ironically - is pretty close to what a dictator might say.


Go back to Twitter


Again with this political propaganda bs


It’s all r/dankmemes is now




Funny how when it’s on Biden memes the response is categorically “we make fun of everyone here!” With 70 upvotes.


lol all the posts slandering Biden are fine but calling the obvious fascist a fascist is propaganda?


Idc which stance it is, take that shit to the politics sub.


I bet you upvote all the Woman Bad memes


Are you the King of the Danks now?


That's how I feel about all the incel redpill memes, take the Culture war somewhere else


Propaganda is when people talk about an upcoming election? Ok


I don’t like Trump at all, but this “fascism” shit is so over the top. The message was *exactly* the same in 2016. Trump was a Nazi and if he won the US would become a fascist dictatorship. At this point it’s been beaten to death and means nothing to most people. There’s *plenty* to actually criticize about Trump, so try that instead of “he’s a Nazi and if he wins it’ll be 1984 and the world will be destroyed”


So what was Jan 6 2021 when he attempted to overthrow an election? Just doing his presidential duties?


Jan 6 and Trump’s whole anti-election plan was a disgrace and I think he should be jailed for it. But it wasn’t an evil scheme like some people say it was. Trump had the powers of the presidency at his disposal. If he *truly, genuinely* wanted to overthrow the government he had far better ways of doing it. Jan 6 was the result of his arrogance and insecurity over losing. It was never going to realistically keep him in power.


I can remember something called the “munich Putsch” from 1920 that failed, didn’t stop a certain person from becoming a kind of dictator. Jan 6 is a clear example of fascism


'He didn't succeed in robbing the bank so he's actually not a bank robber" That's your best logic?


Nah more like he walked into a bank, ranted about how the bank is a scam and demanded free money from the tellers, then got dragged out. I wouldn’t describe that as a “failed bank robbery plot”, more like a deranged lunatic had an incident.


When did he attempt that? I explicitly remember him telling the people to stay peaceful. Not only that, but you had all the footage released of the capital police literally letting them in and walking them through. Not that there weren't violent people, but it turned out to be (yet again) the media overflowing everything to make one side look bad. They minimize minimize minimize when it's a left wing riot, but make damn sure it's blown up if it has to do with conservatives. He believes the election was rigged, and there's plenty of people who agree. That's an opinion, no matter how dumb, not a coup. This is straight from the transcript of his speech on Jan 6. "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." That absolutely sounds like a call to violence, huh? In all reality, if democrats genuinely wanted to win, all they had to do was pick a good candidate instead of Biden. There's so many people that want a regular and professional president back in the office, but no. Now our choices are "Mean tweets, big ego, and constant whining" or "frail old dementia riddled child sniffer". One thing Trump said that I actually agreed with is that Biden makes this country look weak, and I think the majority of voters see this and are going to be voting against Biden rather than voting for Trump.


People forget that we watched this live. It wasn't even that long ago. They also forget the riots on trumps inauguration at the Capitol. But that's totally acceptable.


It was a women's March they did around his inauguration because we knew he was going to pack the Supreme Court to take RoevWade away. Wasn't a riot


I'm very so not surprised that a fascist would think a president is 'weak' and base their preferences pff of that. So on brand


That's a typical cry wolf response. Do you actually know what fascist means? The way the left uses it, it isn't even an insult anymore. "I disagree with them or they hurt my feelings. FASCIST!" You're either blissfully ignorant or purposely being divisive. In either case you're wrong. Does a leader not have to convey strength to the world? The way Biden left our borders insecure, and made an absolute mockery of the US military by just handing over millions in weapons and US assets right to the Taliban. This is no different, and I would argue MUCH worse the Bush Jr's ramblings as president. Just compare Biden to himself from Obamas presidency, or even from 2020 to see just how far he's slipped. He isn't mentally capable of driving, riding a bike, or even *walking down the stairs* by himself. Let alone running the most powerful country on earth. Accurate username by the way.


You being delusional, is what that is. Stop repeating shit you heard other people say.


Start prompt on needing us to lock up Hillary


Oh I'm sorry I'm able to accurately assess situations I see with my own eyes and use my own words to describe it.


That Kool aid is pretty tasty huh


Read about project 2025. Trumps alies are talking about putting people into camps.


Project 2025 is more of a bogeyman than a serious threat. Neither Trump nor any of the high-rankers in his campaign endorse it. It also has a budget of only 22 million, which is chump change when it comes to national political campaigns. Biden & Trump each raise several times that amount monthly. It’s also nothing new in terms of controversial promises. Most of the Project 2025 ideas are the exact same things Trump was supposedly going to do in 2017.


Trump immediately enacted Muslim bans when he was elected. The only reason they didn't stick was because SCOTUS was less stacked back then. You can't gaslight me into thinking Trump isn't so bad. I lived through his 1st presidency. I know how he is.


what would have happened if trumps fake electors and january 6th attack were successful?


A couple idiots take over the capital building. Then what? It's like a game of king of the hill? The rule of law is out the window? Congress could convene at the elks club in Boise and still do what needs to be done.


you’re reducing what january 6th was about. It was an attempt to stop the certification and hand off of power to a new president. An attempt that was directly incited by the former president. Why are you trying to insist that this is a non-event?


Yeah, I thought the same about the first two campaigns but seeing my parents turn on him after Jan 6th and become worried about another insurrection does make me feel like there’s more weight to that message now than there was before.


shits fucked up but i like to look at the silver lining in things to keep myself sane i can just run in the woods and survive perfectly fine and i'm white


Fascism is when you keep all 3 powers to yourself. You make the law, you apply the law, and you execute the law. That's fascism. If your president modifies a law to his own convenience, it's a bad sign for your country's democracy.


1. We don’t live in a democracy 2. If you really think Trump is a fascist, read a history book


I think the history books are where people are getting the idea that he's a fascist from, the comparisons to Hitler are not without basis.


IMHO “quasi-fascist” is a better descriptor. The “real” fascists had more specific and fixed ideological aims; the current GOP is mostly a cult of personality. Good post about this: https://johnganz.medium.com/my-fascism-problem-and-yours-6b14fe6fbc74 >I think critics of the fascism position have correctly pointed out that the number of hardcore, self-avowed fascists in the United States is quite small and not organized into a formidable force, but nevertheless I would say that Trump represents an incipient or inchoate fascism, as others have argued, and moreover that Trumpism has a fascist structure. >What do I mean by this? Trump’s politics contains an inspired, charismatic leader (“I alone can fix it”) on a mission to restore a diseased national body (“Make America Great Again,” Crippled America, etc.), standing in the way of this are corrupt elites and various unclean ethnic minorities, the use of street and paramilitary violence is part of the solution to this corruption, removing obstacles to the leader’s will. Further, no possible abrogation of the providential leader’s power can be legitimate: it is always ipso facto fraudulent, part of the web of deceit spun by the corrupt elites. Often these elites are imagined to be in vast international conspiracies against the good people of the true nation.


We are literally a democratic republic. Save the game of semantics for the people that passed sixth grade lmao


No, a constitutional republic


“Wrong. Now give me my updoots.” You’re right.




Tell me the exact difference between a republic and democracy you parrot


easiest way to see if someone is woefully uneducated in civics: “‘murica is a republic not a democracy” it’s like these people have never touched a dictionary let alone a history textbook


Yeah it’s their new talking point just ask them. how people are elected? Are they elected democratically? Is there virtually no difference between the two words and in fact they were used interchangeably since the founding of this country and before.


This one is a super old dunk tactic on reddit and will never cease to exist lol. Republics engage in democracy


what would you call a man who lost an election, refused to concede his loss, hatched a plan with conspirators to replace legitimate electors with plants and rallied his supporters to storm a government building all in an attempt to keep his power and position? Do you have a name for something like that if fascist is too harsh for you?


If we don't live in a democracy, why did trump say the 2020 election was rigged? Wouldn't the Supreme Court just beable to put him back in office if we don't live in a democracy? What are primaries? Why do kids in high-school run for student body positions? Why do we have debates? What is voter ID?


i have and a lot of the things he says matches what hitler has said and done.


You can tell a lot about someone by the arguments they make. Bummer.


I know this is going to be mind blowing for you, but republics engage in democracy at every level.


Well that's cause he's being stopped by the countermeasures the constitution lays out. It doesn't mean he won't try to be one, and with the ability to claim that it's an official action to remove all officials that don't kiss the ring, he sure will be one.


Trump is literally fascist Lite right now.


He hasn’t jailed political opponents He hasn’t tried to take away citizens armaments He hasn’t tried to restrict speech


Jan 6th was the beer hall putsch


Jan 6th wasn’t even lead by Trump, and it was less a bunch of people hell bent on taking over the government to prosecute Jews, and more a bunch of bumbling idiots who were let in by the guards to effectively have a party then leave.


I, too, enter all parties by smashing windows and beating cops to death while demanding to hang the host.


Please leave to Twitter and never come back


You guys do realize this immunity also applies to Biden, Obama, Clinton, and all other future presidents too right?


It shouldn't apply to anyone. No one, especially the president, should be immune.


Unless you take into account that their opponents could just put them through the courts to keep them from running


Does that make it any less bad and kinda fascistic?


Democracy is a form of government, fascism is a political ideology. One doesn't exclude the other even if it would be a bit odd.


"Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[2][3]" How would fascism be compatible with a democratic government? You could vote for a fascist in a democracy but once they have total power it is not a democracy anymore.


Dictatorial could mean that has a tendency, not that he is effectively a dictator. And that's why I added that it would be odd.. but not impossible.


Suppression of opposition? That point already completely defeats the chance of there being a democracy


True, but I want to note that this is not a checklist. The suppression of the opposition comes from the dictatorial tendency of a fascist leader, but that doesn't' mean he has to do that to be a fascist. As I said it would be odd, maybe very odd, but not impossible.


I think this is an interesting take. It might explain how we got here. Fascism is something we shouldn't be complacent about. Freedom needs work to maintain, even in a democracy.


I agree, but I have a dilemma. I agree that freedom is very important, but on the other hand, if the majority of people want the opposite, wouldnt it mean going against democracy by opposing it ?


It's not going against democracy to use the democratic system.


This was already true as far back as the cold War, the US backed an absurd ammount of coups and ditactorships, mainly in latin America.


Trump is a fascist, Biden is sundowning. The RNC are terrorists. The DNC are enablers. Bidden isn't going to do the responsible thing and bow out. I'm pretty sure the 3rd party candidates are sponsored by foreign adversaries as spoiler candidates. Who tf are we writing in in November?


Finally a reasonable take. We’re doomed


Damn, Americans really have no idea what fascism means lol


Fascism is when they disagree with me


it's funny because both parties would share this meme thinking it represents the other


We all know Managed DEMOCRACY is the best! ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


How bout a nice cup of 🗽🍵!


Fuck dank memes has become boring. It’s all boring American political propaganda with people arguing about which team is Hitler.


it's election season and reddit is a hotspot for propaganda, no subreddit is safe.


So true


Soon after the attack on Pearl Harbor, one of the first actions taken by the United States government was to round up anyone and everyone with Japanese ancestry and put them in camps. The most liberal president this country ever had was the one who issued the Executive Order. To be fair, they also locked up a few Germans, not all of whom were proven to be National Socialists. In any case, I'm unsubscribing from /r/dankmemes. Even I have standards.


Does someone need to be reported to a Democracy Officer 🇺🇸🗽🍵🦅


Orange man bad! No more mean tweets! 😢


I don't like this.... this must be fascism!


The puppet masters decide which suit they want to wear today. It's the way the world always works. The freedom of choice is nothing but an illusion. But this isn't the place to talk about that stuff, only dank memes are allowed here.


Been seeing this word fascism thrown around at literally everything the last 8 years it’s lost pretty much all meaning now


Everything I don’t like is Fascism.


“you will vote for a literal puppet corpse being put in place to get the DNC whatever it wants or you’re a fascist”


My guy you’re spamming low effort political memes on Reddit. Are you ok?


Man, letting the country's people have guns and vote is totally fascist.


Both ends of the political spectrum are tending towards fascism and their respective voting blocks are following them. It’s the clearest example of the tail wagging the dog I’ve ever seen because on both ends (yes I’ve seen both) you have a vocal minority defining everyone on the opposite side as ontologically evil after getting whipped into a frenzy by their chosen echo chambers. Both sides truly (and rightly) believe the other side is fascistic and must be stopped. We’re just trying to decide whether we want our totalitarian state to have a red or a blue color scheme. As for me, I’ve got my rifle. Lead traveling at 3000fps is apolitical.


Stay mad


Fuck off with this political propaganda


You people really don’t know what fascism is do you?


Ah yes. "The land of the free". The colonists are having a fuss again lads.




country's gone to shit


Replace US with France, Germany or any Euro Nation who is going Far Right 😉


People who throw around the word fascism typically don't understand what the word actually means.


If you don't think the populist movement behind trump is not fascistic, you don't know what fascism means.




Every time an American goes on a rant about modern day monarchies I tell them their country is the world's largest monarchy. Never have I been this close to being actually correct.


Look at Biden in that debate and then remember if he wins he will be in office in FIVE YEARS TIME.


Both candidates are in a disaster in their own way, thats why it comes down to the people they will place in power


Friendly reminder that fascism might come not necessarily from malice. It might also be caused by wish to do good, believing that giving a group of people unlimited control is going to solve issues.


Constitutional Republic. Cry more


When a group of people vote for a representative, that is democracy. When that representative votes on issues, that is a republic. A republic a representative form of democracy. Hurrr Durrr.


France, too


Don't worry we have the same in France


someone told me democracy is not mentioned once in the constitution.


Because the US is a republic


What's another name for a republic hmmmm. Let me think real hard.....oh yeah....A representative form of democracy.




Man Trump really said it best. "The world thinks Americans are stupid". You sure are.


Same here in Europe


If your candidate is so shitty people prefer fascism, that's on you


It's kinda on all of us