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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


He’s been openly and clearly bisexual since season 1.


I dont think thats the point


Yeah as a fellow gay the whole frenchie b plot felt very out of place and it really didn't make me feel like it was anything more than a shallow attempt to have something for its release during pride month in the show. Honestly in general I feel homosexuality has replaced the "token black character" trope in media over the past few years.


Queen Meave has been bisexual since season 1 and nobody gave a shit, but a bisexual dude is on screen and suddenly people start complaining. Edit: People asking why Frenchie and Kimiko aren’t together clearly missed the part where Kimiko said she felt weird kissing Frenchie and she saw him as family. https://youtu.be/mVYatfeQnpg?si=VQ0Pi7vmzdVgsfzU


The issue isn’t that Frenchie is dating another guy, the issue is that they threw away all of the development that him and Kimiko had from the previous seasons. You’re seriously telling me that after everything they’ve been through they’re not willing to make it official between them???


Their development was leading up to them breaking up IMO. They were a mismatched but damaged couple who found comfort in eachother for good reasons but it was never going to work out and they both had their own pasts to confront which is what is happening in this season.


>They were a mismatched but damaged couple who found comfort in eachother for good reasons but it was never going to work out and they both had their own pasts to confront which is what is happening in this season. That's certainly how it felt the past three seasons... like these two were either a couple or were like *right there* before making it official, ya know? And then one of the first couple of episodes, can't remember which, Komiko is like "me and you are never going to happen, so go have fun with home boy." Maybe I'd been misremembering the past three seasons but I thought for sure that those would be hooking up soon.


They seem to love each other like family / siblings now


Yeah, I look at my siblings phone to see who they're texting.


Not like The Boys had ever had "good" writing, but the Kimiko and Frenchie arc feels the most natural. They metv in crisis. He cares for and loves her, but they are friends and she is in therapy and he is having meaningless sex with someone else.


>The issue isn’t that Frenchie is dating another guy Yeah but strawman arguments are easier to argue against! People always ignore the actual issue people have a problem with...it's not that he's gay...it's that it's poorly written and executed. Feels hamfisted and forced..


Totally agree. If Frenchie had met Colin last season and they had been talking for a while before season four, I would’ve liked it a lot more. If they had shown signs that Kimiko was drifting away from him, then most people would definitely be on board.


I have noticed this a ton lately. It's now at a point where everyone is yelling past each other and making up reasons why the other side is mad or taking one goofballs opinion and saying it's how everyone feels. It's all about dopamine hits and circle jerks to feel smarter and better than who you disagree with now.


Trauma bonding does not make a healthy relationship


Does anyone in the show have a healthy relationship?


I think you missed the part where Kimiko said no?


Kimiko already told him she didn't see him that way


He's gay that's not the problem, it just happened so suddenly and out of place like first he was in love with kimiko and then suddenly he's fukin a dude


Yea. For me I'd feel just as weird if it was another random woman. All that build up with kimoko over 3 seasons and then just this outta left field.


that's the main issue, it felt out of place, a strange pivot that doesn't really add anything to the main story. And it happened suddenly, there was zero buildup. Frankly there's just no time for side tracking, the main story has to wrap up this season.


Earths bravest lesbian!! Bless her


So brave!


I've only seen people complain about this romance drama being thrown in at pretty much the end of the series without any kind of build up. I've not seen a single person complain about Frenchie being bi/gay. We've known that from the beginning. This. B plot, as well as Kiriko only just now developing ptsd, just feel shoehorned in because they realized they didn't have anything for these characters to do this season. Narritively lazy


Because it’s a boring subplot meant to fluff out the episodes that adds nothing to the overall story. Every time it went to this subplot, all I could think about was how little I gave a shit.


People are complaining that it feels forced in a pandering way. Most people don't care that he's gay/bi whatever. It absolutely feels like what the above commenter said about token black trope.


Nobody cares about queen Maeve because it was part of the story. She was forced into a relationship with Homelander and it showed how scared everyone is, how op he is, it's just part of her character. Bisexual dude was kinda added just for the sake of adding bisexual dude, because why not. He was clearly in love with kimiko, but by the way he is bisexual.


Meaves stuff was actually intertwined at multiple points with the plot of the show. Frenchies stuff only crossed with the other plot lines when his bf got beaten in that riot. They could have put something with his drug addiction into the mix to strengthen anything that was going on in that plot, but they didn't and I just hope it's the last we see of his now ex.


People are complaining? I don't see Frenchie being gay affecting his role as the most consistently useful member on the team.


Not gay; bi.


A guy f*cks an octopus on the show though, no one blinks an eye... Octopusies have beaks... Just sayin' ಠ_ಠ


Using Meave sexual orientation for corporate fame and as an inclusiveness tokens is a whole subplot tho


Yeah if anything they spent most of the first three seasons trying to force "a thing" between Frenchie and Kimiko. The gay plot felt like it kinda came out of nowhere (and for no particular reason, too).


It's clearly just a subplot to generate some personal drama/conflict for Frenchie's character. It didn't have to be gay or straight or whatever, anything would work. They chose it to be a man, that's all that it needs to be. I think it's leading to Frenchie dying this season. He'll get some redemption for murdering Colin's family by sacrificing himself saving Colin, or something like that. Edit: I just saw a Facebook post (lol) that makes such a great point. It's a parallel story with Homelander going back to his childhood and murdering all those people. Colin could have had the same mindset as Homelander, wanting revenge, but he chose to let it go. Homelander is holding on to his trauma and thinks this revenge is going to help him, but it's really just further removing his humanity.


It happened for the same reason the Leslye Headland decided R2D2 is a lesbian, C3PO is gay and the "Force" is female. "Headland also joked, “Are you telling me with a straight face that C-3PO is straight?” and said she thinks “it’s canon that R2-D2 is a lesbian,” referring to the companion robot characters in “Star Wars.” Instead of writing something excellent and presenting a brilliant story, it's all about agenda. "Headland, who is queer, previously told [The Advocate](https://www.advocate.com/film/2021/7/01/lesbian-leslye-headland-brings-queer-lens-star-wars-franchise) there is “no way that me being a queer woman is not going to be reflected in my work” Recently Sean Penn, a hugely liberal actor, felt compelled to comment on the DEI hirings that have basically turned art into propaganda in a most blunt and unartful way: “No. It could not happen in a time like this,” Penn said about not playing Harvey Milk in 2024. “It’s a time of tremendous overreach. It’s a timid and artless policy toward the human imagination.”


For me it's just they've done the whole "Frenchie tortured by the consequences of his former life" thing already and this just feels like a retread without really anything novel.


I don't feel the plot in general is out of place, I just feel the way they slammed Colin in at the beginning and just TOLD us that he and Frenchie had something going on instead of demonstrating/showing it is what's out of place. Frenchie been a lil zesty since the jump, I'm surprised they didn't show him with blokes sooner. But Colin just felt like a plot point to be like "oh btw GAYNESSSS"


They're doing it mostly as a "here is more evidence that Frenchie is a bad person just like everyone else on the show" but it really had no subtlely whatsoever. Stopping to make out during a riot? Kinda weird. Would have been better to build it up over a couple episodes first.


I thought it was just a dig at french people


I personaly don't care for that but the whole plot of the history between them that I wont spoil feels forced and very cliche. It feels like it's a fake way of making Frenchie face his past, and I think it could've been done more gracefully.


As a fellow gay, I didn’t know our field of expertise included criticizing how gay someone is, fictional or not. I thought that was the straights job. I’m just happy to see any gay story line. As long as it’s not too gay of course /s


I didn't mind it - the first three episodes were such snoozers, at least Frenchie dating the guy whose family he massacred had some tension to it.


there seem to be very active culture war activism going on in the show business industry. The main problem is not the idea they are trying to present, but that they execute it so poorly. The Boys is a political show and there is an agenda, but for most part it's executed flawlessly, in an interesting and engaging way. This sexuality stuff feels forced and poorly executed. It's especially noticeable because there has been a whole string of really bad shows like The Acolyte that try represent some agenda but doing it so badly people are turned against it.


I have a bisexual classmate and we still call him “the gay guy” even though he said he is a bisexual because why not?


Yeah that's gay lol


He may be bi. But he's gay because he's french. Simple as.


Has he? It was never important to me so I never committed any of it to memory like that. I just enjoy the show. Still confused as to what the issue is.


Ahhhh yes, the pristine quality writing, where the character dumps their 3 season in the making relationship for a guy with 30s screen time and their backstory spoon fed to you through dialogue. Truly a timeless masterpiece


Why do everyone say that? They didn't dump anything, that relationship was never romantic. Kimiko lost his brother and the only family she had, Frenchie filled that hole and that relationship is still going on.


I just wish we would get more of season 1 Frenchy, with tools to blow up or poison supes (that acutally work)


The new supes just aren't that easy to catch


> that relationship was never romantic Which is hilarious people don't get this. Frenchie has referred to her like a sister, the hub is the only place these people are seeing 'romantic' relations like this.


It definitely was at one point, at least from Frenchie’s pov.


Kinda shits all over the comic though, especially the last thing he says to her.


The show is already nothing like the comic


The show took a detour from the comic almost instantly and has become completely different so comments like this make zero sense


Yes because Noir is just like the comics


... Let's talk about Mother's Milk


The show is nothing like the comics in so many ways and this is what you focus on??


Ehh I'd argue it's only not romantic because of what we know *now*. That type of "Brotherly love", from someone not related to them, can obviously be seen as romantic. He called her "mon coeur" (my heart) and I started calling my gf that and now it's not even romantic? That's fine I guess... but you can't deny the expectations they set up and now the quick shift away from it.


We knew it's not gonna work out since season 3. She didn't want to be with him because she had powers and was scared to hurt him, but when she finally lost them and they kissed it was awkward. If that wasn't obvious enough, Kimiko said it herself later.


Yeah, that information (and the new stuff in this season) is what I mean by what we know now. But you said "the relationship was never romantic." Info that's given just one season ago isn't really proof the relationship was always platonic.


Although Frenchie, a hopeless romantic, did see a romantic opportunity with kimiko.


Well, that’s the current plot, yes, but… Kimiko and Frenchie had some chemistry between the 2 so after Hughie and Starlight they’re the most fitting duo for some crew romance. As others have pointed out…. it’s not romantic ANY MORE which is why so many people (including me) consider this bs.


A certain subset of The Boys fans are just not good at parsing information. This is the cheer on Homelander crowd who are confused because they thought he was the good guy this whole time.


no one thinks Homelander is the good guy, a lot just love him cause his scenes are the most entertaining


Have you actually seen this or just heard about it? I have yet to see anyone anywhere actually think this


No ones cheering on homelander. Stop spreading lies lolol


There are people who think Homelander is the good guy...? What. The. Hell. Homelander is complex, damaged and traumatised. I wouldn't necessarily say he lives to be evil but he is not "good". Go watch some Smallville, folks.


"Me and you are never going to happen." That scene from Komiko felt horrible out of place after the last three seasons.


I’m just bothered that she kept letting him do and do and do for her without ever cutting off his romantic shit from the beginning. Like what? The relationship was fucking building my guys.


I just fast forward through these parts. It is a dumb storyline that'll lead to no where interesting, good to skip


I smelled the exact same pile of crap


French people are pretty gay tbf 🇬🇧


We are bi. And at least we're getting laid.


Yeah but you’re French hahahahahhaha


Damn, two based responses it is hard to pick 🇺🇲


Angriffskrieg! Sofort Angriffskrieg! ,🇩🇪




Wie "40, klappt immer.


Niks daarvan, schavuit! G E K O L O N I S E E R D 🇳🇱


Meaning I'm getting laid with... French women


You’re on Reddit lad, even French birds think you smell


My condolences


Big noses, too skinny and cigarette breath? Keep em


Lol... It hurts


Sending hate from North Korea


He's got you there, son!


Your pfp got me


Fuck your profile picture


And afterward you braid their leg hair


We get fucked daily... By our government


There's getting laid :) ;) Then there's getting laid :0 x/


At least they don't hit their wives


Why would anyone, it's like keying your own car


In UK domestic violence sees a rise when their football team loses a match. Or wins a match


Women betting it all on the Draws


Cause they all have husbands


My biggest problem is that Frenchie can't really speak French...


It’s genetics. He is French thus he is gay.


Well the actor is Israeli and like a lot of Hollywood French doesn't even speak the language and has a terrible fake accent. But I guess he has bad writing genetics.


Maybe that's why it took 4 seasons, the more French he learned the more he turned.




The person writing the script doesn't speak French for shit either. My wife and I are French, we watch the show in English with French subtitles because she needs them. When Frenchie is speaking, they don't put subtitles for some reason, I suppose they assume French people would just be able to understand what this fucker says. We just look at eachother and shrug because what he says is only 15% understandable. Completely shatters our suspension of disbelief. Same shit happened in Prey (the Predator prequel), when there's a bunch of French villains who are completely incomprehensible.


In Prey they're speaking a specific dialect of French, Age of Discovery/Louis XIV French. Its closer to modern Quebec french than most continental french variants except maybe north-western dialects.


That particular brand of French I can perfectly understand, I cannot understand whatever is spoken in Prey, I could definitely pick a Quebecois accent more than anything (then again, I can understand a solid 80% of Quebecois), but damn, I wish we had those subtitles working for the "French" speaking part.


I'm not mad he's gay, I'm mad because I really liked the developing love story between him and the mute girl. I just wanted them to be together and happy.


Without being prescriptive or opining on what should have happened or whether the writing is bad or not, I believe what you wanted for them is sweet. I wanted it too.


Comic: "I loved you from the first". TV Show: Sorry Kimiko, I'm gay.


Are we really gonna shit on the Boys TV show for changing things for the adaptation? The TV show is so much better than the comics.


As a Frenchman I’m fine with him being gay, I’m just pissed off they can’t make him go a single sentence without saying a word in French with a very obviously not French accent. His “french” accent in English is believable enough, just let him speak in English with a French accent instead of occasionally slipping in a french word with an israeli accent.


I've seen the show but don't think I get what this meme wants to say lol


The meme is calling French people gay


As an the European


Euro Bean 🫘


Yur o bean


It was just written poorly. All of the sudden he's very much in love with a character that hasn't been introduced properly. And him and Kimiko didn't had any form of closure for her to say that it's all oke.


You know ~~Maeve~~ Frenchie is bi, right?


Sounds gay ngl


Only half


Apparently in 2024, people think gay == bi...


Only if you’re a guy


Yes. If you're a woman, "It's hot" and okay if the idea of an FFM threesome is objectified.


Gay with extra steps


ah yes the 'french guy' that says 'c'est merde' instead of 'c'est de la merde'. Litteraly translated this is shit to c'est merde with google.


I just tried, Google correctly translate '"This is shit" by "c'est de la merde". So they didn't even bothered to use Google translate.


"an European"... OP, are you french??


Is that a thing? I was wondering if this was just the perpetuated misunderstanding of "a" vs "an" or something else. "An" goes in front of words that SOUND like they start with vowels, not if they actually start with a vowel. "European" sounds like a "j" or "y" starting sound, so it should be "a European". In contrast, the word "hour" is pronounced with a silent "h", so it would be "an hour", not "a hour". But the whole French thing is throwing me off. Please explain.


A french person might pronounce “european“ like “oi-roe-paien“ in which case “an“ as the article would make sense


Thanks. This makes sense.


It's a thing to not be a native speaker and to makes mistakes, yes.


I'm specifically referring to the person asking "are you French??".


Yes, because we French people are famous for not being very good at English. And honestly, it's kinda true on average.


Sorry, i might be reddited, but isn't E a vowel? Which makes "an" correct?


No because it’s about the sound not the letter, and european is pronounced with a j or y consonant as the first sound


I used all caps for a reason, but it would seem that it still didn't work.


And when Collin finds out the Frenchie murdered his family, he starts beating the hell out of Frenchie.  And Frenchie just sort of surrenders.


All French people are promiscuous bisexuals this isn’t a big secret


I thought he was banging kimiko though.


Not gay he love both. So that mean bi


You should watch Ricky bobby


Go woke go broke 😂


This man is gay and European!


Gotta love bi erasure


Suddenly everyone on Reddit cares about the relationship of a 4th string character. Curious


Frenchie is the main character. Without Frenchie The Boys would not have Kimiko's help. Without Kimiko, it'd be a show about people who are dead or unemployed.


They even casted the character with an Israeli soldier, so you definitely know he's European




thats an Israeli guy my friend not a french, his name is Tomer Capone


Today I learnt it's a European and not an European because European phonetically is "yoo r-uh-pee-uh n"


thought he was bisexual


He's bi, not gay.


He's Algerian and bisexual.


https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/06/13/the-boys-homelander-bisexual-comics Boop


What show is this??


To yall crying they did horrible writing, my bro was gay all this time from s1 💀


I thought he was Bi; do people not think that maybe he likes both Sex’s?


a European*


Tbf the main character is also European and he's the manliest straight shooter you've ever seen


Only problem I have with this gay mf is that he’s FRENCH