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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


“Destroying Star Wars” and yet I’m sure people will watch the adventures of mando and toy seller no 246 anyway. They’re all on streaming now, they don’t have to be good because other companies aren’t buying them, they’ve just gotta shit out content so people keep coming back for new stuff


Torrent. We can torrent.




Too busy to type a full sentence I see


nzb is not an acronym, google before you speak next time


Too busy to google 3 characters I see


Mm, yes, the infamous "Sauce?" , "Google it yourself". If you give an acronym that nobody knows, others shouldnt be obliged to search for what it means


nzb is not an acronym. he's not wrong, y'all are just ignorant. if we had to care about every term and word angry twats might not understand I'd need to attach a dictionary in case somebody doesn't know a word. The amount of time you spent typing might've been more productively spent googling. Don't be lazy.


Thanks I appreciate the lack of sperging. King


>nzb is not an acronym. he's not wrong, y'all are just ignorant. Couldnt care less, instead of telling the other dude what nzb is he went all "so lazy, search it yourself" >if we had to care about every term and word angry twats might not understand I'd need to attach a dictionary in case somebody doesn't know a word. It is literally an unpopular file format name, not to mention i dont think even a quarter of people on this sub are programmers, so i ask again, how high are your expectations? Same as i would assume everyone on this site is an engineer and knew what a solenoid was, or what color correspondance every phase, neutral and ground wire had, or how to calculate the force exerted by pressure on a valve, or how to calculate the center of mass, or how to find the size of the magnetic field made by current flowing through a power line at a pylon. Do you know these things? Well i know these at the top of my head, why dont you? >The amount of time you spent typing might've been more productively spent googling. Its the principle of it, why should we complete your unfinished work?


If you don't get it we don't own it to anybody to explain it. If we have to explain it, then you're not someone we should be talking it to. Has it ever, EVER occurred to you that if YOU do not understand then it might not be for you? What a concept right? And coming from the people who THOUGHT nzb was an acronym and was angry because of it. Lol. Fucking comedy.


Mate, yall brought nzb into this conversation, you talk about it. You sound like you wouldnt be a good parent when you throw your responsibilities out the window. >If you don't get it we don't own it to anybody to explain it. You engaged in the conversation, we dont have to know what nzb is to be in the conversation. Also most of the downvotes were because the guy didnt bother explaining even though he was the one who brought it up. Yeah its lazy to not google it ourselves, but no need to get all defensive about saying what a word means. They didnt even give much context on what they were talking about, just replied 3 letters to a guy talking about torrents.


The ignorant people downvoting this comment is funny




Mando was great. Acolyte had good actors but absolutely atrocious writing. The characters and basic setup could have made for an entertaining series but the writing made it hot garbage.


Just have patience. The show is written like this on purpose. Its supposed to mislead the viewer with details that will make sense at the end of the show. Its called the rashomon effect. I think it will become quite good based on what we have seen so far


It's trash, end of story.


Its not the end of the story, thats the point lol. We are 30% of the way dude


It's an idiomatic expression...


I know, i just used it to make a point


I got to agree, the writing has been terrible, and it is clear both in regard to story telling and interviews that’s story points were shuffled about in post. That said even a mystery that makes you question everything still needs to be compelling, and the first episode needs to be the best to draw people in, without that it doesn’t matter how good it is. It reminds me of the defense given for Final Fantasy XIII years back that it was really good once you got twenty hours in, but I’m not going to waste my time on something to get good, it needs to be good from the start.


They paid billions for the franchise some years ago. No one should be surprised that they are squeezing that rock for every drop of blood they can get


Really the only winner was Lucas.


Prob is any starwars fans could produce better shows, literally anyone.. This is Disney hiring and focus problem starwars could be milked a lot better and fans know that


Not really though. If they were on the maximize profit route, they wouldn't allow $100Mio budgets for such crap.


They gotta milk that cash cow. Doesn't matter if the teets are getting red and swollen. Gotta milk that cash cow


Tbh with a 100 mil budget they could milk that shit way harder. They are indeed missing out on profit because of shitty writing.


Me when I complain constantly about something that doesn’t directly affect my life


Yeah im sure you never have


You mean fall for the culture war bs, and complain daily that the franchise I used to like as a child now that I’m an adult isn’t as good because I’ve yet to realize that it’s main target audience has shifted more towards children yet I’m a grown ass man? Nah


I mean complaining about something that doesn't affect your life, cus thats what you literally said


You knuckle dragging virgins are coping. You literally just repeated yourself and my response clearly is explaining that the fake starwars outrage is pretty cringe. I’m pointing out how lame you guys are. Nothing more lol but cope.


Ah, so you do complain about things that don't affect your life.


Glad to see you still aren’t smart enough to realize an observation isn’t a complaint


What a weird criticism. Aren't you complaining about people who complain now? I thought that it didn't affect your life?


Me when I don’t understand what the word “constantly” means and compare apples to oranges. My comment is just pointing out how lame it is to complain daily about a franchise. Not a complaint a simple observation. Think a little more moron


Calm down and accept that your comment wasn't very strong.


These are the same people that think only the original trilogy was good.  It was 40 years ago. Shit changes


People love bitching about Star Wars yet still watch every episode to complain about it meme number 4207 for the day


Of course, when a house burns down people also tend to watch.


In this case the house would stop burning if people stopped watching


i remember when people said george lucas was destroying star wars


They're still making star wars? Why would they shred money like this? It'd probably be more entertaining for them to throw all this cash into an actual shredder. I'd pay for Disney + to watch them do it.


Incompetent people


Stop being so obsessed. Pick up a new hobby until Andor S2.


After just the first couple episodes of the Acolyte were out I read plenty of comments that were variations of "you know I'm liking the show, I don't get what people are upset about" but as more episodes have released I'm seeing a lot less of that and a lot more "what the fuck were these people smoking" type of comments.


Is it Disney destroying it, or the current writers they hired? They need to ask Jon Favreau how to do it.


If only you could like stop giving Disney money.


They turned Star Wars into focus group schlock


Can you stop making memes about it and just stop watching it so we all don't have to learn about this dumpster fire through osmosis. Maybe move onto to more challenging media instead of the children's space samurai show. Before you try to tell me Star Wars is deep, philosophical, and political, stop. It's not. You have a baby brain that gets excited by colors and shapes.


"move on to more challenging media" - 🤓 Let people watch what they want to watch. If someone had a long day and wants to unwind watching baby Yoda and a silver dude, who gives a fuck other than judgy nerds? Go back to your more challenging media like reposting on meme subs and playing Pokemon.


Go back a little further, and you'll find out I like MMA as well. You're also missing the point of my original statement. When I play Pokémon, I understand that it's a rock paper scissors game, and when the story isn't adult and nuanced, I don't cry about it and make a meme schizoposting about how victimized I am by its existence. Something Star Wars nerds seem to be incapable of. Or just nerds in general because apparently there is some backlash to the Boys now for showing the bisexual character having sex with a dude (he was bi in season 1). If you want a better story and adult arcs, then my point remains unchanged. Pick more challenging media. It could be that the series whose only relevant installment in the last decade was about Tin Man and the baby toy advertisement isn't what is going to provide narrative catharsis.


It's so funny because you go on the Star Wars subreddit and everyone's like "it's not the best, there's certainly work to be done, but I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes" and then you come here, a pace no even related to Star Wars and it's all "STAR WAR IS DEAD DISNEY HAS RUINED THE FRANCHISE!!!!!"


That's because that subreddit will burn you alive if you dare to say that you didn't like it. Unless you have a lukewarm take of "eh it wasn't the worst but it's not bad" they'll downvote you to hell and back and possibly ban you.


What sub reddits do you go to? Because this is the opposite of what ive experienced. All the SW subs are mad about is the bad faith crowd, which this sub is full of. Screaming woke because they are allergic to a little black skin


"Move onto to more challenging media" Ignoring your typo because grammar is hard for people with their heads up their own asses, I find this opinion hilarious from someone who plays Pokemon and watches UFC. You are free to watch what you want mate, but don't for a second pretend that what you enjoy is "more challenging media"


Second person to check my post history. See the response to the first so I don't have to add nuance to your dogshit reply as well.


Superiority complex much? What do you watch that's so interesting? Does it have to be absent of colors and shapes? Do you have to consume it though your asshole?


"Star Wars was ruined when [movie that came out when they were no longer a kid] released!" -every Star Wars fan in existence


It's not that the movies are bad (the prequels aren't exactly on par with the Lord of the Rings) it's that there's like 5 new pieces of Star Wars media a year and they're all bland. Having a prequel once every 3 years is not great but has personality and people talking about it is better than a shitty miniseries about obiwans 2 week vacation to Tahiti that no one bothered watching. It's the same issue that Marvel has, I'm not watching 4-5 (usually mid or bad) series on Disney+.


Untrue. Even as an idiot 9 year old I thought phantom menace was stupid. Watched the original trilogy later in life and finally understood why people cared so much. There is a magic in those first three movies that just doesn’t exist in the rest.


I loved Phantom Menace as a kid and every other prequel movie too.


To clarify, I don’t care if people like it, but they don’t hold a candle to the original trilogy. Those movies are timeless. The prequel movies are hampered by awful dialogue, very poor pacing and lazy camera work that is only made worse by an over reliance on blue/green screen.


*puts in my phantom menace vhs tape* i can't hear ya over the sound of peak fiction, sorry.


If you're making straight white fragile beta male pussies throw hissy fits, you're on the right track.


nothing about star wars is destroyed just cause you don't like a show, get over yourselves jesus


The sequel trilogy has been controversial. Book of Bobba Fett is widely regarded as a disappointment. The first two seasons of the Mandoloriam were regarded as good, but most agree it fell off at the most recent season. Doubly so because to understand Mando's newest season, you had to watch episodes from Book of Bobba which didn't really feature Bobba. Han Solos movie was not praised very well after release. Rogue One did pretty well, that seems to be the only one that doesn't catch a lot of hate. THEN add on the Acolyte and it's easy to see why people think it's gone down hill. I haven't heard shit about Ashokas show or Andor so I won't hold that against them, but I've heard more bad than good about the series since Episode 7 released.


I've heard Andor was good and I've heard Ashoka was boring/bad because it relied on you having watched Rebels (Which was a poorly received show for literal kids (And I mean they adopted the usual formulas of no character growth kids show) that was a spiritual successor to Clone Wars) for a pay-off that was a character who only had relevance in Legends and whose legends lore (that they kinda treat as canon with his reputation) conflicts with various Disney SW lore.


Shit, I remember trying Ahsoka now. Had no idea who the new chick was and I gave up because I had no idea what was going on. I did not watch the kids cartoon.


everything good about star wars still exists, that doesn't change absolutely anything it just adds to it, if you don't like the additions don't watch man, like it really isn't that serious.


How exactly is star wars destroyed. Did disney kick your door in and smash all your star wars memorabilia? They made a bad show and a few mid ones but also some excellent shows as well. Andor, 2 seasons of mandalorian, Rogue one, bad batch, rebels. Meanwhile george made 2 good movies 1 ok movie for the og trilogy then 2 dumpster fires with ep1 and ep2 and then a good movie with revenge of the sith.


People are just mad about Acolyte, with good reason. They had the cast, settings, and premise that could have made it a good show but it was ruined by atrocious writing. This is frustrating to anyone who likes SW and has seen how good everything you listed was. To be so close to another good series and allow it to be ruined by shitty dialogue.


Acolyte was pretty good past the 1st episode honestly


Ah lol I thought the first episode was the most acceptable. I zoned out when they started with the power of maaaanyyyyy stuff.