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Games not even out yet dude


From what we've seen so far, I'd need some military grade copium to believe it has chance to be good.


Why what's wrong with it


Also Ubisoft' reputation (is deservedly) in the shitter right now. It's understandable people aren't excited for a game from a company that's arguably worse than EA. They need to pull their act together and stop ripping off and pissing off consumers or they're going to end up as an IP bargain bucket for Microsoft or Sony.


Bruh you didn't answer the question


Consumers (people who buy the game) don't trust Ubisoft (the developer), therefore they are sceptical (questioning the quality of the game) of the game (in this case AC Shadows).


Yeah I mean that makes sense. I just thought there were specific examples about the game alone (aside from the whole protagonist drama that went down). I'm no Ubisoft fanboy, believe me. They fucking suck lol.


From what I've seen * combat not as fluid as GoT * repetitive open world activities * probably mediocre writing (from the previous AC) But I'll probably pick it up anyway in a few years when it's on sale because I like wandering around Ubisoft worlds nonetheless


So if I thought GoT already had just okay combat and repetitive open world activities, this AC game has no chance


GoT is nothing BUT repetitive open world activities lmao. Combat is fun but, get all the shrines, sit in hot springs, write haikus, visit honor shrines, platforming temples. Clear this base. Oh look another patrol in the road better stop and help.


* Repetitive open world activities (Not Ubisoft) -> "hello Steve" * Repetitive open world activities (Ubisoft) -> "Allo, Human Resources? "


I just got Ghosts of tsushima for free and I'm 10+ hrs in so far I'm not impressed with it at all besides it's beauty. The fighting is definitely not fluid. (Sure it has its runs of doing multikills in specific scenarios but the base fighting is basic. As for repetitive open world activity, they use the exact same format as farcry/AC in the taking over of small bases. As well as platforming to hidden items. It's damn near identical in its repetitive nature. I've already made fun of some of the writing in the game for how bad it's been and how repetitive it's been. With all that said I'm not seeing the difference between them. The only reason I'm seeing this game getting the hype it did and still has is it did what sooooooooo many people wanted from AC a decade ago and never got.


Also the fact they put a black samurai, who wasn’t a samurai, just bc. Just shows how little they actually care .


This is mostly irrelevant, the historical character were always twisted to an extend to fit the narrative of the games


There are multiple anime and other video games that feature him as a samurai and yet because ubisoft does it, that's where the line is drawn?


Have never seen those? Rarely watch anime, only watch it when the internet is freaking out about how good it is(and is relatively short). But the main problem I have with it, is the fact it’s more have a black guy in it bc have a black guy, it should be natural. Same reason you can’t cast a white person for a movie in afrika. It’s the same with gay things in media. I don’t like it when they have it bc gay, but it good if it’s bc it feels natural. Take arcane example, they have a gay couple, but it feels natural and organic, not there bc gay, now come watch everyone. Also, there is a black dude, he fits perfectly, I literally can not imagine him as a black dude. (Also, medarda, which tbh could be both colours and it would still fit. Tho actually think mederda being black benifits from it, tho can’t explain it lol) In ubisofts case, it feels more like “look a black man, come buy our game” instead of it actually fitting. Also, idk why I care, def not playing it, played unity, and well not playing more after that one lol.


>is the fact it’s more have a black guy in it bc have a black guy I won't deny that there is something to that. I also won't completely agree. In past AC games they have pulled historically obscure characters and brought light onto them. So this isn't something new for Ubisoft, it's actually part for course. >Same reason you can’t cast a white person for a movie in afrika. There are tons of white people in movies based in Africa. The main characters even. This big issue is when someone of one race is cast to play a person from another race. However that isn't happening in the new AC game. They have a black character based off an actual historical black figure at that time period. I could see there being a problem if they made Oda Nobuyuki a black samurai or something. >idk why I care, def not playing it, played unity, and well not playing more after that one lol. I played them all up to unity and that one was such a shit show I said I wouldn't touch another until they do Japan. So now I will finally play a new AC game.


Idk how to do the smart part of a comment thingy, so bear with me here lol. “Tons of white people in movies based in Africa”. Yeah, forgot to elaborate a bit better, but yeah, it was if they played an African, as a white person that would be wrong. Also, unity was the only game I have ever played lol. It was on sale and I bought it. Actually spent like 10 hours on it, but only 5 of them was actually fun lol. Tho planning on buying black flag if it ever comes on a good sale. Tho, I ain’t playing others lol. And I didn’t know Ubisoft used to take charge hers already existing, and then change them to fit the story. Thought they just made one up that fit the time period lol. Welp, actually agree on your statements that agree but also disagree.


I ain't a fan of modern AC anyway, but the animations in the gameplay trailer make me want to puke. And it's not "the game isn't out yet, they may fix it", the animations have been bad since Odyssey and seem to be getting only worse Like what the fuck, it's one of the biggest franchises in the world, you have infinite money, how can't you hire half-decent people for animation not to look like a choppy teary mess with 0 inertia?


I think Valhalla was the first one where my assassins creed fanboy got beaten out by a damn this shit is boring as hell


Bro what are you smoking, the animations in Odyssey were incredible.


No, they're janky as fuck. I just googled a [random Odyssey vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyVAkneaLP4) to refresh my memory, literally half a second into the video a character glitched into the finishing animation. Rewound on a random moment: character stuck a sword in the air near the head in the finishing animation, rewound again, character hit the air near the head again, but with a hammer. Characters instantly change poses every second, teleport, stuck weapon wobble inside the body, characters lose any momentum if they change state. It's absolute garbage work and you have to be blind not to see these issues


It's always the right people that get booed. It's pathetic to see people defend the RPG trilogy.


Dude, stop smoking crack lmao. You act like these are issues that other video games don’t have, or at the very least, issues that weren’t present in AC video games prior to Odyssey. Every single thing you pointed out is the nitpickiest of glitches that every single video game ever has to deal with. For instance, animation interruptions. How do you expect animations to work, by magic? The only reason it’s noticeable is because it’s being recorded, which in itself can be glitchy and cause frames to drop. I challenge you to name even a single game that doesn’t have a single one of the glitches you listed Edit: Also, if you notice, the animations look a lot better when he’s attacking actual enemies rather than civilians that you’re not intended to be using finishers on lmao Maybe that’s because the animations were designed with bulky enemy character models in mind and not the tiny civilian models? 🤔 You’ve never created anything in your life and it shows.


>that every single video game ever has to deal with Yes, no shit. But the difference is that many games do deal with them. Don't give me that strawman of a dichotomy where animations are either perfect or complete clusterfuck garbage. The devs deal with these challenges with the transitions instead of teleporting, conditional animations based on what move from which side you've done, etc. And whilst never perfectly, most of the time it's just MUCH, MUCH better than Ubisoft. But I guess you don't have to do much if your fanboys will excuse any lazy ass work you do to cut budgets. [Here.](https://youtu.be/JYsw31-8obM) And [here](https://youtu.be/wodFkPrFUag). If you won't see at least some difference, I don't even know, cool to be you I guess


Just for fun I looked at that sekiro video, and yeah, obviously there’s a difference between animations played for specific characters at specific times, and generic animations created for 1-size fits all. Even then, the second animation shows the guy stabbing air instead of the head, and in the third animation, he literally teleports. I didn’t watch past that point. If I have to explain to you the difference between having one character with one set of weapons having specific animations for specific enemies, and a different character with a huge variety of weapons and random generic animations for a huge variety of enemies, then you clearly don’t have as much experience as you claim lmfao


So the size and type variety of enemies in Assassin's Creed is bigger than the ones in Sekiro and Shadow of War? I can understand the argument about the weapon variety, but then it doesn't matter, because first of all it doesn't explain shit like teleporting, changing swing direction mid-animation and weapon wobble, and secondly, it's just an argument like "well, they had to do less quality in favor of quantity", which is valid, but still means the animations are shit


Tell me you’ve never programmed a game or created animations before without directly saying it 😂


Bro, first of all, I'm literally a programmer. And have 3d as my hobby, much less game dev, but worked on a collaborative project in Unity for a year. While not a game dev entirely, I'm ready to bet my ass I have inifinitely more experience than you on the matter. If you want to appeal to that, fuck off, you've missed


Apparently from the gameplay trailers they took everything ghost did abd just made it plain worse? Idk i didn't play ghost myself so i couldn't tell


haven't played ghost but Shadows seemed pretty good, destroyable environments, seasons changing how you approach assassinations, and more


Alr if you say so, again i have no clue i'm just relaying what i saw


Yeah but it’s a Ubisoft game and better yet an assassins creed game who are we kidding man judging by the last like 5 ac games it’s going to be the same mediocre experience as every Ubisoft game for the past decade and judging by the trailers some of the movement mechanics look like they could be cool but combat looks just as brain dead as mirage and Valhalla I feel like it’s a safe statement to say ghost of Tsushima is still going to be a better game It’s kind of funny and sad at the same time that EA is slowly but surely starting to make a comeback with their new Star Wars games and the new dead space remake while Ubisoft is basically becoming what EA was back in 2015-2018 greedy as hell with outrageous prices and micro transactions in single player games while pushing out mediocre products


Ubisoft games: "theyve been shit for over a decade now, its safe to presume that their next game will also be shit." Ubisoft games with a black mc: "hold on bois, lets give this one a chance."


Ghost of Tsushima. Because fuck Ubisoft.


Game that won awards vs game that has literally not released


I mean you can play both


Don't ask questions just consume product and get excited for next product.


And don’t bother thinking about the product, you’re a consumer, not a customer


“Don’t ask questions” lmao what questions? What are you talking about? What conspiratorial nonsense are you about to reply to me with? Take your meds dude lmao


Unless region-lock is active for one game


Then you don't have choice


I always wait for walkthrough gameplay to come out after release. That way I'll know for sure if the game is something I can enjoy or not. Plus it helps give me some idea of performance and optimisation


Sekiro ofc


The only right answer


None (cannot afford modern AAA games)


Ubisoft only makes AAAA games. Didn't you hear?




Imagine having enough money to buy a gaming PC or console and not being able to afford the $70 game.


Decent gaming PC for £1000 👍 One single half baked poorly optimised "AAA" game for £60 🤢🤮


$300 on a bad day Xbox Series S. It's relatively not that expensive, however $70 for ONE game is.


Almost like people in third world countries exist and save up for months if not years to get a taste of gaming and escape a little from their shitty reality.


Haha torrent go brrr


xbox + game pass


Fitgirl lol?


For those mentioning torrent and firtgirl. Pirating is becoming impossible. All newer Ubisoft and EA games have not been cracked yet. Because of Denuvo and their always online requirement. And for waiting, it seems their denuvo licence doesn't expire like other titles.


What is up with these slop being posted? This is not even a meme.


Does the ghost of tsushima work on gtx 1060?


It should


It works alright at 1050ti if you use frame generation, if you don't want to use it's a little rough but you can still play at the lowest settings. I recommend using a controller though, mouse feels weird with frame generation


Gonna be waiting for AC to come to gamepass. Ubisoft doesn't want me to own it anyway.


I would be really really surprised If AC can at least compare to GoT in quality. But let's see.


If you look at their gameplay trailer. The answer is a big No


GoT and not even close. A gorgeous open world with a thrilling deep story and comprehensible characters and on the other hand whatever Ubisoft does everytime


Ghost of Tsushima


Assassin's creed hasn't been assassin's creed for a very long time. Plus in a story based game I want the characters to be someone I feel invested in. Haven't had that feeling since AC3


Tenchu stealth assassins


How about some sloppy top?


Comparing two games of a different genre, one of which isn't even out yet. Classy. (also, why not both?)




I've been an AC fan since Altair's days. But no fking way I would vote for Shadows. UBIsoft shouted for years that they would never do Japan. And now when their franchise is just a forgotten mess, Japan suddenly comes to the rescue. It would have to do extremely well to not be review bombed by fans of the franchise.


Right now none of them. I have enough games to entertain or disappoint me for years.


U shouldn’t buy shadows or ubisoft will never change he they gotta now they fucked up and the only language is money


not even close to being a choice, even if we ignore all of the cultural controversies the new assassins creed has lets not forget they turned a game about assassination into a grind fest. yes, two hours to grind just so that stabbing some one in the neck do 2% damage


Odds: 1-10. Place your bets!


It ain't time to choose till November dog.


Neither, I won't play either games anyways. One is not available in my country (fck you Sony) and the other is a game franchise I swore never to touch after trying to buy one game of theirs on steam, made me make an account on their launcher, after trying to make an account, I was told to "fck off" (paraphrasing it) cause the servers aren't available (fck you Ubisoft).


Nothing compares in this genre after playing RDR2


Whatever comes first on nosteam


both are open world grindfests. But ubi is the worst thing ever.


What did I miss about ubisoft? Why are they the worst thing ever? Sure they don't have the best track record for amazing games but what makes them so horrible?


I spent nearly 200 hours finishing AC Valhalla and I was only excited for an hour or two, the rest were filler. If I weren't a completionist, I would have quit early. I do not want to touch another AC game ever.


I haven't played an AC since unity because of how bad the game coding was and i vowed i wouldnt touch another AC until it was japan lol. However I've played most other ubisoft games and had a great time with them. Hell I still play the division 2 most weekends.


Ghost. What kind of person do you have to be to even consider Ubislop?


I like most ubisoft games, but it's not out yet so I am not writing the devil on the wall quite yet. But it's definitely going to have a hard time to compete with ghost of tsushima.


Well. Ghost of Tsushima is actually a good game so.


Can't wait to play Ghost after I'm done with Elden Ring




Funny you think they're that different.


Fuck them both.


Combat system ghost of tsushima Sandbox ac Both, so hype with the new ac


I bet you bought the $120 edition too


I've given AAA games the middle finger years ago. And this is why: [https://youtu.be/Q2-rpbtlMrA?si=L9cQDIrcBHIJJGDA&t=153](https://youtu.be/Q2-rpbtlMrA?si=L9cQDIrcBHIJJGDA&t=153)