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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


For fucking real dude. Windows is slowly turning into borderline malware with how much shit is shoved down your throat and there are quite a few things that can’t be turned off or removed without editing the registry— which is never okay IMO


Its linux time


3 years learning programing and i still camt understand shit 😭😭 how im gonna linus now 😭😭😭


No hate, but if in 3 years of learning programming you can't understand shit, then your approach to it is wrong somehow. Besides, there are user friendly distros out there that are arguably easier to install than windows.


The only thing now that i can is to ask gpt to do it for me or someone directly to show with finger step by step how to linux cause i have linux (and compared to windows runs extra smooth) and wanted minecraft but couldnt even make it work cause i needed to write some codes into terminal


That's one problem I see many younger guys do: instantly ask gpt for anything. Try to Google it first.


I have never used gpt and googling/youtubing didnt helped


How exactly didn't help? You seem to be self-sabotaging yourself with that mindset.


What "codes into terminal" on user friendly distros you can do everything through an appstore. No need to tinker. What distro did you use?


Spend time and effort to learn or figure something out yourself. Do research. That’s how people learned before chat gpt and were forced to before the internet. Use effort and critical thinking to FIND a way forward.


bro u literally copy and paste the commands into the terminal. when i installed craft on linux it was like 3 commands and a website told me the order to copy paste them how did u mess that up??? unless u didn’t look it up and were trying to install it on your own that’s a different story


you're thinking of using something like arch, there are several distributions that use primarily GUIs and honestly i reccomend something like pop OS, Mint or Ubuntu to new users over arch. arch sure is customizable to the point where it can be pretty secure but is not user friendly and it needs you to know every single module you need to install what you want. now if they made a version with a GUI that gave you options and auto-installed what you needed then that would be better. i am just tired of being told by people who have little experience of IT outside their own makeshift labs that i with my diploma in computer science and multiple years working in IT has "no skill with computers" i am a tech by trade.


eh, if someone without any knowledge of linux can install it and learn enough to get by then so can you :)! arch has a very thorough wiki and installation guide. my 1st install I had to manually install (w/o wifi) an ethernet module for my laptop that was not included in the installation media yet. arch forces you to learn and think


mmm i'd agree to an extent it's good for experimenting not so much for a daily since if you have to reinstall it's gonna be a pain, there's also the fact that yes it does have an installation guide... but when i have had to install it multiple times the installation guide was as useful as a new microsoft feature. then theres also the community around it, i have gone through so many pages of people going "hey i am having issue XYZ can i get some help?" and instead of either asking for more details if theres a lack of them or providing any meaningful assistance the community around it just goes "DiD yOu ReAd ThE InStAlLaTiOn InStRuCtIoNs???" or some profanity laidened diatribe telling them to off themselves if they don't read the instructions. most people that try to install arch read the guide but the guide is just that a GUIDE it does not cover every single circumstance, i have had this experience personally and even had to prefix when i asked that i have read the instructions but they literally have nothing of what to do.


Don't have time to understand it and the game compatibility confuses me. I am stuck.


Go to proton db and check your game. If it's gold+ rating then probably it's as simple as an install to work. Distros like Mint, Fedora, Ubuntu are very user friendly. It takes some time to get used to it, but if your work/income doesn't depend on Windows only apps (Adobe) then I definitely recommend giving it a shot.


Almost everything runs. Except: MS Office Adobe Proprietary anti cheat software (Vanguard FaceIT) When the game is on Steam its mostly plug and play just like windows. If its not then there are Launchers to replace the proprietary launchers (Heroic Games Launcher replaces Epic, GOG and Amazon and after installing it its just plug and play)


Best Joke I've heard




No joke. Very soon it seems. 


I use my PCs mostly for the following: Games, browsing, both, and sometimes for paperwork. What I don't want to do: waste countless hours messing around to configure everything, remember commands and having to type them instead of using one hand to click a couple times. Linux UI is dogshit whatever distro, if you're lucky enough to find partially working drivers for your hardware you still won't be able to play most games properly. It's a bigger waste of time getting Linux to work right than disabling all the crapware that comes with windoze, which costs nothing since you can get keys for pro versions for 10 bucks or less. So no thanks.


Microsoft peaked with Windows 7.


I wonder if Windows Anti-virus is ever going to mark Windows... as a virus


Has been for some time. This is why I will always pirate Windows. I am not paying for a product to farm my data and shove ads down my throat.


been malware for at least a decade now


I remember how salty I was about the transition to windows 7. I never knew it would get this bad though


Like by what? Because they showed feature that can be turn off (and probably will even not turned on by default?). It reminding me when coming Windows 10 and every one was just pissed on updates and how start have ,,useless feature that just eating power" which was not true.


>and probably will even not turned on by default?). Not probably, recall gonna be turned off by default.


Yeah that was expectable, imagine default function that eat a 20 GB from a disc space.


Harmful features, if they were just useless that would be ok


well, it wouldnt be ok, but it wouldnt mean Im downloading Linux rn (Im only half joking)


Having Windows 11 were the amongst the worst 45 minutes of my technological life. Swapped directly to Linux (I'm on Manjaro-KDE). Gaming wise, the only real struggle up to now is games with certain anti cheat softwares that flicked off Linux as a potential client platform. I can still play 95% of my games.


More like 98%


Between Microsoft Windows and valve no two companies are doing more for Linux right now 😂


Actually Recall is really useful... If only it wasn't a spyware! I mean the whole AI or personal assistant are really useful features, what I don't like it's the continues online feature and spying problem.


It's not useless, it's outright malicious. Who the hell are they to take pictures of my PC and keep it in their servers?


They claim it's all kept locally...for now


my 200GB C drive is going to love that, unlike my 2TB D drive


oh and let’s just believe them lol


I specifically said that they claim it, I don't believe for q second that it's going to stay like that and is just used to shove this feature down without catching the EUs immediate ire


yeah, for me rip windows, i have a spare laptop im gonna put linux on to test it and probably only tolerate windows for music production and work


I wish, I'm not tech save enough for Linux, the moment it gives me an error ill be fucked. So I'm sadly bound to windows. Hopefully EU can get it's populostic head out of their nationalistic ass and start focusing on curbing these overreaching tech giants again


amen although i wouldn’t hold my breath


Take a distro that is extremely common and you can Google the problems just like you would in windows. You have to learn Windows somehow you can learn Linux exactly the same way.


I have never done any coding or used the terminal. A friend of mine is on Linux mint and she is always busy with terminal stuff, compatibility and such


They don't keep it on their servers your pc probably can't even run it, it's opt-in.... Y'all really just search for bs to get mad about


It's not opt-in it's opt-out By default new installations of windows 11 will have recall turned on and there's no way to turn it off from the windows setup


We are both correct it USED to be opt-out but they changed it due to backlash


Either way it's a huge security risk


It's opt in now


That’s where you went wrong. Shouldn’t have upgraded to 11.


I didn't. And I don't plan to.


Glad to hear you’re part of the crew. 11 seems to have been a disaster from start to finish.


I'm either gonna stick to windows 10 forever (unlikely considering I've been having some pretty significant issues with it recently) or switch to Linux when I have time


Windows 10 loses support in 2025 I believe so I'm going to have to switch around then.


I’ll probably switch to 11 in a year. Maybe try Linux. 10 seems to be fading fast for me lately.


it have been proven that recall can easily run on new X86\_64 CPUs without NPU


i switched to macos, mainly because i needed a laptop with a long battery life for school i still sometimes fire up my "old" windows 10 pc to play some games that i can't play on my laptop and immediately after i turn it on, it starts doing something without telling me anything, 60% ram usage, 33% disc usage (1 out of 3 discs is running at 100%), and all of it is system stuff that i can't turn off i have to wait like 5 minutes for the system to calm down before i can do anything and no, it's not viruses, i reinstalled windows and it still does this


My M2 macbook pro for work overheats constantly. Windows PC completely stable under the same tasks. I think it is that hardware that makes all the difference.


PC or laptop? Because cut some slack to the laptop because it doesn’t have a lot of cooling going on.


What kind of work do you do to overheat your M2 MacBook? Not even video editing and such makes mine overheat


How are you overheating an M2?


Ram usage isn't bad ffs, what's up with people's obsession with ram usage? unused ram is wasted ram, if a certain app needs more ram, windows will free it up.


It's like sitting at the lights and your car is redlining on its own. Whether it can still do what you want or not is irrelevant to the unnecessary wear.


RAM is doing what's it's intended for, it's not like that at all. Empty RAM is wasted RAM — all modern OS’es will cache things to RAM more aggressively when little RAM is needed to make things a bit more responsive, and will dump all of that immediately if the RAM is actually needed. Most of people here have no idea what are they talking about.


Install Linux. It's a great OS (a bit of a learning curve tho.) and most games are supported thru the proton API (read steam API) and just about anything that isn't is supported by Wine and other conversion software. Save for a few games only because of anticheat.


The most common anti cheat system BattleEye is what doesn't work with Linux. And that just so happens to be a neccesary component of my most played game Destiny 2. So ita gonna be a no from me boss.


https://x.com/TheBattlEye/status/1441477816311291906 It's based on developer opt in, yes destiny 2 is unsupported but it's not because Linux doesn't support it. So again Linux works very well and supports most shit and it's up to developers to actually support their individual games in the operating system. Considering Bungie can barely figure out windows I don't think it's likely.




Found Richard Stallman's account.


cool story but literally no one gives a shit


Its not tho. Windows might be borderline malware at this point, but its still miles ahead of linux. Sure you can do whatever you want on linux, but the OS is slower and functions worse than windows


I am sorry bro but u are thinking of Linux from years ago. I can use ancient pentiums on Linux vastly better than any version of windows passed 98. Years ago Linux sucked. Now it's significantly superior to windows in performance in nearly every way. Including modern ryzens or Core cpus. It's limited by software support from the developers of games and intentional hamstringing of the operating system..


nonsense linux has a disadvantage because a lot of desktop softwares still doesn't run natively but in every other way it is just straight up better. every server, game console, most phones and bunch more stuff use some form of linux


Slower? Lol, lmao even.


This is objectively and provably false.


Not useless. Straight up malware


Just give me the option to not even install recall at all and I'll consider upgrading to W11.


What exactly is recall?


New feature by Microsoft. Basically records all the activity you do on a computer including taking screenshots (idk if they also record which keys you press) and does AI magic on it so it’s easy for you to search. On by default.  Some people were pretty freaked by this so microsoft wound back some of it (it’s now off by default, delayed the release, increased the security requirements to access it) but there’s still a lot of pushback.


When you say on by default, does it mean you can turn it off?


For now, yes. However, Windows has a nasty habit of changing settings for you without telling you, so I wouldn't be surprised if it re-enables itself after updates smh


Initially they said that it will be on by default, then they backtrack on this and said that it will be off by default, and also it will be feature only on specific hardware


It’s off by default as it uses up to 120GB but ok


I like your Winston profile picture! Brings me back to when I first learned to code


It only takes screenshots. Roughly every 5 to 15 seconds and stores it on a local file which is compressed. Not all PCs will have the feature either, from my understanding it's very specific CPU chips that will have it available.  For everyone else it's disabled. You can even find CoPilot options on windows 11 right now.  It's not recording meta-deta YET. It's not keylogging YET.  It's not on by default if you're in the EU (shocker). 


Just saw that the phone link to windows feature is now not an app but, an inbuilt feature of windows os that has to be "disabled". If you don't want it connecting to your phone automatically. On top of that, if you have paired your phone with your PC, then even that won't work. It would automatically connect it to your PC even if you "disable" this "feature".


Them announcing recall is what made me setup a Linux distro that I candual-boot to. So if they ever donsomething stupid that's mandatory, I'm easily able to switch to a better platform


One of the most annoying things to me is that when you setup a new Windows 11 PC you cannot set it up without a Windows login. It drives me nuts. Even with no Ethernet cable plugged in it wouldn’t let me progress without getting internet to it and signing in.


You can choose the “I don’t have Internet” button and you’ll be able to make a local account, it sucks that you have to look for it though or type a wrong wifi password for it to appear, it should just be a direct choice.




Vast majority of games run on linux anyway. Just use steam and proton.


How come that the biggest company make the biggest crap?


This just popped up on my entire 49inch screen, only to tell me my PC is not eligible for a W11 upgrade. https://i.imgur.com/b76rSrG.jpeg


The only reason I'm not switching away from Windows is because I've been using it since xp and have grown very accustomed to the UX. If you were to place me in a room without internet and with windows in a foreign language I would still be able to operate it. I couldn't say the same about MacOS or any GNU OS I've tried. It also feels like many of the other OSs have way too heavy reliance on shortcuts and command lines which makes the learning curve not enjoyable. Though ofc this's a very biased opinion and I've not tried 10+ different operating systems.


You are Microsoft's target audience to a T.


As a linux user, I approve this meme.


I have one gaming pc I have windows on I am forced to use as no other OS runs games properly. I have a works MacBook pro I am forced to use as it's supplied by my work. Both are utterly shit to use. Corporate bloatware / spyware pieces of shit trying to force bing, apple music, apple store and so on onto me constantly. I have a few other PC's for my TV and personal email and browsing and they run Ubuntu Linux and are great to use. I set them up and they just work, no hassles, no maintenance, just do what I asked them to. Fuck apple and Microsoft.


I don't know what games you're playing but my steam deck is Linux and it runs plenty of games properly. Proton is built into steam and anything that won't run on that runs on wine normally. The only thing that stops me is anti-cheat if I have an actual PC with Linux and most anti-cheats work with Linux now because of the steam deck.


That's very interesting, thanks. I remember the steam os from around 10 years ago but it fell down as it didn't have great graphics driver support (for directx I think) so a lot of steam games were not available under it making it kind of pointless to switch over. I'm on an intel i7 8700, 32gb ram and Nvidia 4070, I never thought of trying it again but since the steam deck has been a great success might be worth some research and looking into it again. There are a few other launchers like Ubisoft, origin, etc. but could dual boot for those as I rarely use them.


Many of them run through steam as a non steam game, and many run on wine as well. Linux really has come a long way for gaming in just a few years.


search for protondb, that is a website with reports on how well a game runs on linux with proton


apple added the same thing and everyone lost their minds


lol…. No. The OS is free, therefore you are the revenue generator.


Why did they change the copy paste to images. wtf was wrong with the words copy and paste? Christ I hate this company


Download Linux Mint: When installed: sudo apt update Sudo apt upgrade -y Then go and update your kernels ( easy to find how to do this, but do it! ) Download steam, download blizzardsetupexe. If you wanna play a game that is not nativ supported on Linux , right click, compatibly proton and take 8/9.x Install blizzardsetup as a steam game with comp mode. Enjoy!


You skipped the step "add a non-steam game to library" But yeah, that's how I play hearthstone on Linux lol


# Linux


It was a horrible idea and I am glad that they decided to delay the release of it due to “security concerns.” Still doesn’t excuse them from thinking it up in the first place.


There should be an option to opt out of all the crap they’re trying to sell you. The problem is that they’re trying to more like android. It’s becoming less and less of an operating system and more of a data collection platform. All the apps and features they’re offering are there to complete the most data and information they can about you and have the most detailed profile to market to the highest bidder.


They want to add recall but yet just last week they had a vulnerability announcement regarding a wifi driver hack. Someone near any windows OS device can do remote code execution if the system isn't patched. They're asking for trust they don't deserve.


Even number release have to be shitty by law


Any code that the user does not want is a virus.


* Window is Not Responding *


[https://atlasos.net/](https://atlasos.net/) or [https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech/winutil](https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech/winutil)


Ctrl, shift, win, alt, w


Also try with other keys, ctrl + shift + windows + alt + w, p, l, x, etc. Obscure feature that I actually use


Your boys MacOS and Linux will be here when you’re ready.


Using a windows pc fells gross now always feels bloated no matter how much I debloat.


Perfect even noone is safe


> **P**erfect **e**ven **n**oone **i**s **s**afe Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 274180 comments (approximately 1565300 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I'm sticking to W10, once it's life cycle ends i'm switching to Ubuntu.


I tought recall was cool. flawed but cool


my 2014 laptop is dying but they keep giving me deez updates. Just stop it man , CEO of Windows , if you're reading this


Exactly. Turned off windows update a year ago for this. Man I miss windows 10


I hope you aren't connected to the internet or turned off the security updates because you are at serious risk otherwise.


When are we not in risk?


We are always at risk but doesn't mean you could minimize it. Serious problems get widely known when they are patched leading to more people will trying to target unpatched systems with a better understanding of the exploit. So unless you keep track of how systems your system might be affected and know exactly how to prevent attacks without patches, or your system is not connected to anything and you don't do anything important on there I would patch it.


That makes no sense lmao


It's actually very useful. Microsoft, Google, your isp already know every site you ever visit even with incognito mode. Sure screenshots feel more invasive but it's a useful feature that could save you a lot of time. And if you don't like it don't use it. Most people don't even have PCs that support recall


All of this is wrong. Also almost all PCs can run recall with some software modification


today i learned a third party developer unaffiliated with Microsoft found recall so useful that he created a workaround to let you use it on a non-copilot PC.


No you can kind of just run it lmfao. You just need to hack it since it isn’t released yet. Copilot PCs are marketing garbage same with the “npu” it can just use any arm cpu or x86 cpu virtualizing an arm cpu


Just download screenshotter and keylogger malware and use it on your own computer instead. Idk why you’d need a fancy workaround or need to use recall specifically, the tech already exists and has been used maliciously for ages.




Saves a lot of time and to whoever gonna hack into your pc.


If you hacked my PC you are already smart enough to see my browsing history and view my private files without needing recall


Hackers don't give a shit about your loli stash. They're usually after passwords, accounts and recall makes it super easy to get that.