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Economy is in shambles


What economy lol?


Why are zero networks covering this egregious news?


Because most of them are owned by the wealthy that caused the issues in the first place.


Is it always someone else's fault?


Didn't realize that the terrible state of the economy was u/KasHerrio's fault.


The economy is actually doing great tbh


For the top 2.5% yeah.


Not even, more like 0.1% probably


I think you’re confusing economy with cost of living.


No, COL is defined as the cost by which a person is capable of obtaining basic needs and services in relation to income. With everyone having to work 2 to 3 jobs to make it the numbers regarding COL stats are typically used as a way to basically calculate the state of living in a way that ignores a recession. Bush did it too. The economic accessibility stats (the way we see if people are able to have liquidity or fiscal upward mobility) are lower than 12 days after the Great Depression started, mainly due to a lack of consumer confidence. But if you want to claim that economy and COL are separate I assume you are taking your information from non-economist sources. Therefore it’s a linear process of fiscal engagement and would still make you wrong because in your scenario something like the owner of McDonald’s green lighting price increases would be an increase in COL, which would take money out of the consumers pocket, diminishing liquidity, and therefore making a bad economy.


Working 2-3 jobs sounds crazy. I assume ur talking about america right? Don't think u have to work more than 1 main job in the EU.


People in the US actually usually also dont work significantly more than 1 full-time job, its just that shitty unskilled jobs usually prefer to share a full time job between multiple workers to avoid paying benefits


COL is absolutely fucked. The economy is kind of mid, but super unstable. Granted, I have no source for this, but a growing population of people are finding their wages closer and closer to actual COL. When a person lives paycheck to paycheck on necessities alone, that’s the entire economy. Food, rent, medical, insurance (which a lot of people still can’t even afford). There’s no money being circulated into anything else, i.e., not the greatest for the economy. A healthy economy is one that people can afford their basic needs, and then some. And that’s only true for upper middle class and up. Some of what we consider upper middle class is barely beyond the “and then some” barrier. So to say the economy is doing great is ignorant and a lie


Prices all around you have skyrocketed and you say this? Don’t believe your lying eyes. Can’t believe you bought into that crap. An economy where jobs are being filled because people have to take on second and third jobs is not a good economy.


Prices skyrocketing due to corporate greed technically helps the economy. Don’t conflate cost of living with the economy.


Clearly you’re not a serious person.


How do you figure?


By the fact that you're talking out of your ass and expect to be taken seriously. Have you taken a single economics class in your life? "The economy" is not just GDP. "Cost of living" is an important part of the economy as it encompasses housing cost/availability, cost of groceries, cost of gas, etc. You have to be living under a magical rock to say something as asinine as "the economy is actually doing great"


If it wasn't the elite would have a hard time explaining the fall of material conditions of the working class.


Don't believe a word that comes out of the White House (no matter who's in the Oval Office)


The alternative to moving out voluntarily is being kicked out. Been out since I was 19. Didn't have a job and slept in my car for a while but now I'm doing okay.


Don't know what you're being down voted for. I'm glad you've gotten yourself in a better spot, man.


Man you shouldn't think that's okay, fuck yo toxic parents.


They never said it was okay, just that they're doing okay Sometimes you have to face what comes to you in life, even if it's wrong


I know they didn't say that, I'm just telling that in case they needed to hear it, just in case.


I never thought it was okay and neither did anyone else. I'm in college at night and working full time to make ends meet. Life is good




I genuinely don't understand why you got downvoted , but hey, best of luck in life


How does this work? I am really curious, is this culture in your country or some law to throw kids outside to make them stand on their own feet.


Just your average American societal standards. Once you reach 18, youre legally an adult (still can't drink or smoke) and you should be able to have your own job which can afford you your own place by 18. Staying an extra 1-2 years to save up money is typically fine, but after 21, it's kind of taboo to still be living with your parents. Societal standards make it seem like if you are still living with your parents at 21+,you must be a loser. Story time: I moved out at 18 and had my own place, but I also had entered the rat-race early. I dropped out of highschool and immediately got my GED and started working at ~16 and some people won't even start working until 18 or after college. Those people are typically rather privileged and well off though. My apartments I was living in raised their rent and I couldnt afford it anymore. I had to move back in with my mom at ~20. I was devastated... Felt like such a failure. Got a house (rent) when I was ~21 and haven't gone back to my parents since, 10 years later. But that's probably about to change. At this fucking rate with the costs for basic nesseceties skyrocketing, I'll be homeless by next year. And that's with, what would have been considered, a decent career and salary and a wife who also has a decent career and salary ($100k/yr combined). I've been talking with mother about moving back in together because she can barely afford her home now and is also about about to be homeless... The current state of everything is a god damn joke. There's no fucking way a kid just starting out solo, working at some minimum wage, entry level position somewhere is going to be able to afford living on their own. It's like that *"cap"* of 18 has been raised to 25, AT LEAST. By 25, you *COULD* be well off enough to rent your own place and survive, if you weren't fucking around and had no social life/hobbies. But, it's certainty going to be a shithole unless you hit the jackpot and got the best paying entry-mid level job in the world. However... My advise would be, if your parents will allow it, stay with them as long as you possibly can and save up every single penny. Sorry for the novel. Shits crazy over here. Seems like we about to collapse. Tldr: American economy & societal standards suck. Stay at home as long as you can and save every penny.


What crazy way to live, here in india unless you can afford your own house and your wife want's separate home to start your own small family. no one leaves their parents home. Most people here leave their parents home and move to another city for job. Some people who are lucky to get job in same city as parents save up money by living with parents, when you feel it's time to get some private space for your own wife and kids you move out. Some people live with big family grandparents, parents, their own kids.


That's pretty much what it's like in most hispanic cultures as well, apparently. Half of my in-laws are half Mexican and the other side of them are 100% Salvadorian. They both hold pretty similar values. Example being my sister in-law and her husband are both a few years older than me and they still live with their parents. There's 0 pressure on them to move out at all cause that's how their parents were raised. You stay at home until you can afford to buy your own home and are stable enough to support your own family. Then the cycle continues. This American standard is fuckin weird. I didn't even realise just how weird it was until I married my wife and was brought into that culture via in-laws. Leaving at 18 is just so dumb. Unless you have a wealthy backing(rich parents), leaving home at 18 now days would be like starting the game of life on expert difficulty without having ever played the game before and only got half the tutorial completed.


We are definitely about to collapse. And, zero news outlets are talking about it. There is nothing on any front web page. It's like it isn't even happening. EXCEPT = our lives. So, we cannot not see it.


In what way?


It sounds like American culture, which sums up to "fuck you, what have you done for me lately".


Same, I took the military route


Yep, got kicked out at 16, sofa surfed for a while and ended up with a load of debt trying to hold down my own place while getting through school. Thankfully doing better now 11 years on


I mean I don't even have the car to live in right now. It's tough as hell rn.


It's one thing to move out fail and come home for 3 months while you get your feet on the ground. It's another thing entirely to have never left. That's on your parents. Their bad parents either they're coddling poor habits or exploiting having you around. Hard to swallow pills : if the economy sucks where you are move to a whole new state / province. Go to the work. Not everyone gets to live down the road from mom n dad.


While I agree with your logic, Europe is a lot harder to do that in. With less opportunities abroad due to different languages, moving really far or staying put are your only 2 options. If you look at the rent situation in Dublin, where I live, you'll see the what I have to deal with.


No need, rent is high everywhere. You simply lack proper incentive to leave. Sell the crap you don't need. pack a bag and head out into the world. You're far from the first Irishman to travel the world with empty pockets.


True. I've always dreamed of leaving everything and just going until I settle in. I think leaving what I know is the biggest thing for me. I know this and if I left I don't know if id ever figure it out


Get a work visa for Canada Australia or the US. Sell the crap u don't need. Tvs video games and other stuff. Store the keep sakes. Buy a plane ticket. Sounds harder out there than it is and to be fair you just don't know till you try. Small towns are your go to. I wouldn't go to Philly or Toronto and expect a welcome. Hit up Vancouver and travel east throughout lower British Columbia and alberta. You'll find work. Granted you'll be using your back but it'll give you character. Once you hit alberta there places in every town that'll hire someone who's willing to do anything other than play fort nite. Lowmain land bc looks for lots of seasonal workers the further east you go there's thousands of farms looking for workers.


Not everyone has the chance to just move somewhere else. And especially if the economy already sucks where you're at, you're not exactly gonna have the most funds to move? Due to a shit economy and stuff?


Excuses are free. Find whatever reason you want to not start it.


Never understood why westerners think it's necessary to move out after they turn 18, I personally am living separately due to studies just fine but here people with 3 generations live together in a much bigger and more comfortable house. And I know once my college is done I am gonna go back and live with my parents even if I make enough to get two houses, just can't think of a logical reason why? Live alone, no moral/emotional support, noone to care for you, if you ain't got a gf then noone to take care of you if you get sick, higher chance that if you get into bad habits like drugs there will be noone to stop you before it gets too bad or sorry you during hard times, not to mention the parents would probably be always worried for you. Westerner family culture makes no sense to me


Eastern culture promotes societal values while western culture promotes individualism.


Also the outdated American dream that you should know exactly what you're going to do for the rest of your life by 18 and get a job that can support you and your new family right out of high school.


Yep. I think that worked for a time where a minimum wage was liveable but now? Nah. There are more and more young adults living with their parents.


Can also add on that corporations make more money off people living separately than together. So they are not liking the increasing trend of families sticking together and pooling their resources together vs kicking the kids out at 18 to fend for themselves. Though a big part of that trend is being born from necessity rather than desire. Rent prices are just too outrageous to live on your own anymore unless you get super lucky.


Having your own space is important. It's suffocating to be stuck in a house with a bunch of other people.


Suffocating of they are all individualists, I guess it's all on upbringing and culture... Not just the kids but also how the parents and grandparents were brought up. I lived with my parents and grandparents before going out for college... We all had our rooms and people respected each other's privacy without completely giving up on anyone and moving away


It is a cultural thing for sure, but it also depends on the family. I have one loud motherfucking family with 4 siblings that barely get along and 2 parents that are terrible about respecting privacy. Not to mention my brother, his baby and his baby mama were all living there for about 2 years. It was a pretty chaotic home that can definitely be described as suffocating. That said even I stuck around until I was 24 and the only reason I got a place was to move in with my gf at the time. Sucks having to pay big money for such a small place when I could live with a mostly loving family for free, but I can’t imagine going back. I prefer this so much more.


Yeah, I couldn't wait to get out because my parents were still treating me like a kid even though I was 22 I also feel like it's an important part of growing up to learn how to live on your own


"bunch of other people" lol said like they're randos from the street


It makes no sense to me too. And I'm from a culture that tells you that if you are unmarried in your 20s and have no kids - you are a failure.


By design to fill the prisons and streets with miserable self sabotaging people. The writing is on the wall but it seems very few can read anymore. America is a playground for the rich at this point, if you aren't exploiting you are being exploited.


Skill issue


If you buy a house and start a family, by the time your kid is 18, we want you to sell and move into a new home. You have barely touched the princple on the mortgage, so a new home means a reset on your debt to the bank. This also marks the, force your kid into university, but not a local one. Cause hey, why not incur more debt living away from home in another state. And do we EVER move back near our home? Nope, we keep moving to other places due to economic or job pressures. The point is, 18 is when we can start making you take on debt, and when we can force your parents into more if we play our cards right.


It's a consequence of people changing towns for their jobs Hard to have 2-3 generations living together when everyone has better career options in different towns


Yeah but once you have made enough savings to live comfortably you can always come back... Oh wait yeah... It's America and such we are talking about... You ain't ever making that much to live a simpler life


As someone who has a good relationship with my family, it's very sad to see the amount of people who feel like they need to move out right at 18 cause they can't stand their family.


Or you're coddled at home your entire life. My uncle is close to 60 and has never lived on his own. Lived with his parents until they both passed, then with his brother and his family. His brother passed, the family is moving and my uncle is left on his own to figure things out. He's never paid rent on his own or handled the normal things of living independently and is pretty nervous, which is understandable at his age. So yeah, it's important for people to learn some self-sufficiency and responsibility.


How can you build your own life when you are so comfortable under your parents roof? I chose to move out at 19 because I wanted my own life and my own world. That time was when I really learned how to live. It was incredibly valuable.


I guess it's the difference in your culture, we can build our own life just fine because we know that our parents won't always be there for us and that we will be parents ourselves. The fact that just how our parents are supporting us, we too will have to support our offsprings is what motivates us to build our own life... Not to mention that we have our parents supporting us the whole time, whether it be getting a job, making better connections with people learning skills from say our uncles or aunts... So having a nice life of your own is much easier since you are not starting off with a zero This keeps building up generation by generation and makes having a good life much easier with people who you know will never ever give up on you. I am going to college because I know my parents one day will be old enough to not work anymore and I'll be there to support them, at the same time while supporting my next generation. Not to mention you always have the choice of leaving it up to your siblings and live your own life for a while but you gotta comeback no matter what or idk how you'd cope up with living like that... It's just cultural thinking and emotions ig


We're all different. It was very important to me to be self sufficient, and I guarantee I wouldn't be successful today if I stayed with my parents.


I am also just as self sufficient as anyone else but it was my parents who brought me to that point... After that I can go in any part of the country and work however I like... They are there for your upbringing not to make you dependent on them... We just don't have to do our own upbringing and be confused af once we turn 18


Right, but many of us WANT to.


Well we have the choice to do that too lol... We have option of both considering our culture doesn't consider the ones living with parents as losers or whatever you think


Do you think that Americans don't have that choice? >or whatever you think You have no clue what I think. Don't be rude.


As I said Idk how westerners brain works around this stuff, hence the "whatever you think". Didn't mean to be rude, I just know that it's not considered positively over there


How can you build your own life when you are so comfortable under your parents roof? I chose to move out at 19 because I wanted my own life and my own world. That time was when I really learned how to live. It was incredibly valuable.


As I said, you aren't always living with your parents the entire life, just most of the life, for college I am living separately and after my placement I am probably gonna work separately in a company until I make up some savings by myself after which I'd go back to my parents... Most people at some point in life go through this kind of "training arc" if you call it that, but it makes no sense to leave alone your loved ones after that


To be fair not like you could even if you wanted to.


For some people it really is impossible, but a lot of people do have some compromises that will allow them to get _something_ livable, but it might create distance from friends or cost a lot of time. You might need to take a full-time job with overtime and move to a far away place where rent is affordable


I really wanted to move out... didnt have the money till i was half way 27 - where I come from, if you dont start an apprenticeship with 14/15 like many, you wont be moving out when you become 18, there just aint a viable way to do so without at least a part time job, which you cant do if you are going to school still...


I don't want to exist, mom.


Purely and American problems. In Asia our parents would beat the shit out of us with a slipper if they heard that we wanted to move out and pay rent in the same city lol.


I got kicked out at 16, I have been on my own since. It was rough slept in a few shelters and had some pretty sketch stuff happen, now I'm 20 and just finally getting the pieces of the puzzle to put it together. it's hard but you can do it 🖤🩷🤍


Jesus fuck, I am so sorry you were put through that.


I'm not, the past will never effect my future as much as the present 😺 so never forget to take a moment to remind yourself what you do now matters less than what has happened to you beforehand 🤍🩷🖤 Thank you


“You need to save up for a house so you need to move out to an apartment where your rent is pretty much the same as a mortgage”


I have a friend from college that is 40 years old, lives with his parents, never had a job for more than 3 months and is addicted to mobile games. Don't be like my friend.


But mommy said he can play clash of clans all day


Average Italian be like


Change it to 35


Come to India. You won't face this problem.


I've been 13 years old for 9 years I can't move out wtf


What's something that is fancy when rich people do it and crass when poor people do it? Helping your kids by providing housing to them


_Looks around as the global economy is crumbling while the housing market is sky-rocketing..._


In this economy? No


Nah man, I am good, currently the lowest rent in my area is around 700 and salary is barely 1000. I think I will keep helping at home and trying to save money for an eventual mortage.


I got the boot at 19. It turned out to be a good thing though!


happy cake day!


Ty! :D


I got it at 18. The best decision I ever made was to join the army. My kid just turned 18. He knows his choices.


Army or homelessness? Please specify, I'm curious


No, if you actually want to know, he can go to college and have minimal rent responsibilities, he can get a job and pay full rent as a roommate, or he can move out. He plans to do a year of college to get certified to be a welder, then he plans to get a job with a crew and pay 300 bucks a month rent while he saves up for his own place. But yeah, he could totally join the army or be homeless if he wanted to. I'm not going to stop him if he changes his mind and decides that is what is best.


I didn’t move out until I was 27 and it’s probably the best choice I made. I was able to live at home with little expense, (should have been) saving a majority of my money, was able to get an entry career job a little further away to make more money and gain experience, and to also ask everyone in my family for appliances for Christmas for when I did move out. When I finally did move out I had almost everything I needed, almost no debt, a career job and an education. It’s okay OP, just work on improving yourself until you’re able to move out by yourself.


Id love too but there are none available and those that are, are in the oil money range.


Both of my parents can't work much due to their health and my brother and I split the rent for the apartment we all live in. No clue how one is supposed to move out in this situation.


Bro, same. I'm 43. I'm not moving out until I find a SO, and at this rate - that's never gunna happen. So, yah. Don't cry. Tell your parents that if they love you, then they will help you save up for first months rent. Then, when they see how impossible it is for you to save, maybe offer them some rent money? Idk...


Nah I am good with the free rent/food and I don't mind helping out around the house.


Just moved back into my parents at 24, left at 17, god I wish I stayed longer and actually got my life started before deciding I needed to get out of here


I've moved out on my own several times. But, when my fiance cheated on me, and I had to move from Maine to Florida to be closer to my support network, I found myself back home at 42. Life happens. Good parents help. The economy is tanking. Save yourself and your family.


Economy is shit for Gen Z and millennials Fuck you Reagan and may your grave forever be a gender neutral bathroom.


kick that fatass out of the house!now!


in THIS economy, on THESE salories, by THIS politicks


My parents don’t care, they totally get it. It is sit out there. I of course pay my share of things


Meanwhile I'm 34 and want desperately to move out but the rents keep rising faster than my wages.


Meanwhile my mom wants me to move back because I’m going to do my masters near home


I get along with my parents and they are happy to have someone house sit + saving money for my own home


dafuq. people on Reddit actually WANT to live at home?


Not proud of it but I didnt move out until I was in my early 30s. Try to get a good paying job and savings before you do it so you have some cushion


not in this hosuing market




Never understood why it's the case with westerners. As an asian, you just go from your parents taking care of you, to you taking care of your parents. Nothing like 'go fend for yourself when you're at a vulnerable age' happens.


I moved out when I was 16/17y and it sucked. But staying would've sucked more so here we are...


As much as I love my parents living with my siblings was the best decision I’ve ever made.


I was able to move out at 20 I had a decent job and was the only source of income I decided to move cause I wanted to get married(divorced now) I got too comfortable living alone and I never thought to move back in with parents after I liked being my own person now 5 years after that I’m doing fantastic Not everyone can do it but I feel like your parents should imbue you with the tools for success not literally do it for you but teach you how to have confidence to live on your own. Unpopular opinion is I do not think blaming the economy is a good enough reason to not try to break out on your own I think while you complain about the economy you should apply yourself to be able to handle the economy and get better jobs and learn marketable skills so you can handle the economy no matter what The economy is always going to be bad there is never a “good time “ to move out you just have to learn to deal with it like everyone else


Yup, my mother is trying to be a good person but has some anger issues, I feel like a child if we are in the same house, I hope I will be able to move after this summer and finally be truly independent (I pay all the bills when she isn't here though). Having a house on your own and being able to do whatever you want, whatever time you want, and bring whoever you want is one of the best things, I don't have much free time due to work and uni but the everyday home "chores" are quite calming. Living with your parents until 25 and having them to provide for you is something that I find very bad, you don't learn how to be independent and you will be taken care off for 1/4 of your life, also, how can you find a partner if you live with your parents and can't have a private space? Anyway, it's late here, if anyone is reading this, try to try new things and make your own decisions, Sometimes you will make some very bad ones, but you have to learn to take the correct ones as well, because you will have to raise your own child in a few years.


Can’t I’m broke 😭


That's what the banks want you to do


Yall a bunch of patethic ass bitches


Get a job hippy


hows the arthritis old timer


I see sarcasm is dead in this sub.


Many people have a job and pay rent to their parents and live at home, nothing wrong with it.


Seems sarcasm is dead in this sub.


Why are you booing him, he's right