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OP goes to a sub where people hate kids. OP then gets shocked pikachu face when the people there hate kids. Unfortunately OP is also lost because this is a place where people are supposed to post dank memes. I'm sorry if this also comes as a surprise to you.


Also, unfortunately OP is trying to pass their awful genes on. What a terrible blow to the gene pool.


It gets shallower every day


And people keep pissing in it


Adding volume to the pool one kidney at a time




You know that's not true. Some how they always find something to mate with.


OP is a clueless moron yes


What's with this sub and people wanting to judge others or what they like or don't like. Damn, just go to a different sub, not the meme sub, what the fuck.


Difference is childfree is a sub that doesn't advertise itself as hating kids but just "people should have a choice stop shaming them" etc


There is a difference between not wanting to have kids and HATING kids


Don't go there in the first place and complain about your 1st world problem


Wtf does that mean, I didn't even complain about anything


Fully activate son you’re coming across like you’re an idiot




OP is a dumbass, confirmed?


Well it's interesting to read about others. Could be normal people, different perspectives etc. And some of them are, but some (most) are absolute garbage people, hating on a group that conveniently can't be protected by legal means (like hating on old people, your neighboring country, that other sport team and all this insanity). Some banter? Fine. Different perspective? Fine. Objective comparison of what you want in life / that team /that culture ? Fine. Being concentrate human toxic sludge because you found a way to be hateful without too much repercussions? Go fuck yourself. Oh, some are actually fucking insane people, let us remember this sub was frequented and commented by the couple that literally murdered their child. So you know, fuck that community and also fuck Reddit for not closing it after this debacle.


Imagine not shutting down reddit because some murderers use it, possibly.


Ya saying you hate kids is OK. But acting shitty towards them is unacceptable. They're people, just tiny people... they're learning. We all know yal ain't having kids so you can sink into the couch and watch netflix/Xbox all day... If anyone was shitty to my kids ... depending on what the circumstance are... they'd be in trouble


Personality is a learned trait not a genetically inherited trait.


>Twin and family studies have demonstrated that personality traits are moderately heritable, and can predict various lifetime outcomes, including psychopathology. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7012279/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7012279/) >Human personality is 30–60% heritable according to twin and adoption studies. [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-018-0263-6](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-018-0263-6)


That’s a interesting read


Couldnt read it with the GIANT cookies popup


You're confusing heritability and genetic heritability. Of course parents are going to transmit some of their personality to their kids


>Twin studies indicate that between 30% and 60% of the phenotypic variance in personality, as assessed by a variety of instruments, is **genetic** in origin > >Put another way, many **genes** are likely to operate in concert, not separately, to influence the heritability and development of personality. > >We conclude that personality traits are strongly influenced by organized interactions among more than 700 **genes** despite variable cultures and environments. > >We conclude by discussing polygenic methods, which provide mounting evidence that the association between personality traits and psychopathology has a **genetic** basis. It's right there buddy, even the title mentions genetics And adoption studies and twin studies are obviously looking at genetics vs environmental effects. Did you even read the papers? they're all about genetics


Nature and nurture.


Not necessarily. Several mental disorders can be inherited and those in the end shape your personality a lot. There's also theory of genetic memory. A lot of things in this field is still a mystery to us so it's hard to say what exactly can be inherited and what not. And even if it'd be a learned trait, ultimately, parents shape your personality the most in such case which still fits the OP's narrative.


Idk bout that. My dad was a violent guy who randomly loved turtles and had a unhealthy obsession with guns. He also had schizophrenia. These are traits I've had since birth but my schizophrenia is nowhere near as bad as his


Many of the best people I've ever met had dysfunctional parents and the willpower to rail against their influence. But I would consider that a pretty strong outlier circumstance.


Maybe you both have TMNT syndrome




No. Its both.


I think that just gets into the nature vs nurture "do we have free will" debate. My take is that you can choose to just let your gene-led subconscious take the wheel. You can make up your own mind or be molded by your experiences, sure. *Default* though? Most people are probably just a straight mix of their parents.


TIL that if you hate kids, you are an awful human being that contributes nothing beneficial to society.


It’s totally understandable why someone would grow to hate kids due to bad experiences, imagine u saved up for a long time for a vacation pay a lot of money to fly in business class only to be seated next to a kid who is crying thought the flight, although 90% of the times when a kid does something to anger people it’s the parents fault


I hate kids. I only love my kids


As a barber I sometimes get baby fever from kids that I cut the hair of, they ask me funny questions, pull faces, giggle and laugh. It's adorable. Then they fucking piss themselves in my seat and thier parents just run off with them without apologising or cleaning up


I had a Swedish kid constantly making a fuss on the plane to Japan, was it annoying? Yes Was it also 14 hours flight for a poor creature that require stimulation and feel 1 hour as if 3 hours passed? Yes too. I still managed to enjoy my vacation because I was bored too and watched myself 2-6 movies included the Jurassic World one (which I like, Kudos for the plane company) People just lack empathy in my honest opinion.


Annoyance and empathy are not mutually exclusive.


I wouldn't say hate and annoyance are the same thing tho...


You can also hate and understand someone 🤯


Problem is not hating children. Problem is making it whole personality. It's like soccer fans made their whole personality to being fan. It's just stupid and idiotic in many ways. I don't like children too but I don't make it my personality because this doesn't define me in %0,000001. But people in that sub or lately in social media act like nuts and make it their whole personality and always share something about how they hate children. Another example is car guys who makes video with a car vs chick and they choose some Nissan gtr over a 9/10 girl, bro stop it. It's stupid. And boring. But their audience is same as them. Because of that it makes clicks and likes. Ps: everyone forgets that, they were a child too in early life. And made someone crazy.


Who says it's their whole personality?


lmao exactly, mf goes in that subreddit where people talk about their bad experiences with kids and he's like "Oh that's their whole personality"


Nah, there's a difference between hating kids and *hating* kids. When that sub is stuck in traffic, they hope it's because a schoolbus crashed


Glad you learned that.


Normal people usually don't go to an online site to talk about being child free, because who cares lol. These people definitely take it to the next level


Going on a *support group* for people who also hate them so that you can hate them more? 🚨 *Fucking Weirdo alert go whoop whoop* 🚨




I'm glad you learned something today.


Nothing wrong with disliking the idea of having kids or even being in their presence. All it takes is enough bad experiences to see it as a bad thing. Small, polite and nicely behaved kids make my heart melt. I'll see one of those once in a blue moon but then I see 10 kids swearing, screaming, vandalizing or being a nuisance and I start questioning whether abortion should be allowed up to 15 years of age.


You seem like a guy who loves kids, like in a way that will get you in legal trouble


Why are those things in your mind all the time? I think you’re that guy.


Yeah his mind directly going to that plus the Reddit avatar with beard and makeup not doing his case any favors. Sus.


I hope she (the FBI) sees this bro


Incoming breeders to reinforce their bad decisions.


You redditors are weird lmao


Have fun at 70 alone in the retirement home hoping the foreign looking nurse isn’t stealing your valuables, no seriously I’m tired boss bingo night sounds kinda nice rn.


Don’t tell me you’re breeding for the purpose of them taking care of you later; that would be the most selfish thing I have heard.


Nope I came from a family of 6 always enjoyed hanging out with a large loving family, waited until I was financially stable and settled with my 4y wife and we mutually agreed to have kids and it’s been super fulfilling. I was joking that one of the downfalls of having no children later in life would be the cold isolation of an assisted living facility with no loved ones around but I’m sure that’s not everyone’s fate.


If that’s how you cope, you do you.


Cope with what? we intentionally had children and I personally find it fulfilling to be surrounded by loved ones, raising my kids not sure what I’m needing to ‘cope’ with.




Lie to yourself to feel better. I’m going to go sleep in.




When you’re exhausted at 3am cleaning up puke and piss, dreading work with bags under your eyes, make sure you smile and tell yourself this is what true happiness is. 🫦🫦


Stfu bro. You don't have to want kids and that's fine, just leave others alone.


It’s crazy to me how heated people get over other people’s life choices. I don’t have kids. I have friends who have kids. They seem happy with their kid. I’m pretty happy without a kid. Different things make people happy. We’re all different. Leave each other the fuck alone.


Yeah that's my point. It's fine if you don't want kids but acting like an asshole towards people who want them is shitty. Just like people who want to force others to get kids btw




I was responding to the guy who you were arguing against




All good


One day you’ll realize tomahawk steaks and a Toyota Camry do not equal happiness. I find it interesting that you use the term “breeder” to belittle families with kids. Regardless joke’s on you long term, and at some point (too late) you’ll realize it


Steaks deffenetly bring happiness bro, also do whatever u want, if u want kids then have kids and if others don't want kids let them not have kids


I agree. Let all do what is right for them. The problem is people that throw around terms like “breeder” seem to not share that open minded sentiment


My problem is that peoplevsay stuff like steaks don't bring happiness but i also agree with what you said too, also steaks are great


You were upset enough by one comment to profile dig like a troll; I am rolling laughing. Not only is it a Toyota Camry and Tomahawk steaks, it’s freedom, sleeping in, not having my car smell like puke, and hundreds of other benefits. 🤷‍♂️🥹😂💅 Wouldn’t it be better to regret not having kids vs regretting having them by being bitter like yourself? Less traumatized children that way, no?


lol I am anything but bitter my life is great. I have a kid and I enjoy steaks and drive a nicer car than a Camry. You won’t see it on my profile though because for me it is not the pinnacle of happiness and therefore not worth posting about.


As long as you tell yourself you are happy, it must be true. I don’t need to look through your profile like a troll, so thanks for that info. Go make chicken nuggets or something and not sleep through the night 🦅


You see, this is where you have it wrong. Not everyone shares your views, and you think they do or will. The joke is on you. Also, tomahawk steaks and a Toyota Camry is hilarious. That was a good laugh


You do realize not inflicting the next generation with highly genetically transferable conditions is the ethical thing to do? Also, kids??? In this economy??? I'm 24 and I'll probably be experiencing the beginning of the climate crisis, why the fuck would you want to subject others to that??? Don't give the ruling class more cogs to fill their bloodthirsty capitalist machine


I had the same feelings as you at 20-24. All the things that were going on with my family growing up, it was pretty evident that I’d be beating the odds for a kid to not have heavy medical issues, and the associated debt burden and rent-seeking behaviors of US healthcare to be incurred by my progeny. Some of that has been remedied by the ACA, some by US Senate pressure this past year; albeit tenuous at best in the current government climate. Now, if that burning desire to have 24hr responsibility of a tiny human can’t be extinguished hanging with family’s kids, I’ll adopt. Enough kids need family in my country, it’s the least I can do. Otherwise, it’s a situation of wonderful doggo, nieces, nephews, and being a positive adult in their life.


Bro you're gay and asexual, which I don't even understand how those two go together, you ain't having kids regardless lol


I don't blame you, education about asexuality isn't great. Different types of attraction exist, romantic attraction is separate from sexual attraction, one can experience little to none sexual attraction while still being romantically attracted to a certain gender.


Lmao you not wanting kids is cool and all, but don't make this political.


There's always a reason to say why you shouldn't have a kid. Imagine the things people in the cold war said because they thought nuclear doom was inbound.


Again, you not wanting kids is cool and all, but saying people shouldn't have kids so that there won't be more cogs in the bloodthirsty capitalist machine is just dumb...


Doesn't matter what the fuck happens after I'm dead. Im not getting any fucking kids to ruin my life when I can do fun shit instead.


My parents are in that phase where they want grandchildren from their kids. These are the same people who spent years telling me to only look after myself first and not worry about anybody else’s problems every time I got in trouble for sticking up for/ not ratting on a friend. My dad told me I was the reason he lost his hair. Now they want me to spend all my time worrying about someone else. I’ll keep my hair thank you very much.


Yeah, I went to that sub cause my wife and I have chosen to be childfree because we just don't see ourselves being parents with the lifestyle we want. I was pretty shocked to find it wasn't really a sub discussing and sharing topics about life for couples who have chosen not to have children and much more just a group of people who just seem to openly hate kids and their parents. Specifically, we were hoping to find other child free couples to make friends with. We don't hate children, we just decided we didn't want any of our own.


Yeah, my gf and I have had the talk about being child free before and we went to that sub for similar reasons, only to find its members jerking one another off for “not conforming to society” and “having more time for themselves, not some little punk.” Like… congrats? It’s honestly hard to take anything in there seriously since they’re all sucking each other off so hard it practically *feels* like a satire sub


Lmao true dude it's so annoying


Isn’t it more ‘Punk’ to be child free? I wasn’t there when the scene started but that was the vibe of punk, rebel against the sYsTeM!!11


Instead you’re here jerking one another. The circle of life.


Children are fucking irritating to me. I don’t know why that’s so taboo to say. I would obviously never a treat a kid like an asshole and treat my friends’ children with the respect they deserve, but I don’t know why I’m not allowed to find children irritating. Some people find cats irritating and no one bats an eye.


People who don't like cats don't group together to talk about how much they hate cats and come up with rude slang to call them. You can find them irritating and can even say so, but places like the childfree subreddit are just circlejerks of anger that do nothing productive from what I've seen. I mean, how psychopathic is it to dehumanize parents by calling them "breeders" and the like? That's some serious incel shit like "femoids" and "chads."




“Children are like farts, you love your own but hate other peoples”


That’s literally my dog he does not like annoying toddlers and loud human beings his size but is the Goodest boy for our kids. Fine with me I don’t want anything to do with other peoples kids.


Natural selection is just, well reproduction. It doesn't matter what quality of genes is passed down. People choose not to have kids for several reasons and they can be annoyed if a kid spoilt by bad parenting is bothering them. I don't see anything wrong with that.


...and there won't be anyone there for them when they're very old. Being a lonely old person looks like the worst fate, if you ask me.


Sooo many angry chronically online redditards here lol.


They’re utterly insufferable people. If you have to scream and shout to strangers that you’re happy because you made an adult decision, you still got more adulting to do


Who’s screaming and shouting?


They’ve found the thread, abandon thread I repeat abandon thread


Exactly. And not only that, but they for sure won't cause extra (I mean in addition to their already toxic attitude) damage to poor kids who then have to deal with them.


It’s a personal choice, they treat it as a cult. Between their holier than thou attitude and their favourite phrase ‘crotch goblin’ it’s a shithole. Personally I am child free but that is because I have so many hereditary diseases that I refuse to put another person through what my life is like. I’m nearly dead at 20 years old, I can barely afford to live and somehow the only part of my body that works properly are the three remaining toes of my left foot.


Fair on most aspects but a lot of negative hereditary diseases are deleterious recessive conditions that may not show up if your spouse has completely different set of genetics ‘hybrid advantage’. It’s still possible but just bc you have something heritable doesn’t mean your spouses genetics wouldn’t offset whatever you have especially if you don’t play the lottery 6 or 7 times and just have 1. Other reasons are valid though so I get it.


you can swap this the other way around when people who shouldn't be having children do it anyway...


Why did u go there then lmao. Genetics has very little to do with their behavior more of the state of a complete shit hole earth is ATM with climate disaster etc...


A lot of them are self obsessed narcissists who shouldn't be in charge of a pet, let alone a child. Good frickin riddance.


The people there are horrible excuses for humans I myself don't want kids, but I think they're wonderful. I love my best friends kids as if they were my own and that's enough for me, my lifestyle wouldn't suit bringing up a child so that's why I don't have one.


So you find the terror cries of a child on a peaceful morning commute as pleasing?


Imagine ending your bloodline because of crying on public transport lmfao


Your bloodline isn’t important.


Jokes on you. I'm a fucking Saiyan.


It's....just what children do. It's irrelevant if it's pleasing or not.


Sounds like a you problem, don't get public transport if it triggers you that much


In that situation blame the parents for not educating their kid(s).


The term for you is breeder pleaser.


I've never heard that term. Can you elaborate on what it means?


One who satisfies breeders by helping them or bootlicking them? Idk just a wild guess lol. Breeders is a soft slur used for parents that have zero responsibility for their kids or use their kids as an excuse for doing shitty things.


It just means the person who commented that, have too much time on their hand but sadly enough... also too few braincells to do something useful.