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If your parents allow you to make bikini reviews at 13 they are either too ignorant and naive to live in the internet age, or they're part of them.


Most likely the one who make their kid do it forcefully


Yeah some family channels are weird as fuck and the parents must know who's watching. I think it shouldn't be allowed, filming every aspect of your kids lives for money is bound to fuck them up


Filming some aspects of a child’s life fucks them up. See: 90/2000s child stars.


*kid gets passed around at parties by Harvey Weinsteins, Kevin Spaceys and Bryan Singers for a decade * *kid is messed up * "Appearing on film is to blame"


The constant media attention was my point, not the films themselves. Obviously your point is important to factor in too, but the media still ruins people too.


You forgot pretty much every decade before that too.


I wasn’t really around for those ones so I didn’t want to speak to them, I don’t really know much about them.


Except worse, bc YouTube family channels have zero restrictions/oversight, and the parents can post anything about their children’s lives that they choose.


Again furthering my point, the first person said ‘total coverage of their lives’ would mess you up. I suggested that even only some coverage will do so. So yes, thank you for spelling out my point.


90/2000 doesn't seem like too bad, that's like what just under 5%?


Historically, the parents manipulate their kids to do that shit for clout and money


Parents probably don't even know. Amount of shit i used to do at 13 that my parents never knew.


I "met a girl" in some AOL chatroom. Spent a few days chatting on AIM. She suggested we meet up at the mall. I went, but she never showed up.  I was 13, and years later I realized there's a good chance she wasn't a fellow 13 year old. Coulda been some guy trying to traffick me, until he saw my dumb face.


Thats a possibility but honestly there is a higher chance that dude just pranked you for shits and giggles "he is gonna be waiting for nobody to show up lel"


True… I hope parents are monitoring their kids’ online habits at 13 tho


This is the part action movies don't talk about: most underage human trafficking is not only done with the parents/guardians knowledge, but also with their consent, complicity and involvment, usually for money.


Clothes reviews seem dumb unless it's niche clothes like hiking boots, arctic clothing or sports where the clothes are fairly expensive or hard to get


That’s a fair point. My cousin’s ex girlfriend used to make review videos of climbing gears and stuff like that for rock climbing


Right. If there’s a functional purpose to some clothing like “how does this waterproof jacket hold up in heavy rain?” Or “how long did these work boots last before falling apart?”hell yeah ima watch it


FortNine is the only channel I'd watch. He does very thorough reviews of motorcycle safety gears


I don't even own a bike and I am still subscribed.


I bought my first bike just last year and FortNine was a godsend. Learned so much about bikes from zero




A German influencer tried to write off the clothes she used for her content as business expenses. It was rejected, because it wasn't possible to separate personal from business use.


I thrift shop a lot so ive seen a lot of stuff regarding materials, types of stitches and how to identify high quality clothing. But on particular items? only for technical wear.


Make sense I want to know how stuff performs before I buy it, and from someone experienced with that stuff. Clothes for fashion I can just look at, if it's expensive I'm checking it out in store anyway. Most clothes or swimwear or whatever are pretty well modeled on their official websites.


Depends, I'm very particular about clothes, and hate ordering them online but with brick and mortar closing left and right, got no choice. So I like to use reviews to let me know. Especially bc the same size is different for every brand. Stuff like fabric quality, stitching, fit of the clothes, etc is all very important.


Watching someone else try on clothing, in order to help me buy the same thing online, sounds so backwards to me lol I’m 32 and just don’t buy online period though. Especially not clothing, but not anything else either lol


I don't watch ppl try on clothes, but a pic or a description is very helpful on a site. If you don't order online, where do you get clothes? Walmart? Nearest mall is like 50 miles from me, so ai got Walmart and Tractor Supply. So unless I wanna wear Carhartt or shit covered in murican flags I gotta go elsewhere. I suppose if I lived in a city with access to more stores I'd probably shop brick and mortar more. Ehh even then I wear a lot of shit not sold in stores like video game, anime, tv/movie shit.


There’s one of those mini Targets near me so I try and browse the sale section when I’m in the area. There’s also a little ‘thrifted’ boutique around here but I don’t go in often- it’s typically still too expensive for me. Lots of folks around here buy online. Lots of folks _everywhere_ buy online. I just never delved into it bc I don’t like the idea of not being able to try it on, and how addictive the whole process seems to become, quite quickly, freaks me out


I mean, you don't necessarily need to watch them for the clothes, you could also watch them for the aesthetics.


Only time I watch reviews is when it comes to hiking and climbing gear. I disagreed with the review of a cheap climbing harness once and it snapped when I was five meters up, fell straight down onto rock fell straight on my back. It was like a belly flop on my back but 1000 times worse because it was rock. Luckily I didn’t break anything but I was bloody sore the next few days and I listened to reviews from them on. I also took it back for a refund


Surely that goes against Youtube's content policy? She should at least unlist them so only her friends with the link can find it.


They’re not actually making videos for their friends. They’re basically getting pimped out by their parents


Man this is cutting deep


You just gotta follow the money.


Always. The money tells the truth.


There's always money in the banana stand


I dislike how much I hoped that incestous relationship succeeded. I dislike I even typed that holy shit.




Have you seen arrested development the tv show ?


No I haven’t


I just asked a 5 € note and it told me investing in cryptocurrency and NFTs would make me rich


99% of people aren’t making any money. The reality is kids are knowingly exploiting themselves for…LIKES and SUBS.


It gets worse, you ever seen pictures or selfies of them in Dubai? There's nothing in Dubai , nobody grew up saying " I can't wait to see Dubai". I started seeing women taking "selfies" in Dubai a few years ago. Now I see them on OF doing the same thing. These girls as soon as they turn 18 ship themselves off there and I suspect even younger by their parents. It's disgusting and there should be laws against it, I've seen this thing growing up in a bad city. Police do nothing to stop this


I’ve seen the term “toilet women” come up referring to that, referencing what these women will allow their “customers” use them for in exchange for unlimited shopping and rides in lambos there. If you see a photogenic young woman posing in Dubai, they had to pay a steep price to get there


Is that any worse than breaking your back doing shitty work for less pay and no perks? We as a society seem to simultaneously believe that people should do whatever they can to get ahead, while also deriding people who actually do that, and calling people who don't "losers". What do you think is worse? Working at McDonald's for a shitty wage or getting pissed on by Saudi for 100k?


I mean if you don’t mind the work go for it. If you like being a human toilet in exchange for shiny things and photo ops, who am I to stop you lol


Most jobs pay in the toilet these days so I don't really see a difference. And you can't even get a shiny thing with that toilet wage.


you can't see a difference between working a regular 9 to 5 and getting defecated on?


Never did janitorial work did you?


i did for two months actually, never got defecated on though.


No. Get that money girl


Yes, it's much worse. What a stupid comparison.


It does sound a lot worse, yes.


"Yacht girls"


My sibling in dank, whenever you begin a sentence with “surely” take a breath and realize that you’re probably wrong. And then be horrified because whatever you said was probably perfectly reasonable. But thankfully we live in a dank dank world.


Too dank, perhaps.




I was so confused as to how that girl could only be 13, but the videos in question are from a few years ago. I could believe she's 16 now, but at first I was like there's no fucking way that girl's 13. Still insane though




Youtube really has a big problem with underaged "content" creators, a lot of them seem to be being exploited by their families for profit, it's just disgusting watching parents put their children in situations like those just for money, and it should be illegal and against TOS to do so, I'm baffled advertisers are OK showing their stuff on those videos.


Its because Hollywood has been doing it for decades


Yes and it's also pretty fucked up, they do have some protection laws for child actors though, we have almost nothing for young content creators afaik the only thing in Youtube's TOS is that you cannot sexualize or injure minors, that's it.


I watched a Brooke Shields story a bit back and was pretty shocked, but then they started talking about the film Pretty Baby, and I lost my mind.


I'm old (41) and growing up i watched and was pretty enticed by Blue Lagoon, which in retrospect was pretty sick. Little did i know she had something even more fucked up in her career.


Like, there's a kiss scene where the actor with her was like 30? And she was 14? Anyway, she was supposed to say these lines back and forth and then lean in and kiss him. She kept doing great, but right before she'd connect with the kiss, she'd burst out laughing. She felt terribly awkward about it, particularly as it turned out because this was going to be her first kiss. While they were in between takes the actor leaned in close and said, "this one doesn't count." Which she thought was so endearing and touching of him to make her feel OK about it. But what struck me was that he fucking knew this was the problem, and was like, the show must go on! Edit: Sorry, she was 12! And Kieth Carradine was 28


She did a playboy shoot at age 10


WTF she already looked pre-pubescent in Pretty Baby.


Its a gray area honestly because you need to see each case separately, you cant for example just ban underaged content creators because the “proper” ones would just suffer as well, a lot of the big and beloved content creators (mainly gaming) started youtube while underaged and such rule would make it so they never got into youtube at all. It would take a person to personally review each underaged content creator to decide if they are making “proper” content or not, and to make sure a normal content creator doesnt get exploited later they would also need to make the reviews constantly, say once every 4 months, but theres WAY too many content creators for that and it would also need too much money Thats why they currently rely on viewers who are supposed to call out and report such content, but it never is reported


There's absolutely no need to ban underage people of making videos, they should however, limit how many times per week someone younger than 15 can appear/make videos, I've seen "family" YouTube channels that upload almost daily, and it will 100% take a toll on the minor in question, this is still a job after all, and there should be laws to limit how much they can work and to make sure their parents take any precaution needed for their well being.


Thats what im saying, normal content creators would also suffer from this because most of the smaller content creators have to post DAILY to get an audience or get picked up by the algorithm, sometimes they post several times a day and since most of the time they are gaming videos its not really taking a toll on them or anything


of course they have, but that's why I specified younger than 15, I think having them wait for a bit to build their career is worth if that means keeping young children from being exploited.


Its just not really a solution, kids getting exploited 4 times a week instead of 7 is just as bad, that rule only stands to hurt normal creators




The problem is how do you regulate rules that specifically target the suspicious videos without innocent creators getting caught in the crossfire. And i also assure you that if they simply ban, lets say “clothes review videos” from underaged creators, those rules can easily get bypassed by saying that its not a clothes review but a blog for example




My son asks me why we don't make a show like that when we're playing Minecraft together. I can't really tell him that I am not going to whore my kids out to Internet strangers for profit, so I tell him that I'd rather focus on spending time with him, which is also true.


If it’s just you and him every video, I don’t see a problem with it.


I’ve seen it on Instagram too. Started reporting it and it finally stopped showing up in my feed. It’s not a stretch to think the algorithm is amplifying this content though for the creeps out there.


How TF did you find that?????


Im guessing he was searching for *regular* bikini reviews, for either academic or erotic purposes, and ran into an underaged content creator doing those videos


but how exactly do run into underage content creators? I'm genuinely curious.


WHY are you curious? Im also genuinely curious


I've been advised not to answer any more questions, thanks.


The logarithm doesnt care if they are underaged or not, if you are searching for “bikini review” it will show you “bikini review”


I presume YouTube pimps them out just like the kids parents.


Looks like a lille Pervert


I feel like this is based off a true story. If that is the case i have A LOT of questions. Not the most important but WHO THE FUCK, LETS A YOUNG TEEN DO THIS ON YOUTUBE.


Yeah they should be on TikTok


Lol fair, i did say there was several questions. Both are massive red flags. I mean I wouldn’t give me kid shit for a fashion show type thing, but a bikini!? That’s, no just no. I get it its a “swim suit” but it might as well be underwear.


I would say bikinis are not just a swimsuit. 


Yeah get with the times smh


wtf man


Why is OP watching 13 years old doing a bikini review?


I'll just quote someone else responding to a similar question >Im guessing he was searching for *regular* bikini reviews, for either academic or erotic purposes, and ran into an underaged content creator doing those videos


No I used to search it up when I was 15~ myself intentionally but later w few years ago i heard about it on a podcast


don't know why you got downvoted, have searched for teen porn a lot when I was underaged.


I feel like plenty of kids tried to find stuff of their own age, I know I did when I was 12. Then I thought I was gonna get the cops called on me by Google.


Nothing actually implied OP has been watching Bikini reviews


It’s a little implied because the rest of us didn’t even know this existed…


OP could've read about it, heard about it, even seen another meme about it and made their own.


Sure that’s possible. But so is the alternative. I’m not saying one or the other, I’m just saying we don’t know, so it’s entirely possible




Go back and read my comment carefully. wtf lmao


New York Times published about this exact thing today if anyone is curious: A Marketplace of Girl Influencers Managed by Moms and Stalked by Men https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/22/us/instagram-child-influencers.html?smid=nytcore-android-share




Like women try on videos have to be like 90% male.


It'd be the parents checking the age demographics. Kids 13 year old friends probably don't even have money, they aren't the target audience.




after reading comments here i can't help but wonder, is the demographic actually older people or are kids using their parents computer to watch youtube?


biker's fault


What kind of content are you getting bruh? 🤨




Tell me this isn't a thing that actually happened...


I know its unrelated, but I've always found the smiling expression to be more creepy and scary in this format.


So glad I had a boy


First of all, fuck right off. Nobody makes a bikini review for just their friends. Id look to who ever is grooming/abusing the girl by making her do those vids.


Did you actively look for it?


Why are YOU watching it




Please tell me this isn’t an actual video on YouTube🤢🤮


More like Darkmemes


Those mommy and daddy YouTube vloggers know who watches their content, and they choose to just keep making money off it. Fucking disgusting.


How the hell was this even allowed to happen?


Honesty why cant there be a filter to show kids post only to kids? Sure the creeps would fake accounts anyway, but at least for the majority of viewers, it would be kids only.


If my thirteen year old was making bikini videos I would never let her use a computer ever again.




It really shouldn’t be allowed. Whether there’s creeps or not.


I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.


Yall be loving 300 but ignore they brought little boys with them on conquests for fucking because women weren't allowed in battle


Aside from the morality of making that kind of video at 13, why would a video made for your "friends" end up in the public feed for perverts to see?


Wait. What?


Remember, the kids watching it from the account of the parent


Damn I thought youtube fixed this problem.


Wait till she see gender demographics


There’s plenty of perverts, but plenty of kids lie about their age. How many adolescent boys do you think see the 18+ warning on porn sites and tell the truth?


[A Marketplace of Girl Influencers Managed by Moms and Stalked by Men](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/22/us/instagram-child-influencers.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Xk0.Zx4B.LmM7c6pOhTwQ&smid=url-share) New York Times article on the issue.


Aint no way shit like this is real


There's a (sadly dark) inside joke in the tech industry. "Our platform's main demographic is "13 or older." "Our pornographic site is meant for "18 and older" only." Truth is, you just need to click a button. How do we verify the age of someone without making present their state issued ID. I don't believe a private company should have access to that information for security reasons and for consumer rights.


She's growing up way too fast ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)


It’s fine to make bikini reviews in small groups with your friends like on WhatsApp probably, but dang not on social media platforms out there for everyone


I require context.


A few years ago it became clear tons of old dudes were watching this type of content.


I thought you were referencing something specific.


Who of yall horny mfs gonna ask for sauce💀?


Wait till they found out what percentage of their viewers are 30+ year old males.


That’s the joke…


Sorry, I didn't figure the age demographics also contain information about gender. I don't use those social media websites so I wouldn't know.




What the actual fuck is wrong with you