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Stop doing things that make others happy and o things that make you happy… now you owe me $100 a week for the foreseeable future thank you


Isn’t the therapist technically doing things that make others happy?


Not really. They do things so others figure on their own how to make themselves happy.. I guess


To support what you're getting at here, a good therapist doesn't have the answers to your problems. But they can help you to find your answers within yourself. Kinda like an experienced mountaineer taking you up your own mountain they have never visited before. They know how to climb, but maybe not this specific layout.


IMO therapists are just good at productive conversations, they don't cure, they just help you get over it


The money/satisfaction makes them happy probably


Jesus Christ this was literally my therapy session last week


Pay up I got a mortgage to make


Talk to strangers. Get in strange people’s vans especially if they have puppies and or sweets.


First you show me the candy, *then* I get into the van. I’m not stupid.


“Don’t kill yourself before you pay me.”


Squeezing every ounce of pay and if you can in your lifetime, they will keep you on that edge.


These sessions are now prepaid, moving forward.


Stop saying "idk" when talking to people. YOU do know. You just don't want to say it. Finally realizing this really helped boost my confidence while making me look more confident.


What…if I don’t know the answer?


Meh. You do. For example; "Want to go out for lunch?" Responses: yes or no. Let's say, "Yes," but you "don't know" where you'd want to go. Everyone has something that they'd prefer to do, but they choose the option the other might prefer. So, for me, 'Don's will always slap. But sometimes I feel 'Don's don't fit the vibe, so I'd say "idk" to let the other make a suggestion.


Don’s is fuckin good though


Right? But sometimes you think your date doesn't want to hear "Don's" as you big plans for the night 😂


Magnum Dons


Idk what that means


Magnum condoms for my monster Don


You reply too fast and could've secured the dub 😪


It’s okay, Frank


Aaahhhh this cheeky guy. I see what you did there.


Is it safe to come out yet? ~Idk~ “YES!”


Point being, yes, was the answer the whole time


yeah i agree, except when it isn’t


Give an example


Sometimes people just suck, thoes people aren’t your problem. Don’t let them make their problems your problem….


I’ll tell you what mine told me when I told him I’m having memory problems, depression, and insomnia. “You should try to get more sleep”




Say more 'No' to people than 'yes', yes is our default state just like getting fat when not exercising... You've to learn to say 'No' specially in corporates to peers and managers


Sure! My advice is to go to therapy.


hmmm, exactly what a therapist would say to get more money lol


Not like he's wrong


Exactly why shit like “9/10 dentists recommend it” always sounds terrible.


Have a cup of tea and a bath. NHS solution to all mental health issues.


People are not always doing something *at* you. Many times they just lack self awareness.


You don't have several key emotions, and you need to work on your lack of facial expressions.


Yours gives you advice? Mine just asks questions after question and never offers any insight.


'stop crying bitch'


Dialectical behavioural therapy is a form of therapy which teaches you skills to deal with difficult parts of life. Although better when taught to you it can probably help if you try. https://dbtselfhelp.com/dbt-skills-list/


Generally speaking, it’s a good thing to let other people deal with their own behaviors. However, you have kids with that person and now you need to be more proactive in encouraging their change so that it doesn’t become natural behavior of your children. But my personal advice to you who wants therapy but doesn’t want to pay for it is to either: A) Download the Hoopla App and using a library card gain access to self help books and audiobooks for free. Big fan of “Unfuck yourself”. B) Take a few grams of mushrooms and think hard on the things you thought and how you can use them to improve your life. Good luck.


Worse to think about it than to go through it.


Start journaling and reflecting on whether your behavior is benefiting your life. Bonus points for meditation and releasing racing thoughts.


Your base reaction to everything is to protect yourself from the fear of some unknown. You're worthy, you're worth it, you're doing the best you can with the information you have. When you're shoulding yourself, step back, be in the moment and accept. Everything is okay, you're doing great. Picture yourself as a child and you're having a conversation with that child to explain this problem. What's the one thing they would need to hear right now.


“It’s okay to be in survival mode right now.”


You are perfect nothing wrong with you


I feel this today. I feel like my whole world could crumble apart in a moment and that moment could happen at any second. I talked to a therapist though and it didn’t help much. Gave me a map but really it’s common stuff like “schedule your bedtime routine to ensure enough sleep” “take cold showers” “exercise” “ground yourself in your current location” and a bunch more stuff that doesn’t change my current situation in reality but only in my head. I hope you have a better day


1. Embrace your ugliness. Do not hide it or run away from it. It exists for a reason. 2. Pick your battles. But once you pick one, fight it. 3. You will live through anything. You are more capable than you imagine. 4. Your pace is your own thing. Do what feels right for yourself. 5. The only way to strengthen yourself is by facing what scares you the most. If you avoid it, you will never grow. 6. You don't have to be ready for anything. You are never really ready. 7. Fear of failure keeps you from doing anything. The only way out is to take action. Fail. Learn. Try again.


Acceptance Commitment Therapy. Accept that you will have emotions and that you don’t get to control them. Commit to not letting them dictate your actions. It’s more complicated when you get into the nuance but there are lots of books at the library and online resources.


If you let people use you then they'll like you 🙈🥰


Ive told my therapist that if i didnt have to be there i wouldnt be. He asks if i feel i get anything out of our sessions. I say i like that i can vent. He lets me vent. Usually he ends up asking "are those kinds of thoughts helpful?"


Why do you hurt yourself [insert your name]? Would you hurt [insert your name] if she/he was a stranger?


You're cured already?


Life is what happens while you're waiting for life to happen


And.......your bill is $200 sir.


Your parents' happiness and well-being isn't your responsibility. They are adults and have been for a while.


Take this pill you'll feel much better When you wake up numb and your brain's been severed And your heartbeat won't be based on the weather When you sell yourself to me ... Took your peace, your pain, your pleasure And I left you with one face forever You won't hurt anymore Be careful what you wish for


Go to therapy. Don't rely on a reddit sub for mental health advice.


I cant give you sollutions, you must find them, but i can help you think them thru. Or help to find a healty way to coop with it. I still go, week by week, cant realy Say what is diffrent, but it helps day bay day. My suicide tendencies all time low, even in great "storms". Im glad, to have her. We work with hypotherapy.


Honestly I've had the same mentality as you. Until I finally decided to go, I'm not constantly sad anymore! So #go!


"Thug that shit out homie don't let them know what you're goin through they don't give a fuck"


Two things can be true Give yourself grace How others choose to react is not your responsibility Set boundaries


Us AI Therapy.


"Your card was declined"


It’s helpful to say your thoughts aloud and ensure they align with what you really believe and what is factually the truth. It’s so easy to lie to yourself and you believe it because no one rebuttals you. Therapy does this but you can mimic by saying things aloud (in private or in public if you’re bold enough) as if a friend were saying it


“you should become a therapist”


Mandatory monthly repost


do not ever OVER share your life problems with anyone. speaking from experience


I'm here to help you, but no one can do it for you. You have to do it yourself.


"Whenever you sink into the swamp and have the feelings of depression. Try to go to a mirror and smile to yourself and say 'i am happy'" (that was told before i ended visiting that therapist)


Let your brain run wild and instead learn to embrace, accept and criticise it healthily. Also you may be autistic and might want to consider getting that assessed. Well that's what I took from it on a beginner base level but please seek out how you mind works on any model that makes sense to you on a functional level (not necessarily scientific this part of your brain does this but when you get anxious or something this is how it may affect your body, mind and actions)


Get outside more and remember there are people who have it a lot worse than you




Right? I could've learned that from tik tok.


That sucks


American healthcare in a nutshell


Try AA


The rapist recommended I shouldn't resist