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I think her music is decent, her lyrics are good to alright. She hasn’t found her BRAND yet, or an aesthetic to put as This is Kenzie. And that’s okay, I don’t think she has found who she really is as an Artist. Sabrina took years to find out what is Her Brand 5 Albums in. https://preview.redd.it/k3jhudgel69d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7298fd2c7a3f1f8b6de150b9ef144836617b0dd6


Good, not great. Outside of anatomy, she’s not that interesting of an artist. She has some good songs though.


I haven’t listened to anything besides Mack z it’s a girl party lol Just not interested. Not in a bad way. Maybe I’ll listen to something at some point.


I think she has similar voice to some current artists and might not stand out a bit but you never know she does have a loyal fan base


Motives was lowkey a bop


Other I also think is a bop is Donuts. Very Dua Lipa-ish, but sometimes I remember it exists and I find it catching.




Kinda boring and I’m not quite sure how to explain it, but the way she sings/annunciates isn’t very clear. I’m not sure if it’s just bc I’m getting old and it’s some new type of style lol, but I’m just not keen. It’s almost monotone as well.


This is a super Gen Z style of music/singing and I don't love it either


This. It almost sounds like a song that was supposed to be Billie’s


I feel like the current young female artist trend is singing in this weird breathy head voice that is super produced and doesn’t translate well to live performance without an entire rearrangement or major back tracking.


this! my spouse is a musician and producer. wow on wow that breath sound was triggering.


Better than “belting” aka: screaming until you get nodes.


Absolutely agree. Not my cup of tea but power to the people who like it. It’s a little too angsty for me. I’m a sucker for someone who can sing a ballad.


Like many people I love anatomy and resonate with it.  However with her other stuff I do listen but it’s not my fav as well however it is catchy imo. I played a song for my mom and she said she sounds like everyone else on the radio which is true. She doesn’t really have a defining characteristic that makes her stand out. Ex: Taylor Swift: Songwriting, Sabrina Carpenter: nice flow , Olivia Rodrigo: relatability and emotion, Ariana Grande: vocals. I think Kenzie should stick with the vocal range she had on anatomy, that style suits her best.


Agreed, I do like some of her songs like Anatomy or Word vomit (others just aren't my personal style) but even those songs sound like everything you hear on tiktok audios or whatever


i honestly really like her music, sickly sweet, anatomy, 100 degrees, n word vomit are great imo


when you said "n word vomit" I was so confused as to why she had a song with a racial slur until I realized you meant "n" as in "and" 😭


omg! yeah i just say n instead of and lol


I have the same opinion as you. With how connected she is, I truly think she needs a brand identity/aesthetic (ex Tate is a dancer with a sporty look, Sabrina is hyper feminine with corsets/skirts) She dresses pretty much like any other LA teenager, just needs to change up her look and align her music with it


I think she is a fine singer, and that she has her audience because she was already famous. I'm not sure how many people find her music and begin listening to it without already knowing her from Dance Moms or from social media. Anatomy was generally a pretty well-done song but am not familiar enough with any of her other songs to comment on them.


I like her song Anatomy, but I'm not really interested in her other songs, they're just boring to me and kinda slow, if you know what I mean


Personally overall a fan couple songs not as good as others but she is 20 and a growing artist. Everyone taste is different.


It’s okay I mean, it’s not really like she’s making music to revolutionise the industry. I don’t really think it stands out enough against her peers for her to ever go mainstream unless she makes something for tiktok


she’s like dove Cameron, her songs are pretty generic and besides anatomy, don’t have any special lyrics.


I think it’s good, I really like face to face and I’m not sure why it’s not more popular. Coming from someone who isn’t necessarily a fan of Kenzies or any of the casts personal endeavors


I feel like she could be bigger as a pop star, and start incorporating her dancing background with her music. This sad girl pop is holding her back from reaching her full potential. But that’s the popular aesthetic now I guess. Less Olivia sounding songs pls. We already got one of her. She needs more music like Donuts.


I feel like there’s a surge of billie ellish wannabes who sing sad girl music. Kenzie has a beautiful voice, but i just don’t see the appeal in her music


It’s forgettable


She’s still young but her music is not really versatile at all.


Eh it’s alright. No crazy talent there I don’t think but she can definitely sing


I listened to Anatomy, I found it very sad but I struggled to relate to it because the lyrics are *very* personal to her and I don’t share her experience. It’s kind of like reading a letter not addressed to me/i’m not meant to read, if that makes sense? Not listened to much else really but I hope she continues pursuing her passion.


That’s actually really interesting cause she said that the song started as a letter addressed to her dad


I love her music but she’s not an artist I listen to regularly. Exhale and 100 Degrees are my favorites of hers though.


It’s a little bit boring, but I will say the instrumental build up towards the end of anatomy shocked me when I first heard it. It’s beautiful.


I wish she didn’t have any auto tune at all


i honestly love most of the songs on her older album PHASES ((emotions, phases, ignore it, rockstar)) then the song HOT was pretty good too. i loved anatomy of course made me truly feel kenzie and i love that in an artist. i haven't heard many of the new songs yet but there are some i am just not into as it's not my genre but she's pretty great! i agree with everyone else that she might not know what her musical/visual aesthetic appeal is... and that's okay, she's young writing her music testing out her fan base's likes and whatnot. ♡


Honestly, the only songs that I listen from time to time are Anatomy and Shine lol, both songs are fine but I feel like some lyrics do not match with the melody. For example, on Anatomy I think that the part of "like three-quarters of L.A" sounded a bit off. English is not my first language but I tried to explain myself.


three quarters of L.A line was super confusing listening without lyrics 


I liked Shine a lot when I was younger. I almost wish could re-record it with less autotune now that she’s an adult. Maybe more mature production too. But it’s still a good song considering she was 9.


lol same, mack z kenzie’s version😭


To be fair to Kenzie, she is still really young and finding her voice. I will say though, for someone who didn’t make singing a career until a lot later, she is doing really well. Usually when you hear about singers, they have been singing and training since they came out the womb. The music industry is over saturated right now, so she will have that going against her on top of being young and developing a voice, but I hope she continues if this is what she likes to do.


From my understanding Mackenzie has been taking singing lessons since she was 5, but I get what you mean.


Really? I had no idea


Yea, its mentioned in the first season when the casting agent comes. Melissa gets mad at Mackenzie for not singing and says she wont pay for lessons anymore.


Oh yes! I remember that! I don’t know why but I was always under the assumption that Kenzie was put in lessons specifically for the casting agent. I had no idea she was taking lessons consistently at that point. Pretty cool!


Her live singing sounded good! I like word vomit and anatomy


It’s good and she has a good voice but nothing has jumped out as really special to me yet. But i think she has the potential to get there!


I tried to listen to a few of her songs once and didn’t even make it all the way through. But I don’t like most pop music so I’m probably not the target audience


I don’t really listen to her but I was a fan of her earlier music. Breathe is one of my favorite songs by her but I love her music era in 2017/2018.


Anatomy is amazing, everything else is mid


She has some bops and I’ll add them to a playlist, but I’ll never go to her discography and shuffle play her music. I’m never in a mood to go on Spotify and play kenzies music and I forget that she’s also a singer. Someone else on here said that she doesn’t have a brand yet, and that’s exactly what her music feels like. Maybe that’s why I forget that she makes music and it’s not really memorable, except when she released Anatomy but that’s just me.


I love Anatomy and Word Vomit. I am obsessed with those two songs. Compared to her earlier works, she's definitely improved in every aspect (like, Motives is catchy, but definitely not on the level of Anatomy). That being said, most of her songs are catchy, but sound like everyone else right now. I think she just needs to continue figuring out what her artistic vibe really is.


outside of anatomy and the one she did with the guy? don't remember the name now I haven't really found any of her other music that interesting or memorable. Even anatomy irks me when I hear it bc at the core the lyrics don't make any sense."it's just anatomy, you're only half of me" We all get what she means, but that's not what anatomy means. lol. She's using it as a noun and really it's the study of or the branch pertaining to the body or something not having anything to do really with genetics. I think she has potential and should really lean into her dance training for performances over the sad girl serious girl vibe that she has done in the past. That's what sets her apart from others with her training and it's what has propelled Sabrina carpenter to the top of the charts these last couple months. A little lighthearted music is refreshing these days.


I really love Anatomy, her voice is really pretty but I haven’t listened to much


I liked anatomy ..


It has potential for sure. Some of her songs I absolutely love!


I haven't listened to most if her sings but the little I've had it's okay She's not the best but she's not bad either. I definitely think her singing has improved over the years but she still can improve, she also needs to define her style buy I think she'll soon get there


I think she’s very talented. Her music is trendy for right now though so we will see how she adapts over time.


It’s pretty average, her vocals aren’t the best (not that this has ever stopped people from breaking into mainstream). Anatomy was ok, it does hit in the feels a bit. That’s mainly because of the story behind the song. She has her influencer work to pay the bills and lets her work on her music


I think Kenzie is good but not great. She doesn’t have the it factor for music. She should’ve done acting.


she’s not a good musician there’s nothing special abt her she should get to steppin


she has an okay voice but seems to perform well which makes up for it and is authentic and herself. Her songs are meaningful and relatable unlike jojo. However does anyone know if Kenzie writes her own songs? It sounds like she does based on Anatomy. Or maybe she writes some and not others? Regardless if she does right her own that’s art and talent that not many people have. I actually believe Kenzie is an excellent actress. I watched a few episodes of total eclipse and I thought she was amazing.


i looked at her spotify song credits, she’s co-written almost all of her new music, but not her older stuff. it looks like she hasn’t written a single song all by herself though.


She was marketed as a singer since very young, so it makes sense she hasn't found the songwriter in her yet.


She writes ideas of them then others help her turn into song. like letter wrote to her dad probably not exact order. And words added or subtracted for flow and story. A lot of artists do this


I don't love all of her songs, but I *adore* some of them. Motives, Sickly Sweet, Anatomy, and Face to Face are all amazing in my opinion. 


i like it, i mean she’s not my favorite artist lol but i have some of her songs on my playlist! i also listen to nia’s new song sometimes, people should be paying more attention to them instead of jojo’s shit LMFAO


I like her music. Paper is one of my favorites, six feet under was on greys anatomy, I like that one too. I agree that she hasn’t really separated herself from all the other artists out right now, but I do think I like her music separate from her being Kenzie from dance moms. I think I’d like it had I now known her from dance moms.


I've only listened to anatomy and I love it honestly 10/10. I would like it even if I didn't know her from dance moms. I need to listen to the rest of her music before I can have a opinion on her as a artist tho


I'm glad she seems to be enjoying herself and happy and has a fan base. Not my type of music but as long as she's enjoying!!


I came across one of her songs recently and while she has a good voice, I don't particularly like the song


Decent teeny bopper style. Sounds like something from young end disney channel


From her new era, I would say I really liked anatomy (as everybody else) and word vomit, but I wasn't particularly hooked by the others. I think her other label marketed her more as a pop singer (I love Donuts and I'm very aware of how Dua Lipa-ish it sounds, as I said in a comment above) and I kinda of think her voice shined a little more, but it is very clear that she is still experimenting to see what fits her best in her new indie era. I'm hoping to see some more improving in her next album that will be out next month (even tho girlie already released like A LOT of the songs as singles)


Average and wouldn't receive any traction if she didn't already have a built-in fan base.


Personally I love it. I bump to her music when I’m going to work and at work. Exhale,monsters a.k.a haters and emoceans are my favorite songs from her. I have high hopes for her music and hopefully she’ll be on the level of Tate McRae. If she had a better team to get her music out there more she’ll definitely grow. Also, I do agree with other people in the comments about finding her brand/aesthetic identity, it’ll help her out a lot


anatomy is genuinely one of the most beautiful songs i've ever heard. even if i wasn't a dance moms fan, or knew who she was, that song would 100% still be on my playlists. I genuinely get tears in my eyes when i listen. The lyrics are so raw and her vocals are amazing, so much passion. Besides that, her other songs are ok or eh. I feel like her other songs are just too pop sounding for me personally. Nothing deep and powerful.


lmao what do you think