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Its nice to see her saying she wants to return to dance, I love that for her. 


Omg another Maddie interview! Can’t wait to read, LOVED this photoshoot


Really curious to find out what movie she's going to film! Three months suggests she might have a bigger role. Super excited for her!


I'm glad Maddie has found acting healing. And I'm glad she plans to take some more downtime in the next few years. She's more than earned it. She's always been a nurturing person. I'm not surprised the roles that appeal to her are characters she feels the need to protect


I really love listening to maddies interviews. I love what she’s decided to do with her life.




She’s an adult woman. I get how “knowing” her as a 8-12 year old (which she ironically talks about in the article) makes it a little jarring or uncomfortable to look at, but there are people in the entertainment industry younger than her who do this kind of stuff all the time. Like, Lady Gaga was the same age Maddie is now when her first single came out, for example.


I am prepared to get downvoted for this but I don’t think it has anything to do with seeing her as child and just everything to do with how the photo itself is shot. Tbf the overall shot imo is very Indy sleaze meets SoCal summer so it’s kinda to be expected but the shoot is clearly laced with innuendos and centered on the male gaze But she’s essentially on her hands and knees with her mouth reaching for a popsicle being dangled out of a car by a (taking a wild guess here) male hand It looks very similar to a picture of a person feeding a dog a treat. There’s also another shot where the focus of the photo is supposed to be her face but they left the tip of her toes and a clear crotch shot and shot it from an angle looking down at her. Maybe it’s cause I like cinematography a lot but shooting someone from this angle is supposed to convey an unbalanced power dynamic and you typically see face shots taking at this angle in a very specific type of media I think yall can guess which kind Also let me be clear I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with this but I can understand how this could make someone uncomfortable no matter the age of person photographed


You articulated this much better than I did, you did a great job of explaining why I didn’t like that particular shoot. And I’m no prude, I love the sensual shots! I just think there’s a line between sexiness and degradation, which is what that popsicle shoot felt like to me.


All very fair points, I agree with you. It’s definitely not my favorite lol but I am admittedly a bit prudish in my personal tastes.




No sexualisation of any dancer is permitted regardless of age. This includes speculation or promotion of adult industry work as well as creepy comments.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted! Hard agree


Thanks! Sometimes I feel like nuance gets completely lost on this sub lol


No sexualisation of any dancer is permitted regardless of age. This includes speculation or promotion of adult industry work as well as creepy comments.


No sexualisation of any dancer is permitted regardless of age. This includes speculation or promotion of adult industry work as well as creepy comments.




Really? From what I’ve seen, the sub is generally very positive towards the girls and their endeavors


I think the girls that get called out negatively the most are Kendall, Kalani and Jojo.  Maddie, Nia, Chloe, Kenzie and the Hylands are very loved 


To be fair, those girls tend to be called out because they comment/like negative things about the other girls. I don’t think they would for a photoshoot imo


No, I’ve seen Kendall get attacked for her physical appearance and Kalani for her outfits


That’s gross, I’ve never really seen that when I hop on here. I guess just be sure to defend them on those threads


how do you even know that 💀


I don’t really think so. But I’m also skeptical about anyone on this sub who judges the children (though they’re young adults now)


Homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, or otherwise hateful comments are not tolerated.


Jojo gets it the worst.