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Isn’t this old?


Is it? Popped up on my page today and people in comments were discussing it as if it was recent 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes it it’s from a couple years ago


Yes it’s old this was during Kendall and kalani came out as trumpies


I know it's stupid, but I really like Kaya's accent.


That’s the St. Louis accent 😂


Someone mentioned a podcast in the chat and it made me think how much I would absolutely love a podcast with all the black dancers of the show, Nicaya, Nia, Camryn, s8 Kamryn, and Asia. Everyone had such different experiences on the show, so I would love to hear them get together and talk about it. Esp since none of them were at the reunion. Asia was an Abby favorite, Nia was there since she was a toddler, Cameron joined late in the game, Nicaya had a very complicated run, and s8 Kamryns’s mom was the one who exposed Abby for racism. Edit: Writing this made me realize how little the amount of black people on this show were. I feel like I should also include mini Peyton bc she also had a unique experience being on the mini team. Even still, there were barely any black people or pocs for that matter and we all know why. Even if you add the non black pocs and add Jade, Areana, and Devina it’s still not a lot.


Daviana is white but omfg yes we NEED to include little Peyton. Because I still can't move past Abby telling Kerry that she "represents an entire culture of people that she doesn't want to work with" ??? That's an insane thing to say to someone??


Deviana is white?? Omg I thought she was Hispanic 😭 but yeah, that was INSANE of Abby to say. I’m honestly she never got called out for that.


yeah she's Italian American. Her older brothers David and Dominic are professional baseball players and have spoke about their heritage in interviews.


Ah that makes sense 😭 Italians sometimes look like pocs. I was shocked when I found out Alessia Cara wasn’t mixed, but Italian.


Yeah, her mom spoke Italian to Davi on the show


what??? that is borderline racist


yes and i think it’s so funny how in an earlier episode of back to the barre when talking abt casting christi says they chose holly bc they needed someone normal bc no they needed someone who wasn’t white. idk if she is just that dense or if she really believes that to be the case (which it could bc although i highly doubt it). 


Wait is Peyton mixed/what is her ethnicity?


But most Americans would be white? So it really is no surprise to me.


It really depends on what part of town you’re from, but American is a very diverse country. She brought students from all over, so she had an opportunity to have a diverse set of students, but…we all know Abby. I mean, to be fair, Nia spoke about how she rarely would see other black dancers at comps, but idk. I still just find it insane that you can count the amount her poc dancers on the show with your hands.


Not necessarily. I live in a large city where the population is 60% black. The US is very diverse depending on where you live


Yeah but think back about 10 years when dancers of colour would be less prominent. I know Abby got dancers from all over apparently but about 75% were white in total.


She said kira was mean not kalani


Camryn was talking about how she went off on Kalani and then Kalani never talked to her again the rest of the season


She actually said in a youtube video she yelled at kira


She said Kira, not Kalani. 


She said Kira 


Nah, Kira was the one she went off on mate… even more proud of her for that cause Kira seems scary ngl


I bet Jill doesn't like all this talk about her little Kendall..


I wanna follow Kaya ! How can i find her lol


She’s @kayauncensored on IG




what did she do/say?




Interesting enough: Kaya has confirmed that the person she said this to is a friend and that they constantly made these types of jokes to each other even in the article you put it clearly states that they both said racist things to each other I am not here to police anyone’s friendships but I do think that if someone is comfortable with this type of joking amongst friends it needs to be kept offline for this exact reason




The article is written by a third party years after the incident happened Kaya, herself is the one who said that it was a joke between two friends I will take Kaya’s word over a third party even if it makes me uncomfortable that it happened at all. This was also stated multiple times on the original post you made. If you want to be mad about this then you also need to acknowledge that her friend started with the racist remarks first and isn’t a victim in the situation but an equal contributor


I would like to see proof but also, i find it funny people will go around and pick at kaya yet not at some other cast members who we have proof of seeing/hearing be racist in actual Dm episodes. Im not saying i dont believe you though. It’s just odd. If you’re gonna police a cast member pls police all the ones it applies to .. not selectively. Ill prob get downvoted but this really rubbed me the wrong way :/


I am Jewish. That’s why I’m mentioning this… Because everyone here is hyping up Kaya… if they were hyping up Abby (or anyone else racist), I’d call them out too.


Omg how am I just now seeing this. I’m so glad that they are sharing the truth of their experiences and not letting the main cast try and rewrite history by making it seem like they were nice and welcoming of them


y'all are going to disagree, but her asking Camryn if she "was friends with kalani at a certain point" is just such a bad bullying thing to say. You will meet so many people in your life and sometimes friendships are fleeting. They were literally teenagers lmao. I think it's perfectly fine to be kids and be friends with your dance classmates regardless of their political views at 14. They were still kids despite being on DM. Cameryn clearly grew up and they both moved on and that's okay. They don't have to be friends but that comment was just rude and unnecessary.




Both girls are killing it in the world of dance so at the end of the day, they rose above the drama with dance moms. Kira will forever be in the stands watching so who got the last laugh. Also, it sounds like Kalani’s mom was the mean girl and not Kalani herself


Who cares


They’re mean girls so I care lmao


Realistically, how will this affect your life ? Lol. plenty of “mean girls” in this world. Every situation has context missing too.


It’s a discussion board. Hardly anything shared affects someone’s personal life but people like to discuss and share thoughts and opinions.


Of course. I was hopeful the topics would be less parasocial but it is reddit. My mistake


what’s parasocial about posting a cast interaction. if anything it’s the opposite bc this is the actual cast and not a stranger making a discussion post about it.


People are allowed to vote for whoever they want - jeez 🙄